#not very productive hfhs !!
keeps-ache · 4 months
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hm. i do not remember the screenshot being this big hfvsh
#wip#i like this one the best and also.. it might be the best one Lmaofhvs#[points] its the He#this is also very nearly the final product hvfhs#i'm just gonna colour them a bit and then leave it at that :)#(i'm doing an expression sheet again :3 :D)#i'm drawing each of these individually unlike how i did with the bl.s ones cuz his funkin Hair likes to catch me out hbvfsh#//anyway i've been working on this thing for nearly a week ???#'keeps why' i have been. writing#i do So enjoy infodumping about this project hvfhs#plusss putting it in a little booky means people don't have to be bothered with me looping back and over myself lol :>#i just dunno where i wanna put it lol#wattpad makes the most sense.. but also mm i dunno hfhsh#i haven't really used it in forever...#oh i should update it though fr fr#/also Geeeeez what is happening to my writing HFH#like one day i can't stop overusing the world 'occasionally' and then next i sound sort of obnoxious overusing synonyms and stuff lol#though you know what it Has gotten easier to just get stuff down (even when my brain is pretty much dead !!) when i just ignore everything#i forget about hfvhs :D#cuz i forget like every 15th word and it screws w/ the flow but if i do [this] with a similar word for later it's so good :DD#/also why can i Never remember the word Conscience lmao#that's a little bit of a funny one to always be losing hvfsh#//anywho... woo.... :33#i'm gonna go do my stuff now... and prolly sneak a soda.... and if i do i'll prolly be back ranting because that's what caffeine does to me#Loll#have a very empty brain recently. it Has been full of lovey doveyness tho so not bad not bad hfvhs :D#okay bbbye now toooodles ciaaaoo see ya .u./
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November Service
On the 22nd of November the Habitat for Humanity group in my school took part in unloading a 40-foot container with different products donated from Ireland. A group of 13 people was dispatched to a very similar task as we have undertaken in May, however our effectiveness was much lower this time. Previously we were able to unload the whole container in a few hours, while now we managed to only do half of it (1 TEU), probably due to the poor packing in the container, as well as difficulties caused by logistical issues. Unfortunately those problems were beyond our control, so we had to just get it done. In the end the whole activity was a success, since without our help HFH Poland would have spent much more time doing it.
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philosworkbench · 3 years
Solopreneurs: What’s your fastest Shower,  Ship, Succeed story?
Maybe this term already exists. I have no idea. But here’s what I want to talk about: I had an idea for a new class while in the shower yesterday. I announced I was doing it today. It starts in two weeks. In six weeks, I’ll have a pretty clear picture of how successful it was. That seems like a turnaround that solopreneurs are uniquely positioned to create.
Backstory: My COVID vs. Career Crisis
Disclaimer: My family and I have been extremely lucky during COVID. No one has been sick and no one in my immediate family works in healthcare or has a job that requires going in-person work. So, I’m using the term “crisis” with a tremendous amount of privilege. Still, it decimated my industry and how I used to earn a living.
That all being said, when COVID hit, I lost four months of work in one week. It created a huge void in my life. My entire career was built on live: live training and facilitation using IMPROV. I curled up into a ball and started questioning everything I had done in my life. What did it mean? What was at the center of it. About 6 months and 100,000 words (written only to myself) later, and I had the conceptual model for the PLAY Polarities. It was exhilarating. I had an idea of value that I could share with the world. Something of mine that I could sell myself. Only one problem. I didn’t devise the product. Okay, cool. Here’s a model. Everybody has a model. No one pays for an idea. They pay for an application of an idea.
So, simultaneously as I began telling people at PLAYdates (then TDCocoa) about the idea, I began thinking about ways to productize the insights I had assembled. What’s the coaching package? What’s the training program? Etc. 
I think about monetization a lot. Between my cozy white male Gen X upbringing and my life in improv, I didn’t get a lot of good ideas about how to make money happen. As a kid I was told by parents and guidance counselors: “just get a general liberal arts degree and you can do anything.” I even once suggested to my stepdad that I might get a degree in public speaking (which turns out would have been hugely valuable as I spent a lot of time as a presentation skills coach). His reaction?
“Why would you get a degree in how to say something instead of getting a degree in what to say.”
Somehow he thought that was a bad idea but didn’t bat an eye as I selected my major in philosophy. PHILOSOPHY.
