#of course it had to be raen
faragonart · 4 months
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Late by a day (as always) but hope everyone had a happy Valentione's~ here's one from the boyz!
You are loved~
(a gift for @pali-himbo as well hehe)
(edit: added some closeups in hopes they don't end up looking as crumbled up as the image above does... u_u)
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pocketsonny · 1 year
all my ygo wips sighing as i start a fic for something completely different
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iggy-q · 1 month
LFRP - Ignatia Quille
Name: Ignatia Quille
Race: Au Ra - Raen
Gender: F
Sexuality: Straight(ish)
Relationship status: Single
Age: 34
Profession: ex-drug lord (lady?) and addict, forger, ship captain
Hobbies: travel, poaching, artifact collection
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Ignatia spent many years attempting to run from her past in only the most destructive ways: substance abuse, gambling, chaotic romances, pure adrenaline. She grew an empire from nothing but the sheafs of paper and ink she brought with her to the encampments outside the gates of Ul'Dah. Her success was pure luck. However, her downfall was of her own hand.
When the rock bottom she found herself in grew too insufferable for her, she set off for some years of solitude only to return riding the coattails of the same luck that uplifted her the first time.
Now, the captain of her own ship, she braves the seas for rare finds. From animals to gold, the Raen now feeds her desire for a thrill by drafting faux writs of passage to take what she wishes and display the trophies in her home.
RP Hooks
The Prodigal Bitch of Ul'Dah
Ignatia's reputation preceded her within the city: brutal, ruthless, sharp. Any who feared an altercation would avoid her, but those who enjoyed a challenge would have no issue with that. Any who dared poke the bear would find that she quite enjoyed a good banter dripping with double entendre and vague threats. It's an art only the most depraved would appreciate.
When she disappeared, though, her normal contacts and clientele would find themselves coming up short for info on where she went. Her office and home were left abandoned with no explanation and no forwarding address. Rumors spread: perhaps she'd been arrested, maybe an aggravated Blade had finally killed her. No matter the reason, her name once again started circulating in recent moons. Was she back? Where was she this whole time? Where can she be found now?
Sailors Needed
A captain needs sailors. If your character's looking for a job, perhaps they would find her help wanted posters tacked up around the city.
No Suitors?
Ignatia was known in some circles for her disastrous taste in partners - and for her propensity to chew them up and spit them out. Where one would expect a new partner draped over her arm upon her return, she seems to have sworn off romance and - shockingly - physical intimacy. Would your character feel so emboldened to try to sneak under her shell? Would they be successful? It would certainly be fun for her to see them try.
OOC Info
I'm looking for long-term RP partners (age 21+) who enjoy exploring darker and mature themes as much as I do! A written media, I've found, allows for a safer avenue in which to explore these things. Communication is key, however, and if any topic goes too far for you I'm fully capable of dialing it back!
I can RP both in-game and via Discord. I have a full-time job, and I also enjoy having my own hobbies and friends outside of online gaming. As such, I'm not always able to respond right away, nor am I able to stay up into the wee hours of the morning. Central US timezone.
I'm not here for the smut. If it happens in the course of an RP and there's a purpose, I'm fine with it. If I feel it would make sense, but I'm not in the mood to go into it, I'd prefer to fade to black. Your preferences are also important, so if you'd rather FTB every time or avoid ERP altogehter, that's a-okay with me! ERP isn't my goal, storytelling is.
Send me a message if you're interested! We can trade info and set something up! ^^
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woltourney · 1 year
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Kasha Sho (@r04ch-ships) v. Posey (@motley-ember) v. Eleutherios (@trans-estinien)
Kasha Sho:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Kasha Sho, They/She (trans queen)
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Au’Ra Raen
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Gunbreaker + Monk
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Crystal Malboro <3
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. I want to preface this by saying I made Kasha’s lore before I knew about the Yda/Lyse thing. Im not retconning because Kasha is better than her anyways 🙄 /hj Kasha was raised in Doma on a small farm! She had a younger brother and an older sister, her older sisters name was Kasha and she was killed by an unknown group. My wol then took their sisters name and fled to Eorzea on a refugee boat. She landed in Ul’dah and started from there! Kasha is VERY aggressive, mean, and insulting. She does not know basic manners and will speak her mind freely. Eats with their hands and also eats ANYTHING… Kasha doesnt like being the WoL, but continues this role because if she wont then who will? They’re very loud and boisterous and confident. Will fight anyone and everyone. She has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most countries. She doesnt know how to read and is an overall idiot but shes doing her best leave that little guy alone Shes also 6ft tall and buff as SHIT
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. I WILL WIN because Im the best fighter out here and I will CRUSH THE BONES OF MY- this isn’t an actual fight? … Um 😶 I would TOTALLY win a real fight. Just so you know.
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Posey, he/him!
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Hrothgar
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Paladin! (Additional note from submitter: Culinarian)
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Phoenix
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. Posey is a big softie and massive himbo who loves cooking, but loves his friends even more. He was trained by his grandmother in the art of the blade, and enjoys using all of his skills for the good of the world! The food that he makes is said to be better than what is served to the Sultana in the royal palace.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. I don't really care if I win, but I thought this was a good way to make new friends! My Baba said that I should put myself out there more!
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. He's gay and he has a pet teacup pig. He WILL try and become friends with anyone and everyone.
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Eleutherios, He/Him
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Unsundered Ancient
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Currently (as of 5.3 onwards) Eleutherios' main job is Dark Knight
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Eleutherios Azem on Sargatanas, Aether!
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. Have you ever thought "Huh, I wonder how the story of Final Fantasy XIV would change if Azem was never sundered?" WELL DO I HAVE THE WARRIOR OF LIGHT FOR YOU! Introducing Eleutherios! The lovable Azem who spent his days travelling Etheirys, caring for its people, and annoying the Convocation. Until everything fell apart, of course. On the eve of the Sundering, he denounced both the Convocation and Venat, choosing to find his own path to end the Final Days. Paths that didn't involve summoning gods or killing half of the star's population and then some. But Venat and the others had chosen their courses, and fate had been set. Now, Eleutherios should have died when Hydaelyn broke the world. But he did not. Why? Well, because of the timeline splitting in two. When? When a traveller from the future arrived in Elpis to learn the truth of the Final Days, of course. This traveller? Eleutherios himself. Hydaelyn had spared him from Her spell, making him Her chosen, in the same vein as the Unsundered Ascians being chosen to carry out Zodiark's will. Eleutherios believed the Ascians' plan to restore the world to what it once was foolish. Their people were dead. Nothing can fix that. They just have to push forward and make the best of the future they've been given. But his fellow Unsundered couldn't see this, trapped in their ideals of what the star should be. They needed to see it for what it is. But how could he expect the Convocation to do that, when the only one of them who ever seemed to care about the individual lives of the people was him? So someone has to fight for the new life springing up across the star. And thus began his great work. He's risen up to be the Warrior of Light countless times, over and over, for eons. With each Rejoining marking another failure. Time and time again he had to watch as everything he fought for was reduced to ash. Once, twice, seventh. It seemingly never ended. But what choice did he have? If he didn't fight against the Ascians, he was practically working for them by letting them get away with these atrocities. And so he carries onward as he's always done. But unbeknownst to him, this time was different. This time he meets the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. This time he travels to another Shard and manages to prevent a Rejoining. This time he isn't alone to face the second Final Days. This time, everything will finally be ok.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. "Well, I'll be honest with you, I don't mind if I win or not. I just like participating and getting to know everyone! Oh, and I'll promise I'll hold back, for their sake. Though if they're Warriors of Light I'm sure they'll all hold up just fine! But if you want a serious answer about why I specifically should win, then…" [Eleutherios takes a moment to think.] "I should win based off of the fact that I have eons more experience in this whole 'Warrior of Light' business than the rest of them do. I've been at it since the Sundering! Not to say that my many, many years of experience is needed to be a Warrior of Light, or that I'm better than the rest, which couldn't be further from the truth. I think we all stand equal, sundered or not."
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. I have so much more lore for Eleutherios and I had to cut down this introductory essay by a LOT. I'm currently working on an extended version which covers ALL of his lore. If you want more Eleutherios content just send me an ask on tumblr, or scroll through the [#eleutherios (azem)] and [#unsundered azem au] tags! I'm always happy to talk about him!!
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autumnslance · 9 months
FFXIV Write 2023 Day 19: Weal
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Vrtra looked at his golems, seeming for all the world like two brothers of differing ages sleeping on paired chaise lounges. The elder form was a boon for aiding his friends in combat in places it would be detrimental to show his true self, but for the day’s work, he still preferred the younger form, keeping the combat golem preserved for when it was truly needed.
And so Varshahn opened his eyes and sat up, not even sparing a glance at his greater self as the wyrm curled up, apparently napping, but Vrtra’s remaining eye watched all through his vessel.
The standard round of early morning meetings with ministers was done for the day; that he had taken to doing in his true form, though any individual meetings not done immediately after were better handled by Varshahn. Sometimes, appearing to them as a Raen youth was less intimidating, and they were more willing to honestly speak their minds, particularly when they disagreed with him.
Regrettable and frustrating, but he understood. His true self was rather intimidating to mortals, particularly when the conversations grew heated. Having his ministers’ opposing ideas and counterpoints were too valuable to fret over it.
