chibinekochan · 3 years
I mean my b day is really close to the twins, maybe you could do something with that? Like days after or the same day? Its up to you.
That’s a great idea.
I just write it like you share the celebration.
Like a joined party. I hope that makes sense. 
2k words
  Once they find out, the decision for the twins is as clear as day: Celebrate together. 
  Of course, they sit you down first. 
"Hey, so we have noticed that our birthdays are so close and if you don't mind we would love to celebrate with you." Belphie is the one to start the conversation. 
"No pressure, of course. If you have different plans we support that." Beel adds. 
You think for a moment. "That sounds pretty great. I'd love to share this special day with you. Do you have plans already?" It's pretty exciting to you. 
"Not really, other than having a good time. I would just like to relax." Belphie doesn't seem too keen on having a party. 
"Yeah, I'm happy as long as there is food. It's not a big deal to us but with you here celebrating with us, I'd go all out. If you want that." Beel is focused on your happiness. 
"I want that of us all to have a good time. There are so many things that we could do." Your head gets instantly filled with ideas. 
"Others will definitely bug us into having a party, especially with you being there." Belphie sighs. 
"Yeah, Asmo has already said something about that. If we join parties it will become a huge event." Beel doesn't mind either way. Since there will be food. 
"You are right, it will probably just be a huge party. So how about we all just do something nice the day after our birthdays?" You think about your options. 
"That is a great idea. We could go to a nice restaurant." Beel agrees right away. 
"Sounds good to me and after that, we can go to the big planetarium." Belphie approves of the idea. 
"Sounds great and after that, we can go to the cinema. You know the one where they serve these enormous popcorn buckets. They have some other interesting options too and there is this movie that I want to watch." You start to look forward to it. 
"Sounds great to me." Belphie agrees with your idea. 
"I wanted to try that popcorn anyway. I will pay for the food if that's alright with you all." Beel knows how much he eats. 
"Sounds fair, I will pay for the planetarium tickets." Belphie agrees without hesitation. 
“In that case, I'll pay for the cinema tickets.” You feel like it's only fair.
"No, I can do that." Beel shakes his head. 
"Yeah, I can pay that too." Belphie also seems reluctant to agree to this. 
"It's only fair if we each pay for something." You are grateful but want to do something for them as well. 
"True, but I'll pay for the popcorn." Beel will not budge on that point. 
"In that case, I'll pay for the drinks. That way it's fair." Belphie agrees with Beel. 
"Okay, that seems fair." You know there is no arguing about this.
With that, everything is settled. 
You are pretty excited about celebrating your birthday in this matter. 
Technically you get two days to celebrate. 
This will be a great day for sure. 
You haven't been this happy about a birthday in a long time. 
With a spring in your step you go and meet the twins. 
  Belphie is unusually energetic. "Are you ready for our special day?" He smiles at you. 
"I definitely am." You are very pumped up. 
"I can't wait. I feel like a child again." Beel is basically beaming. 
This causes you to smile even more. 
"We should get going." Belphie is equally excited. It's nice seeing him like this. 
Together you arrive at the restaurant. 
It's a very cozy place with loads of options. 
You can see why Beel wanted to try this restaurant. 
  Your table is in a nice quiet corner. 
It has a couch that goes around the corner. 
"You should sit in the middle." Belphie sits down and offers you the place next to him. 
"Sure why not." You don't mind at all. 
You sit down and Beel sits on your other side. "This place is really nice. It was a great idea to come here." You smile at Beel. 
"I'm glad you like it. They have your favorite dessert." Beel points to the menu option.
"Oh yeah, that's great. I didn't think a restaurant in the devildom would have it." Your eyes start to sparkle. 
"Haha, you are so excited about a dessert. It's very cute." Belphie giggles. 
"They have your favorite dish too Belphie and I choose this place since they have human realm options." Beel has put a lot of work into finding this place. 
"Wow, that's so sweet of you Beel." You feel very grateful.
"Oh, there it is." Belphie just found his favorite on the menu. He is very happy. "You are always so thoughtful Beel." Belphie smiles. 
"I just want the people I love to be happy." Beel seems a bit embarrassed. 
His words make you smile. "You always do. What will you pick Beel?" 
"I will pick the whole menu, of course." Beel grins, you wonder why he even bothered with the menu then. 
"That was a silly question." Belphie giggles. 
"Yeah, that's true… I will take this." You point to your choice. 
"That sounds pretty good actually." Belphie seems curious about it. 
"I can give you some, so you can try." You kindly offer to him. 
"That would be very sweet of you." Belphie gives you a grateful smile. 
"I ordered that dish too. So you can have some of mine." Beel offers instead. 
"Nah, I'd rather have them feed me," Belphie smirks at you.
You shake your head. 
"If you feed him you have to feed me too." Beel pouts slightly. 
You give them a small sigh. "I'll give you both some but in exchange, I want some of yours too."
"Sounds fair." Belphie instantly agrees. 
Beel nods and that is when some of your food arrives. Since Beel ordered so much you all get one dish each at first. While they keep bringing the rest of the dishes slowly out.
Your food looks great, you are very happy with your order. You eat a bit, and it tastes just as good as it looks. "It's so tasty."
"I'm glad. Do you enjoy your food too, Belphie?" Beel is happily eating his food. 
"Yeah, it's very good. The only time I had a better one was when you made it for me." Belphie shoots a smile towards you. 
"You are flattering me." You blush a little. 
"It's true whenever you cook something it always tastes best." Beel agrees wholeheartedly. 
You blush. "I'm flattered, but I'm sure a restaurant can do better than me." 
"Nah, I'm sure yours tastes better. With that said you want to have a bite?" Belphie is adamant and holds out a fork with some food out to you. 
"Just put some on my plate." You feel a bit embarrassed to eat from his fork. 
"Come on, say ah!" Belphie doesn't budge. 
"Alright… Ahhh." A bit reluctant you let him feed you. 
It's pretty hard to focus on the taste of the food like this. 
"It’s good right?" Belphie grins at your embarrassed face. 
"Yeah, it's good." You say slightly nervous. 