From there I went into improv where the general approach to everything is, “let’s just help each other out and everything will be fine.” That’s why the only financially successful improvisers are the ones you recognize on TV or the ones with good day jobs. “It’s a mug’s game.”
Don’t get me wrong: improvisation can help you immeasurably as an entrepreneur. I just didn’t know it and never applied it that way. So, consider it a “mod.” Improv doesn’t necessarily help “out of the box.”
So, I did what I always do and why I’ve devoted myself to facilitating transformational self-improvement -- I started reading books about it. How does one become an “entrepreneur?” How does one “monetize” their intellectual property into a service? How does one “productize” their services into clearly defined products?
That brings me to a nice hot shower.
SHOWER: Surprising Yourself with the Big Idea
I’ve been racking my brain about lightweight products to monetize the PLAY Polarities. I turns out that it’s not enough to say, “I do coaching, training, and consulting.” People don’t just start throwing money at you. You have to clearly identify problems and try solving them.
So you discovered a model that seems to organize individual, team, and organizational improvement priorities. Big deal! Who needs that? Do they know they need that? What are they going to do with that knowledge? How can it make or save them money? I.e. WHY SHOULD THEY PAY YOU?
I’ve been beating my head against the wall about this for weeks. And, without exception, each monetization strategy I come up with occurs to me in the shower. It just pops into my head.
“Eureka! I should do this!”
Disclaimer: My spouse and I are watching the TV show, Eureka, right now. That may be a factor.
So the idea for this new class hit me. I would lead a live, virtual class, reduce the rate in exchange for participants letting me record it and turn it into assets for an asynchronous eLearning. 
Okay, but if I’m going to do that, before everyone gets too busy returning to the “real world,” I should do it QUICKLY.
“Like April?” says my Shower Daemon.
“Yes! April!” I reply. And then immediately face anxiety. How do I do that?
SHIP: Lessons from Volunteer Carpentry and Seth Godin
Something else I had to learn on my journey to unexpected entrepreneurship? Execution. Yes, my new company is as an assassin.... ON THE DANCE FLOOR! (Jumps up and down, shakes hips, trips, falls, farts.)
I had to learn what Charan and Bossidy talk about in their book, unsurprisingly called Execution. So you have great ideas? Great. What will you do about them? You plan to sell? How will you sell? How many dials? How many LinkedIn messages? When? 
Execution is the lifeblood of business. It’s almost too simple to recognize it’s profundity. Yes, duh, to do something, you must, you know, do something. When I tell you that that simple truism has sabotaged most of my professional life, believe me. 
As the Apostle Paul says, “The good that I would do, I do not. The evil that I would not do, I do.”  
Or, in the Revised Matt Elwell version, “The work that I wish I would do, I procrastinate about. The desk that doesn’t need to be reorganized for the 80th time, I reorganize again. This is, in fact, the perfect day for it.”
As I said in a PLAYdate this afternoon:
Most people get to the starting line and GO! I get to the starting line and keep trying to redraw the perfect starting line. Job one for me is cultivating the habit of running imperfectly.
So, against every instinct, I announced my class on today’s PLAYdate using a slide I created while the participants were in their breakouts. 
There are two places. The first was Habitat For Humanity. I was no carpenter, but my home church had a long history with HFH and I loved the few mission days I spent with them. I learned a lot about handling wood and framing out a house. I learned how to “talk to the nail,” making small adjustments to how you struck the nail to encourage it not bend as you encountered resistance. As someone who was pretty much written off in gym class as an irredeemable fat nerd, this was something physical that I felt competent about.
However, because I felt competent, I started wanting everything I did to be perfect. To garner the compliments and validation that meant so much to me as I started. But no. that positive reinforcement started waning, and people instead started looking at me with their heads cocked to one side. I was taking too long.
That’s when I learned a saying I’ve tried to remind myself of my whole life:
“You ain’t building a piano!”
(This was said to me in deep southern New Jersey, so it was more like, “Yuh-aint-buildin’-uh-pian-urr!” And then someone threw a piece of scrapple at me. True story.)
That simple sentence reminds me that I have made a habit, perhaps a compulsion, of fretting over details most people won’t notice. I’ve often excused this by telling myself that I’m an artist and therefore, I’m not just filling orders.
If you’re prone to excusing your own poor time management in favor of artistry, consider this. Are you making a statement about your art with what you are doing, or making a statement about your fear with what you’re not yet doing? Are you really saying something with the detail you’re burning hours on to get “just right” or are you allowing yourself to avoid something that really does present the greater artistic challenge. 
