#one where theyre the high gods of it like Evi and Evla ar eof theirs
bitchfitch · 2 years
potential that dream world thing plot summary:
Evan moves into a new house, over the course of the first few weeks strange things begin to occur. Items are moved or missing, sounds that cannot be explained away by pests or the natural settling of the building. it escalates from easy to shrug off to undeniable over those weeks.
At the same time his normal dreams are interupted or invaded by a strange figure he can never fully make out. He's not capable of lucid dreaming, or even remembering his dreams that well, so once he finally connects the two, and begins believing his ghost and dream problems are one in the same, he struggles to learn how to lucid dream
As soon as he makes the realization the ghosts activities grow bolder and more frequent and tend to last longer. With Evan even begining to hear the ghost speaking to him right before he falls asleep, but he can never make out what it's saying.
As he learns lucid dreaming he finally manages to find and speak to the ghost in a dream, but he's still limited on what he can say or do by his newness to it all.
The ghost praises him anyways, or at least Evan thinks he's being praised? He still can't understand it, but it seems friendly and in a lot more control of the dream than Evan himself was. It sorta nuzzles him in lieu of kissing him on the cheek, and he wakes up still able to feel the chill of it's mask against his skin.
After that Evan gets better at lucid dreaming, and the two grow closer and closer even with Evan still completely unable to understand what Evi is saying about 90% of the time.
This comes as a detriment to Evans real life. He leaves the house less and less and is becoming dependent on sleeping aids as his sad and boring life becomes even worse when compared to the dream world he's crafting with this beloved monster of his.
Evan is happy in his Dreamworld with Evi. He's happy in his cold and boring house when he feels Evi leaning against him, he's happy when he brings stuff home for the spector and feels like he's finally found a purpose that doesn't leave him drained and burned.
Evan is eventually able to manipulate the dream world almost as well as Evi, though Evi is always able to override Evan's changes while Evan can not do the same with Evi's quite yet.
Things go ok for a bit, before the dream is invaded by another force. Evi Can't convey what it is, as Evan still can't understand him, so he instead just kisses Evan and kicks him from the dream as a horrible army begins marching on their paradise.
Evan wakes up, and struggles to get back to sleep, exauhsting himself and medicating until he finally can. and he doesn't dream that night.
His shoes aren't hidden the next morning. No scribbles appear in the steam on his mirror, nor are their footsteps right behind him on the stairs when he goes down them.
He doesn't dream the next night either.
Or the one after that.
The desperate loneliness begins to set in as he tries to do everything he can to get back to Evi.
meditation, hallucinogens, dairy, nothing makes him able to dream. He's trying to contact a psychic medium when he Finally hears Evi for the first time in weeks. The phone call buzzes to static before Evi's voice comes over the line, the majority of it is still completely unintelligible, but Evan can understand him more than ever before and gets the gist of what has happened and what he needs to do.
The queen of the Dreamland has taken Evi hostage, She has a knight like Evi does with Evan. He just needs to find this knight and wake her up long enough for Evi to escape.
Now Evan just needs to find a mystery woman who... is asleep a lot. That's all he has to go off of. She/her pronouns, Evi reffering to her as Lady (something), and the fact she probably has to sleep a lot to maintain her presence as guard of Evi's cell.
He starts with the psychic medium, he's already paid for the session might as well see if she can find the mystery woman. That goes no where.
The forum boards he became an active member of in the early stages of this whole mess and which he still keeps tabs on isn't much help either, nor are the lucid dreaming ones.
He takes out adds in the local newspaper, hoping that Maybe the queen would have chosen her knight from a similar area, or the weirdness of the ads would make them viral, or just Something might finally lead him to the mystery woman.
She ends up finding him instead,
Approaching him at the local mystic shop Evan is trying once again to find absolutely any info he can in, and introducing herself as Evelyn. and saying they should chat.
she's friendly and polite and way to chill about all of this, in Evan's opinion. She explains a few key thing in that Convo
-she doesn't need to sleep constantly to keep up with Evla, she just plays her part through frequent bouts of meditation and daydreaming when she can't be sleeping.