But today there were no urgent meetings or ruffled feathers to soothe, and so he stepped out into the muggy late morning air and took in a deep breath, the scents of flowers—species of jasmine, geranium, and orchids tended by the gardeners—meeting his artificial nose.
What wonders in themselves, and what a wonder that this form could enjoy them in this way, and up close!
He greeted members of the Radiant Host, and was hailed in return, as he made his way from Meghaduta and into the city. At the hamsa farms, he inquired with the various keepers about the animals’ health, their feed supplies, prices for market and also for foreign trade, spending a good hour inquiring about the birds.
Once satisfied, he ambled over to the silks district. Ruveydah Fibers may have been one of the largest businesses, but it was not the only one, and Varshahn spent two hours speaking to a conglomerate of smaller businesses, sipping amra lassi to put them at ease, and discussing the uptick in trade now that the Final Days were behind them. They celebrated the good fortune of one of their number, who had recently made a lucrative deal with East Aldenard, joking that their comrade would soon be invited to sit with the larger companies.
Varshahn smiled to see how they laughed together, genuinely pleased for their fellow, the tensions of those dark days lifted and now experiencing pleasure in their successes as they rebuilt.
He meandered past the airship port, but had no need to check with the skymaster today, though watching the bustle of activity, of a ship preparing to leave while another arrived, carrying foreign visitors and returning locals, made him hum with joy as he passed through Alzadaal’s Peace.
He paused at his old friend’s memorial, as he often did, leaving a flower and a prayer, the list of names on his lips ever longer, all the past sons and daughters of Alzadaal still sharp pains of loss to his dragon heart. “Our nation thrives,” he whispered to their memories. “The darkness has passed; our people are safe. Thank you, my dear friends, and pray watch over us as we continue to enjoy this gift of life we have been given.”
By yet more dear friends, who even now aided him in his own personal matters—it was turning into a much larger and more dangerous endeavor than expected, but he had hope, finally, where before he had none, and so had only focused on his children and their prosperity.
The fruits of his centuries of labor blossomed around him, a hum of color and light and sweet scents and happy sounds, only requiring nudging here and there to remain on a steady course. And freeing him to pursue his heart’s desire, finally.
As he ambled toward the aetheryte plaza, he was distracted by the sounds of children, shrieking and laughing. He stopped as he always did to watch them. A mixture of Hyur, Auri, and Arkasodara children played a chaotic kickball game of some kind, the participants young enough that the rules constantly shifted and points were arbitrary, each little victory in itself a won game.
One Raen boy kicked hard and the ball went wide. Varshahn leaped to the side and caught it, grinning as the children cheered. Some paused, recognizing him and staring wide-eyed, but one young Hyur girl came running over, her brown hair falling out of her braids.
“Good catch!”
“Thank you,” he said, offering her the ball.
“Do you want to play, too?” she asked, not yet taking it.
“Tuli, that’s the satrap!” One of the Arkasodara children hissed.
“So? He’s played with us before!”
“Indeed, though it has been some time,” Varshahn said. “But since I have no other pressing business today…” he dropped the ball and kicked it into the fray, the children shouting in joy and chasing after.
Which team he was on seemed to shift at their whims, and they were delighted to find him jokingly bemoaning still being the slowest runner in this form—with some confidently saying the alchemists could fix that, leading to a rousing discussion of some things he was certain were not plausible even for alchemy, but he wouldn’t put it past Nidhana and her peers to consider or even attempt if they heard the children’s ideas.
Varshahn was not blind to the difficulties and darker spots of his island, that not all experienced prosperity, or happiness, nor even wished well for others, their pain and selfishness causing strife. Struggle was an inevitable part of life—even he had his share. But the faith and determination of his people despite their troubles filled his ancient heart, reminding him why he continued on this path.
So he played with the children, watching and listening, and learning about them, the future caretakers of his beloved Radz-at-Han, to help and guide them as needed, dreaming of the ways they would continue to work together to keep their home a happy one.
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tsunael · 2 months
Tsuna -
describe your OC's feelings/relationship to an NPC.
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WHOA THAT'S SO MANY. Huge post incoming lmao.
You probably didn't mean the first one like this but...
What does she think about herself?
So, her opinion of herself lessens over time. She is tempered from a life of entertaining strangers, of becoming a living work of art, and that involves living in a world of putting on a mask every day. At first she's proud of herself and her status, and being appreciated for her beauty make living in a Hyuran-dominated space feel validating. She worked hard to get to where she is-- especially in a caste-system like Kugane's.
Her only goal is to earn her keep at the okiya, and to gain a patron (a danna) in order to repay her debts so that she can retire and look for her father in Thavnair. This, of course, doesn't quite happen the way she envisioned.
There's a clear moment she starts taking on guilt and it begins when she first killed a Garlean soldier and is forced to flee the country. I think the guilt just compounds from there until she feels she is undesirable and unclean for the things she's done. Eventually she will have to take measure of her worth, and pit them against the traditional Raen morals of her upbringing: does the good she has done outweigh the lives she has taken? Is it peace if it was written in blood?
Sweats. Well, for starts, he's one of the few that aren't eager to lick her boots simply because of her power and she has always appreciated that about him. He sees her as she is, and she has always appreciated that about him-- what she doesn't know is it's because he sees himself in her.
Their relationship is rocky though, and to be clear it's always been full of highs and lows. He humours her lack of experience as an adventurer because Minfilia takes a liking to her, but at the same time he also sees Tsuna as a potential conquest, which she repeatedly rebukes. His cocktail of emotions spill over in 3.2 that really sours their relationship until SHB proper (5.0?).
What does she think of him, though? He's refreshing, frustratingly dry-witted, incorrigible, and sympathetic. She also knows he could love so deeply if he just allowed himself to be loved in return.
Amiable at first. Another Eorzean who speaks in a strange bastardization of the common tongue, and so she often has difficulty understanding both his speech and his allegiances. Once, he gifted her a book on Sharlayan astrology after expressing an interest in conjury, and though she never gained a knack for it, she has kept the deck of cards ever since.
It made his subsequent betrayals hurt worse, however. He broke her trust not once, but twice. After the events at Gulg she has found him nothing but shady-- a complete enigma even after she had thought she finally knew him. Even though he does what he does with a heavy heart and good intentions, they tend to invite the worst kinds of trouble.
I haven't a clue what this relationship could be called but it is friendly. He has no ill-will towards her, and never has, and neither does she. She definitely finds him mesmerizing to look at, though. I suppose she keeps a wide berth from him if she can help it, simply because her trust is not something so easily won back.
Ouch. Oof. Rough. Similar to themes I mention in my Fordola question, Tsuna has prejudices against the Garlean people whether they be military personnel or civilians and I consider this a flaw she needs to overcome. Learning of Arenvald's heritage did much to distil her initial prejudices, however, Jullus and her are (at first) a hair's breadth from knocking heads.
(As a personal aside, having just finished the island sanctuary quests yesterday I was actually wondering at the time about how uncomfortable Tsuna might have been while breaking bread with all those Garleans lmao.)
I do think she softens on them as a people, and subsequently Jullus, but it takes time. Jullus, himself is meant to represent them as a whole to the player imo. There are just too many layers preventing her from seeing him as a person when he is such a product of his environment. I wouldn't doubt if he kept his mistrust of her as well.
They are best friends for certain. Tataru lives for her stories, and has a great time accompanying Tsuna whenever she can. Tataru has a real adventurous heart and she definitely lives vicariously through her in that way. Aside from that, their relationship is full of gossip over tea and all that-- mostly Tataru doing the spilling. I think Tsuna does really well with Ul'dahns extroverts that are really forward lmao.
Minfilia isn't around anymore and I imagine Tataru gets very lonely without her best friend. Tsuna will never be a replacement for that relationship, but I think Tataru appreciates her presence.
Also as a personal observation, though it doesn't have anything to do with their relationship per se, the last Tataru quest ended up being very thematic for Tsuna and I was losing my mind over it. The worries of diaspora losing their culture, the guilt of feeling that you're not doing more for your people, and then it all culminating in recreating Tataru's mother's heirloom. (Tsuna keeps her own mother's wedding ring with her and it's an important part of her story.) I just found it all very fitting for the two of them!
Also, Tataru definitely sewed her a dress for her date dinner with Aymeric, and would do so again. She's the kind of friend that's like 'I'm going to make you look so smoking hot this guy loses his religion over you'.
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Happy Simon Snow day!
I managed to finish my fifth year date au fic just in time to post it today, so that's my birthday gift for simon: a date with baz. and i also wanted to jump on the Loving Raen Train so @raenestee this is my late birthday gift for you <3
anyway. last week i said something about a new wip featuring model!baz. i still haven't written anything for it, but it's fine, because i remembered that i had already started another model!baz wip, and i thought that it'd be a good idea to have them set in the same au i guess. so the first one i have already started, and the second one is more simon-centered (although baz is obviously present) and i feel like it'll be a bit longer.
however, i don't know when i'll finish them —it took me three months to write a 3k fic, so it's safe to assume that it will probably be a long time until another wip sees the light.
and the last thing. big thank you to everyone who interacted with my fifth year date au posts because y'all really gave me the motivation to write. i will explode if i have to look at it once more, but i'm glad it's finally finished.
excerpt and tags under the cut because today's is a long post.
so this one is from the first model!baz wips. the doc containing it is titled "beach proposal" and i'm really excited to write this. i hope i can find the motivation soon.