"Now feed me some of yours," Belphie demands in a teasing manner. 
"Alright." You take some of your food on your fork. "Say aah." You hold the fork close to Belphie, and he eats the food. 
"Delicious. This is the best way to eat." Belphie is very happy. 
"Give me some too," Beel asks. 
"Of course." You repeat the process and hold the fork towards Beel. 
He eats it with great pleasure. "It really tastes better this way."
"What do you want to try from my food?" Beel has a huge selection, it's hard to choose. 
You just randomly point to something that looks tasty. "That one looks great."
"It's very good. So here you go." Beel gives you a big fork full of food. 
You eat it. "It's so good. If we come here again I might take that meal." 
"Is it that good?" Belphie seems curious. 
"Yeah, I can feed you too." Beel offers Belphie a fork full. 
"No, it's not the same if you do it." Belphie huffs a little. 
This makes you giggle. 
  The rest of the meal is very pleasant and in the end, everyone is well-fed. 
  "The planetarium isn't so far away. We still have some time before the show starts so how about a walk to it?" You think a walk would be great too after eating this much. 
"Sounds good to me, what do you think?" Beel agrees but is worried about Belphie. 
"Seems fine to me. It's not that far away anyway." Belphie is a bit hesitant but agrees with a shrug. 
"We can walk slowly and take a breather in between." You know that Belphie doesn't have the most stamina. 
"Yeah, we have plenty of time. I could buy ice cream on the way too." Beel seems to love that idea. 
"Haha sounds great." Somehow ice cream sounds nice. 
"Aren't you full?" Belphie shakes his head. 
"Well yeah, but this is ice cream we are talking about." There certainly is room for ice cream. 
Belphie just shakes his head in disbelief.
"I can just give you some of mine." Beel offers. 
"Let's do that." This is a great idea. 
So you all head slowly towards the planetarium. 
Beel buys ice cream on the way. He buys a small one for you, with your favorite flavor. 
"Now I kinda want some too." Belphie looks longingly at the ice cream. 
"Want to share some of mine then?" You figure it's too much for just yourself anyway. 
"I got some extra spoons." Beel hands Belphie a spoon. He saw this coming. 
So you and Belphie share the ice-cream that Beel got you. It's the perfect amount for both of you. 
"At least now I won't crave snacks while we watch the star show." Beel is plenty filled now. 
"Don't tell me you just are all of that to make sure you don't disturb the show?" Belphie just noticed that. 
"Yeah, I don't want to make sounds while it's going," Beel admits slightly sheepish. 
"That's so sweet of you Beel." You give him the kindest smile. 
"He always does things like that." Belphie is very grateful for this.
You head to the planetarium. You all get seats next to each other. You sit again between the twins. 
The show is very relaxing. Soon you can feel Belphie leaning onto your shoulder. 
He is fast asleep. He looks so relaxed that you just leave him be. 
"If he gets too heavy we can switch." Beel whispers. 
"It's alright let's just enjoy the show." You whisper back and go back to just relax for a while. 
You just hope Belphie isn't upset that he missed most of the show. 
After it's over you stretch. Somehow you feel pretty sleepy now. 
"That was great." Belphie woke up when the light went back on. 
"Have you seen any of it?" You don't think he did. 
"I did, and I had a great nap. Now I feel ready to watch an entire movie." Belphie sounds like he took this nap just for that reason. It's pretty sweet of him. 
"As long as you enjoyed it I'm happy." Beel doesn't seem to mind at all. 
"Should we take a small stroll to the cinema and then take a break in the park?" There is still some time left and the weather is nice enough. 
"Sounds good. They have a few food stands in the park too. I'm getting hungry again." Beel fully approves. 
"Yeah, it's been almost two hours since you ate. So let's do that. I can sleep a bit on a bench." Belphie seems to equally support the idea. 
So you all head to the park and sit on the bench. Belphie uses you as a pillow and Beel feeds you a few of the delicious snacks he bought. 
It's very nice to just relax for a little while.
Once it's time for the movie you all feel a little very relaxed. 
You buy the tickets. Beel gets in line for the popcorn. He gets you and Belphie both a small tub in your favorite flavor. 
Belphie gets you all drinks, and you are helping with carrying some of Beel’s orders. 
You all sit down, with you naturally sitting in the middle. 
"I hope the popcorn will be enough for you Beel." It's a lot but a small amount for Beel. 
"I'm fine, I want to enjoy the movie too." Beel is as always very considerate. 
"I just hope I can stay awake." Belphie sounds worried. 
"We can rent the movie on streaming if you pass out. Don't worry I won't give you spoilers." You know with the darkness it will be hard for Belphie to stay awake. 
"I will try to stay awake for you." Belphie has made his mind up. 
"That's sweet of you but don't force yourself." You give him a gentle smile.
"Don't worry about me." Belphie smiles back at you. 
Then the lights start to dim, and you enjoy the commercials and a bit of your popcorn, which is very tasty. 
Soon the movie starts, it's even better than you expected. 
Your whole attention is drawn to it.
At least until you feel a hand on yours and then shortly after on your other hand.
  Both brothers hold your hand. 
You don't mind this at all. 
This is a pretty great day after all.
  My Obey me! Masterlist
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chibinekochan · 3 years
What about the twins preparing a gif for eachother but failing at making it a surprice because twin telepaty gives too many hints?
This is so sweet.
  They have both tried this one before. 
I mean who wouldn't want to surprise their twin with a great present. 
Yet neither of them is ever surprised. 
The connection is just too strong. 
Once again they do their best to surprise each other. 
As usual, they pick up on each other's ideas. 
Knowing very well that the other knows what ideas they have as well. 
That is the moment when they both have the idea to talk to you for help. 
In true twin fashion, they both come to you at the same time.
This makes for a very awkward moment. 
"So how can I help you?" You just wonder about the scene in front of your door. 
"Well, I wanted to talk to you, but it can wait." Beel is ready to wait until Belphie is done. 
"I will go first, but I assume we want the same thing." Belphie is slightly frustrated by the whole ordeal. 
