#oh anonymous asker who tells me i feel too strongly about fictional characters
scripted-downfall · 2 years
The degree to which I hate Mary Winchester right now is... I won't say unparalleled, but it's pretty damn potent.
– – –
Mary: I am your mother, but I am not "just a mom." And you are not a child.
Sam: I know, but it's Mom! I mean, whatever she was doing, she must've had a good reason. Dean: A good reason? A good reason for working with those ass clowns? Sam: Look, I hear you, all right? But – but at the end of the day, she's family. We owe it to her to at least –
Dean: No, Mom, you were... It's not your job to make my lunch and kiss me good night. It's– We're adults.
– – –
The sheer amount of leniency being given to Mary here is so damn stupid. "She's our Mom" --- since when?!?! She stumbled back into life a few months back, leaves almost immediately, and promptly starts lying/working with torturers. Yes, amazing parenting. (Also, the argument that "we're biologically related to x so we owe them forgiveness for anything and everything" is a highly questionable one.)
And then there's the fact that Mary is consistently trivializing motherhood to being the standard role of caretaking. It's not like she came back and they immediately tried to shove her into an apron and relegate her to the kitchen. She tells them she can't cook? That Dean's memories of her meatloaf are just memories of grocery store takeout? There's a brief moment of adjustment, and then things go right back to normal. She cuts her hair? Great! Awesome practicality! (The only reason this goes sour is because she decides to go on a solo hunt with her bags already packed as a way of leaving without having to tell them she was leaving.)
Mary hasn't been a mother since she came back. She leaves the second the going gets tough, lies and manipulates her way around, and acts as though she deserves the Mother of the Year award in the process. (And, btw, this has barely even addressed the fact that she's working with BMOL, which has so much wrong with it that it should be a whole other post... broken ribs and burned feet is only scratching the surface.)
Regardless, it's not stupid or unfair or selfish for either brother to want their mom to actually be a mom, and it sickens me that the show (Mary, Sam, Dean, some combination of those, etc.) has decided that the brothers owe some deference/apology to their mom for acting like an atrocious parent.
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