#on top of that missing a lot of his scenes contributes because my dumbass is nearly starting the creche and long rested up to now about 3x
diluc33rpm · 4 months
astarion is so fucking funny as a character because conceptually he hits all the marks of a wet cat blorbo but in practice he's unbelievably hard to stand. i'll be on the bg3 companion guide and have to start CRYING from trying to find the shit under his section that gains approval. loses -15 points for gently suggesting we not massacre an orphanage in cold blood with the d&d equivalent of a nuclear warhead
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jlalafics · 5 years
Part Four of “Rent Control”
We’re at the end...sort of. I’m a little nervous about this part and will be hiding with Toddler J (actually we’ll watching The Great British Baking Show in bed).
Please enjoy and I’ll see you at the epilogue!
If you haven’t read the other parts, follow the links below:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Summary: Katniss Everdeen has found the perfect home in San Francisco—great neighborhood, an easy commute and, best of all, it’s rent controlled. There’s only one problem; the landlord will only rent to a married couple.
Enter Peeta Mellark.
Rent Control
Part Four
“Katniss! Get out here!”
Effie was getting impatient.
“I’m coming!”
Katniss stared at herself in the mirror, her hands dancing over the delicate fabric. Effie was right; the silhouette was still in fashion. Thanks to her mother, Daphne, and Effie, the gown fit perfectly to her body.
However, when she looked in the mirror, Katniss felt like a fraud.
A beautiful couture fraud—but a fraud, nonetheless.
“Come on! Come on! Come on!”
This time it was her mother.
With a sigh, Katniss stepped out of the Abernathy guest room and into the living room.
There was a collective sigh as the three older women gazed at her in all her bridal glory.
She turned to the mirror that Effie had placed in the room to take a real look at herself.
The gown was off-white, sleeveless, with a modest V-neckline. The skirt was made of tulle while the top half was a satin bodice with a tulle overlay. It suited her olive coloring, making her skin look even richer and her dark hair lustrous.
Her mother’s contribution was the periwinkle blue band on the gown’s waist so she would have her ‘something blue’ while the jeweled flower resting on one side of the band was from Daphne. It would be her ‘something new.’
“It’s missing something,” Effie said as she approached her. Reaching into her pocket, the woman pulled out an ornate pearl hair clip. “This was my mother’s. She wore it on her wedding day—” Effie swallowed shallowly before continuing. “—I wore it for mine.” She then arranged it so that it clipped back one side of Katniss’ long locks. “And, now you’ll wear it for yours. It’s your ‘something old and borrowed.’”
“Oh Effie.” Her hand went to the delicate clip. “I couldn’t possibly—”
Effie shook her head. “A long time ago, we found out that it would be difficult for us to have children.” She let out a shaky breath. “And, now it seems unlikely—but I’d like to think that if I had a girl, she’d be similar to you. I mean, you have Haymitch’s coloring and your scowls are very alike!”
Katniss wiped her eyes before giving Effie a smile in the mirror.
“I’d be honored to be your pretend daughter…even though you would have to had been around 17 when you had me!” Katniss replied.
Effie tapped at her nose. “Somewhere around that age.” She kissed Katniss’ cheek. “You look beautiful.”
Katniss looked at herself in the mirror; she did look beautiful—as radiant as the sun.
It wasn’t real though.
And, then she could no longer face her reflection.
Peeta knocked on the closed door of Johanna’s boutique, spying Katniss in the window. Giving him a drawn smile, she placed the till back into the register and rounded the counter to let him in.
He couldn’t put his finger on it, but something had shifted in their relationship. Katniss was different; it wasn’t that she was any less affectionate. When they were alone, they had more than their fill of passion—lately, maybe even more so.
That fire in Katniss, however, seemed to have dimmed since that first dinner with their families.
“Hey,” she greeted him as the door was opened and he walked in quickly. “Johanna just left and I’m finishing up.”
“Do you need help?” he offered.
“You just finished up next door,” Katniss responded. “You still want to help?”
“Of course—if it means we get some time to ourselves,” Peeta said. “What do you need? I can fold or arrange the shoe display…”
He gave her a playful grin and Katniss let out a laugh—it felt good to hear it. She had been off in her own world, at times, and Peeta wanted nothing more but to make her smile.
It wasn’t hard to admit that he lived and died for that smile.
“How about you wipe the mirrors in the dressing rooms and then run the dry mop through the floor?” she suggested instead. “Cleaning supplies are in the back.”
