harkthorn · 9 months
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It's Steve's 14th birthday today!
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alonglistofbirds · 3 months
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[2522/11080] Cockatiel - Nymphicus hollandicus
Order: Psittaciformes Superfamily: Cacatuoidea (cockatoos) Family: Cacatuidae Subfamily: Nymphicinae (cockatiel)
Photo credit: Gerald Allen via Macaulay Library
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ridiculousbirdfaces · 1 month
Doc Martin
Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus)
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ziggystarling · 5 months
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atamagaitai · 2 months
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squawkoverflow · 2 years
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A new variant has been added!
Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) © NeedsMoreBirds
It hatches from bold, dark, distinctive, long, male, orange, tiny, tuneful, white, and yellowish eggs.
squawkoverflow - the ultimate bird collecting game          🥚 hatch    ❤️ collect     🤝 connect
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birdirectory · 10 months
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In the bag
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sznsica · 8 months
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I love her
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crevicedwelling · 10 months
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I was soundly defeated by this large Gryllotalpa nymphicus mole cricket I picked up in Singapore. with stunning speed and strength, she deposited a sticky goo on my hands, pried my fingers apart, and gave me a vicious bite before disappearing beneath a pile of rotten wood (where she then posed nicely for photos)
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never met a gryllotalpid before, and wasn’t expecting the viscous slime or the bite! I did know they’re incredibly strong though, and this smaller (much less nasty) male seen later displays mole crickets’ beefy digging arms:
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the videos I’ve seen of smaller US species just bumbling about and trying to burrow in peoples hands made me expect a charming dirt puppy. the big female ran under my shoe at one point and I could actually feel her lifting me up from the road. I suppose I was trying not to squish her, but still! incredibly powerful beasts
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eaglewind13 · 9 months
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So I've been doing a lot of these profile style drawings for ArtFight since everything has been so busy with the wedding.
Astrophelle belongs to @affableanthropologist
Gwain belongs to @solelre
Katellig belongs to @trucbiduleschouettes
Nymphicus belongs to @nakaronii
and Orla belongs to @dwoodledip
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harkthorn · 2 months
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Steve was his usual happy self when I got back the other day, and acted like I never left-climbed up my arm and pressed himself up against my face, and started whistling away ��
Here he is chilling in one of his favourite spots. The cage doors are open, fyi
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summer-of-autumn · 9 months
Утром я отправилась на птичий рынок за муравьиными яйцами. Уже несколько часов шёл дождь, потому ряды были почти пусты. И в этом несвойственном рынку затишье у продавщицы вдруг запел Nymphicus hollandicus, нимфовый попугайчик (корелла). Его трели так нездешне разливались по всему звериному ряду, от щеглов в маленьких клетках до речных черепах и мешков с рыбьим кормом, что редкие покупатели выдходили из под навесов к клетке с нимфой и разговаривали тихо.
Наверное, одно из самых ценных моих воспоминаний.
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pacosemnoticias · 3 months
ASAE apreende 73 aves exóticas em espaço ilegal e instaura processo-crime
A ASAE desmantelou um estabelecimento não licenciado que comercializava aves exóticas, em Aljustrel, no distrito de Beja, e apreendeu 73 desses animais, com um valor global estimado de 1.700 euros, anunciou aquela polícia.
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Em comunicado, a Autoridade de Segurança Alimentar e Económica (ASAE) revelou que esta ação de fiscalização, designada "Operação Periquito", foi desenvolvida, na semana passada, através da Unidade Regional do Sul -- Unidade Operacional de Évora.
A ação foi direcionada "à proteção do comércio de espécimes que estão protegidas pela Convenção CITES - Comércio Internacional das Espécies de Fauna e Flora Selvagens Ameaçadas de Extinção", sendo realizada no âmbito de um inquérito judicial sobre comércio de aves exóticas.
O espaço desmantelado pelos inspetores da ASAE, no qual se "procedia à venda ilícita de aves exóticas", não estava licenciado e encontrava-se "acoplado a um estabelecimento comercial, com acesso dissimulado, o que impedia uma entrada normal de clientes".
"Como resultado desta ação, foi instaurado um processo-crime por danos contra a natureza, por suspeita de venda ilegal de espécimes protegidas da fauna ou da flora selvagem sem o respetivo certificado CITES", indicou o organismo.
As 73 aves exóticas apreendidas, cujo valor global é estimado em 1.700 euros, incluem exemplares das espécies periquitos-australianos (Melospssittacus undulatus), caturras (Nymphicus hollandicus) e papagaios (Psittacula krameri).
No comunicado, a ASAE prometeu dar continuidade a ações de fiscalização direcionadas ao comércio de espécies protegidas pela Convenção CITES, de forma a "combater o comércio ilegal de vida selvagem e os crimes conexos praticados, especialmente sobre a fauna e flora".
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ziggystarling · 1 month
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We're just normal men
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atamagaitai · 2 months
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Príncipe e Princesa
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jamescandy · 1 year
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Cockatiel Cockatoo Parrots  - Online Parrot Store
Buy Cockatiel Cockatoo Parrots Online.The cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus), otherwise called weir bird, or quarrion is a little parrot that is an individual from its own part of the cockatoo family endemic to Australia. The cockatiel is one of three normally keep parrots that make an overflow of bird dust.
The other residue guilty parties are the cockatiel’s nearby cousin, the cockatoo, and the African dark parrot. You could see a layer of fine, white residue covering basically everything close to your cockatiel’s enclosure, particularly protests that draw dust with static, similar to the TV. What’s remarkable about the powder down.
Email : [email protected] Phone : +1 (810) 476 - 3717
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