#obiwan is basically their mom anyway so yeah
kana7o · 1 year
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I've been rewatching The Nanny and getting obikin brainrot as you do
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myfaveisfuckable · 1 year
You x my mom: (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻
T_T at least they're a team but I wanted a naruseku sweep ( ≧Д≦)
Narcistoru/secretoru: Yeah i can gurantee this is the only submission for them for Some Reason. Because no one ships them. Like i have searched the internet far and wide and turn up with like. Close to literal zero. And here's the thing, this is entirely illogical. They work together in this evil group and their deals are essentially that they're. Unhappy people. At first you think they're just annoying but actually they're annoying snd Extremely Miserable. In silly ways, they are such losers and so cringefail. I could write an essay on both of them individually, but basically i love how their focus isn't on being better people, it is on being happier. Individually.
The show is divided into clear parts of who is the main antagonist at the time which really makes you FEEL how unhappy they each are. They're a group but they're also not bc they choose to be unhappy ad get on each other's nerves about it and that's a prime focus of their characters. Anyway, these two make me insane, they spend a lot of time together during the middle part of the show, bc the first villain is gone so now it's just the two of them and their leader who isn't doing much yet. After this part, one of them, narcistoru, is defeated so he's gone for the time being. But these two, they hate each other SOOOOOOOO much it's insane. This is because Narcistoru is an annoying bitch and Secretoru hates that. And they're both generally insane people with dumb beliefs and issues that they view wrongly. It's just so glorious to see them annoy each other so much. Post Narcistoru's main screen time, he gets his conclusion episode. He escapes from prison and Secretoru is supposed to retrieve him. But like not because they need him, in fact, they absolutely did not care that he was arrested because none of these people give a flying fuck about each other. It's just that he wasn't supposed to be a risk. Secretoru and Narcistoru have a rather petty and hilarious fight. Because you see. Now they don't have to get along. They are not on the same side. So the hostility is really thriving here. In fact, she manages to capture him, and while fighting the pretty cures (magical girls), hensays some annoying shit and she goes "actually i changed my mind" and shoves him off this rock in order for the monster (they always summon one) to fucking kill him. Like she tries to murder him in cold blood soley because he's annoying and this was entirely inevitable actually. She wants that twink obliterated. They don't bring this up again in the finale when they're both in prison. They just. Kind of hang out now. They've reached a level of tolerance.
And you may think "why do you ship this" LOOK. THEIR INTERACTIONS. ARE SO FUNNY. IT'S JUST. A VERY FUN SHIP. BECAUSE THEY'RE HILARIOUS. The hostility is so great and i think it would be neat if they had some t4t hatesex. It would solve nothing. They mske each other so much worse. But it would be very hot. Also secretoru has a general "can you shut the fuck up" attitude towards him. I don't even technically ship it but i ENJOY the ship.
And yet. I am so alone in this which is insane because i definitely expected ship content for them even before i actually wanted it myself.
