#one of the maintenance guys who I'm friendly with offering to help me around the house... like no sir
It's been a while since I've had someone express interest in me, and wow what a feeling to be reminded of, it's literally The Worst.
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soukitas · 1 year
hi!! don't know if you're still active but i would like to request a blurb with hijikata being jealous, if that's okay?
Hello!! Yes I'm still sort of active around, thank you for the request!!!
CW: Fem!Reader
"It will be 3,000 yen, Okita-san" you mentioned in the direction of the young captain.
"Did you manage to do my special request?" he commented while he handed you the corresponding money.
"Whole bottle of mannoyaise for the fried rice, tabasco in the ramen broth, and a hard-written 'I love you' note pretending to be Tae Shimura on the katsudon." you clarified "Got it memorized since day one, Okita-san"
"No one does it like you do" Sougo smiled in your direction, and you couldn't help but let out a shy laugh.
You were the local restaurant's delivery person and co-owner, for the past year you had been religiously cooking take-out for the Shinsengumi members at least three times a week. Over the course of this time, you had managed to become friends with the youngest captain of the force and got to know the higher heads: Kondou Isao, the commander, and Hijikata Toushirou, the attractive vicecommander.
He had been the one to receive the orders a couple of times, and unlike the ashy-brown boy, who was easier to talk to, exchanging words with him was next to impossible, mostly because every time you were in front of him you had to fight the urge to kiss him silly.
"Sougo, what's taking so long?" as if thoughts could conjure matter, the second you wondered if you were getting the opportunity to see him today he appeared at the entrance of the compound. He took a glance at you which he diverted quickly. "Don't waste time messing around with girls, break time is almost over."
"Hijikata-san, you're making me sound like a playboy." the younger boy complained.
"I'll get going." you interrupted in attempt to lower the tension that had grown between the two.
You headed to the scooter you commonly used for transport and tried to start the engine. First time, the sound fell flat, second time, still didn't turn on, and by the third time, you had given up. Your scooter was not going to start, damn the owner for not giving it proper maintenance. You were embarrassed enough, and the fact that the two men remained by the entrance watching you fail misserably was just adding to it. Sougo had gotten closer, his body bent forward to examine the vehicle, a bit too close to you compared to what you normally allow a stranger to be.
"Damn it" you muttered when he seemed to not know what was wrong right away "I still have some more deliveries to make, what am I going to do? The food will go cold." you complained to the skies, mostly talking to yourself.
"I can take you on the patrol car, it will be faster that way." Sougo offered. You were about to jump in right into the proposal, since keeping your job was your priority, until your friend was abruptly pulled away by his collar.
"You're just looking for excuses to miss out on work!" Hijikata almost yelled as he rather roughly pushed Sougo in the direction of the compound entrance. Instead, he walked towards you, more like past you, in the direction of his car. "I'll take you, let's get going, I have work to do."
You didn't quite believe your ears but compiled without refutal. The ride was quiet and slightly awkward. You wouldn't talk much and he wouldn't even dare to look your way.
"He's more deceiving than you think, that guy." he suddenly spurted out.
"Do you mean Okita-san?" you asked, surprised by his proactivity.
"You shouldn't be so friendly with him, he is into weird stuff." his eyes kept fixed on the road, his hand occasionally darting out to remove the cigarette from his mouth and blow out the smoke.
"He's been nothing but good to me, though." you said absentmindedly, you weren't trying to advocate for him or anything, you just spoke the truth that circled your mind at the time.
Hijikata was silent the entire remaining routes. He would simply ask for the address, light up another cigarette once you arrived, and crush it right after you were done talking to the costumer. Did you have to be so nice to every one of them? Could you not tell the way they looked at you? The same way Sougo looked at you?
"That was the last one" you said as you dropped back onto the passenger's seat. You let out a content sigh and turned to him, for the first time in the entire day he returned your gaze, and you couldn't help but smile "Thank you, Hijikata-san, you really saved me"
The way his name slipped from your lips made his chest feel heavy. "I'll take you back home now." he stated.
you hummed with doubt "The scooter is still at the compound, though"
"I'll have someone take a look at it and give it to you once it's fixed." he answered.
There was no point on arguing, so you just gave him the address and he drove without a word yet again. However, the second he pulled over in front of your house, his hand darted out to hand you something. Between his fingers he was holding a namecard that read "Hijikata Toshiro, XXX-XXX-XX-XX" with his number on it.
"Call me tomorrow morning, I will take you to work." he offered.
"You don't have to do that..." you said as a reflex, trying to hide the fact that you were, indeed, thrilled with his proposal.
"Whenever you have the food we order ready," he continued, ignoring that you had just say "Call me. I'll receive it."
His voice was more commanding than suggestive. You couldn't help the blush that ran through your face, and simply nodded in response, sliding quickly outside the car. The window on his side was open to allow the smoke of his cigarette to slip out. He was waiting for you to get inside before he left, and as you looked back at him still in the car, you gave in to an impulse you had long ago.
"Hijikata-san." you said camly as you approached him again. You heard him ask if there was a problem, but instead of responding you bent over across the open window to lay a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you, again!" you said sheepishly before basically running into your home.
He attempted to look non-chalant as you drifted away, but the second you were out of sight his face turned a shade of red tomatos would be jealous of. His hand was brought to his mouth and a frown appeared. He hated it. He hated how much it affected him. How much he wanted you to do it again.
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