#not wtnv it’s never wtnv except the one thing i made that is tagged as wtnv
isbergillustration · 25 days
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They're talking about the weather.
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hiddcnsclf-a · 2 years
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My name’s Max, thanks for reading this and for your interest in my blog! I’ve been roleplaying since about 2010, but I took a break for a few years and am just getting back into it now. Evan and Ace were made before I quit writing for a while, and they’re both very special to me. Oliver's new, but he's still just as special, and I'm excited to see where he goes! Note: More info on characters can be found on the desktop version of my blog
Ask me for my discord if you're interested!
This will be a multi-verse blog, I’m open to doing pretty much anything. I know a good amount about Supernatural, the MCU (movies and the Punisher, and Daredevil series), Fruits Basket, BNHA, WTNV, Stranger Things, Naruto, Twilight and that’s just off the top of my mind, I’ll edit this post when i think of more. Note: If I don't know the show/book/movie your character is from I might have a harder time making myself reach out to you. I would still love to roleplay with you if I'm following, though, I'm just a very nervous man
This blog is 21+, as mun is 24 years old. If you’re younger than 21, I will not interact. If you’re younger than 18, you’ll be blocked. Please respect this boundary.
I don’t do smut, but I am a big fan of darker themes when it comes to my writing. I will tag these threads/posts with a trigger warning, but if I miss one please feel free to let me know. 
On the topic of smut, and me not doing it, I am open to a fade to black. 
One of my biggest triggers is SA/r*pe, and I won’t rp anything along those lines. 
Please be patient with replies, I Am Not Fast (Except for when I am, which is more often than I thought when I made this rule)
Please, if you’re not involved in a thread, don’t like or reblog it. It messes up the notes and I use those to keep track of whose turn it is to respond. 
icons for Evan done by @tutorgirlcommissions absolutely check them out!!!
Triggers will be tagged tw; ___ 
This isn’t so much a rule as it is suggestion; I’m a very socially anxious person and I only reach out first if I’m feeling brave. It’d be really helpful if you could hit me up first. I promise I’m so excited to write with you, especially if we’re mutuals.
If for some reason you have an issue, please speak to me about it. Anon hate/drama of any kind won't be posted.
I don't care about length matching when it comes to replies. As long as I have something to work with, I don't care if its two sentences or two paragraphs. 
Have fun! If something isn’t hitting, we can try something else.
Evangeline Elizabeth Sire
Faceclaim: Danielle Campbell
Nicknames: Evan, Ev, Evie
Age: 25
Height: 5'2"
Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hobbies and Interests: Magic tricks, and she’s actually begun to do them for small crowds in her town. She doodles here and there but isn’t serious about it. She loves reading about space, poetry, and fantasy.
Bad Habits: Avoidant behavior especially when it comes to sleep, poor personal boundaries
Ace Samuel Saccheti
Faceclaim: Maxence Danet Fauvel
Age: 26
Height: 5'5"
Gender: Agender (they/them)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Hobbies/Interests: They paint, but are very private about their work. They love casual boxing and fighting in general, but have never been formally trained. Since they work at a gym, they work out often. They’re also a huge fan of games like Pokemon, and Animal Crossing, but they also dabble in a few open world games.
Bad Habits: Smoking cigarettes, picking fights with people for fun.
Subject 55 (Oliver Chambers)
Faceclaim: Tom Holland
Age: 24
Height: 6'2
Gender: male (he/him)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hobbies/ Interests: puzzles, drawing, bird watching
Bad habits: scratching, nail biting
I hope to talk to you soon!
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presumenothing · 4 years
fmab (+03) fic masterlist
because even i’m starting to lose track of what i’ve posted so far. all writing is eventually crossposted to ao3, individual tumblr posts linked below the cut because it’s lengthy as hell 
(this is like 85% post-promised day fic with the occasional canon-divergence au for flavour, ft lots of resembool kids, riza, and roy. basically gen with near-zero ship content because that’s how i roll)
update: total wordcount has now broken 20k 25k 30k 35k 40k 45k(!!!!) 
update 2: now with crumbs of 03 content because yeehaw
“Actually, Winry – can you do something for me?” 
“Lieutenant. Would you ever consider learning alchemy?”
“I guess I just – want to figure out who I am. Me, not the Fullmetal Alchemist.”
Besides, the scars on his palms have been – pardon his language – hurting like a bitch ever since he woke to this gloomy weather this morning.
Ishval had given him plenty of practice at that soldier’s art of taking even the lightest of naps whenever circumstances permitted.
[au] Ed has never had reason to hate how swiftly his mind works, not until now.
It’s just simple clerical error that leads to Edward Elric retaining his title and pay as a State Alchemist, even after the Promised Day. No, really.
