#omo boy
this was my hold I think earlier this week ^^ I didn't know what to do with myself I felt so pathetically desperate I needed to twiddle with just about anything, needed to lean up against whatever. just to ease the tension on my puppy bladder. When eventually I waddled my way to the bathroom I turned on the shower to hear just how good it'd feel to release, and before I started recording I kept splashing a little bit of ice cold watee in my panties to make me want to flood it with warm piss before I couldn't hold it anymore and just forfeited being a mature adult and tinkled on the floor
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dumbbpet · 1 year
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had an accident..
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cradle-quill · 2 months
Imagine (AB/DL Story by CradleQuill)
This content is intended for consenting adults aged 18 and older. All characters depicted within this material are fictional and at least 18 years of age. _
Imagine still needing diapers at your age. Imagine liking them too. You just sit there all day, filling your pants like a helpless little baby. That's what gets you off, isn't it? Feeling helpless and pathetic. Knowing you're too little to even make it to the potty on your own.
You just want to be a complete and total baby all the time. You don't want to have to worry about adult responsibilities. You just want to sit there in your full pampers, literally wearing your potty. Letting your mind get dumber and dumber as you slowly unpotty train yourself a little more each day.
Because in the end, deep down, you don't want to be able to go back. There's a part of you secretly hoping one day you'll wake up in a wet diaper that you're certain was dry when you fell asleep. And that part of you hopes it won't realize how far you've fallen until it's too late to go back. You don't want to have to make choices, isn't that right, little one? You might as well have every choice taken from you, even if that means never getting to decide when it's convenient for you to fill your pants.
Something tells me you'd be happier that way. You'd get to be the little baby you've always dreamed of being. No more adult worries or expectations. Just diapers and stuffies and Daddy changing you after you've pottied all over yourself again. This really is the life you want, isn't it? If you admit it and beg me, maybe I'll make all your little wishes come true.
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master-xochimilli · 13 days
Softly cooing Come on sweetheart, drink up— you know little pups like you need to properly drink~ as I sit on my pretty pet, slowly humping and grinding on them, pressing down on their full bladder. My cock getting hard against their soft tummy just from their little whimpers, as I make them drink more and more water as I yank their head up by a soft tug on their leash
They can whine about being too full and needing to piss all they want, but I'm just doing my best to care for my precious puppy, I can't just let it go off to play all thirsty can I?
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threestripeslider · 1 year
Tired: Rise!Splinter is a neglectful and awful father who doesn’t care about his kids >:(
Wired: Rise!Splinter’s negligence comes from a place of deep trauma that he’s carried with him his whole life – losing his mother, having been betrayed by the love of is life, being imprisoned and forced to fight for his life, used as an experiment and subsequently being mutated and losing his whole identity as a person – and while it certainly doesn’t excuse his behavior, there is no doubt that this man loves his sons fiercely despite his own shortcomings and perhaps it is exactly that love and care that causes him to keep his children at arms length in hopes to spare them his family’s cursed legacy that grooms them into martyrs and are thus destined to die young, a sacrifice for the greater good that Splinter is never willing to make even if it means forfeiting the world to the Shredder. Splinter’s journey of fatherhood began by being completely unprepared as a fresh young single father of four young children that depend on him to survive and there is no surprise he’s hit almost every bump there possibly is when raising a child but never in his life has Splinter ever blamed or resented his children in any way – he is not perfect and he’s aware and he tries to do better all because he loves his kids this fucking much bc despite all the shit he’s been through, those kids made him realize that he can try again. to dismiss him as an awful father is a gross mischaracterization of a deeply traumatized man of color who evidently tried his fucking hardest not to pass on the hurt onto his own children while grappling with his own demons and the crushing destiny of his family’s blood line that took away his mother.
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think-dry-thoughts · 7 months
thinkin about a gamer boy having to pee so badly while he's playing his game but he can't get up until the match is over. every time he thinks it's going to end, u can see him getting ready to get up, but then the game takes a turn and he crosses his legs together again to keep grinding on the game.
just thinking about bringing over a big cup or folding up a towel around his dick to help him relieve himself under the desk while he finishes his game, the bliss of letting go making it so much harder to focus
OR watching him finally flood his pants, but the moment he finally loses control, the game is over and he's just pathetically wetting himself for nothing.