As Stephen Covey observed, “avoid being ‘right in the thick’ of thin things.”
That’s my Habitat for Humanity story. My other influence, which is a much shorter story, is Seth Godin. You can still get his ShipIt Journal for free on his blog. And if you have something worth doing, I would suggest using his guide to help you do it. In Godin’s characteristic manner, he helped me realize how much of my failure to execute was motivated by fear. 
If you’re terrified of failing at something, your brain will make sure you don’t, by making sure you never really try. Basically, you brain exists to keep you alive. We’ve evolved to not do things that can endanger our aliveness by experiencing and avoiding pain. So, if you’re afraid of failing, you are experiencing a kind of pain. Brains hate that noise. QED: you never quite get around to it.
So when I’m not channeling the kindly old South Jersey carpenter who said, “you ain’t building a piano,” I channel Seth Godin who calmly informs me through his immaculate demeanor and trademark spectacles, “just get it shipped.”
Telling people about my class today was me “throwing my cap over the wall” to make sure I did what I said. I’m already scared thinking about it. But now it’s a fear of not getting it shipped, not of not getting it perfect. That’s the fear I want.
SUCCEED: Coming Soon? 
In improv we have a “rule of threes.” It’s integral to comedy:
Offer something
Add something else which, by its very following of 1, begins to create a possible connection/story
Add a third thing which, by association with the other two things, clarifies the connection and resolves it or launches us on a trajectory
Depending on that third offering, you either have a joke or a scene, but either way, you have a good chance a comedy.
Either way, the third thing is where we start seeing “the product.” The thing thing is the embodiment of “oh, I get it....” For example:
If Player A nods to Player B and says, “Cat” and Player B nods back and says “Dog.” Then a lot can happen.
Player A can say, in a business like manner. “Are any other animals joining us at this business meeting?” Immediately, a lot becomes clear. These people are playing animals. They’re doing some kind of animal business. Hilarious.
Player A can say, “Oh, I love dogs! Isn’t the vet here, great?” The two make small talk while their pets are getting treatment. Eventually, they fall in love. (Player A and Player B. Not the pets. Or Do ThEy!?)
Or, Player C can enter and offer a warm, “Hey, Dog!” to Player B and sit down next to them. Then, they can turn and nod in the direction of Player A with a curt, even cold, “Cat.”. Player B can respond happily, so grateful to be acknowledged. Player A can respond to the frosty greeting in a way that makes Player C visibly shiver: “Helloooooo, Mouse.”
No matter which of those scenes interests you, they would all interest someone. In an audience of 150, at least a few would walk out the door of the theater that night and say, “that one was my favorite. That group was so good. Let’s come back here soon!” 
Three beats makes a product. Three beats is something people will buy, buy again, and tell their friends to buy. Three beats is success.
As I embark on this journey of Shower-Ship-Succeed, I think about what I need to get to my third beat. And what occurs to me is a clear picture of what success looks like and a practical understanding of what I need to do in myself, in my actions, in my systems, and in my relationships to make that success happen. 
Some people might argue (and they might be right) that you shouldn’t get to ship without having a clear picture of success. And maybe they’re right. But don’t let that stop you from starting the creation or “shipping” process. In fact, I’m finding that all three of these states are iterative. You don’t so much go linearly from one to the other.
You have your “shower moment.” Hopefully, you listen to it and start to work on it. You start getting ready to “ship.” I call that whole process “shipping,” not just the putting-it-on-the-shelf-with-a-price-tag part. As you do that, I believe you get a vision for what this will be and who will like it and then you can start asking why they would pay for it, and that can start you on this cycle. 
That might be a question that sends you back to the shower for more.
What about YOUR Shower, Ship, Succeed story?
I started this post with a question and then all this stuff just flowed out. (Hooray, my gift of making first drafts five times longer than they have to be!)
Here’s what I want to know: Have you ever, as a solopreneur, or just a creator of anything, noticed a rapid procession from initial idea (Shower) to making something (Ship) to having a desired result (Succeed)? 
What was your fastest time?
What helped you get it done so fast?
What slowed it down?
What did you have to overcome -- in the project and in yourself -- to get it done?
Now that I’ve said all I could possibly say, I’d love to hear your stories!
