#not sure how our tone comes across - possibly aggressive since the protectors came forward for this? - but:
aro-culture-is · 1 year
Do we have any aromantic (or aroace/ace) specific gender presentation terms?
not to the best of our knowledge! that said, we have some personal concerns with the concept. this doesn't mean that terms that exist are necessarily bad, but that the way they are treated in the broader queer community makes us concerned about them.
we're personally not a huge fan of tying gender presentation terms to orientations, since our irl experience is that it gets used to actively misgender us and friends whose gender presentation isn't considered to fit stereotypes. we've personally been made fun of in queer and trans spaces for not fitting expected gender presentations around being genderqueer, and in some cases, to the point of misgendering. we will explicitly note, not everyone identifies as transmasc or transfemme, and we don't personally like either. we're somewhat partial to transneutral, but don't actively identify ourselves as such.
as an example, individuals have noted that our gender presentation can easily be read as the classic "butch or transmasc" styling. both do not correctly gender us, but we find that in spaces where we use the term "aro", we tend to get forcibly associated as transmasc, and when we use the term "gay", we're associated as "butch". thankfully, this kind of person tends to stop verbalizing these comments when we use "queer"...
we would suspect that if a term already exists for gender presentation associated with aro people, you'd probably want to ask around the arogender community first? otherwise though, please exercise caution in how you and others around you utilize gender presentation terms.
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