Before long, they fell into silence. Peeta could hear her arranging the hangers on the various racks in the store as he wiped down the mirrors.
“Katniss?” he found himself calling out.
The shuffling of hangers stopped. “Yes?”
“What’s going on with you?” Peeta knew that he was treading a thin line. There was no response. “I can feel it. You’re pushing me away. Not physically—” He placed the rag down and pushed himself onto a seat in the small dressing room. “It’s just that I wake up every morning and then we lock eyes…you used to give me this smile—a smile just for me. You don’t do that anymore…”
He looked down at his folded hands, waiting for her response.
However, there was only silence.
“I’m sorry.”
Peeta looked up to find Katniss in front of him, her gaze on his hunched figure.
“Did I do something wrong?” he asked her.
Katniss knelt in front of him, her hand going to the nape of his neck. “No, you didn’t do anything.” She pressed her forehead to his. “It’s just been hard with our parents, your brothers, Prim…the fact that we’re supposed to get pretend remarried in like three days. It’s a lot.”
“I miss you,” Peeta admitted. “I mean, you’re with me—in my arms, in our bed—but you’re also a thousand miles away.”
She bit her lip anxiously before looking into his eyes.
“I know that I’ve been distracted, but there’s been a lot on my mind,” she said. “This whole wedding…and our families being so bonded now…it’s become bigger than us.”
He nodded in understanding. “I just don’t want to lose…us.”
“Scoot over.” Peeta shifted to give her space on the seat. Instead, Katniss sat on his lap. “You haven’t lost me. I guess I miss what we had before all of this craziness. I miss waking up to quiet mornings, lounging in bed and binge watching something on Netflix, Farmers Markets…you know this is the first time in almost two weeks that it’s just been us.”
“It has, hasn’t it?”
Katniss wrapped her arms around his neck. “Right now, I’m part angry, part exhausted, part horny…”
“Why are you angry?” he asked.
“I just want to find Gale and punch him in the nuts,” she muttered. “Him and his dumbass mouth—”
“Find me an address and I’ll come along with you,” Peeta said and Katniss grinned. “As for being tired, Prim told me before I left for work that she’s going out with Johanna and my brothers tonight for some sightseeing. I can draw you a bath so you can get some of that tension out.” He pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “As for being horny…”
She shifted, straddling him, and Peeta groaned.
“I’m wearing these new linen pants,” Katniss started, her lips going to the side of his mouth. “They’re supposed to feel like I’m wearing nothing at all.” She moved along him and a sliver of heat ran up his spine. “What do you think?”
“How about you close that curtain and we make a comparison?” Peeta countered, his hands already reaching for the button on her waistband.
Katniss grinned. “Of course. Anything for a customer.”
“I hate you so much right now,” Johanna told Katniss the next morning.
Prim, who was shuffling through Katniss’ closet, turned to her sister and new friend.
“What did Katniss do?”
“You had sex in my store!” Johanna looked to Katniss, who looked down at the bridal magazine on her lap. “Don’t deny it! My morning lead just texted and asked why there’s handprints all over one of the dressing room mirrors! She says it looks like someone was trying to recreate that car sex scene in Titanic!”
“Glimmer is so dramatic,” Katniss replied. “It was not that bad.”
Johanna turned to her; arms crossed. “So, you don’t deny it?”
“No, I don’t.” Katniss closed the magazine before meeting her eyes. “It’s been weeks since Peeta and I have been alone. There are people in every nook and cranny of this building—and it was either against the mirror or on the seat. That cushion is disgusting!”
Johanna suddenly pulled her to her plush chest.
“I’m so proud…my little Katniss has finally done the dirty at work! It’s a milestone, you know.”
Katniss snorted. “Don’t get too excited. We did it at the coffee shop before all this craziness happened.”
“Gross!” Johanna grimaced. “Which roast was it on? I prefer no jizz in my coffee.”
“That was more than I needed to know,” Prim said. She met her sister’s eyes. “So, how are you doing? I know you and Peeta have agreed to continue on after…but this ceremony has kind of thrown a monkey wrench into your plans.”
“It has,” Katniss agreed. “But, what can we do?”
“I don’t know. How about admit that Peeta is stone cold in love with you?” Johanna said. “I mean, come on!”
“Love?” Katniss had a sudden interest in the bedspread. “We like each other, and we lust for one another, but love is a whole different spiral that we can’t get into.”