But no, of course people ship Narcistoru with actual fifteen year olds. Like so much. And there is ZERO content for the ship with the other Actual Adult that he interacts with on a regular basis and who he has a fantastic and entertaining and INTERESTING dynamic with. So basically, i am not just sad, i am also SO SALTY. They are so insanely rarepair despite being an absolute epic duo. Awesome crackship, 10/10, literally comedy
Obiwan/grievous: Ok so this is a HUGE crackship and some people are not going to agree but like, Obi-Wan is what comes to mind when you think of the jedi and Grievous hates the jedi as a whole because he believes them to the cause of his mutilation and the suffering of his people, but the jedi are not the ones who did this. Grievous is a pawn in the game of the sith and he doesn't realize that his mind has been altered against his wishes or that he will be desposed of as soon as the war ends. Obi-Wan is a compassionate man and is able to consistently go toe to toe with Grievous, making him a rival Grievous can't help but respect in a weird way (his people are warriors, for all we know, fighting could be a method of flirting to his people yaknow? And obiwan genuienly flirts as a way to throw off his enemies, think of the comedic potential if Obi-Wan didnt realize how MUCH hes been a flirt or if Grevious acctualy gets flustered by it because obiwan is such a competent fighter and IF ONLY HE WASNT THE ENEMY-) If Obi-Wan knew what happened he would have tried to make amends and help his people, and if Grievous learned that it was Dooku (a former jedi turned sith) who turned him into a monster against his will, he'd probably be willing to team up with Obi-Wan to bring down Dooku and the Sith plans for Galactic domination to avenge and to protect his people, and they would be an absolute powerhouse since they are already familiar with eachothers way of fighting and from a writers point of view its filled with so much potential angst and drama, and hijinks, and even enhances the plot and creates parallels between the two that the franchise has never bothered to make and it has so much potential even if they don't fall in love they could be really good friends/partners/allies and if order 66 goes as planned they would be badass rebels its such an overlooked possible dynamic PLEASE 🥺
Nightmare Polycule: The cursed creation of like. 4 people on a niche fandom discord. Polycule consisting of pretty much every adult character in the series. It's awful and somehow the best thing ever. The potential for both crack and angst is unmatched. The divorced parents energy is OFF THE CHARTS. Marcia realizes she is a morosexual and has a crisis about it. Gringe confronts his prejudices by falling for a no-good wizard. Jillie Djinn is Marcia's ex and also dead and also GHOSTING ON HER COUCH which makes it very hard to bring her boyfriends over. Marcellus tries to be dramatic about the fleetingness of human life (except his) and gets made fun of until he confronts his trauma instead. Sarah and Mrs Gringe are having tea and getting a break from the drama.
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goddamnmuses-a · 4 years
Dan Watches: Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith
Alright so I did this for Episode I which you can find here and then Episode II which you can find here. So here’s my weird live reaction/note taking/whatever this is.. to Episode llI.
War! Huh Yeah! What is it good for?
There are heroes on both sides? We’ll see about that.. 
General Greivous first mention.. provided you’ve not seen the clone wars cartoon. 
So much shit goes down in these opening crawls, like Palpatine being kidnapped. 
Jedi fighters are coooooooool
Vulture droids are kinda cool too
Getting the I have a bad feeling about this out of the way early is wise because i feel like if you’re super aware of it, it might take you out of the moment. It’s used well here though. 
This gives me old StarWars Battlefront vibes. 
Ohhh nooooo My boy Savage is dead now... nooooooo.
Why does that guy sound like a surfer dude?
Oh look it’s the Captain America elevator scene but with Jedi. 
R2 is a weapon of mass destruction. 
Anakin seems mature already
Was that flip really needed Dooku?
Do it. 
Palpatine manipulating Ani is goooooood. 
He straight up tries to let Obiwan die and Ani’s not suspiscious? 
Palpatine is like “I swear to god if i die in this crash.. my plans.. all my plans.. fucked.”
“Another Happy Landind” Obiwan has Bob Ross vibes. 
Yeaaaah Organa 
Padme: Yaaay im a mom. Anakin: Well fuck... I mean yay.
“The happiest moment of my life” actually pretty sad knowing whats to come. 
Cal’s just a baby on a starfighter right now doing some training on The Albedo Brave.. poor baby.
Awwwh hun you aint having them babies.. not alive anyway. 
Love has blinded him, he’s a dark sider now. 
That dream could just be a normal child birth.. those things are intense. 
You know what, if they went to Obi-Wan he’d be like “FFs Anakin” but then he’d help because Obi is the best boy. 
Yoda as cool as he is.. could do a bit more. 
Obiwan knows Palpatines no good. 
This is just me stanning Obi now. 
I wonder if Ewan McGregor has seen the Clone Wars cartoon. 
Anakin you gotta earn your place, don’t be Episode 2 whiney bitch Ani again.
I wonder if we ever get any High Republic stuff will it go into Yoda and the Wookies. 
 Even the council are like.. Hmm.. Palpatines shady. 