I’m going to propose to Baz today.
I have been planning this for so long; everything has to go smoothly. Baz deserves the best, and I can't fuck anything up.
I look at him as he's getting ready in front of the mirror and he smiles at me sweetly.
I used to believe that he would eventually see reason and break up with me, leave me for someone better. I was happy calling myself his boyfriend, of course I was, but I felt like I was just being selfish, that he deserved to be with someone else. When I told him that, ten months into our relationship, he said that he felt the same about me, which I thought was ridiculous. How could Baz think that I deserved someone better than him? Is there even someone better?
Things got better after that conversation, although the doubt would still creep in from time to time. (At first I didn't want to propose because I was afraid that he would reject me.) (I'm glad I overcame that, though.)
thank you for tagging me today @blackberrysummerblog and @prettygoododds! now tagging: @valeffelees @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists @ileadacharmedlife @orange-peony @artsyunderstudy @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @larkral @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @wellbelesbian @ionlydrinkhotwater @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @facewithoutheart @martsonmars @letraspal @onepintobean @raenestee @ic3-que3n @ebbpettier @captain-aralias @cutestkilla @thewholelemon @confused-bi-queer @shrekgogurt @mysterioussheep @hushed-chorus <33
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vythanis · 8 months
Site Write Prompt #30: Amity
Vy'thanis did not like to travel by aetheryte. It gave him the heebie-jeebies and he had a persistent mortal fear that only parts of him would reconstitute out of the Lifestream. He'd been there; he didn't want to do it again.
But it was a convenient method of travel and occasionally necessary, particularly when a client wanted exotic stones that were difficult to find but absolutely important to the design.
So Vy'thanis left Thavnair for the day to travel the Lifestream all the way to distant Kugane in search of a gemstone.
Once he'd made it there, his first stop was dango. One shopped poorly on an empty stomach after all, and he was quite fond of the stuff. After eating, he made his way to the markets and sought out one stall in particular...
"Nuriko!" he hailed as he approached the gem seller's stall.
"Vyth!" the little Raen woman cried with a broad smile.
"Hello, darling," he said once he was near enough to bend down and plant a kiss on her cheek. "How are the kids doing?"
She put a hand to her forehead and sighed dramatically. "I have another young one. Always so hungry. And fussy."
"Gods above, woman. That makes, what, eight? How do you care for so many?"
"Oh, my husband watches them while I'm at market. He loves them as much as I do."
Vyth chuckled. "That's a blessing then. Well-fed, I take it?"
The Raen woman fussed with her trays of gems out of pure habit, shuffling some of the more sensitive stones out of the sun as she talked. "Fat and happy, of course."
"So when do I get to come visit them?" The amity between gem seller and gem cutter was so strong that he occasionally traveled to her house for tea and visiting.
"How long are you in town for?"
"Just the day." Vyth sighed. "I admit, I came today with a task."
"Then get your task done and I'll shutter for an hour and we can go have tea and you can dote on the kids."
The Elezen smiled broadly at the invitation. "Well, since my task is with you, this should be quick! I'm looking for a labradorite, about this big." He squinched his fingers together in a rough indication of an ilm and a half. "Large, I know, and it'll get cut down, but good ones are so hard to find."
"Are you going to cabochon it or facet?"
"Cabochon." He nodded firmly. In his early years, he'd found cabochons challenging because of their smoothness, but he'd long since settled into his skills.
Nuriko turned away and searched among the trays set behind her at the stall in tidy stacks. "Good, good. Plenty of flash?"
"Yes, please."
"What's it decorating?"
Vy'thanis hesitated a moment before answering, "A gauntlet. One that won't be seeing battle, mind." He didn't want to get too into detail about his client's needs, because what Nemo wanted the stones for was his business alone. Well, and the gem cutter he'd commissioned.
"Oh? That sounds pretty. Just the one labradorite?" She turned with a tray of rough gray stones, but as they entered the sunlight, they awoke with flashes of blue and green and orange.
"Well, of that size. I might buy a few more just for myself. Since I'm here. And because I like you so much." He leaned forward and began searching among the stones with his forefinger, looking for the one that would call to him as ideal for his needs.
"Generous of you," Nuriko drawled with a hint of friendly sarcasm.
Vyth laughed. "Come now, surely I'm your favorite client."
"You are, but don't push your luck."
Vyth laughed again and plucked one of the stones out. It flashed blue and orange in the sunlight. "This one, I think." He handed it over into Nuriko's waiting hand. "Annnnd... This one." A larger grey stone with blue and green flashes. "And this one too." This one flashed mostly orange.
Smiling, the Raen woman bundled them up into a soft velvet pouch. "Three hundred koban," she said. She knew he paid in gil, but loved to quote her prices in koban just to see his eyes go wide. The koban to gil exchange rate was such that the prices seemed quite high to those not used to the numbers. She relented. "Or a hundred and twenty gil."
"Oh, much better." Vy'thanis counted out the gil and handed over six twenty-five-gil coins.
"This is too much."
"The rest is for your kids, darling."
"Oh, alright then. Fine. Generous, silly merchant. How you manage to stay in business, I have no idea." Clucking her tongue, Nuriko pocketed the coins and set about closing and locking up her shop. "Come on then. The kids will be thrilled to see you again."
"Do you think the orange one will sit in my lap this time?"
"Perhaps. If you offer him treats."
Laughing together, the two set off for Nuriko's home in Kugane to visit with her husband and eight cats.
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umbralsound-xiv · 2 months
It had been longer than she would've liked when she last wandered this path, even if the reason had been a pleasant one. Sayuri's ears flickered to the occasional birdcall that echoed between the trees, uncertain whether it was the Karahli, or actual birds - it could be either, really.
A small smile settled on her lips as the Willows came into view, her steps drawing ever closer. Once she reached the door, a hand extended for the handle and she began to push it open, making her way inside the home.
Bexy's ears flick at the sound of distant footfalls, slowly turning and raising as they drew closer, nearer. No sooner has Sayuri entered the Whispering Willows, Bexy has already abandoned her slice of rolanberry tart and made it to the doorway to throw her arms around Sayuri. "---I thought you were never going to come home!" Bexy laughs, half-serious, as she regarded her sister and friend. "Welcome home, Sayuri!" She beams, almost too-wide. "I hope you're here with plenty of good tales to tell?"
Gods, it feels like forever since i saw her last... Since before the change of cycle, i... ...I missed her, of course. Even though i knew she was well, likely having the time of her life in some far flung land.
Sayuri's own arms coiled around Bexy in return, a soft laughter leaving her in return to the comment. "I promised I would, didn't I?" She beamed. "Thank you. I'm glad to be home. And I have a few, at least!"
"Well, i will be glad to hear them!" Eventually slipping away from her, Bexy moves to the stovetop, then. "Tea? Something to eat? Tell me of the adventures of the new Mrs Fellfrost!" Excitement hung on her every word, tail dancing at her heels. "You have been missed. In case that wasn't quite apparent."
"Some tea would be nice." Sayuri smiles. "Well, we explored Radz-at-Han a bit, considering I had never been there before and it had been quite some time since he last was. Went shopping and.. actually met people who had known him before, even if both had been.. quite young, at the time. We had a picnic, visited a meyhane, watched some dancing.." She pauses, as a tiny pout settles on her lips before she continues. ".. Picked flowers and put them in each others hair.." The sentence is more mumbled shyly than spoken aloud, as she's certainly not the first person who openly speaks about adorable things she gets up to.
"So he spoiled you rotten, then?" Bexy asks, head turned over her shoulder. "He'd best have. What was it like? Just as colourful as i've heard?" Quickly returning her attention, she begins to prepare a pot of tea; rolanberry as always. "I'm glad you had fun. Gladder still that you're home, and you get to tell me about it. Take a seat, hm? I'll be with you in a moment."
"I'm the one with the mountain of coin, Bexy. If anything, I spoiled him." She grinned, letting her feet steer towards the table, settling herself upon the bench by it. "It was! It was a very lovely city, pleasant people.. Even if.. one Raen was a touch too.. excited about my.. predicament. Even so, we had a great time."
"Mountain of coin or not, you can still spoil someone. He'd better be a good husband." Bexy half-teases, bringing over two mugs and the teapot. "Raen? Excited how? Was she one of those who knew him before?" Bexy asks, head tilted, joining Sayuri at the other side of the table.
"He is, believe me." She smiles, one ear drooping down a touch. ".. The night before my nameday, I.. had a nightmare, one that brought out a rather violent reaction from my aether.." A brief pause, as Sayuri's hands intertwine with eachother. ".. Eir took me to their alchemists, to see if.. anything could be done for me. The woman we spoke to was.. quite excited about the uniqueness of my condition, I think."
Pouring out the tea, Bexy listens intently, offering a short nod every so often to indicate that she was listening, gently sliding Sayuri's tea towards her. "…Suppose from a purely educational perspective, it's interesting enough." Peering over the rim of her teacup, Bexy takes a sip. "…And? Could they do anything…?"