“Can’t or won’t?” Prim questioned. “I know you. Ever since that dipshit Gale broke up with you to sample what California had to offer, you’ve closed off. You were a romantic once—you followed a boy all the way to San Francisco—”
“And, what did that get me?” Katniss burst out.
“Open those pretty grey eyes, Katniss! It got you Peeta!” her sister countered. “And he is a hell of a lot better than Gale Hawthorne ever was for you.”
“I know.”
The bedspread was suddenly stained with tears.
“And it’s because we’ve stayed within the bounds of friendship. Anything else could be a disaster.” Katniss met her sister’s somber eyes. “And I’d rather have him everyday just as he is, than to not have him if it all falls apart.”
“Shit.” Johanna wrapped her arms around the Everdeen sisters. “This just became more complicated than a simple screw in my dressing room.”
“Where’s Katniss?” Peeta’s mother asked.
“She, Johanna, and Prim are having some girl time,” he informed her as they walked down the busy neighborhood, full of storefronts and restaurants.
“I think Katniss is going to be a great addition to the family,” Daphne told him, linking her arm through his. “She’ll be really good for you. She is really good for you.”
“Mom.” Peeta turned to her in e. “I want you to be happy for me because I am doing things for myself and I’m trying to prove that I can run a Mellark Bakery all on my own here. I don’t want you to be happy for me just off of who I married.”
“Peeta, I am happy for you,” his mother responded. “When we first arrived, there was a look in your eyes. I could see that you have come into your own. Katniss—she might not be all of the reason, but she is some of it. The Peeta I remember couldn’t even commit to a time to visit his mother and father.” She stopped and turned to him. “Now, he has committed himself to the love of his life.”
Love. There was that word again.
More and more the word played in his mind. It was the whispered word that escaped his lips whenever he woke up to see Katniss lying next to him.
“Thanks, Mom.” Peeta stopped to look around the busy street. “Where are we?”
“Your business proposal somehow made its way onto the breakfast tray that Effie and Haymitch gave your father and me this morning,” his mother said. “There was also a printout of this listing.”
Peeta looked up at the storefront. It was a two-story brick building with large display windows flagging the entrance door. It wasn’t much; but with a good layer of paint and from what he could see of the inside, a good layout and design for the interior, it could be something great.
“What do you think?” Peeta turned to his mother, who watched him in anticipation. “Do you think that this would be a good location for the first west coast Mellark Bakery?”
“It’s perfect,” he said in awe. “Good neighborhood, close to retail, and easily accessible.” Peeta grinned at his mother. “Who gave you the printout?”
“There’s only one person who would know where you kept your business proposal,” Daphne said, a small grin on her lips. “Consider this a wedding present.”
“Katniss!” Peeta slammed the door behind him. “Are you home?”
“Yes!” came the response from their room. “Are you alright?”
“I’m perfect! Wonderful even!”
The papers had been signed just this afternoon and he, Peeta Mellark, now owned his own bakery space. Yes, he would be paying his parents back until the end of time, but it would be all worth it to run his own business—and Katniss would have their space to design the best-looking bakery that San Francisco had ever seen.
Not to mention, he made a kickass cheese bun.
He froze in his tracks, sensing something…off. “What’s going on?”
He whipped around at her voice and the air left his body.
There Katniss stood in her wedding dress. She awkwardly held the skirt as she walked towards him.
“Effie and my mom did the final fitting,” Katniss explained. “What do you think?”
His mouth rose in a grin and Peeta reached for her hands, his eyes roaming the satin and tulle gown, before meeting her anxious eyes.
“You’re beautiful.” Katniss flushed at his words. “I thought I wasn’t supposed to see the bride in her gown.”
“Well, we’ve pretty much said ‘up yours’ to tradition,” she replied. “What’s a few minutes of you seeing me in this get-up?”
Peeta lifted her chin to look into her deep, slate eyes. When did he start caring for nothing but her happiness?
It might have been forever.
It probably would be forever—even when this charade ended, and they separated.
And, suddenly he ached.
“May I kiss the bride?” he asked, bringing her close.
Katniss nodded. “Of course.”
Their lips met, chastely at first, before his bride pressed forward to deepen the kiss.
He lost himself willingly to the taste of Katniss…an eternity could have passed—and he couldn’t give a flying fuck.
The knock came abruptly.
“Peeta! Get your ass out here!” It was Bran. “We’re meeting up at Beetee’s for beers!”
“I forgot that our parents demanded that we spend the night apart before the wedding,” Katniss said. “Prim and Johanna should be here any minute.”