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unworthy-stars · 7 years
Formaggio- HFH North Italy Week 2k17
This is my forst submission for the North Italy week hosted by the @hetaliafandomhub​ . I had said this earlier to Hub Epsilon and Pi that I dedicate this to the Hub Gods because they deserve it to the full.
We love you.
This is the prompt for day no. 2: Photography with optional AU Gakuen Hetalia.
This is Formaggio
"Say 'formaggio', fratello mio!" Italy Veneziano held the old camera in front of his face.
Italy Romano sighed but said the familiar word trying to pull a smile. After the staggering flash hit Italy Romano right in his eyes he continued to sew the oair of trousers he worked on for the 'Home Economy' class. They turned out to be more stylish than expected.
"So, fratello, have you decided about last semester's project?" Veneziano asked with a bright smile on his shiny face.
"I'll probably do something in my orbit, like a dissertation on Westerner's policy or perhaps about the importance of the first production section in our lives. What I must worry about now is the club's presentation. There's not enough time to teach the other goofs how to dance the tarantella!"
"Ugh...I'm sure you'll do great! After all you guys are excellent dancers!" Veneziano smiled.
"It will settle itself somehow...grazie mille fratello!" he placed his HB pencil on top of his ear and looked his prompts.
"La tua felicità è la mia felicità!" he kissed Romano's tanned cheek, grabbed his camera and ran outside their dormitory.
Italy checked the photo he had shot previously. His brother was really good-looking and his beauty was perfectly refelected by the device. The sunlight fell on Romano's brunet hair making it look shiny, unlike his grumpy expression. He was about to finish his assigned homework and he wished to be left alone, something Veneziano didn't grant. The photo was interesting by the sewing macchine's presence too. An old Sainger was considered to be a wonderful antique.
As he was walking inside World Academy W, he came across a pretty familiar sight; China feeding a cute panda bamboo leaves. China wasn't in the same class as North Italy, but he was a close friend from the Asian class. China noticed him too and smiled. His slanted eyes made his cheekbones almost touch his thin eyebrows.
"Nǐ hǎo Yìdàlì! Nǐ hǎo ma?" he waved at him.
North Italy walked to his peer's side and sat next to him "I wanted to ask you if I could take a picture of you and your adorable panda!"
"Of course and you can! Why did you even ask? Japan always takes shots of me and I myself can't count how many 'selfies' I have shot! Go on!" he embraced the oanda and with a childish smile he looked at the flashing light.
"Grazie mille Cina! I really appreciate it!" he let the camera hang on his neck "What theme have you chosen about your project?"
"Endangered species! I know it is common but I really want to sentisise people about it!" he was always so cheerful.
"That's really cool!" he suddenly saw France pass by the nearest corridor "If you can excuse me..."
North Italy ran to catch up with his colleague. Fortunately France was really recognisable. He wore diverse clothes, yet always in fashion, and his golden locks never were out of perfect condition.
"France! Wait!" he exclaimed hooked on France's shoulders.
"Huh? Italie! Didn't expect to see you before class!" he tried to make N. Italy relax "What's all the fuss? Big brother is here to help!" he caressed his brown, towards red, hair.
"I just wanted to take a picture of you!" Italy smiled and showed France his camera.
"Is it for the Newspaper Club? Not that I mind if you keep it private..." he scratched the back of his neck "You can always take pictures of me. J-just wait for the next break- right now I have a really important meeting to attend. It concerns the Gourmet Club!"
North Italy wouldn't miss the opportunity to interview the holly trio of cuisine even if the end of the world occured. Moreover he needed Turkey's photo too and seeing two beautiful countries together was the chance of a lifetime.
He decided to secretly follow France to their meeting point. Apparently Turkey was always waiting for the other members. He was known for his punctuality, as a sideffect of his perfectionist ideology.
France greeted his friend by kissing both of his cheeks, a common European way of greeting. Turkey responded right away and started to chat with the other club member.
N. Italy took a photo quickly and ran away trying to remain unnoticed. Giggling he hid behind the trash bin, which was located two corridors away. He checked the picture; they looked lovely as always.
"Hello," said a quiet soft voice.
Veneziano turned around. A familiar, yet unrecognisable, country had approached him. He was experiencing something like a deja vu.
"You must be Canada, America's brother!" N. Italy remembered.
"Oh yes I am...have you seen my glasses?" he asked kindly.
"I've just arrived here, but I'm more than eager to hel- they are in your cardigan's top pocket!" he touched them.
