#not tagging this I’m not trying to get murdered by ppl who view an opinion as a direct attack on their life.
apotelesmaa · 1 month
My personal hot take that will get me chased with pitch forks and torches if I talk about it is that kanade is a tenma fanon is stupid and ignores so much abt both kanade & tsukasa’s characters. Kanade has her grandma and honami taking care of her and would not benefit from or even desire A Brand New Family. Tsukasa does not go around adopting people as new siblings he considers toya to be his brother because they have known each other since they were children and have been very close since they were children. Too tired to articulate my view on their relationship but something something being there for each other when toya was dealing with his dad being shitty and Tsukasa was dealing with saki being sick & his parents (justifiably. They were doing their best & he does not blame them.) focusing on her so they relied on each other. Tsukasa loving his sister and being unable to help her/separated from her -> friend he loves dearly is also struggling -> older sibling instincts have to go somewhere -> “I have known this guy and been looking out for him since I was like seven he’s basically my sibling” “tsukasa has been supporting me since I was a kid and having my own wants ignored by my dad (& presumably also older aoyagi siblings) he is basically my older brother.” Do I think he would make a great and supportive friend for kanade yes but I also think we should acknowledge that kanade is already getting the support she needs from her own friend group and family.
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silver-wield · 4 years
I absolutely can't get enough of you analysis and I was wondering if you could do one of cloud and tifa after the plate fell and after barret hugged tifa? when sephiroth visits cloud again. like how'd that have been from tifa's perspective too?
Sorry this took a while to get to, Nonny. I would've had it done yesterday, but instead I wasted my time banging my head against a brick wall. Lesson learned lol
Ok, spoiler warning for ppl who haven’t played – do I still need to do this? Eh ok, (I tag FF7R spoilers as final fantasy 7 remake spoilers) and it’s gonna be reasonably long.
Also, this is one person’s interpretation of the scene, so if you disagree that’s cool and we’ll agree to disagree.
You’re also gonna have to excuse the janky quality on some of the screens, I’m grabbing them from Youtube and it’s frustrating af trying to get the exact moment I want.
Please check my master post to see if I've already covered your question, thanx
Recap time!
The sky has fallen and our brave failures have escaped by the skin of their teeth! Cloud watches over Tifa until she wakes up, then follows her until they locate Barret.
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AH MY HEART! Cloud's so adorably concerned for Tifa. (also far too goddamn pretty! Someone shove mud in his face or something I can't stand it!)
Who knows how long he's been waiting for her to wake up. There's a couple of times it looks like he wants to reach for her – there's a definite twitch in her direction with his left hand – and then as she goes to get up, he takes her hand to her help her. Someone remind me, how often does Cloud offer Tifa his hand? A lot? Yeah, that's what I thought.
It's a very demoralised journey through the rubble to find Barret.
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Well, I was aiming for a screen showing him punching the wall, but this is better. His rage and grief burst out. He's punching the wall with his actual hand and not shooting at it with the gun. This is because he wants to feel physical pain to dull the stronger emotional pain. Those were his friends. He should've stopped it. You can hear him sob Marlene's name once that rage is spent. He thinks they're all dead, including his innocent little girl. It's a powerful moment for his character.
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Here's a hint of a grief stricken Cloud too. He cared about the trio. He wanted to save them. Nobody had to offer payment for his services. He tried to be the hero and failed. He doesn't know how to handle these emotions or how to comfort anyone either.
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Tifa blaming herself is typical for her character. She puts a lot on her shoulders and keeps her feelings locked up tight. She sees the situation from the pov that if they hadn't blown up the reactors then Shinra wouldn't have dropped the plate. Barret sees it as, if Shinra weren't destroying the planet then they wouldn't need to blow up reactors. It's a pointless back and forth, round and round with no true winner. They have different povs, morals and principles and that's why Tifa just agrees with him in the end. Why argue on top of everything else that's just happened?
