#ogiwara shigehiro x reader
tetsunabouquet · 2 months
Bertolt Hoover x Reader: KNB & AOT crossover
A/N: I recently saw this post about Bertolt as a basketball player in a modern human AU, and as a KNB writer and as someone that everyone knows at this point has been stuck with an AOT brainrot for a month or two now- I needed to write this.
Bertolt Hoover was a foreigner born and raised in Japan. Throughout his life, it had drawn him some curiosity. People asking him about his ancestry, family abroad and what kind of languages he spoke. It had also, drawn the attention of the volleyball team and basketball team alike at middle school, because of his height. With the encouragement of his senior by a year, Ogiwara Shigehiro, he had joined the Meiko basketball team and he quickly turnt out to be have great talent. Though it wasn't enough to stop the force of Teiko middle school. Not that Bertolt had lost hope or the will to play basketball, no. As the team manager, you had been trying to keep as many players to keep their spark burning. Honestly, he kept playing in his final year just to see you smile and praise him. It was safe to say Bertolt had a colossal crush on you. It wasn't anything he had ever felt before, nothing to compare to hid old crushes like Annie, the girl next door at his uncle's home in the Netherlands. Just hearing your voice on the court had his heart pumping twice as much as adrenaline into his veins as possible. When middle school ended, Bertolt decided to attend Seirin high school. The reason he gave everyone was how he admired the way Kuroko had humbled the Generation of Miracles and that with Seirin's team being so new, Bertolt wanted to help them fill their ranks with talent. The actual reason, was because you planned on going there. High school was just like middle school when he was on the court, you were still there with your stern but warm voice keeping him steady. He watched you again during practise today, exchanging some notes with Riko. Your soft, shiny h/c locks drifting around you as you moved. You treated the players like you always have; bossing them around with an amused lilt to your voice that to him, had always reminded him of a tiger playing with their prey. Which was no match for how you were during matches, your eyes shining with bloodlust as you uttered words like, "Don't go easy on them, a competition of wild instincts is about who tears the other ones throat out first!" The way you could switch from charismatic and warm to downright terrifying always left him breathless. Whilst the other players liked you well enough they did found you intimidating. Bertolt had only ever found you hot. When practise was over, he could feel Kagami smacking him on the shoulder. "When are you going to ask her out? Even Midorima has noticed your crush on her, and he's almost as dense about social relations as our manager is." Bertolt swallowed and looked at Kuroko for advice, at least he was good with the ladies unlike both Bertolt and Kagami. "I think Kagami-kun is right. It is painfully obvious to anyone, at this point she will never notice if you don't straight up tell her. However," Kuroko observed, "I don't think she will say no. Trust me on that." Bertolt had trusted the blue haired teen many times on the court and knew his observational skills were phenomenal. So he decided to trust him once more. He walked towards you with shaking knees and you looked at him. "Please don't tell me you got injured," your concerned eyes were glued on his knees so much you didn't saw his red face. "Y-y-y-/n…" Bertolt stuttered and that caused you to look up as he rarely did. You frowned and Koganei intervened with a sigh, if there is one thing this catboy was good at, it was lending a voice to those who needed it. He wrapped his arm around Bertolt's shoulder and casually declared, "He's trying to ask you out!" Bertolt's face grew even more red as everyone around you stared at Koganei for daring to intercept the love confession. However as Bertolt saw the hopeful look in your eyes, he was absolutely grateful for his teammate. "Is that true Bertolt?" He nodded and you shrieked yes as you pulled him (and Koganei by extent) into a hug. Seirin's basketball team cheered around the two of you as you entered a new chapter together.
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Headcanons on how it would be like to date or have these chars as your boyfriend, for Kasamatsu, Kagami, Himuro, Mibuchi, and Ogiwara? Thanks :-)
anon 2: oh oh oh can i get murasakibara HCs of how he’d be as a boyfriend ? pls and thanks :))
Hi dears! I decided to answer two asks in one since I was already working on boyfriend headcanons. I hope you’ll be satisfied with my ideas, let me know!
Have a nice day!
Kagami, Kasamatsu, Himuro, Ogiwara, Mibuchi, Murasakibara x Reader, Relationship Headcanons
Kagami Taiga
-He’s dense, be aware of it. To understand he likes you and then that you like him back, he needs months. However, he’s the direct, blunt type so, once has reached that conclusion, he’s going to confess on spot. Literally on spot, in public, while you were out with the team. Yeah…I hope you’re not too shy.
-He has to go through a shy/flustered phase during the first dates where he blushes a lot and every little touch shortcuts him. But, as time passes, he grows all relaxed and goes full PDA on you. He doesn’t care about being in public or about who’s with you, he’s always touching you. Kagami doesn’t even realize it, but somehow he’s continuously playing with your hair, wrapping an arm around your waist, leaning against you, tugging your sleeve…
-Expect a lot of bantering, because he’s a dorky, hot-headed dumbass and you have to deal with it. Luckily for you, he cools quickly and just a little “sorry” works for him.