Beel nods in agreement. 
"So you both want to come in then?" You think they might had a fight or something.
"No, just give me a call when you're done." Beel heads towards the kitchen.
"Alright? Well, come in Belphie." Slightly confused you open your door.
Belphie gets right into the room and gets himself comfortable. 
"You see I want to surprise Beel for our birthday, but he always knows what I want to get him. It's pretty frustrating." He gets straight up to the point. 
"I can see that it can be annoying. But unless you somehow stop thinking while you buy anything or ask someone else to get something I'm not sure how you could surprise Beel." It's hard for you to relate to their twin telepathy, but you can imagine that this makes things difficult. 
Belphie sighs. "I just once want to see his surprised face."
"Oh, actually I just thought of something since Beel loves food you could get him a box of random snacks. While he will know that you got him a box full of random snacks he won't know exactly what you got him." This seems to be a pretty solid idea. 
"That's not a bad idea actually, but I not just want to give him food. I have many ideas, but he will always know what I want to buy for him." Belphie likes the idea but it's not enough. 
"So does he know exactly what you get? Like if you buy him clothes he will exactly know what it is and how it looks?" You try to figure out how deep their connection goes. 
"I can only say how it is for me, but it's like I have a vague idea. Like it's something I'd want to wear now, and sometimes I know it's a pullover." Belphie struggles to explain it. 
"I see that's pretty close then, but he still wouldn't know the pattern for example. How is it when it's a few different items?" You start to think over your opinions. 
"I usually get him one or two items, so I'm not sure. I'd assume he knows the general feeling for the items at the least. For example, they are comfortable or smell nice." Belphie puts a lot of effort into thinking of examples. 
"Then you should get him a few completely different items. Like you buy him smaller items that he likes but give very different feelings. So he won't know exactly what it is." You think this is a pretty good idea. 
"That's a pretty good idea. I can think of a good chunk of items that Beel would love and that aren't too expensive. I just hope this won't be impersonal. Since I usually get him something he usually wouldn't buy for himself." Belphie agrees with the sentiment, but it's not quite satisfying. 
"I don't think so. When you buy him different things that he loves, he will know how much you pay attention to him and care about him. You can always get him one medium-priced item, that he might be able to guess and smaller items to surprise him." You try to come up with a compromise. 
"That seems like a great idea. I think I have a pretty solid plan now. Thank you!" Belphie looks much brighter now. 
"Anytime Belphie, I hope you find something nice." You smile at him and with that Belphie leaves you alone. 
Just a moment after Belphie leaves Beel knocks, and you let him in. "I have seen Belphie leave just now." 
"Yeah, come in Beel." You let him in. 
Beel sits down and looks at you. "You probably heard it from Belphie already, but actually I want to make something for him instead of buying it. I don't know how that possibly could be a surprise." Beel has a similar issue to Belphie. 
"I already got a few details from Belphie, so I have an idea how hard it is to hide something from him. I think the only way to do it would be to have no idea what you are actually making. Let's say you make a pullover. You would only get one part of the pattern at a time and work it as far as you can, but the final assembly will be done by someone else. So you will have only a vague idea what it actually is while doing most of the work. I guess an amnesia spell is also an option." You give Beel the only options you can really think of. 
"Hmm, that might work. I should ask Solomon for a spell like that. I would want you to cast it though. Since I trust you." Beel seems to like the idea. 
"It's sweet that you trust me so much, but it seems pretty dangerous." You can't imagine that it will be easy or without risk. 
"I'm willing to do it for Belphie." Beel is determined. 
"He wouldn't be happy if you get hurt. I'd rather teach you blindfolded knitting than putting you in danger." You look at him with a stern look. 
"I keep that as option two then." Beel clearly has no sense of being overly dramatic. Well, maybe the amnesia spell will be more harmless than it sounds. 
With that, you and Beel meet Solomon. Lucky enough the spell will only make Beel forget what he did a half-hour ago. So this is the best option. 
Time passes and both twins diligently prepare their gifts. 
Beel settles on a patchwork blanket in Belphies favorite colors. 
Meanwhile, Belphie has chosen a few different things that go along with his main gift, training equipment for Beel. 
Everything seems to go very well. 
The day of their birthday finally arrives, and they are both equally excited. 
With big eyes they open all the gifts. Keeping each other's gift for last. 
Beel is super happy about the equipment and everything else that Belphie got him. 
Belphie just wants to try out his new blanket. 
It seems like all the hard work really paid off. 
Truth be told neither of them is truly surprised, but it doesn't matter in the end. Since they did all just to make the other one happy and that is what truly matters.
  Check my Obey me! Masterlist for more content
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chibinekochan · 3 years
😭 all I can think of for the twins birthday is the cake. Maybe the kinds of cake you think they’d eat?
Lol, the true glutton choice — I mean it's right on the mark.
Now I'm hungry. T-T
I just made a little baking cake scenario, where you bake a cake with one twin for the other twin.
Both of these are like 1k words
He comes to you with his request. 
"Look, I want to bake a nine-tier cake for Beel. Last year we all baked him a small one, but it just wasn't enough to feed him at all. So this year I want to make sure that he gets enough cake to be full." 
"Nine tiers? That's a lot. Will that even be possible?" You can't imagine it. 
"Normally it wouldn't, but I have some special powder that will make it possible. It will cause the cake to be super light." Belphie then shows you a couple of cupcakes. He lets them go, and they float in the air. "See, I made these to make sure it will work."
"Wow, that's pretty cool. But wouldn't it be easier to just bake nine cakes and why nine tiers anyway?" You are impressed but still wonder why the extra effort.
"Maybe, but that's how we do it every year. I want something special for him this year and the number is just for every person that means so much to us." Belphie is steadfast in his decision. 
"Did you include me on that list?" That is the only way the math adds up. 
Belphie grins. "Yes, of course. So will you help me?" 
"I will help you. I want to see Beel’s smile too." Naturally, you agree. 
Belphie is honestly relieved. 
It's a challenge to put it lightly. The sheer amount of ingredients makes you dizzy. 
