#okamikaze junior high school
haikyuudoods · 6 years
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I got two more done today~ Had some unexpected errands come up this afternoon so I got a late start on things. I was aiming to get them done before 8 tonight. Two more to go and then I can add one for their cute manager, coach and maybe a group drawing sometime of the extra players when I get the time to design them lol I already have their manager drawn in concept so deciding on a color scheme for her will be fun! I love her, she’s adorable. 
Takayuki and Takumi Ryota
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haikyuudoods · 7 years
How old is Shouji? Would he be in Fukurodani while Akaashi is still there?
By the time he starts high school he'd be 15 or sixteen I guess. He'd be a first year when Akaashi is in his third. And most of Shou's junior team follows him. Takumi stays at Okamikaze to go through his third year. I thought about having Takumi go to Nekoma, but I don't know if I really want to break Shouji's team up! Lol While Inoue is a good setter, Takumi is better matched with Shouji's quirks. It's also funny I named him Takumi, apparently it means 'skilled' so it's perfect.I also need to see Akaashi as Captain! That's my own little self indulgence XD; Pray for Captain Akaashi lol No, but I think he'd make a good captain~ Wow, sorry I did a lot of rambling didn't I? I still have lots to work out. There's always room to add lots of stuff.
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