#not in a oh šŸ„¹ so sweet heā€™ll be so supportive way. more like. i want to see that badly repressed envy and fury battle with his desire to be
milflewis Ā· 1 month
sorry but if it happens i NEED to see sebastian vettelā€™s face when he hears the news that adrian newey is going to be designing lewis hamiltonā€™s car at ferrari it would be so delicious for me personally
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tangytiramisu Ā· 2 months
La Squadra React to Reader Crushing on Ghiaccio
Because I love him so much šŸ„¹ā„ļø
CW: None
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Risotto Nero
Is pretty indifferent to it. As long as it doesnā€™t get in the way of your work, itā€™s fine with him.
Though he would be lying if he said he wasnā€™t at least a little curious, since most people are put off by Ghiaccioā€™s aggressive personality but youā€™re an exception.
Being the observant person he is, Risotto notices your blush and every longing glance you give Ghiaccio. Thatā€™s how he knows you like him in the first place.
He may be serious but heā€™s still caring, so if you seem to be struggling to get closer to Ghiaccio, he will give you advice from time to time. Listen to him. It always works.
If you follow his advice and it works heā€™s like a silently proud dad.
Why Ghiaccio? Sure, he is a good looking guy, but you could have chosen someone calmer and more sophisticated. At least in his opinion. (This is Prosciutto weā€™re talking about)
But regardless, he isnā€™t really one to meddle in peopleā€™s romantic affairs. The most heā€™ll do is cast judgement.
Though we all know that heā€™s quite caring, so if you need advice, he will give it to you. But heā€™ll make sure you know that your duties come first.
He definitely lifts you up if youā€™re nervous or feeling down!
He will be protective if Ghia is rude to you for any reason.
Heā€™s very supportive!
He may be a little surprised that you chose Ghiaccio, but he wonā€™t question it.
Ghiaccio kind of scares him, but Pesci will be there for you if you need advice! He is also very good at comforting you if you doubt yourself for some reason.
Very sweet and routes for you 100%!
10/10 Wingman!
Oh heā€™s having a heyday!
Heā€™s the most obnoxious yet enthusiastic wingman you could ask for. You like his best friend. Of course heā€™ll want to help.
He will want to know everything. Why do you like Ghiaccio? Is it his cute curls? His glasses? His handsome face? His muscles?
He will tell you whatever you want to know about Ghiaccio. Even information you may not have asked for, like the color of his briefs.
Will definitely ask you if youā€™ve had sexual fantasies about Ghiaccio. Even if you have donā€™t tell him about them.
Will constantly make dirty jokes when you and Ghiaccio are in a room together. It lowkey feels like heā€™s hitting on Ghiaccio for youā€¦?
If you need serious advice heā€™s actually pretty good at it. He knows Ghiaccio the best out of everyone, so you can rely on him.
Melone will basically tell you to just go for it. Tell Ghiaccio how you feel because he appreciates honesty and straightforwardness. If it doesnā€™t go well, Melone will gladly make it all better ;)
Heā€™s a little indifferent to it. You like Ghiaccio? Heā€™s a little surprised for the same reason as everybody else, but hey, you do you.
He will tease you a little bit though, but itā€™s all in good fun.
He makes sure you know that you can come to him for advice.
Like Melone, he tells you to approach Ghiaccio. His methods may not be too helpful though because he recommends flirtation, and Ghia is not the best at handling flirting.
If you and Ghia end up together heā€™s happy for you! If you donā€™t, heā€™ll swoop in and get with you himself ;)
Oh he knows before any of the others. Why? Because Man in the Mirror.
He scoffs. Ghiaccio? The ice brat??? Whatā€™s so special about him?!!
Heā€™s mostly indifferent but it will cost you half your bank account to keep his petty mouth shut.
If you piss him off he will threaten to tell Ghiaccio. Will he go through with it? Who knows.
Look he may be book-smart but broā€™s dense as hell when it comes to romance.
Donā€™t let him catch you staring at him. He will blow up at you without hesitation.
He will notice if you act differently around him but he assumes itā€™s because you hate him or something. Heā€™s used to people being scared of him but that doesnā€™t make him any less angry.
Probably treats you as if youā€™re a nuisance because of it.
Eventually if the secret comes out and he doesnā€™t feel the same way, heā€™ll be flustered but may avoid you for some time. But if he reciprocates your feelings, heā€™ll practically melt.
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mountsmase Ā· 2 months
Ok i need some inspiration for something I might writešŸ«£
So him fucking up in the relationship, like not giving you importance and just think you'll always be there waiting for him to make time for you. You finally get tired and find the courage to break this toxic circle and he obviously realises how horrible he was
How would he try to win you back and convince you that he wants to be better cause he needs and wants you in his whole life?
(I wrote a whole answer to this and then closed the app to answer a text and when I came back it had disappeared so Iā€™m going to try and remember everything I said but I might end up reblogging a few times to add things šŸ˜­)
I would absolutely love if you wrote a fic like this šŸ„ŗ
I hate making Mason the bad guy but at the same time I love all the grovelling and then the happy endings when he realises how silly heā€™s been šŸ˜­
Okay so
The second he realises how badly he fucked up he will be doing everything he possibly can to get you back and prove to you that he can do better, he knows you deserve so much more and he really wants to prove to you that he can be the one to give you what you deserve despite it all going wrong in the first place šŸ„ŗ heā€™s not proud of the way he acted and he knows he can do better so now itā€™s just a case of proving that to you
Even if that means he has to give you time/space. If you tell him that you want to take a break and just be alone for a while he would 100% support that. I know some people would be so overly clingy and wouldnā€™t leave you alone but he wouldnā€™t be like that, heā€™d be respectful and give you as much time as you need because he knows heā€™s not going to get you back by being over the top and going against your wishes šŸ„ŗ
I donā€™t think he would completely cut off contact though, maybe you never said anything about not wanting to hear from him at all and it would kill him to not know how youā€™re doing (especially when youā€™re hurting because of him) so heā€™d get in contact every once in a while via a text message to see how youā€™re doing. Just asking you how your days been or if he remembers you mentioning a big work event or important meeting heā€™ll ask how it went and your responses arenā€™t always long but it settles him to know youā€™re not shutting him out completely.
