yenyenyen19 · 4 years
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yaayy i was able to contribute to Mermay on time ;__;
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clans ↳ when it comes to getting the job done, the ventrue know how to step up. (gretel belongs to @hopebliss​ 💖)
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🤸 some informative vampire clownery 🤸
this is basically just so i have a written record of some important deets from my charas jkfsd feel free to ignore
🔮 becca
- born: 1968  - embraced: 1993 (aged 25) - generation: 10th - nature: caregiver - demeanor: enigma - allegiance: camarilla
💢 kyle
- born: 1978  - embraced: 2004 (aged 26) - generation: 12th or 13th - nature: rebel - demeanor: rogue - allegiance: anarchs
📷 petra
- born: 1919  - embraced: 1943 (aged 24) - generation: 8th - nature: loner - demeanor: explorer - allegiance: independent 
⛪ zach
- born: 1996 - embraced: 2019 (aged 23) - generation: 14th (thin-blood, originally) - 6th (through diablerie) - nature: penitent - demeanor: guru - allegiance: independent
🎻 agnes
- born: 1992  - embraced: 2020 (aged 28) - generation: 14th or 15th (thin-blood) - nature: perfectionist - demeanor: competitor - allegiance: independent / camarilla
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ohhh! 🍓 for becca, tanis and agnes!
thank you!!! 💖💖💖
becca: she works at the administrator of an art gallery! she’s the one tasked with organising the exhibitions, placing the paintings and working on the informative flyers! it’s easy for her, she can “hear” what the paintings have to say
tanis: she has several tattoos but the biggest one is of a two headed snake on her back, each head goes over one of her shoulders! they’re only reserved for the leaders of her tribe and their offspring
agnes: she was born in a small town in denmark! both her parents were school teachers and she was an only child. she moved to london when she was a teenager after she got a scholarship to study at a music academy!
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