Tifa is very much the peacemaker, who doesn't want people to get into unnecessary fights. She'd rather back down than fight if there's a possibility of another choice. She says this in chapter 3 with her “I know we have to make a difference, but not like this.” And to the Shinra manager she says “I don't want anyone to die”
She's a goddamn sweetheart who can pack a punch, but doesn't need to rely on her fists first.
This is why later on with Elmyra, she stops Cloud from arguing to go get Aerith. It's not that she doesn't care. It's that she doesn't see the point in forcing your opinion on someone. By giving Elmyra time to think through their side of things she's letting the situation settle and everyone can approach it calmly and rationally. Which is exactly what happens. Elmyra had time to think and agreed with them. Because of Tifa. Because she’s the mature one.
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The real!Cloud hand twitch lol we know what this means and I think I've already mentioned is plenty of times in other analyses.
Barret and Tifa's body language here is very placid, not romantic in any sense of the word. Her body is turned to the side and he has one arm around her shoulder. He's not got his head tilted down towards her and hers isn't tilted up at him either. Her arms are by her sides. This is minimum contact and barely qualifies as a hug. It's perfunctory comfort between friends. What it does is motivate Cloud – who harbours romantic feelings – towards the urge to comfort Tifa in the same way. He wants her to rely and find solace with him. Because his feelings are driven by romantic urges the way he comforts her is different.
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And we're on our way to Aerith's house, where Cloud suspects Marlene is. Barret's highly emotional – shocker – and begs Cloud for hope, then admits it doesn't matter what he says he'd get mad. Cloud accepts this with a bland face, what else is there to say? He can't admit he might be wrong, but he can't say with all certainty that he's right.
He asks Tifa about the Ancients and then we get a visit from Sephiroth.
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So after we see a future flashback of OG Sephiroth talking about the Ancients like before, Cloud gives us a blurry 1st person view and pan up of Sephiroth. Now, this one is a vision that only he sees, but that really doesn't matter to him. He sees that creepy ex-boyfriend stalker smile and freaks tf out. You can hear him whimper.
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So, we don't get much of the scene from Tifa's pov. She's noticed Cloud freeze, probably heard that whimper. She's definitely concerned – you can see her frown just before we move back to Cloud – but she's unsure what to do about it. She's not a doctor after all. She has no idea if the right thing to do is insist on talking to Cloud about it, or pretend it didn't happen. She has to take his lead, which is to forget about it.
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“Through suffering you will grow strong. Isn't that what you want?”
Cloud's a sweaty mess of fear at this minute, but you can still see this question on his face and his answer that no he doesn't want to suffer. The part of him that's real!Cloud definitely doesn't want to suffer, but it's too scared to do anything.
I find the possibility of this being a different aspect of Cloud's personality interesting. It's a vision, after all. So while we have real!Cloud in chapter 8 trying to encourage himself and repair the broken parts, we have this Sephiroth aspect that wants Cloud to remain broken and afraid. It's a good metaphor for how Cloud tackles his mental illness, and of the 4 different Sephiroths, the hallucination is the one that speaks the most and talks about Cloud as a person. It's the one that tells him to run away in chapter 2. It's the one that calls him a failure. It's the one that murders Tifa.
It's a manifestation of his mental illness. Not totally because there's more happening than just that, but of the 4 Sephiroths we see, this one is the one that causes Cloud to freeze the most. This one is the one he's terrified of more than the rest. The one that's not actually there.
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I had to choose between this and Cloud looking terrified, but this one has Tifa edging into the frame with a concerned look on her face. Cloud's lost in his own head, probably overthinking everything Sephiroth just said to him. He dismisses Tifa again – remember, he doesn't want her to have a bad opinion of him, so he's pretending to be ok as usual. A lot of his reluctance to confide in her is his fear of her being disappointed in him. A lot of Tifa’s reluctance comes down to the aforementioned need to avoid confrontation. She doesn’t want to fight. If Cloud refuses to talk, she’ll respect that. She’s not pushy.