Oh and if he hears through a friend that youā€™re not feeling well, or maybe even if he knows youā€™re period is coming up because he knows how bad yours can be, heā€™ll put together a little care package and send it to you in the post with a little note just saying ā€˜hope you feel better soon - Mason xxā€™ or something along those lines and itā€™d have all of your favourite sweets/chocolates and other comfort items like fluffy socks and a new hot water bottle in it and that would definitely chip away at your heart, realising heā€™s remembered all of your favourites šŸ„¹ and you might receive flowers from him every once in a while too
After a while heā€™d probably drop you a little message asking if you can meet up somewhere to talk but letting you know that he only wants to do that when youā€™re 100% comfortable and itā€™s up to you when it happens, if at all. Youā€™d end up going over to his house one evening, not expecting anything other than to talk, but heā€™s made your favourite dinner for you, reassuring you that thereā€™s no pressure at all and heā€™s not seeing it as a date or anything, but he just wanted to do something nice and you actually really appreciate it.
Youā€™d just catch up over dinner, asking him about training and heā€™d ask you about work, doing anything to not let an awkward silence take over which it doesnā€™t until youā€™ve moved through to the living room. He has so much he wants to say to you but it takes a while for him to get the words out, nerves taking over when he realises this might be his last and only chance to get you back and he really doesnā€™t want to fuck it up again. You notice him picking at his nails which you know is a nervous habit of his so instinctively reach out to grab his hand, straight away worrying that youā€™ve done the wrong thing but he doesnā€™t let you go. Just lacing his fingers through yours and the second your hand is in his itā€™s like a trigger and he just spills. Apologising to you and telling you that heā€™s taken the last couple of weeks/months or however long itā€™s been to reflect on his actions and he realises how badly he acted towards you and how horrible he had been. Heā€™d be making all these promises which you do actually believe heā€™s going to keep because you can see the emotion in his eyes and how distraught he is at the thought of losing you for good šŸ˜­ It would be a very emotional evening and youā€™d have a long conversation about everything that went wrong and everything that led you to cut it off but you end the night back on the same page, agreeing to start over because honestly you missed him loads and you can already tell that the man in front of you now is completely different to the one who was in front of you when you broke it off. You know heā€™s going to do better and you still love him -never stopped loving him - so you agree to give him a second chance. Starting completely fresh with him and heā€™s just so thankful and feeling so so lucky to have his girl back šŸ„ŗ
Itā€™s safe to say heā€™d be trying his hardest to not fuck it up again, making a huge promise to you but also himself that heā€™s never going to treat you badly again because you deserve all the love and happiness in the world and he so desperately wants to be the one to give it to you šŸ„¹
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andvys Ā· 8 months
i BAWLED at the scene with chrissy oml, i loved it. im literally on the bathroom floor tearing up just remembering it. the way you captured that scene probably hit home for some of your readers and i know they felt as much joy as i did. beautiful job love
now steve steve steve. i am (and embarrassingly will probably always be in most circumstances) team steve (obviously) and i want the two to get together. but i know that he needs to suffer more and i know the reader needs to fully heal. steve is terribly dumb for requesting that, ESPECIALLY when heā€™s still with the negative nancy.
BUT omg him writing notes and making her laugh, stop i cant. I WAS GIGGLING AND KICKING MY FEET. (see the way i immediately flip, i need a psych ward) gosh this is me selfishly asking you to never stop the moments between the two. i just AHH (i hope a guy NEVER cheats on me bc the way iā€™m talking, thereā€™s no hope for my self-esteem)
i kinda (the smallest bit.) missed eddie, but honestly i didnā€™t even think about him bc of chrissy and heather being there. that made up for the fact that friendship wasnā€™t there
ANYWAYS NOW ITS TIME FOR MY USUALY BEG AT THE END OF THE CHAPTER. pls do whatever you feel is right, whether itā€™s eddie x reader (crying in the club lol. DONT LET THAT STOP YOU THO, i donā€™t wanna pressure you), or a steve x reader (hehe might be in my knees for that but again, donā€™t wanna pressure you love) you giving us the gift of your writing is enough
(i ate this up oml)
Aaahhh thank you so much! Iā€™m so happy you liked this chapter!
iā€™m glad you liked the moment with Chrissy, I was so excited to add it to the chapter! And iā€™m excited to give Chrissy her own little love story šŸ¤­
oh and trust me, Steves suffering hasnā€™t even begun yet! I see why you still want them together, they got history and they are cute together šŸ„¹ I wonder what you will think of the flashback scenes šŸ‘€
you better never forgive a cheater though! they do not deserve forgiveness, ever. they only deserve to get their asses kicked, no forgiveness or second chances for cheaters! fuck them! that shit is barely forgivable in fanfics, we canā€™t tolerate that in real life!
you missed Eddie?šŸ¤­ heā€™ll be back soon and I think youā€™re gonna love what he got planned for reader
thank you for being so supportive and sweet šŸ«¶šŸ»
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