He’s just tired, not about to collapse.
These days Ed’s journals are actual proper travelogues, no coded shit or anything.
[au] It doesn’t even start until after they arrive in Resembool. 
(can’t have been the more socially-adjusted brother, obviously.)
[au] “I don’t,” Ed bites out, “know any damn alchemists.”
Maes raises an eyebrow and sloshes his near-empty cup pointedly. 
[wip] “Is this about Al, or you?”
“–of course I know these aren’t the most efficient routes!”
Ed seriously considers dyeing his hair more than once, in the After.
Winry only needs a glimpse of red to know what it must be.
Rush Valley talks. Winry listens.
Much as Al loves his brother to itty-bitty-and-very-shouty pieces,
The first time someone mistakes Al for the Fullmetal Alchemist, 
+ The thing is, Al gets it.  
“Brother told me that you told him about Ishval,” Alphonse says.
It’s an honest observation – as honest as he can ever get, at least –
[au] In another world, she is never named the Hawk’s Eye.
“Somehow I doubt your place is much better, sir.”
would it be the most impossible thing to have happened to the Elrics?
“I can’t believe he didn’t tell us,” Ed growls,
a minimum age limit on all candidates for the State Alchemist exam.
“There’s gotta be a shark somewhere around.”
The Elrics make transmuting without circles look easy.
The problem, if Riza is to put it into words,
Al completely botches the first dozen or so transmutations
(Ed? Talking about automail? Over food?)
[au] in the end it’s Al who really takes after their father.
“Fullmetal realising his celebrity status? Woe betide us,”
The tea is actually well-made, first of all, not burnt 
“Not like– I mean, personal about me, not you!” 
[au] “Huh,” Al says.
Still less work than getting entropy-murdered by Olivier, he decides.
[au] It’s not every dead person that he sees.
[au] They weren’t even meant to stop in Resembool.
Jean just wants to make one thing – okay, a few things – very clear.
Ed knows this firsthand from too much Winry exposure.
The lump on the couch lets out a string of wholly intelligible noises.
“Take me out to dinner,” Riza says.
“We’re not even in Amestris, though.”
[au] Riza had been angry too, when she had let herself be, but hers is a cold ire, locked beneath glaciers and the burn of frostbite. Wrath makes no such pretences.
[outline] But in the case of Fullmetal – more specifically in the case of Fullmetal and Youswell – Roy mostly wishes he could unknow things.
[au] Roy forces enough air into his lungs to get the words out. “You’re dead.”
[outline…?] winry’s gonna like this, al says.
Alphonse flaps a hand. “Oh, because it’s complete bullshit.”
“Y’know, you really aren’t that tall, Brother.”
getting to finally keep a cat hadn’t been very high on his list of priorities.
[au] “Edward. Get out of here, take Envy with you.”
[wtnv au] “Welcome to Resembool.” 
just because you’re immortal doesn’t mean you can’t die from food poisoning, young man.
[au snippet] It’s sort of a belief, in the eastern parts of Amestris,
[03] Al’s hug is the first real thing he’s felt in years.
[03] Never thought you were, Ed retorts lightly, and lets Alfons turn away with a huff.
“When you said to come visit you in Rush Valley this is not what I was expecting!”
(and jeez, only Ed would manage to make it necessary to keep a kit on hand for actual minor-to-major catastrophes during a semi-honeymoon trip)
[03] Except the sight of his brother only serves to make everything worse, for once.
[au] The worst thing about this is that it’s not even equivalent. 
[au] “You wanna know why? The real reason, not the quantum bullshit I fed Mustang.” (+ more in the tag)
[snippet] And just for that I won’t be leaving Wrath any.
“I shall finally exact the decisive vengeance that I have always dreamed of,” Scar booms right back before Armstrong can even ask, 
Al knows from the moment he wakes up that it’s going to be a good day.
[snippets] The real disaster comes when Ed learns how to weaponise his height.
[03 au] The man in the brown overcoat. That’s all anyone ever seems able to recall of Edward.
[au] They say the Elric house is haunted. Of course. Empty houses are always haunted.
Of course, this assumes that said person is an alchemist of some ability, and that said life has been one of some loss and strife. 
“Are you alright? Nod for yes, swear at me for no.”
from the intervening pause he surmises Riza is jotting something down on the notepad she keeps by the phone.
She’s been looking forward to the day when her hair finally gets long enough to – well, no longer be short.
“Remind me of this the next time I decide to trust Ling any further than I can throw him.” ( + xing tag)
Ed’s almost twenty when he realises that Hawkeye must’ve been around his age when she was deployed to Ishval.