Not that i have abandoned my search for answers here, but... In case Q'kura isn't quite as smart as he thinks he is, it doesn't hurt to have a backup.
Sayuri's hands unlinked and reached for the cup, head nodding in thanks. ".. She.. managed to make some kind of potion that helped, but.. by no means cured me. I could use some aether without pain, exist without this constant dull ache. I had almost forgotten how it felt like." She shook her head faintly, raising her cup to take a sip. "I have some vials left of it, but.. Once I've run out, that's it. She used some of Eir's aether for it and.. he already has so little, I don't want to ask him to go through that again, even if I have no doubt he would if I did."
"…He would, you know this. Wouldn't you do the same for him?" Bexy arches a brow, considering. "…Though i understand the want to protect him, especially if he has so little to give. Still…" Bexy seems to contemplate something quietly, hanging in a short pause before she continues to talk. "I cannot exactly say i have been sitting idle in your absence… I too, have been looking into ways to address your condition…"
".. Of course I would, but I have an abundance of it, he doesn't." She mumbles, tapping at the cup with a claw before lofting her brow. ".. Have you.. found anything..?"
"I…" Bexy flicks her gaze up, and back to the cup for a moment. "…Something like that?" There's a hesitant pause, briefly thinning her lips to a line, fighting the tugging smirk. "Think of it something of a late namesday gift." She takes a small sip, then. "I'll show you after your tea."
If i told her, she would storm down those stairs, i am certain. Better to hold off for a few moments, surely...?
Sayuri blinks twice, eyes narrowing into a squint at Bexy. She nonetheless raises her cup to drink from it. "..Can you tell me about it, at least..?"
"I don't want to spoil the surprise." Bexy states more plainly, taking another drink. "Just that… It's promising. And i went through a great deal of effort to get it for you. Information brokers… Bloodshed. There is nothing i wouldn't do for my little sister."
There's another pause, ears slowly drooping as she takes in the given information. "You.. hunted, while I was away..?"
"I'm fine, don't worry. I didn't kill anyone important." A dismissive gloved hand is slowly waved. "I wasn't going to just let you suffer, Sayuri. I know what your aether means to you. I… Can't guarantee anything. And if it doesn't work, i'll keep looking."
Sayuri shook her head slightly. "I care for your well-being, not whoever you would've killed." A faint exhale leaves her. ".. I hope you were not alone. The thought of being unable to be at your side in battle, to leave you to fight my battles for me.." Her features draw into a small frown. ".. It drives me mad."
"…I know. I know…" A warm, gentle smile is given in Sayuri's direction. "I wasn't alone, don't worry. But that doesn't mean i don't want you back fighting by my side. Even in your condition, i know you're not defenseless. I just know it isn't… The same. It's instinct to use our aether." A small sigh, as Bexy drains most of her tea, and raises to her feet. "…Come on. I was never very good at holding back surprises, anyway."
..But in the end i suppose it is only a cup of tea. And i am terrible at surprises, especially in this manner.
".. I may as well be defenseless, the way pain can cripple me if I get emotional enough." She huffs. The cup is lift to her lips while she stands, dutifully draining her cup and setting it down.
"…I know you'd still push through if it came to it. Hopefully though, that won't be necessary." A small sweep of her hand encourages Sayuri to join her as Bexy descended the stairs.
".. I would. I also have. And it crippled me badly enough that I needed support to walk, and then got carried." She mumbles a touch bitterly, steps following Bexy's as they descend the stairs together.
Bexy descends the stairs, wordlessly. Approaching her room with the same pace, she suddenly turns on her heels, bringing an index up to her painted lips in a shushing motion. "Sayuri." Bexy whispers. "…Promise me something?"
A wordless Q'kura lifts his ears. One set of footsteps he'd learned to expect. The one that followed… Had he heard voices above…?
Sayuri pauses, slowly raising a brow at Bexy. Her head tilts, being offered as a mute question.
Vex, in her usual spot next to the cell, sits and juggles a little ball of fire between her hands to entertain herself, now capturing the flame in one hand and letting her ears perk up.
"You can't kill him. Not until you're cured. It's the best chance we have." A small, sincere pat was given to Sayuri's shoulder, before she leads into her bedroom. Unusually, the bookcase was already open, catching the dimming light of Vex's flames. "Greetings, Vex."
I was sure she wouldn't She might hurt him, sure enough. She'd be entitled to, after all he's put her through. But he was useful, still. I was certain enough that she most likely wouldn't kill him...
Q'kura takes a sharp breath in. He knew Bexy wasn't alone… And had his assumptions as to who the company might be…
She remains quiet, her thoughts visibly beginning to run as she tries to figure out just exactly who she should expect. She follows, gaze moving to the bookcase to catch a glimpse of Vex, not quite yet visible to Q'kura.
Vex flashes and immediate grin upon seeing the two, raising one hand in an overly enthusiastic wave. "Hey!" She greets, in an incredibly jovial tone.
Bexy plucks a candle from a nearby book as she rounds the corner, settling it on holder and dutifully holding it out for Vex. "She returns. Finally." The word was met with some faint laughter, then.
Q'kura slowly begins to shuffle into the far corner of the cell, ears low and flat on his head. He knew this would happen, sooner of later. Already, his breath hitches in his throat.
Vex flicks the flame already in her hand the candle's way, letting it settle there.
Then, Sayuri finally steps in, greeting Vex with a small smile. A smile that disappears into nothingness, the moment her mismatched gaze falls to Q'kura. The previously, relatively happy look in them turning into sheer hatred in a the matter of seconds.
Holding the candle, Bexy simply offers Sayuri the key. "Just remember what i said."
Q'kura's eyes are wide, dragging a shrill, terrified sound out of the back of his throat. "S-Sayuri! I--- I---" He began to stutter already, unable to speak any further for the moment.
Vex shoves herself up to stand, just in case.
Sayuri reaches to grasp onto the key. ".. I will." Her tone is kept quiet, hand soon enough reaching over to unlock the cell door, and nigh tear it open in order to step inside. ".. Q'kura." His name leaves her akin to a curse word, dripping with spite.
Bexy remains at Vex's side, then. Watching. Waiting.
"S-Sayuri! It-- I-it… I…" He couldn't shuffle any further against the wall if he tried. "I'm sorry! I---- I didn't know--! I swear, i'm sorry for what happened!" He'd thought of what he might say, of course, in the intervening moments between his capture and this moment. But all turned to ash now, confronted with the reality of the situation.
Cold clings to the air in Sayuri's immediate vicinity, increasing in intensity the longer she stares at Q'kura. ".. And what.. exactly.." Mid snarled speech, Sayuri swipes a hand down, seeking to snatch onto the collar of Q'kura's robe to yank him up to her own height. ".. did you NOT know?"
Q'kura yelps as he's dragged up, failing to find purchase on the ground with his bad leg. "I-- I d-didn't know i-it would turn out like this! I w-would have never… I-i…" Struggling to swallow, he gasps. "I a-am… S-sorry…"
"Oh, well.. if you're sorry.." She begins, almost sounding calmer.. Almost. She suddenly bares her teeth to the point her fangs are on display. A shard of ice forms in her free hand which she promptly lunges forwards, slamming into the wall just next to Q'kura's head.
A shrill sound escapes him, flinching as the ice narrowly - and purposely - missed him. "I'M SORRY!" Q'kura screams, writhing in her grasp. "Y-your aether! I--- I can help! I can fix it! I-- I can try to fix it, i know what they did, please, please, don't kill me!"
Despite trying to choke down her own pain of using her aether to not let it show, a twitch in her eye is the biggest telling sign, as well as the grip of his collar tightening. "Your shit excuse of an apology does not undo what you fuckers did to my -HUSBAND-." She snarls.
"I--- I didn't do a-anything!" Q'kura pleaded. He was wrong. "I--- I healed him! R-remember? You were in the cell, you were close! I fixed his legs! Vex! Vex, you heard me too! Please!"
Only a long, slow sigh makes it out of Bexy's nose. She was confident enough Sayuri wouldn't kill him, of course. At least, so she liked to think.
This is warranted. It would be somewhat unforgivable to dismiss her anger, deny her of what she wanted. She is my sister, of course.
"-YOU- lead his bloody capture. None of this would've happened if it weren't for -YOU-." The dagger tore out of the wall, moving to instead point directly at Q'kura's throat. "-You-, Keely, and that bastard of an Elezen that was boasting about it." She snarled. "The only goddamn reason I have not torn your goddamn throat out yet is because you -will- fix me."
Vex's lips draw into a thin line. She doesn't back up Q'kura, and merely shuffles on the spot.
"I will! I will!" Q'kura does his best to jerk his head away from the dagger, strangled, terrified sounds spilling from his lips. "I s-swear, i'll fix you, i will! She promised! Your sister promised i'd be free if i did!"
Bexy's icy gaze says nothing. No denial. No affirmation. Just cold silence.
Sayuri silences herself for a moment, merely staring at Q'kura while her anger seethes. She leans herself just a slight bit closer, keeping her head close to Q'kura's. The next words that leave her carry an almost empty tone, devoid of the rage that still burned in her icy glare. "My sister would not promise you your life, when it's not hers to promise." She tilts her head. "She wouldn't promise you anything, if she wasn't completely certain she could keep it."