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ystrike1 · 8 months
Shuuchaku-kei Idol no S*x wa Ai ga Omo Sugiru - By Yomichi Ten (7.5/10)
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The pressure is ON! A childhood friend returns all grown up. He's at the height of his success, so he finally has enough sway to ask for a break...and permission to date (and marry)! After years of waiting her idol lover is impatient and extra loving.
Aya is a high school teacher.
They boy she used to babysit is 18 now, and he's super famous.
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She's a fan of him.
They're not as close as they used to be.
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Kanaya used to have a crush on her. Everybody knew about it, but he was already a child actor. Nobody took him seriously. They barely saw each other. He was always away performing.
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He announces his marriage. Aya has no clue that she's the wife. This is the first major yandere sign, because he's bulldozing through the proposal part like he'll die if he doesn’t marry her 8 seconds after he reaches adulthood.
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He shows up before the TV special about him ends.
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She's clueless so she asks him what changed. His marriage is so sudden. She has no clue who the mystery woman is.
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She thinks he wants help planning the wedding at first.
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She finally notices that she's about to sign her life away.
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He confirms the obvious.
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She tries to tell him...well...the truth. Getting married the day you turn 18 is
Also getting married so young could mess with his career.
It looks like both sets of parents approve though, so that's out of the way.
He says yes. He'll wait. He does want to date his love before marriage.
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diapered-bun · 2 months
Thinking about long car rides, whoever with you seeing you squirm and knowing you need to go. It starts off with innocent "aww does baby need to go" "what's wrong little one can't hold it" and turns into "poor thing why don't you just let it out, no sense fighting a battle you can't win. Next place to stop isn't for x amount of time." Or "we won't be home until x time" bonus points for "it's okay bunny that's why we bring your diaper bag with us, I'll pull over as soon as I can and get you changed on the side of the road."
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wet-thistle · 1 month
When we were taking a road trip recently, my roommate made a concentrated effort to make sure I could get to the toilet in time. Only thing was, they would stop at a gas station and, very gently, ask if I needed to “go potty”
every single time, without fail, I would blush and squirm a bit in the goodnites I had been too cautious not to wear, and nod wordlessly as they pulled into a buc-ees. They would wait in the car, get gas if it was cheaper than usual but mostly just wait for the potty pants to finish emptying his baby bladder
This was just over a couple months ago so I’m still thinking about it a lot 😳😳😳
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hold idea: bladder and enema hold
Get my ass stuffed full from an enema and I'm leaking water on top of my bladder being ready to burst. maybe the enema was cold and I feel it tickling my bladder and it makes me weak at the knees. I got to clench my ass and hold my bladder to keep everything in until eventually one has to give and either I'm bent over squirting from my ass as my piss pools around my legs or on my back drizzling pee over myself as the enema trickles out my bussy
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thatkinkyp · 4 months
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Ready to wet this brief, can't hold it any longer 😛💦💦
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cradle-quill · 2 months
Forever - AB/DL Story by CradleQuill
This content is intended for consenting adults aged 18 and older. All characters depicted within this material are fictional and at least 18 years of age. _
I'm done letting you fool yourself. I mean, who are we kidding? We both know you can't keep your pants dry. You wake up in soaked sheets most mornings, and now you're having your little "accidents" during the day as well. Whatever semblance of an adult life you once had, it's quickly on its way out.
Soon enough, you won't even recognize your old life. You'll just be my little baby, ready to accept your place. You'll be beneath me, just where you belong. I mean, who would respect an "adult" who can't even make it to the potty on time? That's right, I don't consider you an adult. You're nothing more than an overgrown baby who's failed at potty training and who needs to be reminded who's in charge.
That's right, kiddo. No more big kid underwear for you. In fact, I think we should throw all your undies away. Or maybe I'll even cut them up while I make you watch. You won't be needing them anymore, after all. We might as well make use of them. I can use them as rags to clean you up during diaper changes.