“Of course,” he replied as they pulled apart.
Hesitantly, Peeta walked backward towards the door, his gaze on her.
She raised a brow at him. “What?”
“I don’t think I’ll ever forget the sight of you in that gown for the rest of my life.”
Peeta quickly turned to walk out the door before she could even respond.
Katniss couldn’t sleep.
Next to her, Prim and Johanna were knocked out. Her sister wore a tiara in her tangled locks while Johanna sported a hat with an outrageously large penis. A half-eaten tray of cookies baked by her in-laws laid between the two.
It was while watching The Wedding Date that they had drifted off. However, sleep did not come for her so Katniss remained awake, tense in the thoughts of tomorrow.
Getting up, Katniss reached for a sweater from the closet, carefully leaving the bedroom so she wouldn’t disturb her sister and friend.
She couldn’t breathe…she just needed to get out.
That’s how Katniss found herself walking down the stairs onto the main floor and into the backyard.
The sight before her almost brought her to her knees.
White chairs had already been set out for the ceremony; a good number of friends and neighbors were excited to attend. To each side of the apartment building, long buffet tables were set up as Annie’s staff would be arriving midday to set up for the reception. At the end of the right side was a singular table for the wedding cake.
It was unbelievable how it had all fallen together.
She continued down the aisle and towards the lush flower archway where the ceremony would take place. Haymitch had set up a platform before it so that Beetee, who had volunteered as officiant, would have a place to stand before them.
At the end of the aisle, Katniss settled on the steps of the platform, looking around.
It was exactly the kind wedding she had dreamt of—except in her dreams, she wasn’t drowning in guilt.
A breeze hit and she wrapped her sweater tighter around herself and let out a breath.
“How the hell did I get here?”
“I was about to ask myself the same question.”
He made his way down, smartly wearing a puffer jacket and not the flimsy crap that she had donned.
“Couldn’t sleep?” she asked as he joined her on the step.
“Nope.” Peeta looked out at the scene before him. “I couldn’t sleep after all the marriage advice our dads and Haymitch decided to give me…by the end, it was extremely graphic.”
“Gross.” Her head went to his shoulder. “So…tomorrow?”
“It’s after midnight so more like a few hours from now,” he replied.
“I wish it could’ve been different.”
The admission had come out suddenly.
“How?” he asked after a moment.
“Like we would have actually been dating and then you do the whole shebang—tell me how deeply you’re in love with me and get down on one knee.” She sighed. “Isn’t that how all love stories are supposed to happen?”
“I think love stories are what a couple makes of them,” Peeta said.
“And, how do you think our story would’ve gone?”
“I’m not sure.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I just know that I would love you till there was no breath left in my body.”
Katniss swallowed the sob threatening to escape her lips.
“That’s all anyone could really ask for—someone till the end.”
“Ride or die,” Peeta agreed.
She snorted. “How very Fast and the Furious of you.”
Tell him.
The treacherous thought screamed in her brain, but her logical—fearful—thoughts fought it. Her heart couldn’t bear the thought that he might not feel the same, that they would hurt each other, and that she would lose him.
So instead, Katniss pulled away.
“I better go up. Prim and Johanna might sleep eat all your parents’ cookie and choke to death. That would be a real bummer on the wedding.”
Peeta nodded. “I’m just going to spend a few more minutes here.”
They reached for one another, their mouths meeting, and Katniss pressed everything she felt into that kiss—the happiness, the fear, the pain—but most of all, the love.
When they pulled apart, Peeta’s eyes were closed, a smile on his lips. “Wow.” He met her eyes. “I’ll see you at the end.”
Katniss stood. “I’ll see you at the end.”
Shakily, she made her way down the aisle and was halfway through when—
She whirled around to see Peeta staring at her.
“Sunset. It’s my favorite part of the day. Our families and friends would be there. I probably wouldn’t get down on one knee though—”
“Because you have a trick knee from a track injury,” she said. “And, your favorite color is that orange that happens to the sky at sunset. I wore—”
“You wore that dress on our first date because it resembled the color,” he finished for her. Her breath caught seeing that look in his eyes. “And, you looked beautiful—but well to me, you were always gorgeous, inside and out.”
Katniss managed a smile. “Goodnight, Peeta.”
“Sleep well, Katniss.”
But, for the rest of the night, sleep did not come.
“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit…”
Katniss was getting married today.
Okay—not really married, but really recommitting herself in front of her friends and family.