-You get a bit softer because his cooking is divine and he loves cooking for you. You’re pretty sure he uses some kind of drugs because his dishes can’t be that good…
-Cozy dates: movie nights, playing around in the park, eating junk food out, pillow-fight or playful wrestle…
-The best thing about Kagami is that he’s 100% genuine. He doesn’t lie, he doesn’t’ hide feelings and emotions, he’s an open book. Obviously, sometimes this causes more stupid fights than other, but you could trust him with your life.
-He’s sharp only when you don’t expect him to be. Don’t try to hide him things, really. He’s going to hunt you down.
-Very caring, sort of the Mom Friend. When you get sick he nurses you back to health better than anyone else, with warm soups and a lot of cuddles. He makes sure you’re warm when you’re outside (always ready to hug you or put his coat on your shoulders), that you’ve eaten properly and don’t stress too much.
-Kagami doesn’t get jealous easily because he usually doesn’t realize they are hitting on you, but when he does…Well, the name Taiga is fitting.
-He likes to sleep caging you against his chest and his grip is deadly; in the morning you have to wrestle him awake to go to the bathroom.
-Blushing Kagami is the cutest, but you have to work for it.
Kasamatsu Yukio
- If you’re a girl, good luck making him fall for you. Not because he’s cold-hearted, but because he becomes a blabbering, stiff mess as soon as a girl greets him. Winning him over is like taming a wild animal. He has to get used to you, relax and feel not threatened by your presence. It’ll take time.
If you’re a boy, well it’s pretty much the same because once he realizes he likes you, he’s going to be nervous all over again.
-He’s not a man of many words and he can appear a bit rough, but he’s the softest underneath. He prefers gestures over compliments or words, but when he does voice his love for you it’s so breathtakingly honest and heartfelt that it makes you cry.
-His special smile with dimples and crinkles around the eyes is deadly. You’ve stumbled and hit a lamppost the first time you’ve seen it.
-He gets embarrassed easily, very easily. The first time you kissed his cheek he froze for five minutes. In public, he prefers caste, vanilla displays like hand-holding or small kisses on the temples. Try to not push him too much, even if it’s funny to catch him by surprise with sudden kisses.
-He’s a true gentleman. He treats you like you deserve and better.
-He’s weak to you, but he doesn’t spoil you. If he deems something won’t do you any good, you could beg on your knees and he wouldn’t budge; but, damn, if it’s something innocent to make you happy he’s absolutely incapable to say you no.
-He dislikes arguing with you, even if he enjoys small bantering or witty jokes. He’s more for the silent treatment when he’s angry for real, but he usually does his best to avoid any misunderstanding and handle things maturely.
-Kasamatsu is very responsible and mature, you can always lean on him and he’s your daily anchor. However, he tends to bottle up his own problems and sometimes you have to physically force him to spit them out.
-He’s not the party-type but will go with you wherever you want. His favorite dates are simple but romantic things, even if he’ll never admit he likes cheesy things. He loves to surprise you with small gifts, sometimes simple flowers he found on the road.
-He sleeps on his back, with you curled on his chest.
-He sucks at house-chores but refuses to let you do everything; he tries his best, really. The problem is that he still manages to destroy the house regardless of his efforts. You’ll never forget when you have found him in the bathroom surrounded by water and bubbles, flowing out of the washing machine, with the best dumbfounded expression ever.
Himuro Tatsuya
-He’s smooth. Very smooth. You’re falling for him before you can realize it because he has that self-confident but not annoying, witty charm that hypnotizes you quickly. You discover soon, however, that he’s more a teasing devil than an actual prince charming.
-He loves teasing you, making you embarrassed or flustered. His smile is more often than not sarcastic and you’ve understood that his politeness hides a sharp sarcasm. Obviously, with you he never goes beyond the limit, balancing the right quantity of irony and fluffy cuddles.
-He can be very silent, yet he likes hearing you chatting and always props the conversation forward with the right questions.
-Wears his poker face very often, so you have to learn how to understand what’s going on in his head. You know when he’s really relaxed by the soft, faint smile that appears on his lips, genuine for once. When he’s angry his eyes seem to get darker.
-Sometimes Himuro has adorable moments of pure naivety and childish surprise and his expression is the best. They are rare, so you treasure them properly.
-Don’t hide him things. He knows. He already knows before you think them.
-The boy is competitive, way too competitive. You always end up fighting if you play something against each other, from sports to a board game. He gets deeply offended if you win and he feels guilty if you lose miserably, that’s why it’s better for everyone if you two play with each other.