“The chancellor is not a bad man” errrr... 
Yoda knows somethings up
Even Padme is like “Palpatine’s a bit of a cunt.”
Palpatines a good story teller tbf, even if he’s telling the story of killing his own master
Anakin apologising and like.. that look of Proud dad on Obi’s face.. awh hun. 
Eveyrones getting into Positions for Order 66... Wounds still fresh for me since playing Fallen Order. 
Scary alien man not so scary.. he’s alright. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover kids. 
Yaaay cool mounts. 
“Hello There.” We stan. 
The fact Obiwan doesnt managed to take a second lightsaber and use it in this fight is a missed opportunity for some duel weild coolness. 
Greivous skittering away is creepy af. 
I like both these mounts. 
“The dark side surrounds the chancellor” you know theres a sith lord somewhere... maybe like.. go get him? 
This is it, this is Ani’s decision time, they’re circling like tigers gonna fight
Ani realises he’s the Sith and still is like “Hmm.. but maybe he’s right tho”
Rip Grievous. 
Mace Windu should really tell a bunch of other people about Palpatine being a Sith like Ani just said. 
Oh he did, nevermind. 
...That long distance stare off is strange though. 
WTF is that noise when Palpatine does his spin.. gonna have fucking nightmares about that noise. 
Mace could have killed Palpatine and saved us all a lot of hassle if he was just faster. 
Those no’s are grim. 
Palpatines acting is pretty good..pathetic but good. 
You know what.. I’m with Samuel L Jackson, Mace Windu could have survived that. 
Where’d he pull the name Darth Vader out of? Is there a naming convention for Sith or is he just like... Vader is a cool sounding thing. 
You know what.. Anakin falls to servitude sooo fast. He’s such a bottom.
How come the clones don’t attack Anakin, how’d they know hes alright? 
This movie really just.. makes it seem like the Clones just betray the Jedi when we all know it’s the chip. 
Long head guy whos name i never remember NOOOOOOOO
Aayla Sekura.. i remember your name because damn ;) .. Noooooooo!
You know what would be good..  if Anakin just got beat the shit out of by the younglings and thats how he died. 
Damn that young padawans a bad ass.
and he’s dead :(
Awwh Tarfful and Chewie.
Hey fuck you Anakin you whore. 
Going back to the temple is a gooood scene. 
Anakin you dick... i mean kill these assholes but the poor babies :c
Sith eyes kick in real quick. 
I suppose killing all those kids that he rly didnt need to because they could have just become Inquisitors did help/hinder? 
So this is how liberty dies.. good line Padme, nice.
Love Obi warning other Jedi to gtfo, We stan. 
Some dodgy acting in this scene but i’ll overlook it
Obiwan just taking a shit on the way to kill his boy.
Darth Maul has a more intimidating hologram.. good thing you’re gonna get cooked and become more intimidating. 
In a way Darth Vader did kill Anakin so Obiwan isn’t exactly lying to Luke about it.
Anakin never loved Padme. Controversial Opinion but i think he just had a childhood crush on her and never got over it. He wouldn’t have force choked her so quickly otherwise. He gets jealous like instantly, basically if you’re looking for an example of a toxic relationship.. here we go. 
Nice touch with the light being behind Obi and darkness behind Vader. 
Noooo Yoda. 
Euurghhh nails on chalkboard sound. 
“There’s no sign of his body” “Then he’s not dead” I’m sorry I thought Jedi faded to nothingness? 
This fights pretty epic tho
“From my point of view the jedi are evil” alright.. ya lil bitch
I think the I have the high ground thing is just an attempt to get Anakin to stop, a last desperate attempt. 
“You underestimate my-” Cut in half. 
Obi fucks up by not finishing him off tbf. 
Luke’s first apperace chronologically!
aand Leia. .. So Luke’s older... idk why i felt the need to state that but heyo
Yo is Vader’s vision always red?
“There’s good in him, i know” dies. .. Thats not something that someone whos lost the will to live would say. 