Your whole body hurts after mixing everything together. 
Belphie is very determined, you rarely see him like this. 
He doesn't even seem to be tired at all. 
Baking the cake is another big challenge. 
You use the kitchen in the castle since the oven is bigger.  
Both of you are kinda bored watching the oven. 
"You are covered in flour." Belphie chuckles. 
"Haha yeah, so are you." You shake the flour off your clothes and laugh.
Belphie cleans himself up. "You forgot some." Belphie pats your shoulder and then wipes your face. His hand lingers longer on your face than it needs to be. 
You blush. 
"Belphie, do I really have flour there?" You are pretty sure that it must be all gone now. 
Belphie smiles at you in a devious way. "Probably not." Then he pokes your nose and giggles. 
You puff your cheeks. He always does things like this to you. "You got some flour left too." With that, you ruffle his hair. 
Belphie huffs. "If you play dirty like that I will get you back." With that, Belphie starts to tickle you. 
"Ahh, so unfair." You playfully protest. "I will get you back for that one!" You start to attack his side. 
What causes Belphie to laugh uncontrollably. "Stop, stop, I admit defeat."
"Alright, I hope you learned your lesson." You grin at him victoriously. 
Belphie holds his hand up in the air. "I will not mess with the new tickle champ anymore. How about a victory kiss?" He smiles at you. 
You shake your head and are about to give in when the timer rings. 
Belphie groans. "Talk about bad timing."
You giggle and help to pull the cake out. 
Then you layer everything and cover the whole cake. 
It's a very impressive sight. 
"So, now we just have to bring it to the room where the food for the party is stored." It will still be a challenge, that much is certain. 
"Don't worry Barbatos said we can leave it here, and he will bring it to the party." Belphie is glad that he already took care of it. 
"Great, so that means we are done?" You feel a sense of relief. 
"Well, yeah except for one thing." Belphie smiles at you. 
"And that is?" You wonder what you have forgotten. 
"Close your eyes," Belphie smirks at you. You know what that means. So you play along. "Alright." You close your eyes. 
Anticipating what will come next. 
You can feel his breath on your face.
Then he gives you a very soft kiss. "Thank you for your help today."
Your eyes flutter open, and you see Belphie with slightly red cheeks. 
"No problem." You barely manage to say this much. 
Then you get interrupted by Barbatos and just go back to your room. 
Finally, the day of the party arrives. 
You barely can wait for Beel’s reaction.
The cake is massive. It's the biggest thing you have ever seen. 
When Beel sees it he is so happy. He barely stops himself from jumping into it. 
The hugs both you and Belphie with a bear hug. "Thank you so much you two! This is the best present."
"No problem Beel." You only manage to say this much. 
"As long as you like it I'm happy." Belphie is very pleased with this reaction. 
It was all worth it.
He comes to you with a big request. 
"I really need your help with baking a cake for Belphie." 
"Sure, what can I help you with?" You have a feeling why he might need help. 
"Well, first of all, I want to make sure that I don't eat all the ingredients. I bought more than enough but I can't mess it up. I also need some help with the decoration." Beel looks like a distraught puppy. 
"I can help you with that no problem." You know how hard this is for Beel. So you gladly offer your support. 
"Thank you so much! I will pay you back for sure." Beel lights up, it seems like a big stone fell off his heart. 
"There is no need for that. I enjoy baking and I love spending time with you." It's a great way to spend time together in your opinion. 
"Great, then let's do this!" Beel is pumped. 
You both go to the kitchen. 
You can see that Beel bought at least 10 times the amount of ingredients. 
"Alright, I will manage the ingredients and you will do the mixing." This is the best plan in my opinion. 
Beel agrees with a nod. "Sounds good."
You carefully measure everything and Beel really fights against his urge to eat everything. 
It's a struggle for Beel. 
"Here have this." You hand him an xxxxxl chocolate bar. 
"Thanks, you are a lifesaver." Beel gratefully eats it. This seems to help Beel a lot. 
"No problem. That's why I'm your baking assistant after all." You smile at Beel. 
"I'm glad that I asked you. I can't thank you enough for this." Beel smiles kindly at you. 
"How did you do this before I came?" You are pretty curious about this.
"Well, I always manage somehow. I would make a few cakes or just ask one of my brothers to hold me back. It was always a huge battle. It's pretty shameful to be honest." Beel looks distraught. 
"You still always manage to do it for Belphie and that is all that matters in my opinion. No matter how tough it is on you, you still do it just to make him happy. I think that's pretty amazing." You want to encourage Beel. 
Beel smiles at you. "You might be right. Thank you for seeing it like this." 
It's like he never even considered thinking this way. 
Then the cake is ready to be baked. 
Beel is very careful with it. 
You look at all the ingredients you still have left. "What should we do with these?" 
"Hmmm, it's much more than what I usually leave. I haven't thought about it." Beel expected to eat most of the extra ingredients. 
"I think we should make some muffins with them. It would be a great treat for everyone." You think it will give Belphie the chance to enjoy his favorite cake in a new way. 
"That's a great idea. I'm sure Belphie will love that." Beel loves this idea. 
"How about we have a snack while the cake is baking? It smells so good I'm getting hungry." As if to agree, my stomach rumbles. 
"I thought it was just me. I will make us some sandwiches. Is that alright with you?" Beel chuckles lightly. 
"Sounds great." You can only agree. 
While Beel is preparing food for you, you notice the flour in his hair. "Can you bend down for a moment?" 
"Um, sure." Beel doesn't even question why. 
You gently remove the flour. "There you go."
He looks a bit confused.
"There was flour in your hair." 
"Ah, and I thought you were just patting me for some reason." Beel smiles at me. 
"I can do that too. You definitely deserve headpats." You giggle a little. 
Beel blushes and then his stomach starts to sound like a lion. "We need to do that later."
"Haha yeah sure seems like it." You both eat your sandwiches. Beel eats an entire package. 
Then the cake is done. 
"It already looks great. Now it needs to cook down and then we get to decorate it." You look at the cake. 
Beel nods. "We should use the time to make the muffins."