-When he snaps, he snaps badly. He loses his composure completely and you’re the only one who can calm him down, even if you’ve to drag him away by force. Unless you’re the cause and in that case be ready for fireworks. Everyone is scared of the two of you arguing.
-He likes to drape himself over you and leaving trail of kisses on your neck. He. Is. Very. Bold. (in private or when nobody’s watching)
Ogiwara Shigehiro
-You’re dating a ball of sunshine. His smile can brighten your day and his positive attitude always helps you to live better. He confessed in the traditional way, red cheeks for the embarrassment but fire in his eyes, determined to win you over. (I’m also inclined to the best friends to lover trope)
-He’s a complete airhead and this makes everything lighter and funnier, but when you need it he’s your anchor. He never loses faith in you and supports every aspect of your life.
-He gets easily enthusiastic about what you like and could talk with you for hours. He’s one for long night calls and an endless stream of texts.
-When he eats he’s a mess, but that’s kind of cute. Especially when he smiles at you with puffy cheeks like a hamster and you can lean and brush the crumbs away.
-Ogiwara is the type for random, romantic moments. Like appearing in front of your house out of nowhere with a bunch of wildflowers that he has seen in a park and since they have reminded him of you, he had ventured to pick them and that’s why his knees are scratched and his hair a mess.
-PDA is always random and open, he likes to smooch your face and hold your hand.
-The perfect house-wife, he can do nearly every house-chore perfectly and rapidly. It’s almost scary since usually he makes one damage after the other.
-He prefers funny, active dates: amusement park, aquarium, playing sports, arcade,, go hiking, the zoo…In group or only with you, he enjoys himself.
-He loves animals, every type, and animals like him. Strays follow him around, birds eat from his hand and at the zoo the penguin fight to have his attention. Sort of a Disney Princess.
-He gets excited and fired up when you go to his matches and does his best to impress you. He also needs you if they lose, because he tends to blame himself.
-He’s very human, so he’s also his bad moments when he sees everything black or needs to isolate himself. Your support is necessary in those times, as he needs someone to talk to, ready to hug and support him.
Mibuchi Reo
-Thanks to him, your life is surely going in the right direction. He takes care of you as best as he can, helping out with everything. Sometimes a bit too motherlike, but you know that’s because he loves you and wants you to be the happiest.
-He’s organized and composed, always knowing what to do and how. He has learned your schedule and helps you surviving during the week. Cooking, a hand with homework, help with the house-work, shopping…he’s there. But he doesn’t let you slack off, do not even try it.
-He prefers classic, refined romantic dates. Dinner out, movie, walks under the stars…he’s always punctual, often with flowers and never let you pay. BUT, this is a secret you learn only after some months, he needs a comfy night once a month: it’s the occasion to see him wearing a tracksuit, eating junk food on the couch while watching stupid or cheesy tv-series. He also combs his hair back with funny hairpins.
-He never swears unless something really, really serious happens. He’s never vulgar either. But you’ll always remember the day some random punks hit on you in the lowest way: You learned that Mibuchi doesn’t swear because he doesn’t want to be rude and disgusting, not because he doesn’t know the correct words. Actually, you discovered, he knows a lot of them, some you didn’t even know they existed, and he can use them so aggressively that he would make the biggest guy cry.
-He likes peace and tranquility, especially when studying. The only thing he allows during those moments it’s your voice, both singing and chatting happily. He always listens to you and informs himself about the things you’re talking about so he can interact properly.
-He likes pet names, “Princess/Prince” is his favorite.
-You’re the one killing bugs, spiders and cockroaches because he can’t stand them. He panics. Badly. Standing-on-the-table-screaming badly.
Murasakibara Atsushi
-Dating Murasakibara is something in between adopting a kid and a gigantic guard dog. People could tell you that he doesn’t care, but you know better. Murasakibara’s way of displaying affection is surely different, but you’ve learned to notice it. He’s more for gestures than words, more for sharp, short sentence that complicated discourses.
-He loves patting your head, leaning on you from behind, pick you up and throw you over his shoulders, resting his elbow on your head and teasing when you want to kiss him but he doesn’t lean.
-He’s childish and impulsive, so if you want something you have to bribe him in some way. He likes kisses and sweets, so you know what to do. He also gets pouty when he doesn’t obtain what he wants, but Himuro has prohibited you to spoil him more than twice a day.
-He’s sharper than other thinks, even if he doesn’t let it surface. He’s always observing you and knows when to stop pushing or complaining, or when you need a hug. They say you’re the only one capable of making him do something without talking because when he sees you’re unhappy or uncomfortable he immediately takes action.