Not to mention, the film and camera crew her parents hired.
Prim and Johanna had given her a few minutes to herself so that she could settle her nerves. Her hands moved over the skirt, smoothing non-existent wrinkles.
She made a picturesque bride; her makeup had been done perfectly, just some eyeliner, lipstick, and concealer because Effie had almost fainted at the dark circles under her eyes. Her mother and Daphne had sprayed and pinned the pearl clip into her hair before putting one more ‘protective’ layer of hairspray—a bird could crap on her head and the stuff would probably slide off from the slickness of her locks.
Johanna had given her a NuBra to wear and Katniss chuckled knowing that Peeta would have more than likely insisted on removing it.
There was a knock on the door. “Katniss, are you ready?”
It was her Dad.
She rushed to open the door and her father stepped in, looking rather dapper in his tuxedo.
“My God, sweetheart,” he breathed. “You’re a dream.”
Katniss looked at him nervously. “Really?”
“Okay, it’s kind of my nightmare. I’ve been dreading this moment for twenty-four years,” her dad admitted. “But your mother and I couldn’t be happier. You picked a good one.”
Katniss nodded in agreement. “I really did.”
Her father held out his arm. “You ready?”
Taking a deep breath, she took his arm. “Let’s do this.”
Stepping out into the backyard, Katniss let out a breath, a tremble rushing through her at seeing the number of guests.
Together, she and her father began their walk. Somewhere—violinists?—her mother’s influence she was sure, played ‘La vie en rose’ as they made their way down the silk carpet sprinkled with pale pink rose petals.
Her eyes went to the guests; Cinna had come all the way from New York while she saw that some of her parents’ colleagues had made their way over from Connecticut, as well. Closer to the front, Katniss saw Wiress—invited by Beetee as his date—who gave her a bright smile. Thresh, who stood next to Glimmer, was eyeing the pretty blonde.
Her eyes watered seeing Effie and Haymitch. Effie immediately burst into tears seeing Katniss in her gown and she thought how her landlord must be imagining what might have been for her and Haymitch—if life had been fair on them. Haymitch with his protective nature would have made an outstanding father and she had no doubts about Effie’s maternal instincts.
Katniss realized how much she had come to love them like family.
Then, there were the Odairs; Finnick looking dapper in his navy suit while Jack matched him perfectly with his own miniature version. Annie had recovered nicely from pregnancy, beautiful and glowing with Sarah and Rose in her arms.
Johanna and Prim were her bridesmaids, wearing sage green dresses and matching chignons. They both beamed seeing her. Bran and Alex made dashing groomsmen in their grey tuxedos, each swoonworthy in their own right.
Then, there was Peeta.
Katniss couldn’t help but tremble at the sight of him.
“You okay there?” Stephen asked his daughter, feeling her shiver.
“Yes, just more nervous than I thought,” she replied.
He chuckled softly, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek.
“How can you be nervous when you have a man looking at you like that?”
And, yes—Peeta looked unbelievably handsome, wearing a suit matching the charcoal of her eyes.
However, it was the look in those blues of his—that earnest, full look that made her feel like she was floating on air.
Peeta stepped forward and her father embraced him before taking both their hands to clasp them between his own.
He looked between them. “Take care of each other.”
Quickly, her father joined his mother’s side.
Her eyes went to Peeta’s, who grasped her hand. “You okay?”
“Are we really doing this?” she asked as they stepped up the platform where Beetee waited.
“Whatever happens,” Peeta said, his eyes already knowing her thoughts. “I’m with you.”
Her hand went to cheek. “Just trust me.”
“Of course.” He turned to press a gentle kiss into her palm. “Always.”
They both turned to her guests.
“We have something to say,” Katniss began.
“Can’t this wait?” her mother asked.
“No…no…” They stepped down from the platform as Katniss shook her head. “We can’t.”
“What is going on?” Daphne said tightly. “Are you having second thoughts? It’s a little late for that. You two are already married.”
“No, Mom.” Peeta looked to her and she nodded. “We lied to you…to everyone. We’re not…actually…married.”
“You see,” Katniss started. “My lease was up at my last apartment and Peeta couldn’t afford his since his roommate was going to be leaving. Then, we both just happened to see this ad for this wonderful apartment—”
“Except that tenants had to be married and so we told them we were,” Peeta finished. “We made up this fake love story and took pictures at City Hall. And, it just snowballed when everyone showed up and you all planned this beautiful wedding.”
