#not to worsen the AraSawa Is Minedai But With Dads allegation but do you think. arakawa ever asked jo bout his past..
Nagoshi is Such A Guy. He appointed Yokoyama to his positions literally just based on "vibes" alone. That's why a number of staff can be described as Characters in their own right.
He's also one of Mine's two dads, if you think about it, so I have to respect that (Mine's backstory and The Knife Scene were both written by him, and he very, very rarely messes with the scripts)
some would argue that hiring based off vibes alone is irresponsible, but i think when it comes to something like rgg that's the only way to go about it. it's like an after school club with qualified people except they're all to the left of being normal game developers
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would jo even want to date a woman... questions i throw into the washing machine in my head.....
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