#oc: Rilien
immortallibrarians · 1 year
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Indie RP blog for dual OCs, both librarians, one a pretentious warlock, the other one the exasperated Fae sorcerer he accidentally tricked into being his patron for eternity.
Penned by Jay (she/her/they/them, 27) | 18+ only | some NSFW present | please read rules/muse pages before interacting | follows back from @foxytonic
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brackenfrond · 5 years
Can't put this under a read more because I'm on mobile, but here's some PoE2 including non watcher OCs
They entered The Wild Mare to the sound of cheers. Caelenwae supposed this was normal, if it wasn't directed towards a nature godlike, feet propped up on a table, surrounded by people he'd- she assumed - had knocked out. She heard Tekehu let out a low, impressed whistle.
“I say, he seems to be rather good at raising spirits.” The marine godlike raised a brow, before he caught the bartender making his way over. “Ah, apart from those of the owner, it seems.”
The godlike took a long drink from his ale, before meeting the eyes of the barkeep with his own, glowing yellow one. He flashed a smile, just the wrong side of cheeky. His boots hit the floor with a thud and he leaned forward, still with that toothy smile.
“In my defence, I didn't start this one.” He tossed his head, brown curls bouncing as he did. His hair was rather short, but not enough so that his hair didn't fall in his eyes. His horns were curled and dark, like a rams, and his ears were long and goat like. “I swear, Gyntel, I came here for a drink. Not to cause trouble.”
“And yet trouble you caused.” He gestured to the men lying on the floor. The godlike feigned shock.
“This is trouble? I thought I'd get rid of the vermin in your tavern. Isn't that a service?”
“A service I did not ask for, Forsyth.” Gyntel pinched the bridge of his nose, as though warding off an oncoming headache. The man - Forsyth - sighed.
“Look, I'll finish my drink and be out of your hair. For maybe a week. You know you'd miss me if I were gone any longer.” Gyntel muttered something about missing the solitude while Forsyth was here, before stomping off back behind the bar. Tekehu let out a delighted laugh.
“Oh, I like him!”
“You would. He reminds me of you.” Caelenwae said and she heard Rilien hide a snort as a cough and Aloth’s annoyed huff of breath through his nose. “He’s wearing Principi leathers. Might do us some good to talk to him. Might know something about the bloke who tried to kill us near Port Maje.”
“It won't be much use if you can't remember his name.” Xoti pointed out. Caelenwae waved a hand flippantly.
“It was Ben-something.” She said. “Surely he can work something out from that.”
“I'm sure that there are lots of ‘Ben’s around here.” Rilien said, fiddling with his hat, a fancy Vailian thing that he had taken a liking to. It was a nice change from him hiding in the background, but she supposed that raising a wurm from a tiny thing to one the size of a small tiger would force someone into the spotlight. Fortunately, Talzri was currently on The Defiant.
Forsyth was still nursing his ale when they made their way over, and glanced up. His eyes lit up with curiousity.
“Ah, you're the magician from the docks, yes?” He rested his chin on his hand, and this close Caelenwae could see the moss growing on his skin, here and there dotted with plant life. He had a daisy sprouting on one hand and he plucked it off without a care. “Apologies for the blooming - a bad habit. But you...you're no second rate magician with a few colourful illusions.” He smiled. “The tale of the Watcher of Caed Nua travels far. You have some enemies, but a great deal more friends.” He winked. “How may I assist you?”
“You're one of the Principi?” Caelenwae gestured to his attire and Forsyth pulled a face.
“Was. I had a...disagreement with my captain. I didn't mutiny as much as ditched them when they docked.” He shrugged. “Why?”
“Looking for someone. He attacked my ship when I first reached the Deadfire. A Ben...something.”
“Benweth?” Forsyth hazarded, running a hand through his curls. “All talk, that man. He acts big, but he's only where he is because Aeldys likes him. You want him, he'll be at Fort Deadlight. I'd suggest trying to bargain with him - killing him wouldn't impress the second most powerful pirate in the Deadfire. Trust me when I say you want Aeldys on your side - she may be a pirate, but she focuses on cargo that doesn't breathe.”
“Slavers?” Rilien’s question was stilted, and Caelenwae caught Aloth’s hand grabbing his wrist.
“The Deadfire is big. It's illegal to sell natives. Slavery itself isn't.” Forsyth snorted. “An oversight on the part of the law. But you can't enforce the law throughout the Deadfire. That's...pretty much impossible. I’m assuming all but the pretty fish are new to the Deadfire?”
“Ekera, I do like you.” Tekehu sounded delighted and Forsyth shot him a wink. Caelenwae could practically feel Aloth rolling his eyes.
“You'd be the first.”
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kou-cosplay · 6 years
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Inktober 2018 so far
|| Day 1 to Day 5 ||
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trashabilly · 7 years
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some kheelan (oliver) stuff
1. kheelan and his apprentice eirian out looking for ingredients for potions
2. kheelan antagonizing rilien, an elven mage at a council meeting
everyone knows fey and elves dont get along. nobody is super fond of the fey bc of their eating habits and refusal to obey the laws, but elves and fey just hate each other outright.
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brackenfrond · 6 years
I'm never actually gonna finish this fic so here's a snapshot
“I’m keeping her.” Rilien announced, allowing the tiny wurm to bury itself into his cloak with a happy chirp. Caelenwae placed her hands on her hips, raising a single eyebrow at the comment, ignoring Eder’s attempts at muffling his amusement.
“Rilien, it’s a monster.”
“How dare you!” Rilien ran a gentle finger down the wurm’s snout, cooing when it nuzzled against it. “She’s just a baby. Poor little thing wouldn't last a day on her own.”
“It will torch your hair, Rilien.” Caelenwae seemed resigned to the fact she was going to lose this argument, even though she was still protesting. Aloth remained silent, although he could feel his lips twitching against his wishes. “You will wake up one morning with your hair on fire.”
“Then I will deal with that when it happens.” Rilien stated. “Aren’t we supposed to be looking for Kana’s tablet?” Caelenwae scowled at him before striding off, the rest of the group following while Aloth lagged behind, watching as Rilien wrapped his cloak more securely around himself, and in turn his newest charge.
“I can’t believe you got into an argument with Caelenwae over a wurm.” Aloth admitted and Rilien glanced at him.
“Please don’t tell me you’re siding with her.”
“On the contrary. I think it...she will do no harm. Besides, Caelenwae has picked up her own strays - Durance, for example.” That startled a laugh out of Rilien, and he grinned at Aloth, one that showed his teeth. “Have you thought of a name for her?”
“Talzri.” Rilien didn’t hesitate. “There was a servant who worked in the kitchens of the estate I lived at. She had a little white cat called Talzri who she took everywhere with her. The cat went missing- I found out a noble had left out poison for it. Apparently, having a cat anywhere near food was a crime.” Aloth frowned.
“I’m sorry.”
“I felt sorry for Nienna - the serving girl - I couldn't tell her what had happened. I buried the cat and told her I couldn't find it. She was heartbroken.” Rilien's fingers tightened on his cloak, and Aloth watched as a tiny, reptilian head butted his knuckles. “I don’t want her to suffer the same fate - dying needlessly, you know?”
“You have too soft a heart.” Aloth decided and Rilien laughed, slightly sheepish.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“There are worse things in this world to be than gentle.” Aloth replied, thinking of his father. Not gentle at all, with hard hands that could only harm. Not slender fingers like Rilien, or the determination to help a tiny wurm to live a little longer. “I just hope you don’t come to regret being so soft.”
“Me too.” Rilien sighed, biting his lip. “Me too.”
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