"B-b-but she--- S-she…" Q'kura casts a helpless gaze in Bexy's direction; anything to flee from those peering, mismatched eyes of Sayuri. Not that Bexy's were any better.
Bexy's gaze narrows, and a long sigh is given from her nose. "I said might, Q'kura." Though her words are certainly not unkind, there's some edge to them. "Why don't you elaborate on what we spoke about, hm?"
"E-elaborate? I--- I d-don't know--- Oh!" Q'kura wrestles his expression into a smile, looking back in roughly Sayuri's direction but not at her eyes. "Th-the others! Inside! I---I can help. I c-can get back in. C-can help get the others out…"
Sayuri arches a brow, icy stare burrowing into Q'kura's own if he dared to look. "Is that so?"
Q'kura half dares a look, immediately filled with regret; the very sight of her so close brings a short cry of alarm from his throat. "Y-yes! Th-there are others, V-vex can't get back in, th-they don't trust her, but me, i… I can, i…" His words stutter into half-sentences, unintelligible and terrified. "P-please, S-Sayuri…" He puts some emphasis on her name, daring to meet her eyes again. "I w-will f-fix you… I s-swear…"
"I can get in if I want. Getting out again is the problem." Vex corrects, pouting. Missing the point there, lady.
".. I know of one other." Sayuri spoke quietly. "A Seeker I was about to kill during our escape."
"D'khoreh." Vex chimes in.
Sayuri's gaze briefly left Q'kura in favour of giving Vex a stare, slowly creeping back to the Seeker still held at knife-point. "You phrase it as if you have a choice in the matter, Q'kura." Her voice was disturbingly calm, now. Eyes narrowed into a cold glare that showed little emotion other than annoyance. "I do find it curious that you'd be willing to stab Grym in the back, considering his reputation.. And that he certainly doesn't lack the will to kill you if you wrong him."
Vex's words earn a look from Bexy, somewhat accusatory but not unkind. And then, a small nod to Sayuri. "You're right, of course. But Q'kura doesn't know where we are, and knows nothing of us. He either tries to free them and succeeds, tries and fails, and Grym kills him, or decides to try and turn on us, and we kill him. He doesn't have a whole lot of options… But certainly one that is less terrible than the others."
Q'kura still hangs from Sayuri's grasp. Despite his struggling, he'd not attempted to harm her in any way, even going as far to hold up a hand. "P-please…" Teary eyed, he looks up to her. "A-at least g-give me a chance…" He pleads, in a whispered, airy breath. "I d-did with your Husband. I-in the arena. I c-could have just lied, a-and let him die…" Another anxious swallow, then. "B-but i didn't."
Vex's ears swivel, and she returns a look Bexy's way; offering another pout but keeping her silence.
Sayuri's eyes narrow further, ears pinning back. "You could have. And you can thank whichever God you believe in that you saw enough sense not to, or I would not let you have breathed a single word."
"I-it was y-you…" Q'kura babbles out between breaths, looking to the ice that was ilms from kissing this throat. "Y-your i-ice. He s-should have been dead. N-no one could h-have survived th-that, b-but… Your i-ice…" Q'kura swallows again, unsteady. "It s-stemmed the blood. N-not only with sealing the wound, b-but… His pulse was s-so… Slow. S-stilled, b-by your ice." Q'kura's terrified features slowly knit into something a little more steely, if only for a moment. "V-Vairg was wrong. You d-did s-save him."
Sayuri's expression softens, eyes widening just a touch as she processed what Q'kura said. ".. I.. saved him..?" She half whispers, eyes sinking down to her dagger, which lowers slightly as to not be an immediate threat. ".. My-.. My ice.. saved him..?"
Bexy stares at the revelation. Confusion and… Joy? She doesn't say a word, though the look on her face was enough to know she had much in her thoughts.
That is... I... I don't know what happened there, in that moment. But to know that it did something more than destroy... That it helped. I can't imagine how Sayuri feels, but i know it's probably some kind of relief. Those words... Probably saved Q'kura a lot of hurt, too.
Q'kura doesn't nod, suppressed though he was, and now willing to put his head any closer to the dagger, lowered though it might have been. "Y-yes. I-it… C-could not have been a-anything else. H-he had lost… S-so much blood. W-what little he h-had left was kept within him, k-kept slow. I-it was a… M-miracle he survived. A-as much as i… Healed him. S-several times, m-might i add… It was you… Y-your ice, that saved his l-life."
Vex idly scratches at her cheek with a lofted brow, clearly not having been aware of such details.
Sayuri remains almost eerily still, a deep, half-shaky breath being drawn before she bites back the rising emotion, not wishing for her vulnerability to show in front of what she considered an enemy. She seems to be at a loss for words.
Half held, half standing, Q'kura stares. He hadn't known the woman well enough to determine whether her reaction was a good one or not, and merely keeps still, half holding his breath. "I-it is as your sister says. I… I don't have a lot of options. B-but…" Blinking, Q'kura does what Sayuri didn't; tears slowly spill down his cheeks, then. "P-please, at least g-give me a chance."
Sayuri kept a steady stare upon Q'kura, ears pinned back. There's a long moment of silence before her head turns, a much kinder gaze seeking out Bexy and Vex, as if requesting their general thoughts about it.
"We have plenty to gain, and nothing to lose." Bexy's remark is plain, offered with a small incline of her head. "He heals you. Then, we let him go. From there, he has a few options. He can go running back to Grym's side. If they decide to kill him, it's no loss to us."
The way Bexy spoke sees Q'kura wilt again. A sob, though he fights to stifle it for what good it will do.
"If he lives, he has two more options. Side with Grym, do… Whatever it is he's been doing, and we'll kill him with the rest. Or, help us. Free the others, get us information… That sort of thing. If he fails, they'll kill him and he'll no longer be a problem. And if he succeeds… Well." A small, indifferent roll of her shoulder. "It's your decision, Sayuri. And i stand by whatever you choose. He will heal you regardless. Anything less than perfection, i will have him begging for death long before i give it to him."
".. He does have a talent to talk himself both in and out of shit." Vex muses. ".. And allies tend to pop up in real weird fucking places, apparently."
Sayuri listened, to both Bexy and Vex, nodding along briefly to the woman considered her sister, before her brow arched at the younger Seeker. ".. Your deal with us, and his deal, is vastly different, Vex." Sayuri spoke quietly.
"Oh I'm not talking about Q'kura. 'S one that sure as fuck didn't have a single deal with either of us. And still helped."
A moment of silence, then, as the piece of the puzzle fell into place, Sayuri's ears pinning back. She knew who Vex meant, and was still uncertain how to truly take the scenario that had happened. Her head then turns to Q'kura, eyes narrowing. "The people. They are of.. what Vex called Distrusted, yes?"
"Y-yes." Q'kura manages the faintest nod he could muster. "…D'khoreh. He…" A small sigh from the man, then. "D-does not deserve his fate. He h-helped heal the Viera after Vairg…" The sentence trails. Even Q'kura didn't enjoy talking about it. "Th-there are others, too."
Bexy slowly pulls her lips into a line, glancing to Vex with a nod, and then back to Sayuri. "…There's something else you should know that he told me. We have no reason to believe he's lying. At least, not about this." Bexy's gaze flicks to Q'kura, who offers a deep, almost lamenting sigh.
"…I have not tried r-run. N-not escape. I h-have been a good… C-captive." The word seems to wound him to speak, eyes closing. "…S-should you wonder why, you need only look to what i'd be going back to." An anxious swallow, then. "…Vairg. He's the new l-left hand. N-no one is h-happy about this. Perhaps s-save Grym."
"I met D'khoreh. He was collared, same as Vex. And I am aware of the fact he aided my husband, and that Vairg tried to force him into harming him for it." The Viera's name leaves her dripping with spite, the anger she held and tried to contain bubbling to the surface before being choked down again. "You. You are the exact opposite of their ranks. Why would they believe that you were trying to help them, and not simply guide them into a trap?" Sayuri's gaze wandered back to Bexy, head tilting ever so slightly, until Q'kura speaks again and regains her attention. ".. Vairg.. was promoted..?" She lofted a brow. ".. That sadistic asshole is only happy when he's inflicting pain and suffering, but I suppose.. promoting that bastard counts..."
"It's been awful. A-at least here, i can eat my meals in p-peace…" Q'kura blinks trying to still the tears in his eyes, leaning further away from Sayuri's grasp. Balancing on one leg had begin to creep beyond discomfort for the mage. "I… I d-don't know w-why they would believe me. I h-have to think of something, b-but…" Q'kura takes an unsteady breath. "O-one thing a-at a time. I need to heal you f-first."
Vex hums thoughtfully to herself, tapping a finger against her own chin as she does. ".. I'd say convince D'khoreh first, but.. he aint the one you gotta convince. That's D'nhehli."
Sayuri dissipates her dagger and simply lets go of Q'kura, having no intentions to set him down gently. "I despise the thought of letting you do anything to me, but I know my sister would kill you if you even dared to consider causing me more harm."
He would beg me to kill him. He would be so lucky if he would be stupid enough to hurt her.
