#not that i accept her slapping yasmeen
likeafairytale · 11 months
"I'm a servant. Slave, actually. And you might be a princess, but you're a prisoner just as well. Or have you forgotten that prince Aeron still didn't give you your bracelet back?" - Yasmeen to Calypso
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What happened following Yasmeen words was something Calypso never thought, in a million years, she would do. She slapped her. She always knew she was a bit fierce and bratty. That she could have a bad temper when she wanted. She was the golden child after all, used to everyone giving in to every whim she had. But she never thought of herself as mean. Or maybe she was, but people just never told her, because she was her realm's delight, so no one wanted to upset her? She wasn't sure, but Yasmeen words resonated in her and made her took action before thinking. Calypso was impulsive and she has shown many times she was capable of being a brat when she wanted, after all, she cut her old maid's hair just for being a Fae.
❝I may be a prisoner here but I still am a Princess and I won't let anyone disrespect me!❞ She was herself surprised by her words. They came out by themselves. It was as if her body wasn't hers anymore, as if someone else took control of it.
She knew she could go to extreme length when she was angry, once again, her first maid might remember that too well, at least her brothers liked to joke about this incident. But she thought her action with her previous maid came from a place of hatred, because she was a Fae, and therefore ignored her most of the time, so she obviously believed she would never had to be harsh to Yasmeen like she was to her.
But it might also be because the truth was that Yasmeen was right, and Calypso hated that. Not that the human was right, but that she was herself a prisoner. People still referred to her as ‘Princess Calypso’ well the few ones who were talking to her at least, but was she a princess still? Because she didn't feel like one anymore. The only privilege she still had of a princess was a constant companion, in Yasmeen, but since she surprised Yasmeen and Morgana talking a few days earlier, she realized that Yasmeen wasn't given the role of maid or friend or confident, but the role of jailer. Making sure Calypso wouldn't left. Not that she could anyway. Hence the whole discussion right now.
Without thinking she touched her wrist where her bracelet was supposed to be, her eyes still on Yasmeen. Her stormy eyes were full of sadness that she tried to hide her best, but she wasn't really sure she was succesfull to do so. Compared to Yasmeen or her oldest brother, she wasn't good at hiding her feelings. Just right now, the reality of what she have done, hurting Yasmeen, hit her and she felt sick in her stomach. She didn't want to. She didn't plan to do it. But maybe she was truly her father's daughter. Maybe violence was in her veins after all, instead of the kindness she always thought she had from her mother.
Calypso was shaking now, and she took a step toward Yasmeen, but this latter might have thought that she was about to slap her again, or worse, blind her, because she took a step back and the mermaid just wanted to cry. She never thought she could be menacing to someone.
❝Yasmeen, I... I'm...❞ she started, unable to finish her sentence.
She couldn't say the words. She was sorry. She truly was. Calypso wanted to hug her and tell her how sorry she was and how much she regretted what she just did. That she was still her friend. That she needed her. And she wasn't angry anymore. Because those were true; she wasn't angry now she was sad that it turned sour so quickly and it was part of her fault too, she had to admit it. But, once again, Calypso was Triton's daughter, and though it was acceptable to apologize to your family, it wasn't to apologize to other people. She wasn't teach how to do so. She know she could but she had too much pride. Her father's words came to her and she hated how often them came to her lately: if you show weakness to other people, and apologize after your first strike, you're doomed. They will know they can keep hurting you and that you will crawl back to them, like a weak little goldfish. Deep down she was scared of those words being true.
❝I won't need you any time soon. You can tell the Queen and my husband that I'm not feeling well and won't assist to any dinner or meeting for a few days. Not that my presence will be miss anyway.❞
She tried to switch between sadness and concern to indifference, but she knew it didn't work as she wanted to. She had a lot to learn and she vowed to herself to ask lesson to Yasmeen on how to do it. Because they won't be mad forever, right? At some point they will talk back... Everything was so blurring and uncertain now, she didn't know what she did to deserve this falling from grace... Yasmeen didn't say anything, actually, Calypso only knew she left the room because of the door closing behind her and once it was done, she did something that she didn't do since her mother's death; cry. True tears, not this tearless cry every merfolks were doing. She was wasting her tear for her friendship, for the loss of her friend, not knowing if it will be forever. For the loneliness she will feel now. And she knew damn well that somewhere, Aeron and Morgana will probably laugh at her, thinking that she should have seen it coming. And for the next two weeks, not only Calypso didn't leave her bedroom, no matter how hungry she could have been, but for two weeks straight a light rain poured nonstop on the Fae Kingdom, the only indication that Princess Calypso wasn't over it yet.
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