#not me bringing up acotar winx club AND credence all in one post
astrababyy · 3 months
i feel like people have vastly different views on azriel as a character. he’s either the quiet, thoughtful character or he’s the emotionally constipated incel with severe anger issues. like (obscure, i know) either a helia from winx or fucking kaleb from credence LMAO. does that make sense? i don’t know how to explain it. he’s either the quiet, supportive, functional member of society or he’s so emotionally constipated that be barely talks and expresses half his emotions through extreme bouts of anger. one is very likable but a little bland, but the other is very ew while also being genuinely interesting.
that being said, he’s probably somewhere in the middle. that, or sjm herself has no idea what he is.
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