"Yeah, that's right." You start to prepare the ingredients and Beel does the mixing. 
This works best for both of you. Then you bake the muffins. 
"So now to decorate this cake. Will you use the chocolate or do you want to put the sugar decorations on it?" 
"I will do the chocolate. These sugar decorations somehow always break when I touch them." Beel seems to have tried it many times. 
It makes sense to you that he is so strong that they probably just crumble. "Okay."
Beel carefully covers the whole cake and I place the various tiny and fragile decorations on top of it. 
"There we go. What do you think? Does it look good?" You are pretty proud of yourself, but it's most important to you that Belphie will like it. 
"It looks great. I couldn't have done it without you." Beel beams with happiness and pride. He pats you on the head. 
You blush. 
"That was because you deserve some head pats." Beel uses your words. It's pretty embarrassing to hear it from him. 
"Thank you." You aren't sure what else to say. 
"Hold on, you got some chocolate there." Beel eyes your face and then uses his finger to clean your cheek. He then licks his finger. "Delicious." 
You blush even more from that statement. 
The timer for the muffins saves you. 
They honestly look and smell great. 
"They are amazing! This was a great idea." Beel looks with a lot of pride at the muffins. 
"I have to agree. Do you want to decorate them too?" You look at the load of muffins that you made. 
"I will coat them in chocolate. Maybe one decoration each? Just leave two without." Beel has a plan. 
"Sure, but what about the leftover two?" You don't mind at all. 
"I've got a plan for these." Beel doesn't say anything else.
You don't mind it, it's making you curious if anything. 
So you decorate the muffins and Beel does something with the extra muffins behind you. 
You have to work hard to not peek. 
Once you are done Beel comes up to you, hands behind his back. 
"I made something for you." Beel then sheepishly hands you two very nicely decorated muffins. They each seem to represent one of the twins. 
It makes you smile. "Aww, that's so sweet of you Beel. Thank you so much." 
"I'm glad you like it." Beel smiles brightly. 
You take the muffins and decide to follow up on something you wanted to do earlier. 
"Could you bend down for me?" You ask with a smile. 
"Have I more flour in my hair?" He ruffles his hair.
"No, just do it." You shake your head. 
Beel then shrugs and bends down. 
You smile at him and give him a light kiss on the lips. 
Beel blushes, he didn't expect that at all. 
"That one was because you are so awesome." You give him a big smile. 
Beel blushes. "Thank you."
The day of the party arrives and Beel presents the cake and muffins to Belphie. 
He is very happy about all the effort that Beel put into it. 
"Wow, that's the best cake ever." Belphie loves all the work and love that was put into this. 
"Thank you but they helped me a lot." Beel looks at you. "It would've been impossible without them."
"That's sweet of you to say, but you did the most work. I'm just glad that Belphie likes it." This is a bit embarrassing to hear. 
"I love it. Thank you both."Belphie beams at both of you. It is a full success.
  Check my Obey me! Masterlist for more content
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chibinekochan · 3 years
Morning Sunrise ft. Beel and Belphie
A fic about the brothers and you get a free day in a spa hotel. On paper, it sounds great but not everything is going as planned.
Will the twins still get to enjoy their birthday even when it seems that everything is ruined?
Read on to find out.
  I hear a knock on my door. I open it to find Levi. "Hey Levi, can I help you with anything?" 
"Well, I have a huge problem." He looks very distraught. 
Then he starts to rummage through his pocket and pulls some tickets out. "I won these tickets in a raffle. Sadly they are completely useless to me. They are for a day and night in a spa, for three people. Well, you can probably see the issue. First of all, I don't even have that many friends and it's in a region without wifi. Then there is a concert that weekend that I simply can't miss." Levi dumps all this information on me. 
"I would have gone with you. You have Solomon and Henry. I mean any of your brothers would come too." I feel bad for Levi. 
"That is so kind of you." His eyes sparkle. "You are a true friend!" Levi smiles gleefully at me. 
"Sadly that concert is still more important to me. So I want to give these to you." Levi is holding the tickets for me. 
"That is very nice of you. I will pay you back with some anime merchandise from the human world." I graciously take the tickets from Levi. 
"That is super fair. There is a ton of stuff that I need." Levi agrees and leaves me alone. 
  I check the date it's on the night before the twins’ birthday. This is the perfect opportunity for a little early birthday celebration. 
   I already have gifts for them so this is only a bonus. Well, if they are up for it. 
  I head to their room right away. 
  I knock and hear someone say. "Come in."
I'm sure it's Beel. 
  I open the door. Belphie looks at me with a sleepy expression while Beel smiles at me. 
"Hey you two, I have a question about your birthday." I get straight to the point. 
"Sure, ask whatever you want." Beel sounds very enthusiastic. 
"Yeah, as long as it's not too tiresome." Belphie is still half asleep. 
"Levi gave me tickets for a day and night in a spa for three people. It's on the day before your birthday and I thought it would be great if we could go." With a big smile, I show them the tickets. 
"That kind of sounds like a pain. I mean we have to travel to get to the place." Belphie sounds not really in the mood for it. 
"They got this great spa massage that is said to give you the best sleep ever and they also got an enormous buffet." Luckily enough I know just the right thing to motivate him, and I also throw something out there that will make Beel happy too. 
"Oh, that sounds great! I mean I wanted to go anyway since you can see the stars very well up there at night." Beel seems to drool for a moment. 
"Haha that's so you Beel, but it sounds pretty nice now that I think about it. We can celebrate our birthday morning in peace. It will be great." Belphie changes his tune rather quickly. 
"Great, I will get Lucifer's permission for us. I'm so excited!" I beam with happiness. A spa day to relax just sounds perfect. 
"Yeah, it will be fun. I'll make sure to thank Levi later." Beel is in a great mood. 
Even Belphie seems affected by it. "We just get him something anime-themed. That will make him happy."
  With that, everything is settled. 
Getting permission wasn't super easy but we did it in the end. 
  I only pack the bare minimum. It's a trip that will take a few hours after all. While the hotel is free the trip itself isn't so we travel cheaply. With a train and a bus. 
