#obvs titan power doesnt exist irl and that makes it worse actually. atleast marley was scared
hartmannyoukaigirl · 2 months
Im really really really glad that tumblr and ( That ) part of twitter seem to be so wholly interested in aot because its such. aot is so.
It seriously needs a system where your ethnicity and country are shown next to your username while discussing it. the difference between arab & western & japanese fandom r insane like actually ( the arab one is correct btw. understandably )
though i seriously can't understand the jp fandom & isayama himself. their country got nuked by america so they adapt the american mentality? seriously?? since when did anime side with the oppressors or had propaganda like USA war films??? Eren is such a world wide symbol of freedom for a reason and yet
And what Isayama did to him felt like an american soldier had a gun to his head and told him to not make Eren win and make his people die because resistance bad and as an oppressed person you should kiss your supreme overlords's boots happily. Thats why ending defenders exist and are mainly on reddit and youtube, bc they agree with that
Seriously. so much is known just from one's stance on AOT and Eren. People who defend the ending and hate Eren and Eldia hate them because they KNOW their role is better fit for Marley and even unconsciously they relate with the oppressor and could never imagine them, the 'center of the world' and 'right' people ever dying or not being in control.
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