#ok time 2 color this garth and play dnd
suburbanbonfire · 4 months
do you have any advice on capturing a person's likeness?
HOO BOY well first off, the unfortunate main answer is just,,,,,,lots of practice. The more you draw from references, do studies, the better you eye-to-hand connection will be. So. Yeah. Sorry.
OTHER THAN THAT one thing i like to do is do a really simple rough sketch first, not worrying at all about correctness, but just getting down the way shapes interact with each other, like if you squinted your eyes at the reference image to make it all blurry, what would the shapes be.
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here, i like to exaggerate proportion, make the hair one big block, and work almost entirely with long, curved strokes. it also really helps me in particular by not having a totally blank canvas when im starting actually trying to get the likeness right.
if i were to try to actually make his nose right with just a circle for the head down on the paper, i would erase it so so many times.
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then, with my clean sketch, I focus a lot on like, relativity? Where does the top of his eye line up with the bridge of his nose? if i draw a straight line up from the corner of his mouth, where would that intersect with his eye?
i like doing that to make sure that everything is placed in roughly the correct spot, and as a way to zoom in on details without getting lost in them
I think noses are my favorite to draw, especially for capturing likenesses. They have a lot of personality, and a lot more variety than you see in other places of the face
i know hockey doesn't have like, the widest range of hairstyle ever, but man if you're starting out, please use no-bucket photos as reference. anime was right that hair is such a useful defining feature
if youre drawing digitally, the liquify tool is GOD. if something looks funky it is so nice to be able to just kinda push it into the right spot without having to redraw anything
LOWER YOUR STANDARDS!!!! 95% of the time you're gonna finish a study and be like 'well this is not right' and then when you post it and caption it with who it is, people will see what you're getting at anyways! close enough IS, in fact, good enough
hope something in this helps at least a bit! thank you for the ask!
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