Tifa and Barret have known each other for 5 years, give or take, but Barret doesn't even know the story of Nibelheim because Tifa keeps emotional things to herself. The way she's struggling to contain herself is mistaken by him as anger. It's not anger. It's self-blame. And because Cloud understands Tifa better than Barret – despite them having been apart for years – his real self has the urge to comfort her. He doesn't know how because he lacks social skills and emotional maturity, but after seeing Barret's example he understands this is the way he wants to support her.
I just added my suspicions about this version of Sephiroth to another post, so to sum that up, I think most of what he says is induced by Cloud's own feelings of failure and fear. The times Sephiroth shows up can be attributed to the connection Cloud has through Jenova, but the content of Sephiroth's speech comes across more like it's Cloud's inner self dragging him down. Sephiroth is the darkness within Cloud – the representation of his mental illness that won't ever become a memory, that's something he has to fight against every day. The fractured parts of Cloud's psyche aren't strong enough on their own, which is why the one in chapter 8 was chased away. It's only once they're reunited because of Tifa that Cloud becomes stronger overall to fight against his inner demons.
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anonymoustalks · 4 years
The thing is society dosen't really care for men and even many me don't seem to care for men, it's like both men and women never care about men's problems
(6-20-20) You both like Feminism.
You: hiyo
Stranger: Hi
You: what's on your mind?
Stranger: Many things.
You: mhm, anything that you want to talk about?
Stranger: Yours?
You: religion
You: my last conversation was about religion
Stranger: The feminist cult religion?
You: nope, I was on the religion tag
Stranger: Okay.
Stranger: I'm so not religious lol
You: is there a word for anti-feminist?
You: I'm not religious either
Stranger: There is, it is anti-feminist.
Stranger: That's it lol
You: it's a dull word
Stranger: Or anti-feminism.
You: so you are anti-feminism?
Stranger: I don't know but i don't support feminism and i hate most feminiets, the majority of feminists are scum and extremists.
You: mhm I support feminism
Stranger: Well good for you at least you know what you want.
You: mhm and you don't know what you want?
Stranger: I do but i cannot get it.
You: oh what exactly do you want?
Stranger: I want a boyfriend. I am gay.
You: ahh gl with that
Stranger: Gl?
You: good luck
You: where are you from?
Stranger: So do you fund feminists groups?
Stranger: America
You: mhm I donated once to the HRC
You: which supports both lgbt and feminism
Stranger: What's hrc?
You: human rights campaign
Stranger: Ohh
You: I donated 20 dollars to them and then they didn't stop calling me
Stranger: You donated to help what?
Stranger: Why didnt they stop calling you?
You: well if you donate once you're listed as a potential donor
You: so then they keep calling you hoping you'll donate again
Stranger: Yikes!
Stranger: So what did you do?
You: I think it's kind of common
You: I just said I wasn't going to donate
Stranger: What do they use your money for?
You: it's like your typical phone canvasing
You: colleges and univesities do that too
Stranger: I see.
You: they're an advocacy and lobbying group
You: so I think you'd probably dislike them
Stranger: What do they advocate for?
Stranger: It's okay, we're just having a convo.
You: oh that lobby for the passage of pro-lgbt bills in congress
You: *they lobby
Stranger: Are you from america?
You: yes
You: like big industries like guns and pharma all have lobbies in congress -- which means they spend millions to convince politicians to vote a certain way
You: for like other things, the money that goes to lobbying comes from ordinary ppl
Stranger: What's your opinion on metoo and the believeallwomen hashtag?
You: mhmm
Stranger: I mean woudn't you say metoo is toxic?
You: yeah I would say there are circumstances that it is kinda toxic
You: but I think it's important to speak out if you get sexually harrassed
You: there's a long history in the us of women staying silent
Stranger: I do and i would to but that does not justify accusing someone of rape when they did not do it.