Oooooh in the Disney+ Obi show will we get him learning to communicate with Qui Gon.. pls. 
C3P0′s mind gets wiped..  a bunch.. but not R2. 
The funeral scene is nice. 
Damn they started work on the first death star like right away. 
TBF they also started work on Starkiller base pretty quick too so.. naa fair this checks out. 
Alderaan is gorgeous. 
Yo, Luke’s aunt is hot. 
You know what, Owen and Beru don’t get enough credit. 
Well that’s that.. I think I like this the most out of the prequels followed by Ep 1 then Ep 2.
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ghost-of-bambi · 7 years
Thank you @myladyely for tagging me! 
Rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people.
I’m going to be real, some of these questions make no sense but I had fun with it anyway. I’m tagging @aryasmeatpies @scullylikesscience @sansapotter @obiwan-katnobi @jilyevotter @sradepotter @witless-wonder @gabrielledelacour and that’s done
1. drink: tea, Coke, the tears of fuckboys
2. phone call: unsure if this is meant to be ‘last phone call’ or ‘person I prefer to call’ but the answer to both is Katie ( @obiwan-katnobi ) because nobody else likes me that much (this is a lie I am V. Popular)
3. text message: as above, the last person I sent a text to was my brother, the person I prefer to text is Katie, usually with Game of Thrones theory spam
4. song you listened to: okay again I assume this is the last song I listened to – Shape by the Sugababes
5. time you cried: I genuinely can’t remember, it must be a few weeks since I last cried, but when I do cry it’s for really dark and meaningful reasons, like a really touching IKEA advert, or I’ve remembered a sad scene from a TV show from years ago - actually no, I remember, I cried during Wonder Woman
6. dated someone twice: nope, unless this refers to going on a date with someone and then going on a second date, which I’m pretty sure I have done, otherwise how the hell have I made it four-and-a-half years with my boyfriend?
7. kissed someone and regretted it: forget kissing, I’ve banged someone and regretted it DURING
8. been cheated on: not to my knowledge but who the fuck knows?
9. lost someone special: Catelyn Stark S03E09. Also beloved family members.
10. been depressed: yer
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: yes, but sometimes a spicy dinner makes me throw up so we can never really know what to attribute that to
favourite colors
12. blue
13. pink
14. yellow
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: I met Isaac Hempstead Wright at a gallery opening and he took a selfie with me so we’re basically best friends now
16. fallen out of love: I became pretty disillusioned after Cursed Child if you think that counts
17. laughed until you cried: basically every time I think about Twilight
18. found out someone was talking about you: I like to assume that I’m always being talked about by adoring fans, but also no (I assume this pertains to bitching?)
19. met someone who changed you: I am a big girl and can dress myself
20. found out who your friends are: yeah I went on a friend-finding treasure hunt and found all their names in a basket once I’d cracked all the clues
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: yeah, my partner
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them, as no part of me is fictional
23. do you have any pets: not since my cats passed away, they were irreplaceable 24. do you want to change your name: no, my name is fine, and even if I wanted to, the cost and trouble involved is ludicrous
25. what did you do for your last birthday: I did an escape room with friends and saw Jack Whitehall live, I also aged up
26. what time did you wake up: 5 am, because I’d had a dream that my stepson grew to a height of 20 feet and his father blamed me
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: having the aforementioned dream, probably
28. name something you can’t wait for: Game of Thrones season 7, Trump’s impeachment, post-Brexit apocalypse, Chapter 16 of Playing the Hero by @fetchalgernon
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: January, because we don’t live in the same country and she can’t Facetime without inevitably blocking the camera with her thumb
31. what are you listening to right now: Howlin’ For You – The Black Keys, as well as the neighbourhood kids screaming outside
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Tom is my father’s name. So yeah. Occasionally. If I have to.