The journey is pretty pleasant, even when I nod off on the train. We had to start very early to get to the hotel in time. 
I lean on Beel's shoulder and Belphie takes two seats all by himself across from us. It's pretty comfortable. 
At breakfast time we have to stop Beel from buying the entire food cart but other than that it's a fun time. 
We eat at the train station before riding our bus into the mountains. 
I sit next to Belphie on the bus ride. He is sleeping on my shoulder this time. 
Beel and I talk about different topics. I have some plans at the spa for sure. 
The bus is a bit late but there's no issue. 
Once we arrive at our final stop I stretch my body. I'm all tense after the long ride.
  Belphie studies the map on the side of the road and groans loudly. "This looks like a real hike."
I look at the map, the hotel is on the top of the mountain and we have to walk. Probably gonna take us an hour or two. Luckily I'm prepared. "We knew this Belphie. Just think of the nice spa treatment as your victory price." I try my best to motivate him. 
"Yeah, and the nice food!" Beel doesn't lack motivation at least. 
Belphie sighs and shrugs. "I will do my best. In the worst case, one of you has to carry me."
"Good luck with that, Belphie." I laugh at that. 
"I'm sure you can do it." Beel gives him a friendly slap on the shoulder. 
"I guess I have no choice." He shakes his head and groans. Then he starts walking. 
Beel shrugs at me and we both laugh a little. 
"Are you coming? You snails!" Belphie turns around and teases us playfully. 
"I'll show you a snail!" I reply equally playful and speed up until I catch up with him. 
In the end, we all walk together along the path. 
It's more exhausting than I expected but the idea of a spa day is more than enough motivation for me. 
Belphie, on the other hand, looks like he suffers. 
"Are you alright?" Beel has a worried tone. 
"I'm fine." Belphie doesn't sound convincing. 
"I can carry you." Beel is worried. 
"I can still walk." Belphie wants to push on just a little bit longer. 
"Don't push yourself. Oh, look, that sign there means we are about halfway there." I point ahead to a fork in the road. 
Beel looks at the sign. "Yeah, maybe we can take a short break then." 
We've made good progress and are pretty much on time. "Sounds good to me. Let me check the map, I think there is a nice spot just a little bit ahead."I get the map from my side pocket. 
"You don't need to do that just for me." Belphie doesn't want to be a bother to us. 
"I'm getting hungry so I need a break." Beel is mostly concerned about what is best for everyone. 
"In the guide, it said from the rest spot just a little bit ahead we have a great view of the hotel. I would like to see that." I chime in support of Beel and to give us all a well-deserved rest. 
"I guess I have no choice. Let's take a break." Belphie shrugs with a smile. He knows very well that he needs a break but is too proud to admit that.
  We find the spot just a little bit ahead of the path. 
It's a very nice spot with a great view not just of the hotel but also the surrounding nature. 
I look in awe of the beautiful landscape. 
Beel enjoys the snacks we have packed and Belphie has decided to take a quick nap. 
It's a very peaceful scene. It makes me smile to see them both so relaxed. 
Then I feel a slight chill in the air. I notice some dark clouds on the horizon.
  "That looks pretty bad." Almost as to confirm my bad feeling, Beel speaks up. 
"Yes, we need to move asap. Have you eaten enough?" I worry about his huge appetite. 
"I can eat while we walk. What about you, Belphie?" Beel tries to wake Belphie up. 
He groans. "What is going on?" 
"It looks like there is a storm coming," I say in an alert tone. 
"Huh, I see, just give me a moment." Belphie gets slowly up. He seems pretty sluggish. 
Another gust of wind hits me, something wet touching my skin. “We need to hurry, it's already starting to rain.”
"You are right." Beel looks with a worried expression towards the ever darker sky. 
Belphie gets hit by some droplets of water and groans. "We should hurry." He seems to be fully awake now.
  I can only agree and so we hurry back to the path upwards of the mountain. 
The rain now really starting to hit us all and soon it's down pouring. 
It hits so hard the road is hard to see. 
I have never been so wet my entire life. 
We hurry our steps more, especially when thunder roars through the sky. 
It's coming down now. 
We had been prepared but certainly not enough. 
Then I see that Beel has come to a halt, just a little bit in front of me. 
Our path is blocked by a fallen tree.
  Belphie groans. "What are we supposed to do now? The path down is very far."
"Climbing it would be too dangerous too." The tree is huge and looks very slippery. 
"It looks like there are rocks and mud on the other side too so removing it would only cause us harm." Beel has already scouted the situation. 
"We have to take shelter from the rain. I saw a hut on the map, there should be a path right by marker 113." I have to speak loudly due to the rain and the wind picking up now too. 
"Let's see if we are at 114 so it should be behind us," Beel confirms the marker. 
"At least that's some good news. Let's get moving." Belphie seems very annoyed. I can't blame him.
  Beel and I can only agree. 
By now I'm entirely soaked. 
Still, there is no resting now. We silently walk back to the waymarker. 
Then suddenly something pushes me out of the way and something big crushes right next to me. 
Then I realize that a tree just fell inches away from me. I look surprised at the tree and then at Beel. Who has shoved me away.
  "Are you okay?" His face twists in pain and yet Beel is only worried about me. 
"Y-yeah but what about you?" I can see that he got hit. His cheek is bleeding and his shirt is torn right at the shoulder. The tree must've hit him there. 
"I'm good. Let's be careful." Beel acts like he is fine. I'm still worried. As soon as we hit shelter I will treat his wounds. 
We carefully move as fast as we can. The ground is slippery. 
"Beel stop pretending to be fine, you are limping." Belphie looks angrily at Beel. I look at him and notice that Belphie is right. 
The guilt is ripping my heart out. "Beel come lean on me. It will only get worse if you don't." I can't stand seeing him like this. 
"No, I'm too heavy for you." He bluntly refuses. 
"I'm too wet and tired for this Beel just lean on us both." Belphie doesn't take no for an answer. 
Beel sighs but doesn't refuse our help. "Fine."
