#not really poetry just a peak into my relentless stream of half thoughts
heartcountry · 2 years
have you been laughing enough? do you dream of them still? do you write? are you eating things that make you think of your childhood? are you taking walks? are you calling the people you love? did it get better? can you write from where you are? what inexplicable things make you sad? i’ll go first. elbow shaped pasta. the sound of a football game. a tweety bird shirt. the whole month of march. the whole month of may. half of september. i love you so much. i never want to dream of you again. are you drinking enough water?  im sorry. everyday feels like sunday. i am putting my ear to the floorboards. tell me if you need anything. i only want to dream of you. im sorry. they aren’t all inexplicable. i cry on airplanes now. do you cry? do you go on planes? are you stuck halfway? im sorry. what are five things you see? four things you hear? the bathroom vent, the football game, a door closing, someone walking outside. i miss you most in the places you’ve never been. i miss you most in the morning after i’ve had my coffee. i miss you most at night when i dream of you. i miss you most when i need a name so the grief makes sense. when do you miss me? im sorry. does it feel like sunday for you too? 
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