Katniss’ gaze went to Effie and Haymitch, their expressions unreadable, and she felt her heart squeeze in pain.
She and Peeta betrayed them and they would most likely never forgive them.
“And, we just couldn’t bear to hurt all of you,” she said. “Because we fell in love with you.”
Finnick furrowed his brow from his seat. “Me? Sorry guys, but I’m taken.”
Katniss choked back her laugh. “Not you! Well, kind of you and Annie…and just everyone.” Peeta squeezed her hand. “We grew to love every one of you and you became family to us. This building, all of you—you are home to us.”
“But, what about you two?” Her father asked. “You’re not in a relationship?”
“That’s kind of tricky.” Her eyes went to Peeta’s. “But the point is that the marriage was not real…we’re…not real.”
There was silence.
A long silence.
Somewhere there was the faint sound of an ambulance—probably coming just in case there was bloodshed.
Katniss shot up in shock. “Excuse me?”
Annie looked her straight in the eyes.
“Bull. Shit.” She shifted, handing Sarah to Finnick, who had just made Jack cover his ears. “Hold on.” Annie adjusted Rose against her chest, undoing the buttons of her dress before guiding the baby to her nipple. “Okay, I’m ready to continue. It is absolute bullshit that you two aren’t honest-to-God in love!”
“Annie, I’m honestly having a hard time computing your words with your boob hanging out,” Katniss retorted.
“Well, I’m feeding my child, Katniss,” Annie argued. “Because I love her and that’s what you do for people you love. You take care of them—just like you and Peeta take care of each other.”
“You know…” She and Peeta turned to Beetee in front of the archway. “She does have a point.”
“You too?” Peeta replied incredulously.
“Actually, we all find it surprising that you’re not in love with one another,” Christopher informed them.
“We do like each other,” Peeta assured him.
Daphne shot up. “You’re lying!” She pointed an accusing finger at her son. “I know you, Peeta. I knew you were lying when you were eight and told me that the neighbors’ dog ate your father’s birthday cake and I know you’re lying now about not being in love with Katniss.”
“Mom, I think there’s a big difference between eight-year-old me and me now,” Peeta responded.
“You were a better liar before,” Bran pointed out with a smirk.
“It’s all over your adorable Mellark face,” Alex said.
Peeta turned to her, his complexion pink at his family’s blunt assessment of his feelings.
“You know I care for you, right?” he asked.
Katniss took his hand. “Of course, I do.”
Peeta started, his gaze on their joined hands and something shifted in his stare.
He suddenly shook his head, letting out a small laugh.
“I really am an idiot.” Peeta looked to her, his eyes warm. “Katniss, I am in love with you.”
Katniss felt her chest constrict at his words. “What?”
“I think about how after this you’re not going to be next to me when I wake up in the morning—”
“Aww,” Prim cooed.
“And, those nights when we’re in bed—”
“Yeah, nobody needs to hear the details,” Stephen interrupted.
“But the point is that I want you in my life,” Peeta said. “I want to be with you for as long as you’ll possibly have me.”
Katniss stood silent, her hand dropping from his grasp, as those last words fell from his lips.
“Katniss Everdeen!” Her mother stood from her seat. “Say something.”
Peeta loved her.
And then, as sudden as a flash of lightning, she realized what she wanted.
“Effie, Haymitch.” Katniss looked to her landlords, she and Peeta’s practically surrogate parents. “Do you forgive us?”
The couple look at one another, communicating silently, before turning to them as she held her breath.
“We do,” Haymitch said finally.
“However, you can only stay in your apartment…” Effie’s lips rose in a small smile. “…if you continue on with the ceremony.”
Katniss turned to Peeta, taking his hand once more. With her other hand, she lifted the skirt of her gown.
“What are you doing?” Peeta asked.
Slowly, Katniss knelt, going on one knee in this gown seemed impossible but she was making it happen, before him. “It’s sunset.” Her eyes went to everyone in front of them. “And, we’re with our family and friends…and I love you. So, Peeta, will you?”
After a moment, Peeta replied, a wide grin on his lips, “Get up here so we can finish this.”
Carefully, they got Katniss to her feet before joining Beetee in front of the archway.
Beetee looked between them. “You two realize that this isn’t an official ceremony, right?”
She and Peeta look to one another, before nodding at Beetee.
It was real enough for them.
 End of Part Four
  Next: One year later…
Right now, I’m a glass case of emotion.
I’ll see you at the epilogue.
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