"Oh mon Dieu! Thank you...I am really silly!" he wore them again and showed Veneziano his teeth, smiling.
Italy took a photo of Canada smiling. The flash hit Canada right in the eyes so he closed them immediately.
"What was that for?" Canada pushed his glasses closer to his forehead.
"Surprise!" he exclaimed and ran away again.
Veneziano moved to the toilets. Almost no one entered but lots rpefered to hang out outside them. That particular day Russia was eating his lunch resting his back on the wall outside the boys' bathroom.
"Ciao!" Italy waved at him bravely.
Russia noticed the Italian and waved back "Privet! Want some pirozhki?" he showed the opened lunch box.
"No grazie, I have already eaten!" he sat by him.
Russia curled up and brought the lunch box next to his crooked nose. Russia, despite his large size (or even because of it) felt quite insecure around his peers. Nevertheless he was considered to be very sociable when forced to socialise.
"Could you please say 'formaggio' and smile for the camera?"
"I suppose so...why do you want a picture of me Italy/" he lifted his head.
Italy pressed to button and five seconds after the click sound the flash gave lightness to Russia's round head. He blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes after.
"Because you are pretty!" Italy smiled once again with his always-closed eyes.
"Oh..."Russia flushed brightly "Spasibo! I feel flatterned!"
"You're welcome! And your food looks tasty!" he stood up and moved to his next encounter, at the wall of the girls' bathroom, Belarus.
Belarus wasn't particularly clingy to her brother that day, given that she would normally be at her brother's side. However that day she was almost three metres away by her own will.
Italy approached the young lass. He lowered his position and looked her in the eyes.
"Want to see it?" Italy took off his camera, which was hung on his cheek and presented it to his classmate.
Belarus grasped the device. She checked all its sides and proceeded on checking the image gallery. She squeeled at the sight of her beloved brother's picture however she quickly scrolled to right and saw the other countries' pictures. She laughed. She actuslly laughed.
"May I have a picture of you?" Italy asked.
"Of course!" she said still laughing.
This was Veneziano's favourite picture. He greeted the maiden again and walked to his friends' dormitories.
N. Italy was well-known to have been hanging out with Germany and Japan. They together formed the Newspaper Club which was created to inform all World Academy W students about current events, achievements and interviews.
On his way back though he entered the art room. He loved art and he was really good at it, especially at painting according to Reinessance's movements. In the art room he came across two recognisable figures, America and Greece.
"...and this happened before Jesus?" said America surprised.
'Well...yes! And many more...but I like this one in particular!" he pointed at a marble statue.
"Dude, I remember bringing one of those to the surface! They are really cool! Literally your ground is precious!" America claimed.
"I suppose so...it was all my mother's..." he snorred.
Italy took a picture of them looking at the magnificent statue and walked on the tip of his toes back to the exit. He didn't want to interrupt such an intellectual converstation. And he was afraid that he would be carried away by it too.
Thus he went quickly to Germany's bedroom and stopped his research there.
Dancing, awarding, explosions and Johan Strauss II could be mixed only in a World Academy W school year ending presentation! All the colours, the fragancies and the unbelievable sights were all gathered in the school gymnasium where all projects could be seen and all club presentation took place.
"Did you see Russia's project?" said England.
"Yes I did actually! It was exciting! I didn't know about all these musicians!" Hungary replied.
"How could you have not known? They are quite famous! Just...not for being Russian." Austria added.
"Since our projects are finished, we don't have to see them again right? We could just- oh my glob! Merlin's beards, is this me?" England moved quickly to the white wall.
No one had noticed before but the wall was covered by photos of each student of the Academy. England's specifically was taken when he was serving tea to Liechtenstein and Monaco. All of them looked really fancy and elegant.
Ameica's and Greece's photo was standing next to England's but it was surrounded by a mysterious aura like they were performing something mystic the moment the picture was taken. But what secretive could they do in the art room?
Belarus's, Russia's, Romano's, Switzerland's, Seychelles', Taiwan's, India's, South Africa's, Nigeria's, Brazil's, Peru's. Everyone's photo was taken and placed on the white dull wall of the gymnasium. It filled the room with awe and happiness.
Hungary had never seen Austria play chess, but the photo captured the moment perfectly. Neither had Belgium ever seen Sweden play with Sealand. Nor Moldova had ever seen Australia with his koalas taking a selfie with New Zealand holding a kiwi.