Q'kura drops with a yelp, slumping against the wall, and slowly easing himself down to sitting with a wince. "I w-won't hurt you. W-we both know Grym will l-look for you. I h-have no intention of t-telling him a-anything. B-but… I-in the event he or V-Vairg or… Someone finds you again. I would m-much rather it be when you can d-defend yourself." Taking a simpering little breath, he slowly rubs his hand over his broken limb. "…I h-have… I-ideas for h-how to fix you. Only theories, b-but… Good ones…"
Sayuri's eyes narrow with clear suspicion, tail thrashing to the side with her frustration. "..Theories." She repeats, seemingly not all too happy about the fact there isn't an immediate known cure.
"G-good theories! I-it isn't as though i've had chance to test them! But they will w-work, they h-have to work…" Q'kura seems to half convince himself, taking a deep breath. "I w-will need s-samples. A-and… Things to work with. O-or an alchemist that can follow instruction, o-or my grimoire. But i promise you, i a-am the best chance you have." A pause then, as Q'kura's gaze falls on Bexy. "A-and i'll need things from you too. Y-you are sisters, yes?"
Bexy pulls her lips into a line. "…As good as. But not by birth. We share no blood nor parentage, for a blessing."
Q'kura shakes his head. "T-that… Makes it a little more difficult. But your aether is… Similar? Are there differences?" Seemingly, talking about anything other than his possible demise or his immediate captivity seemed to bring some sort of… Calm to the Seeker.
A small frown settles on Sayuri's features, ears remaining pinned back. One hand reaches for the wrist of the other, idly rubbing along the inside of it to quell the mild discomfort her own mind and memories caused. ".. There are differences, yes."
"Th-then, sometime soon… I-i… I would like to hear those. As much as you can tell me. It… It does not have to be now. J-just know that… I will try to fix you, S-sayuri." A small note of pride is barely flickered across his face. "I w-was a doctor before i was a…" Quick to replace it, a frown lingers on his features. "…Whatever i am n-now."
".. You will do more than try, Q'kura." Her tone was low, tail swatting to the side while her gaze remained locked upon him. "A slaver? A person who has fucked up so royally that he finds himself almost in the very situation he has brought others into?"
Q'kura wilts at the scathing words, eyes cast away, ashamed. He had no reply for that, and knew she was right, besides. "I w-will do my best…" Came a meek voice. Content that she'd no longer kill him; or at least, not right now, he seems to calm just a little. "…W-whenever you give me the information i need, i'll formulate a course of a-action."
Content with that, Bexy sinks her head into a nod. "I'll give you mine in writing, at least. Sayuri?" Bexy asks, head tilted. "…If you've anything more to ask him, now is the time."
She spent a moment in silence, contemplating.. Slowly shaking her head before turning on her heels to walk over to the wide open cell door. ".. The longer I'm near him, the more I want to hurt him." She muttered quietly, yet she clearly didn't care if Q'kura actually heard her or not. She then draws a deeper breath and sneers over her shoulder. "Do not think you're off the hook for the suffering inflicted on my husband, caused by your actions."
"I…" Q'kura nods. He's partway through curling in on himself, regardless. "Hah, i… I don't think… Y-you'd let me. Or your sister." Taking a deep breath, he gives a long, shaky exhale. Whatever words he has, he keeps to himself.
"We need him in some workable shape if he's to heal you, hm? Save the anger for later. Or for someone else." A comforting pat on her shoulder was offered, as Bexy locks the door behind Sayuri. "I'm rather glad you didn't kill him. He took some getting into this little box, i'll have you know."
"I helped!" Vex announces, proudly.
Sayuri huffed, grumbling beneath her breath. "I have enough anger for the entirety of the compound, but I will leave him be.. For now." She casts a glance Vex's way, then to Q'kura once more, to slowly drag back to Bexy. ".. So he can fix the damage caused, and aid those Vex deem in need of rescue." A sharp exhale leaves her, head shaking. ".. Trust me, it was tempting. He's the last one alive of the trio who took Eir that sun."
"You did!" Bexy beams proudly to Vex, before she offers a small dip of her head to Sayuri. "…And i wouldn't have begrudged you if you'd have just ran him through and let him die. Perhaps a little stuck for how to help your aether, but not angry." She moves back from the door; Sayuri could leave the cell area on her own terms if she wished, or remained.
Regardless, Q'kura keeps his head low, brows knit; clearly deep in thought.
"As much as I want to kill him.." She glared over her shoulder at Q'kura, before looking back at Bexy with a much kinder gaze. "..I want my aether fixed. And the only other person I'd consider getting would be the asshole herself who did it to me, but I already know she wouldn't cooperate, and would offer a fight." She extended her right hand to her left arm, idly dragging her fingers along the cloth which covered the lightning scar beneath. Sayuri briefly glances to Vex and offers a dip of her head before moving to step out of the cell area.
Vex raises a hand and waves, a big grin on her lips as she does.
Bexy offers a wave to Vex in turn, moving in stride with Sayuri, then. "…I thought you would. I thought about putting a bow on his head and telling you happy late Namesday, Starlight, and congratulations on your wedding all in one, but i thought that might be a little indecent." Still, a small smirk tugs at her lips. "…He will fix you. You know this. I will make him fix you. I wasn't going to stop at getting your back. I plan to take back everything they ever took from you."
I'm somewhat surprised no blood was spilled, but suppose it does hurt her to use her ice. He will fix her. I will make him fix her.
An audible snort of amusement leaves her, head shaking. ".. I would've had a laugh from it, and I'm sure Vex would too." She passes a glance in the direction of the cell area. ".. I'm glad to see she's still around." Her gaze slips back to Bexy, head sinking into a slight nod. ".. To know you will be watching over me is the only reason I'm letting him do anything to me. I know you'd never let him harm me, if that was something he considered. But judging how frightened he is.. even I am doubting it."
"…It's been so… Strange. He's never even tried to break out. Hasn't even pleaded to be released, only for us not to kill him." Bexy ascends the stairs, voice quietened as to not let their captive overhear. "…If anything he's been the model prisoner. Something tells me he isn't well liked. Or at least, has some kind of difficulty, there. No wonder he jumped at the chance to some kind of glory. Though it's all but backfired on him now… I can't imagine what he'd contend with if he goes back."
".. Vairg." The name was snarled, her ears pinning back anew after having just returned to a more perked position. ".. I remember him being called to heal Eir, by Vairg. I.. don't remember word by word what Q'kura said to him, but I remember that Vairg threatened for Q'kura to join him.." She briefly shut her eyes at the memory's intrusion, shaking her head. ".. Not to mention that Grym certainly has no trouble killing his own, but.. I do not know if that was because that man was trying to kill me or for going against his orders.. Maybe even both." Sayuri's brows furrowed, a small frown settling on her features. "..And being a healer, he responds to Eanwin's orders.." She glanced downwards to her left arm, letting her hand grasp onto the sleeve to slowly roll it up, putting the lightning scar on display. ".. And she did this to me."
"…Some healer. Gods…" Something about the lightning scar makes Bexy purse her lips in discomfort, gently settling her hand on Sayuri's shoulder after she'd finished ascending the stairs. "…If he's killed when he returns… If he returns, suppose it's no great loss to us. But he won't be leaving that cell until you're healed. I know that. He knows that. As for Vairg, we'll deal with him when the time comes. As left hand, i imagine he has his hands full, which means… We likely shouldn't be seeing him around. Hopefully."
She manages a weak smile Bexy's way in response to the hand settling on her shoulder, her sleeve being released and rolling back down to cover it all. ".. I don't trust him, but I would like to be able to help those who are in the same situation Vex was.. And the only other person from there I'd imagine might do something to help is.. one I do not want to see ever again.. Despite the fact that he helped us during the escape. Still, part of me doubt it was out of the goodness of his supposed heart." She exhales a slow sigh, nodding faintly. ".. My aether restored, and some training.. Then I will happily face off against that bastard on a more even ground.."
"Gods, some training. We're long overdue a sun or two in Coerthas. Or Garlemald, if it comes to it." An encouraging smile offered to Sayuri, Bexy seems all the more full of confidence. "There's much we don't know. Why Ketenblaet helped you, for one. What i do know is that we have the upper hand, and i much intend to keep it that way. We will get you everything you can back, and for the things we cannot, we will make them pay in blood."
"Well, my honeymoon was just a slight bit extended.. Sorry about that." A faint chuckle left her, head sinking into a nod. ".. It's almost disturbing that he did help us, considering my history with him.. And I just can't understand why." She raised her head a touch, offering another nod. ".. They will pay. One way or another."
"…Guilt, perhaps? Or an ulterior motive, as you said." A small shrug of her shoulders… Before Bexy's expression warms into a grin. "Oh, please don't. After everything you two have been through, you deserve it. I did get you something for your namesday, mind. Nothing too fancy. But i know you'll like it."
"At least you weren't too lonely in my absence." Sayuri smiled, tilting her head curiously. ".. You did?"
"Lonely? No. Not lonely. But you were missed terribly, and i'm glad to have you home." Moving to a small stack of boxes beneath a set of stairs, Bexy pulls out a box. It's flat, light, and gift-wrapped with a dark red and gold bow. "And of course i did." Bexy muses, offering it to Sayuri. "Better opened with Eir, i think." A pause, then. "---And it's nothing like that, in case you're wondering."