Stranger: 2 wrongs don't make a right.
You: mhm, what percentage of people #metoo-ing do you think are lying?
Stranger: I'm saying we shoudn't believe all women cause the stats say 2% to 10% of women lie about rape.
Stranger: I can't even imagine how many more men might have been falsely imori
Stranger: Imprisoned for something they never did.
You: sure, although I think it's good that these 90-98% of women who aren't lying are speaking up now
You: a majority of rape cases are dismissed
You: overwhelming majority
Stranger: I'm not saying they shoudn't cause they should but we need solid evidence before accusing someone of being a rapist
You: sure
You: although I think everyone should have the right to speak their story
Stranger: If anyone tries to rape me of course i would speak up in a heartbeat.
You: I think some companies may overreact in some circumstances to firing someone who get's #metoo'd
You: but I think people should be able to speak up and say it happened
Stranger: Because of false accusations men have killed themeselves and entered years in prison.
You: I mean the imprisonment thing I think that's just not true
You: so few accusations ever lead to prison time
You: I think you could say many men have lost their jobs
Stranger: Are you sure?
You: yup, I'm sure
Stranger: There is news on it.
Stranger: Men have told their stories.
Stranger: Search on youtube
You: yeah, but if they're convicted by a trial and jury, that legitimately means there was like evidence
You: like a dna test or sperm or things like that
You: us courts do not convict without evidence
Stranger: I dont know about that i mean people always see to believe women even without evidence
You: mhm, but the legal system hasn't changed in the US at all
You: I think more ppl are concerned about their employers believe claims and getting fired from their jobs
Stranger: I heard stories where men spent many years for a rape they did not do
You: yes, but you can't get convicted unless there is some evidence that convinces the jury
You: sometimes there can be bad evidence though
You: but it's the same thing of ppl going to prison for murder they didn't commit
You: a rape charge is very serious in the US, and you can't get convicted without serious evidence
Stranger: The jury can just call anything evidence whether it is real or not.
You: mhm idk, it can be sometimes hard to argue dna tests and stuff like that
Stranger: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DO5yrFOX5vh0&ved=2ahUKEwjuhr7l15HqAhWs63MBHVavCq8Qo7QBMAN6BAgCEAE&usg=AOvVaw2Nj1O1PtJHVUDh-T9RW6Bq
Stranger: Maybe you should watch this video, of you want to that is.
You: but again, a lot of ppl support abolishing the death penalty, because there are times when the justice system convicts the wrong ppl
You: but this isn't a problem seen just in rape cases in general
You: it happens with murder convictions and other crimes
You: rape doesn't get special treatment in us courts
Stranger: But why are there so many men in prison for a rape they did not commit then?
You: mhm..... idk, you will have to look up statistics for that
Stranger: Okau
Stranger: Okay
Stranger: Are you like a liberal btw?
You: yup
Stranger: A hillary supporter?
You: lol hillary isn't running
Stranger: I know but you voted for her?
You: versus trump lol?
You: of course
Stranger: Is it true that all feminists believe men have it much easier than women?
Stranger: I just don't see how anyone could think that.
You: well I don't really think that's the case
You: I think each gender has its problems
Stranger: I sometimes feel ny life would be easier if i was a woman.
You: mhm how so?
Stranger: Well i feel like i woudn't be told to man up
You: right
Stranger: People would be more concerned about my mental help
Stranger: I think people woudn't be so hard on me
You: mhm I think it's bad that you had to go through all those things
Stranger: I always felt like the female gender is the privileged gender.
You: idk I think for me it's hard to say one gender is more "privileged" than the other
You: but for me, I think about women who can't get a promotion because her boss thinks she will get pregnant
Stranger: You're entitled to your opinion, i am not trying to change your mind. Just sharing my views.