North Italy
Project Theme: Difference Notes:  La tua felicità è la mia felicità
The End
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csrgood · 5 years
Mohawk Raises $107,000 for Gordon County Habitat for Humanity
Every house should feel like home.
That’s why Mohawk Industries has partnered for the past six years with Habitat for Humanity of Gordon County to host a golf tournament that raises money through entry fees, sponsorships, donations and Mohawk’s corporate gift to help the local chapter create safe and comfortable housing options. The September 2019 event, held at Barnsley Gardens in Adairsville, Georgia, raised a record-breaking $107,000 that will help provide a home for a deserving Gordon County family. 
While Mohawk provides financial assistance to dozens of non-profit organizations in northwest Georgia, the golf tournament has taken on special significance due to the connection with the company’s global leadership in the flooring industry.
“Flooring is a big part of what makes a house a home, which is a major reason our partnership with Habitat for Humanity is such a natural fit, especially here in Gordon County, where we’re headquartered,” Mohawk Treasurer Shaila Bettadapur said. “Being an industry leader in residential flooring, we’re proud to support an organization that is dedicated to providing comfortable, safe and functional homes for families in our communities. Thank you to everyone who played, sponsored or contributed to the tournament and made this year’s event the most successful yet.”
Organized by Mohawk’s finance group, this year’s record-breaking tournament included a total of 32 teams, who shared their time to support a worthwhile cause. The event’s title sponsor was Peach State Trucks, and this year’s gold sponsors were Lee Smith International; McGriff, Seibels & Williams, Inc.; SunTrust Bank and Wells Fargo. Silver sponsors included Bank of America, Marsh, PNC and US Bank. Bronze sponsorships were provided by Alston & Byrd, AXA XL, C.H. Robinson, Chubb, C2FO, Liberty Mutual Insurance, MUFG and Penske.
“On behalf of Habitat for Humanity of Gordon County, our board members, our dozens of volunteers and our partner families, I want to extend our heart-felt ‘thank you’ to Mohawk for their continued generous support,” said Lana Young, Executive Director of the local Habitat chapter. “They’ve been a true partner and have helped us build safe, more affordable homes in Gordon County for several of our partner families.”
Habitat for Humanity provides housing for qualifying, low-income families in communities around the world. They select partner families based on a variety of factors.
“This is not a giveaway program,” Young said. “We partner with families based on their need, ability to repay a no-interest mortgage and their willingness to work with our organization. Our families invest hundreds of hours of labor into building their own homes and the homes of other families in our community. Our houses are built with volunteer labor, financial donations and donated materials, so the family’s mortgage payments are very affordable.”
For Habitat for Humanity of Gordon County, building these homes is possible through the support of donors, fundraisers like Mohawk’s golf tournament and the thousands of hours that community members have spent volunteering their time. Mohawk encourages employees to volunteer and participate in builds throughout the year.
“We encourage our employees and the community to get involved in volunteer efforts through organizations like Habitat for Humanity,” tournament chairperson and Mohawk Risk Manager Renée Lockhart said. “The Gordon County chapter has opportunities throughout the year for people to help with their builds as well as other volunteer opportunities.”
To learn more about Habitat for Humanity of Gordon County or to make a donation to support their good work, please visit https://www.habitat.org/us-ga/calhoun/hfh-gordon-county.
About Mohawk
Mohawk Industries is a leading global flooring manufacturer that creates products to enhance residential and commercial spaces around the world. Mohawk’s vertically integrated manufacturing and distribution processes provide competitive advantages in the production of carpet, rugs, ceramic tile, laminate, wood, stone and vinyl flooring. Our industry-leading innovation has yielded products and technologies that differentiate our brands in the marketplace and satisfy all remodeling and new construction requirements. Our brands are among the most recognized in the industry and include Mohawk, American Olean, Daltile, Durkan, Eliane, Feltex, Godfrey Hirst, IVC, Karastan, Marazzi, Pergo, Quick-Step and Unilin. During the past decade, Mohawk has transformed its business from an American carpet manufacturer into the world’s largest flooring company with operations in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Europe, India, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia and the United States.
Melissa Stocks
source: https://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/42707-Mohawk-Raises-107-000-for-Gordon-County-Habitat-for-Humanity?tracking_source=rss
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keeps-ache · 1 month
'why are you wearing a sweater if you're so hot' my shirt tried to kill me last night 👍
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