Pyjamas. She so often wears his, i thought it would be nice to get them another pair to match. Same size and everything. Whether she takes these for herself, or they end up wearing whichever ones that come to them, i do not know. So long as she's happy and it gets a chuckle from her at the gesture.
"I missed you too. And as lovely as our trip was, I am glad to be home." A curious gaze follows Bexy as she retrieves the box, hands slowly reaching out to accept it. ".. I figured you'd warn me if it was." She laughs.
"Precisely." Bexy grins, humming. "What did he get you, for your namesday?" A pause, then. "He did get you something, yes?"
"Well.. He sang to me, when I awoke from my nightmare and I was in such a large amount of pain." Her fingers idly tap against the box, a small smile settled on her lips. "We spent the entire sun on a date, creating memories together. So while it was no material gift, it's one I will hold incredibly dear."
"It's… Thoughtful." Bexy considers, quietly. "What to get the woman who could buy most anything she wants? Something money cannot buy. He's smarter than i give him credit for." Bexy teases, humming. "…I'm glad you had a good time. I was starting to get worried that you weren't coming home…"
"I promised I would! And I am sure you'd come all the way to Thavnair to make it so if I didn't let you know we were extending our stay." She laughs, smiling. "I just.. had to make sure we could get some things with us… That Eir doesn't know about yet."
"I would." Bexy wasn't joking, and Sayuri would be able to tell. "Oh? His namesday is… Soon, yes? What better things to get him than the things from home, mm?"
"In about a couple of sennights." She smiles, pausing. "..A home?"
"Hah, i suppose you could! You have enough coin for one, certainly!" Bexy half laughs, smirking. "What did you actually get him?"
Sayuri's smile only increases in size, offering no other words.
"…Sayuri." Bexy begins. Her eyes widen, brow knitting. "---You're serious?"
".. I may have bought a house."
"A house?" It takes all of Bexy's willpower not to raise her voice. "B-but--- Where are you going? Are you moving to Thavnair?" Her voice turns pleading, lips curled into a frown, hand settled on her shoulder. "You're moving away from the company…?"
She... She is moving away? But i... Not far, i hope? I don't.. I don't want her to be too far away...!
"A house, in the Lavender Beds. If anything, I'm moving closer to you!" Sayuri laughs, raising a hand to settle it atop of Bexy's.
There's no small sigh of relief from her nose as Sayuri gives her answer. "I'm happy for you, obviously! Just-- I can visit, yes? I'll call ahead of course!" A small wrinkle of her nose. "…We'll still go out training? You'll still come to contracts?"
"You're my sister, of course you can visit. And yes, everything will remain the same. We'll train, I'll come to contracts, and continue our daily meets if that is what you wish. And I will make sure to stock up on rolanberries for your inevitable visit." Sayuri grins.
Bexy's expression slowly curls into a grin, then. "Good. You had me worried, then. My little sister, getting married and having her own home…" A pleased sigh, as Bexy's tail danced at her heels. "…I'm happy for you. Truly. You deserve this, though i know the present is mostly for him. Does he know?"
"I'm not going anywhere, Bexy. This is where I belong, and it.. has been a long time since I felt like that about any place." Sayuri smiles, tilting her head. "He.. does not. I am hoping to have it set up by his Nameday. But he'll likely whine at me for spoiling him." She laughs.
"Oh, let him whine. He can whine in his cosy new home with you. I look forward to seeing it, hm? Do let me know if you need any help?" Head tilted in much the same was as Sayuri's, Bexy gives a pleased hum.
"And he will. Just like he did when I paid for a very expensive room for our stay in Thavnair." Lips curled into a grin, she offers a nod. "I will be sure to let you know."
"Coin is simply a tool. The best things can't be bought with it, so we might as well use it on something more… Frivolous." Chuckling, Bexy shakes her head. "…Spoil him. His happiness is yours. Remind him of that next time he's pouting."
"Oh, I intend to.. He can't stop me." Sayuri muses, ears wiggling faintly. ".. I will tell him that when he inevitably whines."
"Good." Bexy chirps, tilting her head. "…I have missed you, sister. But i won't keep you here all morning. We can catch up proper tomorrow, hm? You can tell me all about your honeymoon."
"I missed you too. And we will. For now, I.." A brief pause, Sayuri's gaze lowers to the box on her arms. ".. I'd like to go hug Eir, I think."
"I'm certainly not going to stop you. Go to him. You might start suffering withdrawals, it's been a bell or two." Bexy teases, offering a warmer smile a moment later. "I'll see you tomorrow, Sayuri. Until then, yes?"
"Oh, -hah-!" Sayuri pouts, only to immediately smile afterwards. "I'll see you tomorrow, sister." With that, she heads for the door.
She is happy, and that is what matters to me. With her new husband, with her new home. And, Gods willing, her aether too, when we manage to repair it.
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whitherwanderer · 8 months
29 // contravention
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Gray, late summer days meant windows open. Just a crack—enough to hear thunder as it rolled and smell the rain-drunk soil as it perfumed the air. Mor Dhona had a spectral radiance in the midst of a storm that no other place did, the fog aglow with crystal light and shimmering rain. It also meant that everything was suffused with lightning-aspected aether, leaving a tingle on one’s skin that never seemed to fade until the storm had passed.
And it also meant that, to Amesha, Sawyer was virtually indistinguishable from her surroundings.
During most storms, Sawyer would call to her to let her know where she was, but very occasionally, this meant she could instead employ a seldom-used skill: trickery.
She was supposed to be at work, training the fledgling martial adventurers afield, but with the weather making the crystalline slopes a treacherous, slippery prospect, it was better to simply reschedule. Amesha would expect her to be at home with her nose in a book, or pouring over some schematic, or taking her gunblade apart on the kitchen table, but instead she was out in the rain, tailing Amesha as she went about her day.
If Amesha lingered on flowers for their scent at the florist’s booth, Sawyer would make sure they were in a vase by the time they returned to their inn room. If there was a new volume of poetry from someone they hadn’t yet read, she was snapping it up before the raen could find out it was ever in stock. If Amesha’s fingers plied the fabric of a new bedspread in such a way that Sawyer knew she was barely resisting the urge to bring it to her chest and bury herself in it, it would be neatly folded at the end of their bed.
All the while, Sawyer would be teasing her, gently reaching out to give one her nouliths a buzzing little greeting with the tip of her finger before stepping away—fading into the aether, as it were—leaving Amesha to her confusion as the nouliths darted about in search of of the hyur.
It would only be at the door that Sawyer would reveal herself, catching Amesha by the waist and surprising her with a kiss that made her tail flick and her nouliths fly off their course, if they didn’t fall out of the air entirely.
“It is not fair,” the raen would huff at being teased and toyed with all day, left with no way to retaliate.
And Sawyer would offer another, gentler kiss in apology, an offer on her lips. “Let me make it up to you.”
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ffxivaltaholic · 9 months
Prompt #12: Dowdy
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"I've never worn such lovely clothes..." Hesitation, mixed with awe, caused her voice to quiver slightly as the dress was laid out in front of her. "Isn't it a bit to nice for me though..." Brows furrowed and Isanii fiddled with a long lock of silvery-white hair, her anxiety manifesting in the twirling of the strands around her fingers.
This was far from the first gift he'd given her, but it was certainly one of the most extravagant. The lavender and white dress was something out of a fairytale to the Xaela woman, who at one time or more had worn nearly rags. She'd always been a bit plain, wearing simple dresses and rarely styling her hair beyond a gentle brushing. Other than a small meteorite ring the woman owned no other jewelry before meeting her partner. Now she had many things to chose from, though at times it was overwhelming to have so many things of beauty.
"Do you like it?" His voice was smooth and gentle, despite how he towered over her at his standing height. The fidgeting stopped briefly and Isanii turned to face him, her tail moving in a distressed back-and-forth motion. Of course she loved it, more than any dress he had ever bought her, but Isanii struggled with accepting such a fine gift, one she felt was far above her, an exile with no tribe.
"I... I love it." A mouse could have spoken louder, but the words were not truly needed. Yuki could take one look at her face and know exactly what the little Xaela woman was thinking. "Try it on." He gestured at the dress and waited, giving her an encouraging nod. Finally Isanii managed to break through her apprehension and carefully she started to put on the dress. After less than a minute there was a small sound of concern and ultimately he ended up helping her with the different layers. As minutes passed Yuki took the time to put combs and pins in her hair and finally a beautiful bracelet on her wrist. One could easily assume she was a noble woman in his home were it not for her Xaela features. "There, it suits you perfectly." Doing his best to instill some confidence, Yuki fetched a mirror, holding it up so she could see herself.
Despite expecting it, he was still slightly concerned when she started to cry, drawing her in to his arms and chuckling softly as he held her. "Are you overwhelmed?" Her muffled reply of 'yes' was somewhat discernable against his robes. "Are you happy though?" Another more emphatic 'yes'. Smiling, the Raen tilted her face up, carefully using his sleeve to wipe away her tears. Admiring her briefly, he leaned close to press his forehead to hers, a gesture that eased Isanii instantly. "It's perfect." Placing a gentle kiss on her lips, he shifted back to give her space to compose herself.
