#ok gooodnight uvu
ccsthemovie2 · 3 years
OK, scratch that other and let me replace with Kero & Yue and an abandoned or empty place!
Kero + Yue + V
"Knewww you'd be here!" Kero shakes himself out till he's a more comfortable size.
"Keroberos. We're outside."
"Like you blend in."
Yue looks away, and the win goes to Kero. It's true, he's following Sakura's rules with his mouth, but acting like it's much longer ago. Clow didn't care. Lie around, wings out, in full view of the neighbors, whatever. Anyone could call him a witch, and he'd agree wholeheartedly. So straightforward, right? A bit of an oddball, but honest.
Or something.
Kero makes no attempt to go into the house.
"Anyway," he stalls, "Do I know you or what? The second they move out, bam, there you are-"
"I was invited."
"Wait, what?"
Yue glides past him through the doorway. Kero hangs back as much as he can.
"When was this, I never got a call!"
"Earlier. He said to let everyone know to take what they want now, because all the furniture's being shipped over to him in a few days. And then..."
"And then?"
"And then the house is being torn down."
Kero whistles.
"Man. I can't believe it. Are Sakura and the cards already here?"
Yue pauses in his tracks, looks over his shoulder guiltily.
"She's in school right now. I'm going to let her know as soon as that's over."
"Ahh, I see. Safety-checking first. Smart."
Yue raises an eyebrow.
"What's there to safety-check?"
Kero gives him a look that says What, are you stupid?
"Uhhhh, because it's been a while? We knew what not to touch when we were used to it but, A, we super aren't anymore, and B, our good friend Eriol may have inherited the tendency to leave a surprise behind him?"
"He said it would be safe," Yue says, like that confirms everything, and Kero only lets it go because it means he asked.
The house, inside, is new and old and old and new and undeniably heavy on their heads. The longer they spend in the house the less of his cheerful self Kero is. His shoulders grow hunched, his tail tense, pointing sharply outward, keeping his balance, his ears flattened.
He stalks around the empty kitchen, paws through cabinets, commenting- "Oh, Sakura would love these little plates." "Score, he left like, a full cabinet of spices!" "Eeeeyuck, aughhh, that's not ketchup, that's a potion."
"I thought you were the one worried about safety?" Yue says. He nearly smiles.
"Exactly! And now Sakura won't make my mistakes." Kero crosses his eyes, sticks out his tongue- it's changing colors rapidly. Nearly laughs, nearly relaxes his posture, then thinks better of it. Yue actually giggles. God, everything goes topsy turvy in this place.
"Hey, Yue," Kero says, a bit unkindly, "You want your old mug back?"
"He kept it?" Yue asks, breathless. It's an old joke. Little more than a handle on a ceramic crescent moon.
"Sure did. Kept most of his old stuff, from the look of it-" (suddenly Yue has gone from picking at the corner of a tablecloth to directly over Kero's shoulder) "-and added a lotta things, too. Oooh, butterfly cookie cutters!"
Yue, elbow deep in a cutlery drawer (Yukito might want this ladle), loses interest as soon as he sees how much is unfamiliar.
This place changes him too, not just Kero. Feet on the ground and the house feels even larger for doing so, or he feels smaller, doesn't matter. He holds a new pan over an old stove, mimics flipping something as if to try and understand the last person who did so, looking somewhere between awe and joy and misery.
Kero decides, and this is how you know he's really shaken, that he's had enough of poking around the kitchen. He pads into the living room.
"Hey, he took the chair!"
That gets Yue's attention.
"So he did."
"He took the chair with him immediately. Didn't wanna risk any of us taking his bad vibes chair. The guy's a hoot."
There isn't a single photo of the old crowd, Kero notices. Lots of art, most new, and a few pictures of Spinel and Ruby in old frames. He doesn't say anything about that.
"I'm glad we're doing this together," he says instead. "Nobody should be in this house alone. Even Eriol knew that, bet that's why he made those two. Probably why it'll get torn down now."
"I can't believe it..." Yue says. "Torn down." He realizes fully what will happen and grows mournful, like the house is about to be executed. "He's never done this before."
This is true. Clow and his- household? Creations? Disciples? Kiddos? Roommates? Clow and his roommates have moved many times, but the empty houses generally got taken over by some relative or other, or occasionally preserved for a later return. There's one, at least, that's a proper haunted house now, and these days it sells tickets every October. Clow always, always, built things with eternity in mind. This is a first. When Kero reaches the end of that thought, he understands.
"To distinguish himself, I guess. But in a way I actually agree with him there. Maybe I'm just biased..." he thinks about hopping up in his old window seat- in Spinel's old window seat. He doesn't. "But I'll be glad to see it go."
"Why?" Yue whispers. He's daring Kero to say something he'll disagree with. Kero knows it, takes the bait anyway- is it bait if you know good and well what you're doing?
"It's a bad place, Yue. Bad things happened here. It's full of that feeling."
"Don't say that," Yue says, near begging, "about one of our homes."
"It stopped being my home when it was taken from me," Kero says sharply.
"It was given back."
Kero hisses.
"Oh, I'm so glad-" he starts, full of fire and poison, and then cuts himself off. He looks away from Yue, takes a deep breath. Yue hasn't seen him do that in a long, long time. Sometimes, when it's obvious to even someone oblivious and hotheaded as Keroberos....
"All right." he agrees, flatly, defeated. It's worse to be given up on entirely than to be argued with. "It was given back to us."
"Tell me when you want to go upstairs," Yue says, staring deep into the empty fireplace, basking in the warmth of the fire that was here decades ago, avoiding the burn of the one that was there a few months before. "I'll go with you."
"Do you want to?" Kero's voice is low, quiet. He bumps Yue's leg with his cheek. "You could stay at the foot of the stairs."
"Mmm... yes. I'll go."
"Cry it out before the others get here too. Smart."
"I'm not going to cry."
"You'd better, or Yukito'll be bawling on your behalf."
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