[au] At least this far out from Amestris Ed could mostly brush the first one off as an interplanetary translation fuckup.
bonus textposts and assorted nonsense
the Better Alchemist™️
on the topic of ed’s scrawl
al, defender of cat
*csi miami theme but with cats*
on the topic of flat affect + 200000% turbo by default
on the topic of pain tolerance + further thoughts
ed @ mustang’s problem solving skills
ok but about liore…
terrible TERRIBLE ideas (three of them)
clap reflex
you’re retired, ed, r e t i r e d
and by “ambidextrous” i mean “confused”
protip: you can’t
YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAH (aka csi miami theme, riza redux)
feral ducklings, the continuation(??)
does THIS count as elric telepathy
honestly, y’all
too much fire?? sounds fake
on the topic of academia
sometimes the stars align
on the topic of riza hawkeye
terrible idea, berthold version
immortal troubles
PRIDE (& WRATH): one, two, three (4koma)
objectively the worst post-cos timeline
serious stuff: fma drama cd, daughter of dusk
asks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 aka izumi pwns roy, 9 aka not coffeeshop au, 10 aka legalities, 11 aka autograph woes
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I posted 1,353 times in 2021
6 posts created (0%)
1347 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 224.5 posts.
I added 22 tags in 2021
#yup - 3 posts
#so it goes - 3 posts
#raul esparza - 2 posts
#wtnv - 2 posts
#to be fair - 2 posts
#mike wozniak - 2 posts
#hell yeah - 2 posts
#man down - 2 posts
#greg davies - 2 posts
#yeah - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 92 characters
#and not focused on the kind of crap disney could pull once they own the rights to so gd much
My Top Posts in 2021
Sometimes I can’t get out of my own way. For example I made plans with a friend to go for a walk later today after work. Except half an hour before we’re going to meet she texted to cancel. She remembered she’d already committed to going to another friend’s house for pizza and games.
And she kindly invited me to join them. I know the mutual friend, she was just at my virtual game night on Friday. She’s perfectly nice.
But I didn’t feel invited because it was coming from the first friend as an afterthought. If we hadn’t made other plans I would’ve never been invited to the game night. And that kind of makes me feel bad because I try to include the second friend in plans when possible. For example, that virtual game night on Friday.
And I told myself, no, you’re not genuinely invited, don’t go unless the second girl reaches out to invite you.
And she did.
But I still declined.
Even though I’m sure I’d have more fun there than at home. Even though I’d told myself I would. Even though it’s a stupid thing to be upset about, I had to get in my own damn way and ensure my bad mood persists.
And there is another layer to it. Actually two:
1. I’d mentally prepared to hang out with one person. It’s sometimes hard to socially adjust to a group when you’ve had one-on-one time prepped in your head. It’s like it’s a different function.
2. I haven’t been around people since I had COVID a little over a month ago. And I was OK with meeting a friend outside. I don’t think I’m ready for a group of people inside, and eating pizza, so occasionally maskless. I’m terrified of getting people sick. After my parents likely got it from me, I felt so anxious for weeks. I’m still not totally assured of their recovery, nor even 100% my own. So I’ve been staying in. Especially since I’ve had congestion the past few days. I’m so scared of getting it again or finding out it never fully left or anything else terrible. So I’m not ready for a group of people, even if it’s small.
So it’s a nice trifecta of emotional issues. Goodie. I’m going to try playing my damn ukulele until I’m not upset anymore.
0 notes • Posted 2021-01-18 02:24:12 GMT
Oh my GOD! Not only do we finally get to meet Shakira’s Bob, but he’s
MARK HAMILL! That’s perfect!
1 notes • Posted 2021-06-03 23:39:25 GMT
So I was listening to songs I bought on iTunes years ago when the song “Helen” by Preston Pugmire came up. He was a musician we brought to my college when I was working for the activities crew around 2012/13.
But as I listened, the song took on a new meaning for me as I’ve been reading “The Song of Achilles” by Madeline Miller. And I just read through the section where Patroclus describes how long the war is taking. They’ve been there for seven years.
In his song Preston claims “I could take Troy in one day.” Who does this guy think he is? Agamemnon? And then I made this meme. Enjoy.
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6 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 08:19:39 GMT
Amenadiel’s side comments to Linda throughout the family dinner scene in season 5, episode 9 make me so happy.
When she doesn’t manage to sneak out of the dinner: “You were SO close.”
When she thanks God for napkins in her grace prayer: “It was so much better than I would have done.”
10 notes • Posted 2021-07-29 06:44:04 GMT
OK, the ending of the “Adopted” episode of Man Down was legitimately sweet. Between Brian finally letting go and taking the kids to the fun fair, Jo reading a book and Dan surrounded by his mom and Aunt Nesta. And the way it’s shot, it looks like everyone legitimately had fun at the fair.
22 notes • Posted 2021-06-03 05:37:22 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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