"Like a flower in bloom."
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faragonart · 6 months
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forgot to post doodles of some other people's WoLs on here from a recent event, so here ya go!
Part of the DuskThrone AP event that happened this past weekend! Such a fun time! I loved doing the chain FATE with so many people in the Steppe, gosh what an experience!
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shadesofblades · 2 months
Chatting about the benchmark! A very long post comparing my characters looks and such. This is mostly for myself to reference back on.
I'm really hype with this benchmark, however at least a couple characters need to be changed a bit for me- particularly my fem Au Ras.
Baatu looks pretty good imo! I can tell that Baatu's eyes are different. The color of the limbal ring is totally different and not as bright. His eyes are less open, his brows are closer to his eyes now. But his skin seems smoother and less aged which is good for him. Of course, I'll have to see if anything changes from now to release, I might have to mess around with some colors on him. [Left Benchmark, Right Old.]
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Aoki looks about the same to me, just brighter eyes. I could critique and say his nose isn't as dark as before, but overall I like that he pretty much looks the same! I think it's to be expected for Viera as they are the newest race tho? [Left Benchmark, Right Old.]
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Gaia and Shunbai look good. I would say Gaia looks even better than before. The mid range toned skin looks amazing. Shunbai might need a touch up with his red limbals tho.
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Now come the fem Au Ra. Mitsuki and Yumi, both needed some tweaks though. The Eyes and lips were the most changed features that I noticed on them.
The scales on fem Raen are beautiful imo. They look opalescent which is perfect for my character Mitsuki. Their limbal rings however look off color and dull. Also, their face looked softer, but thankfully it is possible to change the eye and brows to look more RBF. [Left Benchmark, Right Old.]
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Yumi looks pretty different, but it's not bad. I am very surprised by the lips as they are VERY different and not as full looking imo. Her features look better for how I imagine her, but because they are clearly with this update, I had to change her eyes and lips to better match my image of her. [Left Benchmark, Right Old. Bottom New Benchmark Design.]
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Oh yea and my Duskwight I never post about looks different. I noticed that face 1 was changed significantly. Thankfully, he is face 2, but I still changed his appearance quite a bit to ultimately make him look new. So Zylavor will be getting the biggest makeover! [Both Benchmark]
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I've noticed that the darker skin looks SO beautiful. The shine and textures on mid to dark range skin tones are the best in the benchmark.
My sona Z looks a little less... defined? The liner around his eyes is lighter and his brows are lighter. His lips are also a different color and shape. I think they lightened the black color of hair quite a bit, which makes it looks a bit washed out. [Left Benchmark, Right Old.]
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BUT NOW HROTHGALS!!! I am really having a lot of fun designing them and all their voices are really good!! Their starting gear is also super sick ;-; <3 I have saved this design, so I might make her...
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Anyway, running the benchmark was good!
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naturescure · 1 year
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Carolyn Finch, Mediocre Harvest Witch of Gilneas, Younger Sister to Amelia Finch @bite-of-witchcraft
Thank you for the gift! Carolyn looks perfect here! Art by @raen-art who I give my thanks to as well for bringing her to life so perfectly!
(Had to add in the piece of the sisters side by side of course hehe.)
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woltourney · 1 year
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Kasha Sho (@r04ch-ships) v. Chuchu Chura (@spaceace144)
Kasha Sho:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Kasha Sho, They/She (trans queen)
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Au’Ra Raen
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Gunbreaker + Monk
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Crystal Malboro <3
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. I want to preface this by saying I made Kasha’s lore before I knew about the Yda/Lyse thing. Im not retconning because Kasha is better than her anyways 🙄 /hj Kasha was raised in Doma on a small farm! She had a younger brother and an older sister, her older sisters name was Kasha and she was killed by an unknown group. My wol then took their sisters name and fled to Eorzea on a refugee boat. She landed in Ul’dah and started from there! Kasha is VERY aggressive, mean, and insulting. She does not know basic manners and will speak her mind freely. Eats with their hands and also eats ANYTHING… Kasha doesnt like being the WoL, but continues this role because if she wont then who will? They’re very loud and boisterous and confident. Will fight anyone and everyone. She has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most countries. She doesnt know how to read and is an overall idiot but shes doing her best leave that little guy alone Shes also 6ft tall and buff as SHIT
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. I WILL WIN because Im the best fighter out here and I will CRUSH THE BONES OF MY- this isn’t an actual fight? … Um 😶 I would TOTALLY win a real fight. Just so you know.
Chuchu Chura:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Chuchu Chura (she/they)
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Lalafell
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. PLD, WHM, RDM, DNC, and most importantly, FSH
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Adamantoise
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. This is Chuchu! She's a mute lala who became my reason for living when I started playing during covid. When I made her I want to make the least intimidating tank, so I made the smallest (yes she is min height), pinkest tank I could! She doesn't really have a lot of lore that I've come up with, but she's definitely lawful good, loves adventuring with her wolf pup, capybara, and Nigel her chocobo, and adores fishing.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. :^) *waves* *lalafell dances* *dotes* *giggles*
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. She's just brought me so much joy over the past few years and if someone else can get a little joy from seeing her in this tournament, then that's enough for me. Of course I hope she still does well! I've spent hours in gpose getting pictures of her to be my wallpapers, I've gotten commissions of her, I'm even trying to crochet an amigurumi of her. I just love her so much! Good luck, Chuchu!!!
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autumnslance · 8 months
FFXIV Write 2023 Day 28: Blunt
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“The delegation from Werlyt is here,” the Resistance soldier said, voice rough. The temperature in the room seemed to cool as the Alliance representatives tried not to tense but did regardless.
Members of Werlyt’s provisional government—a kindly-looking elderly Raen woman, next to a middle-aged Midlander gentleman—stepped inside the room. At their backs were their escorts and the commander of Werlyt’s nascent military: Gaius Baelsar, and his two companions. They did not wear uniforms, still in their adventuring attire. Kan-E cleared her throat and looked at Raubahn, as their host.
He smiled tightly and bowed to the Raen and Midlander. “Counselors, thank you for coming all this way. Our civic representatives await you in their chambers to speak on the trade agreements.”
“Very good, General Aldynn,” the woman said in a reedy voice. “Commander Baelsar, we leave you to the military matters.”
“Of course, Counselor,” Gaius answered mildly. He nodded to the young woman at his side, and she followed the counselors as Raubahn escorted them on to the representative chambers.
There was a moment of awkward silence, until Nanamo finally spoke up. “You should join us at the table, Commander.”
“Thank you, Your Grace,” he said, taking the seat often filled by Hien or other representatives of the Eastern Alliance.
“This is still weird,” Lyse blurted, then bit her lip, cheeks almost as red as her dress.
Gaius actually smiled slightly. “It is, Commander Hext. I am well aware I’m still not welcome in Ala Mhigo, nor the rest of Eorzea. And that many of you do not want me at this table.” He looked at each of them, and the careful neutrality on each of their faces, the tension in their shoulders. “Yet here I am, to do my duty to Werlyt and its safety—for which we have been thankful for the Alliance’s aid.”
“Duty,” Merlwyb said harshly. “As it was duty that led to your attempts to conquer the rest of our realm.”
“Admiral,” Aymeric gently admonished.
“No,” Gaius replied. “The Admiral is partly correct. I fervently believed that my duty to the Empire meant proving Nael van Darnus wrong. That I would be vindicated in His Radiance’s eyes, and regain his favor if I brought all of Eorzea under the Imperial banner. But in the end, it was mostly due my own pride.” He frowned, folding his hands on the table top. “Then Lahabrea played me for a fool—and I learned even my Emperor was one of those masked bastards; my entire life, all that I had believed, a scheme of the servants of chaos.
“I’ve had to learn much, these last few years. There is little I can do for those I have wronged; better people are better placed to aid them. So I work to clean up the messes my arrogance created—such as the Weapons Project—and to see Werlyt and its neighbors free and safe from the Legions.”
“A lot of words,” Raubahn said as he rejoined them.
“Yet there is a candor to them to be appreciated,” Kan-E said.
“How much of it was the Warrior of Light knocking sense into you?” Lyse asked.
“Lyse,” Pipin sighed.
Gaius chuckled. “Quite a bit, actually. Not to mention our interactions since; I’ve learned more than I thought possible. Other comrades have also helped teach an old wolf new tricks,” he said, glancing at his Duskwight companion. Then he sobered, turning his attention back to them. “Now, if you are satisfied, we should discuss our actual business.”
There was silence for a long moment, before Merlwyb spoke up again. “There are many who still think ill of the pirates of Limsa Lominsa, seeing only our violent past. Count Charlemend de Durendaire, for instance, had choice words for me, on one of my first visits to Ishgard, given what happened to his son’s ship years ago.”
(This time Lyse did bite her tongue.)
The Admiral continued. “If my colleagues here were willing to work with pirates and plunderers, looking beyond our recent history and believing with me that we could change, and be more than that…Well, I’d be a fool and a hypocrite to not attempt to extend the same courtesy to Werlyt’s Commander.”
The others nodded, a little of the tension in the room fading—though still present. It wasn’t ever going to ease entirely, they all knew, but so long as they remained honest and focused on their duty to their respective nations and their allies, they would manage.
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