#once a while i get over my delulu state but then it comes again
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Realistically thinking about recent bsd chapters
So people have been so delulu over the new chapters so I'm gonna do some realistic thinking. Most of the characters that have "died" will most likely survive. I feel like the only reason Asagiri would kill off Dazai is to add some major character development to Atsushi, and any other character who knew him. It's still entirely possible Dazai will indeed die, but a small chance. Sigma is a character I feel is entirely possible to kill off. The reasons he would die is 1, to keep Fyodor's ability a well-kept secret, 2, because he's Asagiri's favorite. I feel like it's a 50/50 chance if Sigma lives or dies. Aya next. Knowing how Asagiri writes, I feel like Aya will survive this. There's a few different possibilities I've thought of since she's one of my favorite characters. 1; She will die, get turned into a vampire, and then be alive again when the vampirism is cured. It's highly unlikely all the vampires will die. There's no way Asagiri would kill off THAT many characters/people. 2; She will gain an ability before death. Seeing as a lot of our characters focused on do have abilities, combined with the fact she is still quite young, could mean she does have an ability and just doesn't know about it, which is entirely possible seeing as Atsushi didn't know about his ability. 3, the least likely one, Bram will save her just before she hits the ground. As soon as he regenerates his limbs, he could possibly save her. It's unlikely, but still possible. I'd do theories on how Dazai could survive, but there's plenty of those out there already. Now onto the vampires, I personally don't think there's a possibility that the vampires will die once the vampirism is over. There's WAY too many characters as vampires, plus, a ton of other people around the world are vampires. There's no way that many people will be killed off. Plus, both Atsushi and Dazai have tried to "wake up" vampires from their vampire state, they didn't succeed, but that implies that it's possible. Another reason is Francis said in season four that he always sides with the winners, and the Detective Agency will win this. This could indeed be incorrect, but I've chosen to take it as foreshadowing. Moving on, the agency members. Fukuzawa is most likely going to die. There's just no way I can see him surviving, except Yosano coming to save him, but we don't even know where she currently is. Tanizaki and Kunikida, I personally believe they will survive. Fukuchi has no current reason to kill them that I'm aware of, correct me if I'm wrong though, it's been a while since I've read the manga in extreme detail. Ranpo, he'll probably survive, he's so far only been stabbed in the hand and knocked unconscious. I'm pretty sure he's just laying unconscious on the road somewhere. Atsushi, we saw in chapter 110 that he's about to become a vampire, but it's possible the table will fall on Akutagawa or something like that. IF Atsushi DOES become a vampire, which is unlikely but still possible considering the amount of times authors have turned the main character into the thing they're fighting (ex, Demon Slayer where Tanjiro states "If I ever do become a demon, I trust someone in the corps will behead me for the greater good. DEMON SLAYER MANGA SPOILERS; Then at the end he becomes a demon and is cured later on.) it is still possible for Atsushi to become a vampire and be saved later on. We haven't seen much of the Port Mafia so I won't be saying much about them. But I will talk about Chuuya. SO, I feel like Chuuya is somewhat conscious. AND the gun he has, I'm pretty sure he showed up with. That can lead to all the theories about how Dazai will survive, which I will not be getting into today, maybe another day though. I personally am really hoping for Verlaine to show up. The "storm" he's waiting for in Stormbringer could be the apocalypse or something similar. It's implied he can still manipulate gravity, but just not as well/long as before. Even without his gravity powers, he still is the King of Assassins, and the person who trained Gin, Kyouka and many, many others.
Seeing how skilled those two are, having only been trained by Verlaine, we can assume how powerful Verlaine is, even without his gravity manipulation. Another theory, way less likely, is Kyuusaku (Q) making their reappearance. We don't know what happened to them after season two, so for all we know, they're alive somewhere, perhaps back at the Port Mafia, or living their life somewhere. They stand a pretty high chance at beating Fukuchi once and for all. They, however, have no motivations to fight him. They love chaos, which is exactly what is happening. BUT, they seemed to have a character change when John tortured them in season two, so perhaps they'll not even care and just fight him for fun, or to add even more chaos to this. Also, in an interview, Asagiri mentioned teaming up Tetchou and Jouno as rivals later on, so I'm excited to see how he goes along with that.
TLDR; Most characters will probably survive, with the exception of maybe Sigma, Fukuzawa, and Dazai(?). Atsushi probably won't become a vampire, Aya will probably get an ability. Detective Agency will probably win.
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