Yes, that's right. I'm putting you back in diapers, full time. I don't want to hear any more fussing, I won't tolerate it. Keep it up and you'll find yourself over my knee with a very red bottom. Little babies who can't stop wetting themselves need diapers, and that's just what you are, isn't it? A little baby.
Go ahead. Admit it. You want me to treat you this way. You get off on it. And the more I mock and humiliate you, the tighter my grip on you will become. Because you crave this. You need it. You need to be dominated completely—mind, body, and soul. That's what you really want, deep down.
Did you think I didn't realize it? That I couldn't tell, just from looking at you, what a pathetic baby you are? I mean, honestly, I don't know how everyone else around you doesn't see it. The moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you'd end up like this. I knew you'd be on your knees at my feet, begging me not to tear you down and make you even more pathetic than you already are.
But it's too late, honey. This is your life now. And there's no going back. Maybe at one point you could have undone all this, salvaged what little adulthood that was left, but I'm not letting that happen. I'm going to see that you are treated exactly as you ought to be, like a helpless little infant who can't do anything for themselves.
There will be no more big kid potty. No more "adult" activities. And don't think I'm letting you hide this from your friends. Everyone is going to know what I've reduced you to, and how much you like it. Anyone who wants to play with the baby is going to get a chance to, whether that means your friends or mine. I'm sure they'd all love to see what you've become, what you've always really been.
I can see those tears welling in your eyes. The red-hot embarrassment on your cheeks. Better get used to it, baby. There will be a lot of this in your future. I mean, you might as well wet yourself right now, sitting there on the floor. It's going to happen sooner or later anyway. And I bet the store clerk will think you're so cute in your soaked pants. Come on, be a good baby for me. I want everyone to see exactly why I'm putting you back in diapers forever.
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threestripeslider · 1 year
Casey Jones Jr is both the most polite little boy and also the most violent one if you cross him, like he will wipe the floor with you if he thinks you deserve it.
Casey Jr: [will jog all the way to Irma‘s locker to get her her eyedrops and also stops by a vending machine to get them both drinks]
also Casey Jr: [will start a fist-fight in the middle of the hallway bc someone was slightly too mean to a freshman]
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think-dry-thoughts · 4 months
i have the deepest urge in my heart to help a desperate boy pee into something unconventional especially when it's just minorly convenient
like he's driving and doesn't wanna stop or he's in bed and doesn't wanna stop being comfy
i just wanna find an empty bottle or cup and line him up and feel the weight of his bladder transfer out
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rottmnt-residuum · 1 year
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@tmntaucompetition conclusion comic! so... we lost! okay, everyone. look at me. are you looking at me? yes?? okay-
what happens in the next update has nothing to do with the loss, honestly weird timing to lose right before this particular part, but i promise that what is about to happen has been planned since the beginning of this comic
also sorry in advance
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wet-jammies · 2 months
💜🖤💜 Sebastian Omo headcanons! 🖤💜🖤
● when he gets really into his programming and coding, it can be hard for him to listen to his body's signals to drink water, eat, sleep, and yes, use the bathroom.
● he has had accidents at his desk before (more accurately, when he gets up from his desk after a day-long coding session and his mind catches up with his body too late lol)
● briefly, as he cleaned up the mess and did his laundry before anyone could notice, he wished he had someone to help him. It was way too humiliating though!
● but... then he thought about it. It wasn't that hard to clean up. And it felt... kinda nice to wet himself...?
● Omo kink: unlocked!
● He starts holding because he enjoys the feeling~ likes the squirmy feeling in his body and his brain as his bladder gets fuller and fuller.
● He even posts some holding/wetting videos online. A little extra cash never hurts~
● When he has a partner that's into it too??? Ohhhhhh man
● Whiny babyyyyy!! Oh, he loves teasing his partner (or the viewers of his videos lol) with little whimpers and mewls!
● "Ngh... it feels so heavy..."
● "Ah! I'm already leaking!?"
● "Oh no...!"
● 10/10 Omo perv goth boy 🖤
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