33. something that is getting on your nerves: Aidan Gillen’s repertoire of accents
34. most visited website: Currently, A03, FFnet, Twitter, Pornhub - one of these is a lie
35. hair colour: red
36. long or short hair: long
37. do you have a crush on someone: Andy Samberg, but he’s playing so damn hard to get
38. what do you like about yourself: hair, brain, hair again
39. piercings: one on each ear, but I also have a piercing stare
40. blood type: red
41. nickname: I don’t really have one that people know me by, but my mother calls me Nelly and my partner calls me sweetie. Dad occasionally calls me Damian/Regan/Carrie because love.
42. relationship status: I’m in one
43. zodiac: Pisces
44. pronouns: she/her
45. favourite tv show: Game of Thrones
46. tattoos: no, what would I even get?
47. right or left handed: right said fred
48. surgery: never
49. piercing: I just answered this question
50. sport: idk if going to the gym counts, but if it does, gym-going, I’m also an expert at my stepkid’s Lego assault course, which he likes to spring on you at unexpected times
51. vacation: what does this mean?? My favourite vacation has been Minnesota, my ideal vacation is Greece.
52. pair of trainers: what? Yes, I own a pair of trainers
more general
53. eating: cherries, wishing it was cake
54. drinking: water, wishing it was a virgin piña colada
55. i’m about to: write
57. want: more sleep
58. get married: that’s the plan
59. career: currently I’m an IT technician/writer for Fansided
60. hugs or kisses: hugs can be had from anyone, so I guess hugs
61. lips or eyes: I actually have both
62. shorter or taller: shorter or taller than what?
63. older or younger: I’m older than some people and younger than other people
64. nice arms or nice stomach: ????
65. hook up or relationship: who with? Andy Samberg? Has he called? Did he, like, mention me?
66. troublemaker or hesitant: these are ideal job interview questions
67. kissed a stranger: I mean, they weren’t strangers to me, but they probably would be to you
68. drank hard liquor: how hard are we talking? could I take it in a fight?
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: I don’t have either
70. turned someone down: I’m a woman, so yes, I’ve had to turn someone down
71. sex on the first date: yes, with my current partner, he has kind eyes
72. broken someone’s heart: yeah
73. had your heart broken: I’ve had my heart severely pummelled, but broken’s going a bit far
74. been arrested: too much of a goody-two-shoes
75. cried when someone died: yes
76. fallen for a friend: obviously I am madly in love with Katie and am going to rescue her from Target on a white horse and in full Brienne of Tarth armour
do you believe in …
77. yourself: hell yes I do
78. miracles: no
79. love at first sight: I assume that’s what happens when you give birth, otherwise no
80. santa claus: I have a stepson so I AM Santa Claus now
81. kiss on the first date: why not?
82. angels: no, not even the Robbie Williams song
83. current best friend’s name: Katie
84. eye colour: I think my eyes are green, but everyone I ask has a different fucking opinion
85. favourite movie: Pride and Prejudice (2005), also The Erotic Misadventures of the Invisible Man (this one isn’t true)
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goddamnmuses-a · 4 years
Dan Watches: Star Wars: Episode I -The Phantom Menace
So.. I got the idea of writing my thoughts up as I go basically as they get to the Gungan city so.. i’ll try and remember my thoughts before that and then I’ll do it kinda live. Under the cut cus long. 
Alright.. So the opening crawl was very.. politics which to be honest as i’ve got older I actually kind of enjoy that side of Star Wars but it doesn’t really add anyhting to the actual film because I think everything thats in it could be picked up by just watching the film. 
I kinda like the battle droids.. weird soft spot for them. I like the big ship ones too and Droidekas i thought were the coolest shit ever when i was a kid and i stand by that. 
I’m not all that bothered by the racial stereotypes because like.. i’m not the races they’re sterotyping but i can see why it’d be problematic.
Jar Jar isn’t as annoying as everyone makes him out to be.. don’t get me wrong.. he’s annoying.. but he’s not cancer. 
Aesthetically the Gungan City is pretty cool, giant underwater bubble city.. i bet there’s cool fan art of it somewhere. 
