#not as in im apolitical on the blog but it was meant to be like just for reblogging pretty images and shitposts
revolutionarysuicide · 5 months
i never bothered with the like blocking new followers stuff (unless it was a bot or they were like some kind of reactionary) or locking a post if it gets too many notes cause i didnt really care if ppl followed me/reblogged my posts/etc but bro i have literally had one post blow up every day for the past 2? 3? days and have had several posts get upwards of 10k notes the past 2–3 months this is insane. i am so glad that tumblr fame means absolutely nothing though like even the most tumblr famous ppl would never like be paid to promote a brand or whatever. absolutely would never want to be an Influencer or whatever it is they're calling it these days. iam just vibing here
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eggenterprises-blog · 5 years
First and foremost, if you happen any of the soon to be listed rules. Don’t sweat it! Well, don’t treat it lightly either. I don’t insta block anyone that breaks one of my rules, usually I just go into IMs and ask the rule breaker if they could stop doing that so we can both have fun. If you do happen to break my rules multiple times, sorry but I gotta block you.
This blog is multimuse, so if you ever send in an ask could you specify which muse you want to answer it? It just makes things easier for me. You’re also always allowed to send an ask meant for everyone.
Please never assume any of my muses knows yours. Unless we plot it through IMs or an ask meme says that our muses would know each other. If it’s just randomly in a thread we haven’t planned or started with an ask meme, that’s a no go for me.
Also, this is an AU blog. Massively AU, so some characters will not know other characters. Keep that in mind depending on who your muse is.
I won’t always answer every ask in my inbox, but I try to answer them as often as I can.
If you RP with “matt-and-exeitor” I will be hesitant to interact with you.
OCs are completely welcome here so long as I can get enough info on them off of your blog.
This blog is also crossover friendly with the following fandoms: Mega Man Nintendo in general Non-fandom muses Night in the Woods muses And Undertale (I’m picky though)
This blog is multiship, which means that let’s say Maw has a ship in my mainverse you are more than welcome to also ship with him in the secondary verse. It’s there for a reason ;)
Also there won’t be any cheating unless its fine with the mun RPing my muse’s s/o.
You’re always more than welcome to come into my IMs and talk to me about maybe shipping our muses, I’m always up for more ships.
If you ever want our ship to be in its own special verse for whatever reason, talk to me about it! I’d be happy to do it.
No massive age difference ships. 20 year old with a 22-24 year old is fine. 8 year old with a 22 year old is not. In any way.
No incest ships. Like, even if this is an AU and technically my muse isn’t say, the father of your fan child. It’s still a no from me.
I also reserve the right to not accept certain ships. Usually due to sexuality.
On that note I’ll never break my muse’s sexuality just for a ship.
Platonic and familial ships are just fine! If you want my muse to be your muse’s best friend, let me know! Or if you want my muse to be your muse’s parent/sibling let me know! I’d love to do something like that! The same goes for hate ships!
This blog, is highly selective/mutual only. Depending on what’s up, I may RP with some non mutual blogs but for the most part I’ll only do mutuals only.
The way I write for my threads is always in third person. And I always start a new paragraph after a line of my muse talking. Just the way I write, even I don’t know why.
I don’t have the best of grammar when it comes to certain things. Often times I can use certain phrases wrong or even use the wrong way of spelling certain words. My hope though is that whenever I do it I get my point across and maybe even keep the way you pronounce the word the same.
I hold the right to not RP with certain people and have the right to drop threads. If I do have to drop a thread I promise to tell you before I do.
The length of my threads varies depending on what’s up. Usually they’re rather medium sized. Like, two paragraphs. But sometimes I call pull of three, usually those take time to do though.
With that in mind I try to get to as many threads as I possibly can, so if I haven’t replied to a thread in a while and haven’t said anything to you about it, don’t worry, I’m just too nervous about talking to you about it because I’m usually sitting in front of the drafts screen just trying to will my fingers into writing.
If I ever reblog an ask meme, please, send it/something from it in if you’re gonna reblog the meme. If you don’t want to, which is just fine and understandable, go to the source. If the source is deactivated, then go ahead and reblog from me I’ll understand.
Please, call me Burning!
I am a male mun. If that is a turn off for you, I hope you can work through it and maybe get back to me later on. If not, well bye I guess.
I am also Bisexual. So much like the previous rule hope you work through any ill will towards Bi people and get back to me, if not bye.
Almost, but not always, time I don’t interact with a new mutual is because I’m an anxious nerd. So if you want to interact with me, please approach first. If you’re just as anxious, I’ll wiggle my way into interacting with you.
I have no triggers myself, but if there’s something that you need me to tag so you can blacklist it please let me know.
I want this blog to stay as apolitical as possible. Which means I want politics that aren’t fictional or mentioned in a joking way away from this blog. I have no ill will towards anyone that talks about politics on their blog though, I just don’t wanna post/reblog anything about politics on my blog cuz this is the place I want to escape from reality. Why would I want to bring that stress here?
I’m never, ever, going to reveal my age to anyone online. If we meet in person one day far off in the future, then I’ll tell you if it comes up. But as of right now, I’m not telling anyone. Same thing goes about my true name.
I often shitpost memes. It’s fun and I like it, if that’s not your sort of thing, I often tag them as {Dump Shit} so you can blacklist that tag if you want.
So without going into detail, I just wanna say that smut can happen here. All of my muses are of age. If you want more detail on what can and cannot happen in a smut thread check out this link.
Anything overly graphic (smut or intense gore) will go under a read more.
Gore of almost any kind, raunchy jokes/actions, and other things are also welcome here. Depending on how graphic each one of these things are, they’ll either be tagged as “NSFW” or “NSFW-Ish”.
You can ask me any NSFW question OOC through the inbox or IMs, I’m no prude.
You’ve reached the bottom of this rabbit hole! Thanks! Now that you’ve read my rules go ahead and send me a “Ready for Enlistment.” through my inbox to let me know! I’d appreciate it.
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