You: mhm totally
You: you are too
You: so I think there are challenges in different areas
You: and I think society should work together to improve issues experienced by both genders
Stranger: The thing is society dosen't really care for men and even many me don't seem to care for men, it's like both men and women never care about men's problems
Stranger: The suicide rate of men is so high and that upsets me everyday.
You: I think society should care for men, and we should change culture so that society does
Stranger: People still believe me cannot get raped.
You: a lot of ppl tell me that feminists want to "emasculate" men when we say that we should encourage it so that it's more acceptable for men to talk about their feelings
You: and express feelings and talk about their emotions
Stranger: If a woman rapes a man then people think it's not possible and that pisses me off.
You: yeah rape can happen to anybody
You: you were raped? :c
Stranger: No but i am worried about the men who did get raped.
You: mhm
Stranger: I just want to prevent men from getting raped.
You: rape is bad, and I think it's important to look at what we can do to improve it
Stranger: Men are usually less likely to speak up if they are being raped or sexually assaulted.
You: right
You: I think men should speak up
You: or I think we should make the culture acceptable for that
Stranger: I want them to but society also needs to advocate for them.
You: mhm, yup
You: sexual violence hurts everybody involved
Stranger: I know.
You: but yeah, if it's important to you, have you thought about getting involved?
Stranger: I dont know how to
Stranger: Maybe i should join the mens rights
You: well there are rape crisis hotlines for women, maybe you can find one for men?
You: or start one for men?
Stranger: How much would that even cost?
You: most of them are run by volunteers
You: it's basically a phone number
You: and you organize a group of ppl to pick up the phone
Stranger: What is the phone number?
You: I think it depends on the area you're from
Stranger: Oh okay maybe i will try to find out
You: the trevorproject is the lgbt suicide hotline
You: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/
You: you can get trained to volunteer for them and answer the phone
Stranger: So anyways are you married?
You: nope
Stranger: Oh okay
Stranger: How old are you?
You: 26 you?
Stranger: I probably will never get married..
Stranger: 23
You: mhm why not?
Stranger: Well i am gay so i dont think i can get married lol
You: are in the US?
You: it's legal in a bunch of states now
You: supreme court also ruled on anti-discrimination too
Stranger: Not that marriage in essential anyways especially if we consider.how many people get divorced after marriage.
You: mhm if you don't want to get married I can understand that oo
Stranger: I mean marriage was always between a man and a woman so i don't know if.it is really marriage.
You: are you from a conservative state?
Stranger: I mean are there any religions who have same sex marriage?
You: idk, I'm not religious, so for me marriage is a secular union
Stranger: I am not either but marriage was created by religious people.
Stranger: Even though i am not religious i believe in a spiritual world, don't laugh lol
You: no it's fine, I understand
Stranger: Do you believe in the supernatural?
You: I think in a lot of the non-religious countries, or atheist countries, marriage still happens. Maybe the meaning has changed
You: not really
Stranger: Oh okay. So you believe in science only? I believe in both science and the supernatural
You: mhm I guess you could say I lean more towards science
You: maybe I believe in a soul, idk
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: Oh ya do you want to talk about abortion?
You: sure haha ^^
You: do you have strong feelings?
Stranger: Like what strong feelings?
You: some people have very strong opinions about abortion
Stranger: Ya i kinda do
Stranger: Why?
You: pro-life?
You: no just curious, mine are less strong
Stranger: Well i don't join groups so no but i don't like killing a fetus either
You: mhm
You: is there a particular point in pregnancy that you think abortion should be illegal?
Stranger: A fetus is still the child of that mother and father.
Stranger: I think abortion always be illegal unless maybe there are a few exceptions like if the mother will ide
Stranger: *die*
You: have you ever heard of plan b?
You: the birth control pill?
Stranger: No i have not
You: it's the day after pill
You: technically you can think of that as a kind of abortion too
You: since you're aborting the day after
You: sex
Stranger: I dont know about those birth control thingies
Stranger: I dont have a lot of knowledge on many things
You: oh
Stranger: Lol
You: it takes a long time for the fetus to form
You: many states have laws on what point it should be illegal to abort
You: because early on it's like microscopic
Stranger: I really need someone to teach me things i want to learn
Stranger: I think if the sperm meets the ovum and becomes one then isn't that already a life?
