#oh and that Japanese dude who made electronic versions of classic music but i forgot his name
worktheraft · 9 months
I absolutely love the fact that so many of those early electronic musicians are also sci-fi enthusiasts. Like Jean-Michel Jarre loves Arthur Clarke and watched 2001 a space odyssey for like 50 times when it aired in 1968, Kraftwerk went full on that Metropolis aesthetics with their man-machine-isms, Tangerine Dreams making one space-themed album after another, Klaus Schulze on Dune, Gary Numan being so obsessed with Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep that he made 3 albums (as well as an android persona) almost entirely based on Philip Dick's futuristic dystopia, The Human League & John Foxx being fans of JG Ballard, etc.. Finding out about these little "crossovers" and influences really brings me joy since I love both retro electronic music & retro scifi.
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