Alright now we’re live.. The duck things the Gungans ride are weird. 
Do Gungans like JarJar eventually become the giant Green guy? .. I googled apparently they’re just two different races of Gungan despite looking like totally different Aliens.
It’s nice that all races are like “Life debt? Oh yeah thats a legit thing.”
Gungans speak like English or Common or.. i forget the Star Wars term.. Basic? is their second language.. but it isnt. 
Yooo Qui Gon just made JarJar go to sleep using the force.. Why is Force Sleep not a thing in more stuff... gotta keep an eye out for that now. 
Naboo is pretty.
Padme is so extra, she’s in her iconic red dress that’s already extra as fuck and then sees that she’s been captured and is like “Alright.. but first.. wardrobe change!” and then shows up in some black number. I’m not sure if at this point she’s actually Padme or if Padme is pretending to be one of her servants now but either way she had a costume change and nobody questions it so she must be having costume changes all the time. 
When Qui Gon force pushes two battle droids theres a really weird sound effect that sounds like it belongs in a mario game. 
Pretty sure Padme is the handmaid now and this new Queen should take the opportunity to be like “Yoo peace out bitches.” Then we get Keira Knightley’s adventures in Star Wars.
Also who was she before this swaparoo? Was she a handmaid and just suddenly got promoted to queen? Like she could be saying all sorts of shit. I know she gets revealed later on but think of how much she could do whilst Padme is away. 
The first words ever spoken to R2 in Star Wars, chronologically, (although inderectly) are “Hello Boyos”. Just sit with that. 
The first words spoken to him directly are “How rude.” which seems about right tbf with how sassy he is. 
Darth Maul is awesome. 
Keira Knightly or Sabe (I looked it up) is like “Yo actual queen, clean that droid!” i think she just wanted to feel more powerful than the actual queen there, little power trip. 
Nice Poncho Qui Gon. Cal approves. 
I wonder how long Padme took to convince the others to let her go off alone with Qui Gon and Jar Jar and R2 (Dunno why R2 joins them?) on a planet thats ruled by the Hutts
I kinda like Watto.. not as a person.. he just amuses me.
Kinda cool that Anakin can speak Huttese, wish he spoke it more often.. just cursing in Huttese as Obi Wan tries to teach him stuff. 
“Are you an Angel.” Smooooth kid. Smoooth, you’re gonna get with her. Despite her being way older than you. They couldn’t have just made him the same age as her? 
Toydarians should be used for more things, especially involving force users. 
Anakin. The slave. Is like “Here Qui Gon, you’ll like this food.” and he’s just like “Cheers” and pockets it for later. Dude. Try it. 
I really hope they do go into more High Republic stuff next, give me a Destiny-type game where you play as a Jedi with your mates. 
Quigons like “You must have Jedi reflexes to race pods” Then he catches Jar Jars tongue in a blink of an eye and Anakins like “You’re a Jedi Knight aren’t you?” And Qui-Gon is like “What makes you think that?” ...? .. You just fucking.. God damn it Qui-Gon. 
Anakin: “No one can kill a Jedi”. Palpatine: “Hold my Blue milk.”
I feel like im becoming fluent in Gungan broken basic which is worrying. 
Anakins mom whos name i’ve literally just forgot is like “He was meant to help you.” ... bitch.. what? Why does nobody question that? 
WHY DOES JAR JARS MOUTH MOVE WITH OTHER PEOPLES LINES!? ... Darth Jar Jar.  #PlagueisTheWiseWasAGungan. I mean not rly but seriously.. that would have been a really cool plot twist. 
Jar Jar got numbed and got his hand stuck.. so like.. perhaps not.. otherwise you’re playing a little too dumb mate. 
The look of worry from Shmi, good stuff. 
The two Headed announcer speaking basic and Huttese is pretty smart like, the one doing one and the other doing the other. 
What the fuck is Clegg Holdfast?
What the fuck are any of these races? Like.. where are these races throughout the rest of the franchise? 