"We should be there soon. Just hold on for a little bit longer." With that, I carefully take Beels injured side and Belphie takes his other side.
  Belphie takes the brunt of Beel's weight. 
I know he is much stronger than me but he still struggles. 
This slows us down even more but nobody complains at all. We all might get wet but we just focus on getting to safety. 
"There I can see the shelter." I can see a small hut in between the trees.
"Thank the demon lord." Belphie seems to be very relieved. 
"Just a little more and we can all rest," I say this mostly to Beel. 
Once we finally hit the small, but cozy and sturdy hut we are all very happy. 
Beel sinks to the ground, checking his leg. "It's not broken at least so with some bandages and rest I'll be as good as new by tomorrow morning. 
"That's good to hear. We got some wood so I'll make a fire." Belphie lights up the fireplace. 
"I will treat your injuries. Take your shirt off. It needs to dry anyway." I don't care much about being wet right now and get my first aid kit from my bag. 
"You should change into something dry first. If you stay like this we will have far bigger issues than my injuries." Beel looks at me with a stern voice. 
"He is right." Belphie is already half-naked. I turn around blushing. "Belphie, gee warn me when you do this." 
"There is no need to be shy. You should take a closer look while you can." At least Belphie hasn't lost his humor yet. 
I throw a towel at him. "No thank you, and you both better not peek while I change." I huff, slightly embarrassed. 
"It's not like you have anything we haven't seen yet." Belphie uses this chance to tease me. 
"Just be polite, Belphie. I'll make sure he doesn't look, don't worry." Beel encourages me greatly with his words. 
"Whatever. I will go and call the hotel for help and I won't look." Belphie shrugs.
  I turn around and undress my wet clothes. Luckily, we planned to stay the night.
I'm glad to be out of my wet clothes and quickly dress something dry. I dry my hair and then turn back to Beel, to finally treat his wounds.
He didn't even bother to wear a shirt yet, which makes it just a little bit harder for me. 
A bit embarrassed I treat his foot first. "It's a bit swollen. I will put some cream on it and a bandage. You should just take it easy for today unless it swells more we are fine." I give Beel a quick summary of my thoughts. 
"Yeah, that is what I'm thinking too. I'll be fine by morning." He wholeheartedly agrees. 
I hope he is right and carefully start to apply the cream. Beel slightly winces from the pain. I feel very bad for him. "Just a little more." I wrap the bandage around his foot, ankle, and a bit up his leg. "There we go."
Beel moves his food a bit. "Much better, thank you so much." He smiles gratefully at me. 
"No problem, now I will clean your other wounds." I get the disinfectant and bandaids out. 
Beel looks with great discomfort to the disinfectant. He doesn't like how it stings. 
"I know you hate it but you know it has to be done. If you keep still I will treat you with your favorite chocolate bar." I'm being a bit playful, trying to cheer him up more than anything else. 
"I will be good then!" Beel is instantly motivated by the prospect of chocolate. It's so cute that it makes me chuckle. 
"Have you my favorite too?" At that moment Belphie comes back.
"Sure, I love those too after all. I actually got a value pack with all our favorites." I had planned to surprise them both on the trip back, but due to our current circumstances now is a better time. 
"Oh, nice. Can I get them out of the bag? All this running made me kinda hungry." Belphie seems pretty chipper again. 
"Sure, but what did the hotel say?" I'm pretty curious about that. I start to carefully disinfect Beel’s arm while I wait for Belphies answer.
"They can't get to us with this storm raging but they are sure it will be gone by tomorrow. They were very sorry about the whole situation. It sounds like they will greatly extend our stay." This explains Belphie's great mood. 
"Won't the others be disappointed if we aren't back by tomorrow evening?" Beel seems conflicted. 
"They will survive, plus we might just do it another time anyway. The hotel will likely give us some vouchers or something." Belphie doesn't sound concerned at all. 
"Lucifer won't let us miss a couple of days of school anyways." I put a few bandaids on Beels shoulder and then start to disinfect his cheek. 
None of the injuries are deep, this gives me great relief. 
Belphie sighs. "Too bad really. How are your injuries?" 
"I'm fine." Just then Beel winces from the disinfectant. 
"Hold still." I can't work well with him moving around. 
"Sorry." Beel mumbles. 
Belphie has pulled out the bag of sweets. "Talk about a big stash of goods. You put Beel to shame." Belphie gives me a light chuckle. 
"Not really, about 90 percent of my backpack was stuffed with food." Beel is eyeing the sweets. 
"At least we won't starve." Belphie shakes his head.
"At least he didn't bring an extra pillow." I put a bandaid on Beels cheek. "There all done."
"Hey, I need that extra pillow and tonight you will be grateful that I also packed a blanket." Belphie buffs slightly. 
"Ahh, thank the demon lord. Now I can eat!" Beel is just glad he doesn't have to sit still anymore. 
He gives me and Belphie a fair share of treats before starting to shove chocolate into his mouth.
  Belphie eats his portion with much enjoyment. 
I suddenly start to shiver. "Now that I think about it. How are we going to sleep here tonight?" I haven't packed a blanket. 
"I suppose we all share my pillow and blanket. It will be tight but we will be warm that way." Belphie shrugs like it's no big deal at all. 
"Kinda like a sleepover in one bed." Beel doesn't look fazed at all either.
They both are probably used to this, meanwhile, I'm not. 
"Are you saying that we should all cuddle up under one blanket?" It's pretty embarrassing to me, I blush. 
"Yeah, unless you want to catch a cold." Belphie smirks at me. 
"There is no way I will let that happen." Beel seems to agree with Belphie. 
"Will we even all fit under that blanket?" I can't imagine that. 
"Let me show you." Belphie pulls his backpack towards him and produces his pillow and a huge blanket. 
My eyes widen and I gasp from the surprise. "How did you fit that in there?!"
"Magic, of course." Belphie is very amused. 
Of course, it was magic. Pretty stupid question of me.
  Belphie spreads the blanket out and I can see that it will fit all of us without issues. 
Beel wraps the blanket around himself, with a bit of help from Belphie. 
There is definitely plenty of space for me and Belphie left.