You: it depends on how you see it essentially
Stranger: Do you support abortion?
You: yup, up to a limit
Stranger: If i was a woman i would never abort my baby.
You: mhm I don't think I would abort either
You: but I think it's important to have a right to choose to extent
You: having a baby is a life-changing event
Stranger: I believe abortion is murder, even in the early stages i would never abort my baby.
You: mhm
You: I was talking about weeks because at certain weeks the fetus is at a different size
You: like by week 6 it's like the size of a grain of rice
Stranger: I know it is a life changing event but murder is never the answer
Stranger: So you are counting the value of your child by it's size? :(
Stranger: I a
You: mhm well, I think there's a certain point when the fetus develops a heart or a brain
You: and takes its first heartbeat
You: I think for me, before it has developed to that point
You: I mean, in a way, every sperm cell has the potential to become a baby
You: and same with every egg in menstruation
You: so for me internally, I guess we all have a point when we consider life to have started
Stranger: But i dont think sperm is the same thing as a embryo or fetus
You: mhm but the day after fertilization, it's basically just an egg with extra dna
You: from the sperm
Stranger: Are we all a sperm and a ovum according to science?
Stranger: I am curious.
You: mhm in a sense, yeah
You: there's no brain
You: so it's not thinking
Stranger: So you and i are sperms and ovums?
You: well I mean, we've grown a lot
You: I think it's unethical to kill a fetus with a beating heart and brain
Stranger: That's weird cause i never felt like a sperm and ovum
You: because I think at a certain point life has started
You: and I believe the baby has started to feel things
You: lol you wouldn't remember being a zygote (the sperm+ovum)
Stranger: What stage at birth do you think the soul enters the body.
You: mhm somewhere in between heartbeating and having a brain I think
Stranger: I know but it is hard to imagine i was ever a sperm and ovum.
You: yeah but we all started that way
Stranger: What if it was even before that? Then it would be murder :(
Stranger: But it is so weird to think of it
You: I mean, like when ppl have sex there's millions of sperm
You: if it was a different one that fertilized the egg
You: in a sense you could be someone else
You: or when a guy masturbates, those are all potential babies
Stranger: Ya but without the ovum there is no baby
Stranger: And without the sperm there is also no baby
Stranger: So we are 2 parts merged into one? That is creepy
You: lol is it?
You: I guess it's just nature
Stranger: So i am 2 beings in 1?
You: mhm you are you
You: you know another weird thing?
You: so our skin is constantly dying
Stranger: What?
You: like we shed
You: dead skin
Stranger: Ya i know that
You: how long do you think it takes before all of our skin is replaced?
Stranger: Maybe a few years?
You: yeah idk
You: sometimes I think its weird that our body now is totally different from our body a couple years ago
You: like not even the same cells
Stranger: But then why do i still have my scars?
Stranger: Why didn't my scars go away?
You: scars are like dead tissue
You: so when your skin grows, it grows around them
Stranger: Oh. Well that upsetting that they wont go away anytime soon
Stranger: I just thought since scars that arent so deep should go away since they are on the surface of my skin
You: mhm yeah idk
You: how did you get them?
Stranger: I got scratched my sharp things i guesd?
You: oh
Stranger: But some of them are not really that deep at all
Stranger: Yet the marks are still on my fingers
You: mhm
Stranger: What is mhm?
You: oh, it's just a sound of agreeing
Stranger: Are you planing to get married?
You: maybe
You: I think I will probably get going
You: it was nice talking to you
Stranger: Ok
You: bye, I wish for the best
Stranger: Where will you be going?
You: hm? maybe clean a little
Stranger: Ok bye
You: bye
You have disconnected.
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