-He’s lazy, but if you’re going to reward him he’s ready to help you; he prefers staying inside that having dates outside, but you can find a compromise when needed. And he loves cooking with you, so that’s a funny activity on the weekend.
-He’s a sore loser, so tendentially you play with him and help him win. If you beat him at something, he pouts in a corner for at least an hour.
-You’re never hungry or without sweets, never. You’re the only one he willingly shares his food with and loves to let you taste something new.
-You have this thing going on where you go out eating every time in a different place and then put a small post it on a big map with a review you wrote together. Sort of a treasure hunt too, since you alternate choosing and do your best finding something new and unique every time.
-He lets you play with his hair and finds it very relaxing, half of the times falling asleep in your lap.
-He loves sleeping huddled together.
-Nobody mistreats or hits on you with him around, he’s very jealous and glares at everyone who comes too near you. He doesn’t even need to talk, his eyes do the job.
-He wants a proper kiss before the match. And a kiss for every point scored afterward.
-He’s a teaser. He purposely puts things in high places, lets you jump around trying to kiss him, fakes not understanding when you tug his sleeve to be cuddled…He likes you with puffy cheeks and an annoyed glint in your eyes, because he knows you won’t be mad for that and you’re just trying to obtain something he’s more than happy to give. Yeah, he likes spoiling you.
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kurokonbscenarios · 7 years
Other characters
Here’s the detailed masterlist with links so you can easily access to each request and see what I’ve written so far (it’s under “read more” as the list is long and that it won’t take too much of your dashboard). The list will be updated at least at the end of each month if not before and whole masterlist will also be posted after I post others.
If any of the links doesn’t work, it’s on the wrong place or takes you on different sites, please tell me.
Last update: 23rd August 2017
Fukuda Sōgō Academy
Shōgo Haizaki
Taking care of s/o, who has a bad cold (+ Kiyoshi, Hyuuga, Himuro)
Akashi’s twin dating Haizaki
Reacting to their s/o asking them to make vines/YouTube videos with them (+ Imayoshi, Hanamiya, Nash)
What would they do if they end up being intimate with a girl (not their girlfriend) with same dislike against each other, but the sex was good? (+ Aomine, Akashi, Imayoshi, Hanamiya)
GoM and Nijimura seeing Haizaki being whipped to his gf
Angst scenario
Cheering up headcanons (+ Aomine, Imayoshi)
Kirisaki Daīchi High
Makoto Hanamiya
Fluffy relationship headcanons
Relationship/nsfw headcanons
Finding s/o crying for a reason (+ Takao, Miyaji K.)
Dating Kasamatsu’s sister and getting caught when they kiss her deeply (+ Aomine)
Finding out their quiet and ‘innocent’ gf has pole dancing skills (+ Kise, Aomine, Akashi, Kagami)
Spending first Christmas together with s/o
Jealous Hanamiya
Harry Potter AU (Slytherin!Hanamiya x Hufflepuff!reader)
Reacting to their s/o asking them to make vines/YouTube videos with them (+ Imayoshi, Haizaki, Nash)
Bodyguard AU (+ Aomine, Imayoshi)
Hanamiya with cute gf that keeps on pouting (fluff)
Finding out their slightly chubby s/o has been starving themselves because she's insecure (+ Kise, Aomine, Akashi, Kiyoshi, Mibuchi, Hayama)
Reacting to s/o working in a maid café (+ Kise, Midorima, Murasakibara, Akashi)
(trigger warning) Hanamiya angst
What would they do if they end up being intimate with a girl (not their girlfriend) with same dislike against each other, but the sex was good? (+ Aomine, Akashi, Imayoshi, Haizaki)
Angst scenario
Cheering up his s/o by doing something sweet (+ Hayama)
High School Basketball Coaches
Genta Takeuchi
Genta introducing his young lover to the team
Masaaki Nakatani
Katsunori Harasawa
Eiji Shirogane
Masako Araki
Kagetora Aida
Shūzō Nijimura
Realizing he’s falling for shy kouhai he talks to in free time
Teaching s/o how to effectievly punch perverts
Relationship headcanons
General headcanons
S/o too shy to ask for help (+ Kise, Akashi)
Talking about GoM with s/o
Nijimura cheating on reader
Reader being scared
Akashi, Imayoshi, Himuro, Nijimura with their younger sister who likes skinship
Nijimura's crush gets hit after trying to break up a fight between Haizaki and random person
First date scenario (+ Aomine, Takao)
Shigehiro Ogiwara
General headcanons
Nash Gold Jr.
Nash headcanon
Reacting to their s/o asking them to make vines/YouTube videos with them (+ Imayoshi, Hanamiya, Haizaki)
Angst scenario
S/o thinks he's cheating on them, but they're not (+ Midorima, Aomine, Akashi, Kagami, Himuro)
Scenario with short s/o
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