#ntm you lot have cheapened the word ''antisemitism'' so much that being accused of it means little to me any more
hussyknee · 6 months
the reason that the US treats the holocaust the way it does is so it can congratulate itself on "saving" jews from it and ending the holocaust. never mind that a huge reason so many jews died is bc the US basically wouldn't let us in after 2023 and we weren't able to escape Europe (many, many tried). Anyway the response to this isn't "stop thinking the holocaust is important" or "antisemitism isn't pervasive/non-Jews don't harbor subconscious antisemitism." Honestly your post is pretty gross and I've unfollowed. Sorry my intergenerational trauma no longer serves whatever political affiliation you have, and so now you have to minimize it as a reaction. Maybe Jews shouldn't be rhetorical tools at all. The Holocaust was a massive disaster to Jewish culture and soul and identity that will take centuries to heal from, and we never fully will. And none of that is what the US cares about. Be careful when you critique philosemitism you don't just veer into antisemitism instead. Because that's all philosemitism ever really was.
...why are you repeating everything I said back to me?
Me: ''The US governments
used philosemitism to weaponize the Holocaust by pushing a revionist narrative about their role in it
and making themselves look like the champion of Jews
to push their own military propaganda and deflect from their own ongoing war crimes and genocides
and turned antisemitism into a cudgel to attack anyone criticising Israel or the political establishment
(mostly BIPOC‚ so it looked like racism and anti-blackness mattered less)
all the while ignoring actual antisemitism or protecting their own Jewish citizens in any material way
as though the state had no role in empowering white Christian nationalism
because it served their purpose for Jews to migrate to Israel."
Some weirdo who can't read: ''you think antisemitism doesn't exist and the Holocaust doesn't matter??? Antisemite??"
I have better things to do than endlessly refute shit I never said nor implied and deal with your piss on the poor reading comprehension. This commitment to misunderstanding everything a PoC says and whitesplaining stuff we already said comes from your own racist suspicion and condescension. Dont let the door hit you on your way out.
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