#oh and it’s implied in canon that kenmur and cadenza were originally from the same village
The gone village
this post is about the gone village of Zerimar and it’s relevance / importance to my minecraft diaries rewrite / au:
The Village of Zerimar was a peaceful place in the region of Ru’Aun. It had never known war and its people were kind. It was located roughly around here v
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At a time, it was the 3rd largest village in Ru’Aun. Full of mostly humans and me’ifwa. They were rather disconnected the rest of Ru’aunian culture, much preferring their own. An important part of their culture was the use of Rune Tattoos. At birth their parents would choose a name with a meaning. They would be officially given their name and their Rune Tattoo at 1 month old by the High Shaman during their naming ceremony. This means all the people of Zerimar had magicks. Each unique and wonderful.
Being so close to O’khasis was dangerous enough on its own, but being so large and full to the brim with magicks users was a death sentence.
Garte, the lord of O’khasis, at first offered a deal. Zerimar would help O’khasis return monarchy to the land of Ru’aun and in return, the people could live their lives in peace free to govern their tiny bit of land as they always had. The lord of Zerimar refused, knowing it was wrong.
For a while, things were calm, but eventually all peace was long forgotten. Garte sent an army in the inky black of the night. Their only orders were to destroy everything and leave no survivors. Ru’aun would soon forget of Zerimar’s existence.
That night fires broke out in every building, every home. People were slaughtered unjustly and with no rhyme or reason. By the morning, the sky was black and grey and the village was far, far too quiet. The army left before the sun even rose.
Garte had believed there had been no survivors. No one to remember his sins. But there were. Few they were but they were there. Forced to leave and hide their runes but they survived.
These survivors would go on to do great things;
Like Calcifer, a boy of 14 who ran to find help as soon as the first fire started. He found a man named Björn who happened to be traveling past. They hurried back to find nothing. Years later, Calcifer began to forge great weapons, with which he imagined taking his revenge on the man who took away his family and friends.
Like Kenmur, whose family guard got him away from there as quickly as he could. He was no older than 12 at the time. He lost his family but carried on their talents, creating amazing red stone technology.
Or like Cadenza, and her sister Eseryt. Cadenza, who was only 11 herself, helped her 5 year old sister escape to the woods. She helped her climb a tree to safety then set out to find the rest of her family. Eseryt, being too young to understand, soon got restless and climbed down. she wandered trying to find her big sister but could not do so. She was found by a man and young boy by the names of Björn and Calcifer and brought her to the safety of another village, far away, where Eseryt would grow up learning to fight and create. Where she would dream of finding her sister again…
Cadenza spent hours looking for Eseryt but when the sun began to set again she figured the unthinkable had happened. She left to the forest to pick flowers to leave in town when a man and his guards arrived. At first she was scared, terrified that O’khasis had returned to finish the job, but this man was kind. He told her she was safe; word had gotten to his village, Metelli it was called, and that he’d come to collect survivors. Only… it was just her… She’d continue to grow up in a household full of people who loved and supported her. Two fathers and a brother, whom she adored. And she’d make dresses, just like she had done for her sister’s dolls all those years ago..
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