  "As much as I'd love for you to be in the middle, we have to use Beel as our heater." Belphie seems slightly frustrated by this.
"It's kinda mean to refer to Beel as a heater but I'm fine with this." There aren't many other choices anyway. "More importantly, are you fine laying in the middle with your shoulder being injured?" I'm still very worried about him. 
"It's fine he isn't wrong and it doesn't hurt that much anyway. I'm more worried that me and Belphie somehow squish you when we sleep." Beel is as usual mostly concerned about anyone but himself. 
"Yeah, that would be terrible, as unlikely as that might be." Belphie seems troubled by the thought too. 
"Alright, but if you have pain you have to promise to tell us." I look with a stern face at Beel. 
Beel nods. "I will."
"Alright then, I'm tired so I will get comfortable now." Belphie yawns very loudly, it's a surprise he even lasted this long. He then proceeds to sit right next to Beel and without a second thought he snuggles up to him. 
Beel doesn't even bat an eye. I'm used to Belphie doing the same thing to me so it's not that odd. 
I again start to shiver. 
"Come here, you need to warm up." Beel is very worried about my health. It would be very bad if I catch a cold. "You are right." I carefully move next to Beel, making sure I don't hit his shoulder. 
He wraps the blanket around me. It's very warm, helped by Beels natural heat. 
"You can move closer." Beel encourages me with a soft voice. 
There is very little space between us even now. I still take his offer and scoot closer. My side is now touching him. I'm very aware of our closeness. 
Beel puts his arm around me, erasing any distance between us. 
I feel embarrassed but it's very comfortable so I settle down pretty quickly. 
"Does it hurt?" I want to make sure that Beel is also comfortable. 
"Hm? No, not at all." Beel seems almost surprised by my question. Has he forgotten about his injury already?
"Hey, can you hand me some of the snacks?" Belphie sounds like he is already half asleep. 
"Hold on." A bit reluctant to leave my comfortable spot and reach out to grab the package of sweets.
"Thanks." Belphie eats one of his favorites with a gleeful smile. Then he grabs another one. "Here Beel for you." He can tell that Beel is still hungry.
"Very nice of you." Beel eats it with glee. 
I take a turn and feed Beel next, while also grabbing one for myself. 
Belphie and I repeat this a couple of times.
  Then Belphie yawns again, very loudly. 
I admit that I'm feeling pretty sleepy myself. The warmth of the blanket and the stress of the day finally seem to catch up with me. I yawn almost in unison with Belphie. 
"We should all rest for a while." Beel makes a very good point. 
"I agree." Belphie seems to be already half asleep. 
"Sleep well." I get more comfortable at Beels side.
  Soon I hear Belphie softly snoring. I, on the other hand, just can't find any rest. I try to focus on the sound of the Storm. My thoughts keep on coming back to feeling guilty. I know it's not really my fault but I'm still sad about possibly ruining their birthday. 
I sigh quietly. 
"Is something wrong?" Beel speaks in a hushed tone. 
"I just can't relax." I feel bad for bothering Beel. 
"Sorry, it's not very comfortable." He seems to think this is somehow his fault. 
"No, that's not it. I just feel bad about today." I admit while whispering. 
"But this is still pretty nice. I mean we are all safe and together." Beel speaks softly. 
"Isn't this a bad way to start your birthday?" I just wanted them to have a nice day but now we are all stuck in a small hut. 
"I can only speak for myself, but I'm with the people that I love the most and I can't think of a better way to celebrate my birthday."I can hear Beels smile in his voice. This comforts me greatly. 
"He is right." Belphie chimes in, sounding more asleep than awake. 
"Thank you both." I smile and relax a bit.
  As long as they are happy I'm happy. 
I can feel Beel squeeze me just a bit closer towards him. 
After a while, the sound of both boys soft breathing and the sound of the rain on the roof lull me to sleep. 
At some point, I wake up and realize it's the next morning. 
I'm still curled up in the blanket. Now on the floor and sharing Belphies pillow. I feel a bit drowsy when I get up. Belphie is still asleep. 
I can't see Beel anywhere. I sit up and look around.
  My movements wake Belphie up. "Hm? Is it morning already?" He still seems to be more asleep than awake. 
"Happy birthday Belphie." I smile at his sleepy face. 
"Thanks, do I get a birthday kiss?" He smiles at me in a teasing manner. 
"Maybe later." I can only shake my head at this comment. "I will go look for Beel." Slowly I get up. 
I hear Belphie moving around. "Hold on, I'm coming."
Belphie gets up, sluggishly. 
I grab my now dry coat and wait for Belphie at the door. 
We head outside and I see Beel checking on the surrounding area. 
"Good morning Beel." I get his attention. 
"Good morning." He smiles. 
"Happy birthday." I congratulate him with a big smile. 
"Thank you." He smiles back at me and then notices Belphie behind me, "Happy birthday Belphie." 
"Happy birthday Beel. How is the road looking?" Belphie stretches. 
"It looks pretty fine. We should get help soon enough. Let's have some breakfast while we wait." Beel seems to be hungry again. 
"Sure." Suddenly I notice the sun bursting through the clouds, flooding everything in the beautiful morning light. I look at it in awe. "Wow, this is so beautiful."
"It's hard to believe that it was so miserable here yesterday." Belphie looks at the sky with a smile. 
"It's very pretty. I'm glad we came here." Beel has a very gentle expression. 
"Let's eat out here and enjoy the sun." I think this is the best idea. 
"Sounds perfect." Belphie agrees right away. 
"Good that I haven't eaten all I brought yet." Beel smiles and heads back into the hut. 
"Can you bring the picnic blanket from my bag?" Belphie seems to have blankets for all occasions in his bag.
Beel nods and soon comes back with a blanket and food. There's plenty for everyone. 
We all get comfortable and start our breakfast. 
"I think this might be the best birthday we've had in quite a while." Belphie smiles at me. 
"I agree," Beel says in the middle of chewing his food. 
I smile at both of them. "Next year we will make it even better."
With that, we all smile and look over the surprisingly great view.
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