Crazy that lightly bending that one part of the podracer can fuck it up so bad. 
Who the fuck is that other Hutt? Oh yeah I’m watching the like updated version with Geroge Lucas’ “Fixes” in it. Probably should have said that earlier. 
I cant remember if this is true but I’m pretty sure Qui-Gon knows Padme is the Queen and is just fucking with her at this point. 
Man Pod Racing is cool, fuck whoever says it isnt. 
Gimmie an updated Pod Racing ps4 game.
What the fuck is that long thin alien thats selling food to the crowd? Gimmie a Jedi version of him. 
Havent commented in a while because i just kept watching it tbh.
Coruscant looks cool. Still want more High Republic stuff. 
What the fuck is that driver alien, he looks in pain to exist. 
“There is no civility, there is only politics” The Chancellor code. 
Is it too late to call a vote of no confidence on Palpatine? 
I see you there in the background Yaddle. Get it girl. 
Fuck me the added extra of this long neck ass Jedi Master is so distracting. 
Where Jaro Tapal at tho?
You’d think after Padme’s like “Surprise bitch it’s me” moment coming up the Jedi would be like “Well shit.. maybe we’re less aware of things than we think... Yoda.. are you just a short human painted green?” 
Amedala... So extra with these outfits. I get that she’s a Queen but Jesus. 
Eyyyyyyyyyyyy it’s ET. 
Qui-Gon is such a bad boy. 
I kinda get why Jedi take kids when they’re really young, so they can’t remember their parents so they aren’t constantly worried about their parents and then fall to the dark side... doesn’t make it any nicer though. 
My vote went to Bail Antilles. 
To be fair not training Anakin could have been very bad. He could have like gone even more Darkside and Palpatine could swooped in and trained him himself completely. 
Maul is barely in this but fuck is he still cool. 
You know what I don’t hate Midichlorians. They’re just like atoms that stick to certain people and thats what gives them access to the force, it doens’t really change anything it’s just a scientific explination. 
You know what.. During the middle of the film, Jar Jar keeps his mouth shut and just lets people get on with it, that’s alright. 
How old is Obiwan supposed to be in this film? 
A little more variation in these creepy ass gungans would be nice. 
Damn the Viceroy and the other guy are huge or Maul is smol. 
Love that Gungan dindgeridoo horn thing. 
I also love the giant bubble shields. 
Are they watching a Star Wars battle tactics pc game on that screen?
Fuck The Darth Maul fight is badass. 
I don’t buy Anakin at all, he wants to fly out there and get involved, the little shit. 
Quigon doesnt even flip when he jumps, he’s just like “I’m too old for this shit.”
Yeah R2 is like “Go back” and Anakins like “Naaa fuck that”... Tut tut. Boys gonna be trouble.
The way Maul stalks back and forth the other side of that barrier like a Sith Tiger.. Good shit. 
Aaaaand Quigon is dead. RIP. 
“Now This is Pod Racing.”.. It’s not though is it? 
Nice to have something blow up and actually have debris instead of just all being gone completely. 
Anddd there goes Maul to go get robot spider legs and then be found by his bro Savage. 
Why do you wanna bring balance to the force anyway if it’s currently so one sided favouring the light side? Surely bringing balance is a bad thing at that point. 
Yoda’s already soooo old. 
Alright so they know there’s a Sith out there and the guy is still just like right next to them and they don’t know. Tut. 
That Jedi behind Mace Windu at the end looks intimidating as shit. 
Padme, he’s a kid, calm yourself down woman. You predator. 
Alright.. Film done. 10/10 Best movie ever. Naa tbh I enjoy the prequels more than most, obviously if you’ve stuck with me this long you know that but it clearly has its flaws.. still.. I enjoyed it! Feel free to ask me my opinions on specific things if you want.  Also shamelessly gonna plug my two star wars muses Cal and Savage here, rp with me you cowards. Also I’m down to star wars verse any of my other characters, literally any of them, i have ideas for all. 
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