-she has had success bringing Evla into the real world
-she can understand Evla perfectly, and the fact Evan still can't understand what Evi is saying means there's something about Evi as a person he doesn't understand yet.
-Belief is everything to this whole game, because it is Just a game, Evi was made more real in relation to Evan because Evan became more and more convinced of his realness.
-The fact it's all a game made up by dream monsters is important because it means they can always keep them in check by withdrawing their belief. and they can be just as powerful in the Dreamworld as their monsters so long as they can out imagine them
-And the monsters just want to have fun and tell each other an interesting story. They won't actually, permanently hurt or kill each other because doing so means the game is over. Evi isn't in any real danger.
Evan asks why he can't get into the Dreamworld without Evi around then,
and she says that's the problem right there. He thinks he Needs Evi to access the Dreamworld. The rules are all made up and he himself made up this one. she tells him that building habits or using ritual items can help him create belief if he can't do it on his own. Less saying "I can do this" to himself over and over again and more "I can do this because of this reason"
The two leave on good terms, promising to meet each other in battle outside Evi's cell as more of a joke than anything else.
Evan stops at the store, grabs a bag of Evi's favorite candy. and eats it after taking his sleeping pills, Telling himself that its Evi's favorite and so it will lead him to him.
Sure enough it works.
Evan is in his knights garb outside a tall twisting tower and before him is Evelyn, in a much cooler armor set.
He's obviously positioned as the under dog. and now understanding the rules of this world (and the fact Evelyn is just in it for fun too and Also wants a good story and not to actually keep him from Evi) he knows that being the underdog is what will give him his victory.
The two fight, and it's kinda clear Evelyn is going easy on him and coaching him a bit. but it still entertaining enough to both monsters that when he does "win" the gate immediately opens and Evi is in his arms again.
And Evan knows it's all made up, that this was all a stupid game, but having Evi back and safe with him once again is the best feeling in the world.
the games continue, the story twists and loops, but in the real world Evan is taking a lot of pointers from Evelyn and is happier than he's ever been. He's reading more books watching more shows and plays and movies and listening to music once more. He spent years in a deep depression where nothing made him feel anything. But now he's finally finding joy in Art once more because it's all inspiration for his part of the story. He has a purpose. He's the deposed kings knight. he's Someone.
Evi becomes more real in the physical world until he's able to wear Evan's shirts and stand physically beside him at the same time they're exploring a deep dark forest for a mcguffin in their shared day dream.
And it's perfect. It's a life that's so fucking perfect it takes weeks for Evan to realize what he's done.
Evi is physical now. He exists in the real world just as much as Evan does. He's escaped the dream entirely and other people seeing him has only cemented him as Real.
He isn't able to warp the real world quite as severely as he can the Dreamworld. but that's not saying much.
Evi is a monster trying to tell an interesting story. he's a monster who hasn't thought of death as real in centuries. He and Evla do not care that their games have casualties, because a background character is disposable reguardless of if theyre flesh and blood or a figment.
Evan and Evelyn know what they must do. Evi and Evla exist in the Dreamworld. their bodies here are figments that the two of them are supporting. They have to open the door for their monsters. They can lock them out by simply not imagining them in the real world.
Evelyn ends up spending even more time in the Dreamworld resorting to the same sleeping pills as Evan. Evla is mad, Really mad, but is still willing to wait her knights silly games out.
Evan breaks after only a week of locking them out of the real world. Evi accuses him of being just another prison guard keeping him locked away. Says he'll just find a different knight. One who won't abandon him as soon as he's inconvenient.
Evi leaves him. Refusing to let himself be found in the Dreamworld and actively leaving barriers and false trails between them to make Evan just leave.
It breaks Evan real quick. He opens the door for Evi the next morning, and begs forgiveness.
Evi doesn't. he's still upset and cagey and causing problems by the sheer force of his will.
Evan tries to cut him a deal. If he stops breaking reality for his own amusement then Evan will have no reason to keep him locked away.
Evi insists that's stupid. Why would he ever want to be in a world he couldn't play in? It would be too boring.
The rest of the story is Evan trying to convince Evi reality can be interesting too. He swears it, he just has to live in the moment. A thing Evan has finally learned how to do again.
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