#oh holy shit i nearly left celebrimbor off this list. his name only comes up once in the text tho
ok. LONG POST UNDER THE CUT. i have endeavored to create a list of Every Named Character In The Quenta Silmarillion. PLEASE tell me if you think i’m missing someone, that’s why i’m posting it.
included characters: Eru, Valar, Maiar, creatures that I think are probably Maiar (like Oromë’s horse), Elves, Men, Peredhil, Dwarves, Dragons and other Creatures of Morgoth with Personal Names (given that Glaurung seems sentient, and it felt wrong to include Huan but not Carcharoth, for example)
excluded characters: anyone not in the text of the Quenta Silmarillion proper (eg Andreth), anyone referred to only by a title (eg the Lord of Nogrod), any creature of Morgoth referred to only by its type (eg the werewolf that Finrod fought)
sorted mostly by order of appearance in text, with the caveat that most humans are listed in their own section and sorted by houses because that makes it easier to keep track of them
Melkor Tulkas Yavanna Aulë Varda Manwë Nessa Oromë Nienna Ilúvatar Ulmo Salmar Ossë Uinen Nahar (horse) Mandos Sauron
Ingwë Finwë Elwë Olwë Lenwë Denethor Melian Círdan
Fëanor Fingolfin Finarfin Míriel Indis Eärwen
Maedhros Maglor Celegorm Caranthir Curufin Amrod Amras
Fingon Turgon Aredhel
Finrod Orodreth Angrod Aegnor Galadriel
Rúmil Nerdanel Mahtan Elemmírë of the Vanyar
Elenwë Eöl Maeglin
Daeron Arien Tilion Gothmog Thorondor
Mablung Celeborn Glaurung
Idril Amarië Gil-galad Beleg
Beren Luthien
Edrahil Huan Celebrimbor Draugluin Thuringwethil Carcharoth
Gwindor Gelmir Guilinion Guilin
Telchar - mortal Azaghâl - mortal Ecthelion Glorfindel
Saeros Mîm - mortal Khîm - mortal Ibun - mortal Finduilas Gelmir Arminas
Dior Nimloth Eluréd Elurín Elwing
Tuor Annael Aranwë Voronwë Eärendil Elrond Elros Falathar Erellont Aerandir Eönwë Ancalagon the Black
MEN Bëor Baran Bereg Boron Boromir Bregor Bregolas Barahir Baragund Belegund Morwen Rían Emeldir Lalaith Nienor Aerin
Brodda Lorgan
Radhruin Dairuin Dagnir Ragnor Gildor Gorlim Arthad Urthel Hathaldir Eilinel
Marach Malach aka Aradan Imlach Magor Amlach Hathol Hador Galdor Gloredhel Gundor Húrin Huor Túrin
Haldad Haleth Haldar Haldan Halmir Hareth Haldir Handir Dorlas Brandir Hunthor Glirhuin
Bór Borlad Borlach Borthand
Ulfang Ulfast Ulwarth Uldor
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