gimmethatagustd · 2 years
Hey Jai! How are you?
Hope you’re having a good day ☺️
I was just looking at your masterlist, and let me tell you that I’m very excited for Who’s your Bias story!!!
Is there any sneak peak we can give us? No pressure though
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ANYWAY LOL hi bby!! i'm doing alright, and i hope you are too 🥺 i'm glad you're excited for who's your bias!! it's gonna be for tae's birthday. i'm not even close to being done with it yet, but i'm happy to share a sneak peek with you 😈
idol au taetae spoilers under the cut! (no warnings needed)
“Y/N, you were Army before you started dating Tae!” You could practically see the light bulb going off in Hobi’s brain. Or, rather, the army bomb. “Who was your bias?” 
Hobi’s question barely left his lips when the room grew quiet. Seven pairs of eyes stared at you expectantly, including your boyfriend’s. You kept your eyes on the TV, though you weren’t seeing the compilation video playing anymore. 
“I don’t know. I didn’t have a bias. Y’know, OT7 and all that shit.” 
Suddenly, the room erupted. Screeches of protests and arguments were shouted across the living room, the boys yelling on top of one another and slewing insults at each other. 
“Oh come on, Y/N, tell us!” Hobi whined.
“Yeah, we wanna know! We won’t judge you.” Pulling this precious information out of you was so vital that Jungkook looked away from his phone long enough to give you a pouty face. 
“It’s obviously me. I’m Worldwide Handsome.” 
“Leave her alone, guys.” Taehyung shifted in his seat next to you, adjusting how your legs draped over his lap. His large hands massaged soft circles into your calf muscles. “This is so childish.” 
“Right. A bias is just whoever a fan is partial to,” Namjoon said with a shrug. “What matters is that fans support us as seven.” 
“No, a bias is the one the fan wants to fuck the most.” This time Jungkook didn’t look up from his phone when he spoke. 
Jin hummed in agreement, winking in your direction and making Taehyung scoff. 
“You’re just scared it’s not you, Tae.” For someone Taehyung called his soulmate, Jimin seemed to jump at every opportunity to fuck with his friend. He turned to you with those haunting siren eyes that lured in even God’s strongest soldiers. “Is he, Y/N? Is your bias Taehyung or someone else?” 
“I thought Hobi’s question was, who was my bias? Not is.” 
His bright eyes narrowed at you. “Stop arguing semantics and answer the question.”
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
This gave me such HY!Tae vibes 🤭😳
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shina913 · 2 years
Hello Shina!
I hope you are having a great day!
Just came by to say that I’m absolutely destroyed after binge reading Intersect, thanks to a recommendation by the lovely @miksancheese and the beautiful work you did!
I might reserve the screaming to Mikayla for now, that said: here, read this Joon fic and the first chapters you throw me Yoongi, flirty Yoongi, GRAMMY YOONGI!!! My Yoongi biased ass can’t take this hahaha
Also, as a fan of Friends, love the references! Jungkook pulling a Phoebe at the airport had me fighting to keep my laughing fit down due to be so late at night right now hahahaha
Can’t wait to read more of your work!
OMG, hi!!!
Thank you, you are so sweet! Ahahha Yoongi was a curveball, I'll admit 😂 But it was a sexy distraction that I found effective!
I love Friends 😍 I practically watch it every day since it's always on! I'm so glad you enjoyed the references. The Phoebe moment was something I've been wanting to do since I started writing the series 🤣 I knew that after I decided to make this NamKook bro-fest...it had to happen! Yes, it's very crack-y but I thoroughly enjoyed writing it!
Thank you so much for enjoying the series. It's my favorite that I've written so far and I only hope that I can capture the same magic in another series 💕
PS - Thank you for the rec, Miks @miksancheese 😘
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
Win win win!!!!!
We need to see cocky proud award winning Yoongi and just the ecstasy of winning and oc being there to witness and you know, celebrate accordingly 🫠🫠🫠
eeeee another vote for cocky-proud yoongi 👀 what a change of pace it would be to see them celebrate!! 🍾🥃 and then, ya know.... celebrate 🥵💦 thank u for voting!!! 💜
vote before we find out! will LDOMLT yoongi win his grammy nom? 🤔
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taechnological · 2 years
honestly, i'm ready ffor long hair bts era. can someone please hide their scissors hahahaha
hiding scissors won't do we need to figure out a way to ultimately burn all scissors of south korea NO ONE TOUCH THEIR HAIR WE ARE ALMOST THERE !!
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inkofyoonkoo · 2 years
Ohhh the overthinking after that scene on the teaser!!!!!!!! JK FOR THE LOVE OF GOD we need to have a serious talk!
Again, amazing work!
Can’t wait for the next chapter 🥹
I LOVE when characters overthink, I live for their flow of thoughts 😭 JK is a bit dummy but he's so precious and always tries to take care of her but he's absolutely unable to think before talking 😭 we'll have their talk sooner or later!!! Thanks for reading the teaser, so glad you enjoyed it! Hope the next chapter will be nice 🥰❤️
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voicelesscas · 10 years
36 :)
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? 
1. Go to college/ university in the US (or at least take one year there) 
2. go to any form of a supernatural con
3. do somethin gith my life that i care about (dunno what yet, but i hope i'll find out)
I’m lonely, ask me questions
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gimmethatagustd · 2 years
So Tae posted this song on his insta stories and after seeing the lyrics, it made me think of WFOC and WMAM
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bruhhhhhhhhh the way i just be manifesting things into existence. life imitates art hjskdjfs
((also i'm just saying, i kinda wanna do a part 3 of them watching the video))
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Sharing is caring, so…
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In music notation, dal segno, often abbreviated as D.S., is used as a navigation marker. From Italian for "from the sign", D.S. appears in sheet music and instructs a musician to repeat a passage starting from the sign shown at right, sometimes called the segno in English
All I’ll say is: mmm 👀
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Oh?? Learning about music notation tonight, I see.. Love the knowledge sharing, too!
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shina913 · 2 years
I just finished Conquet and oh God! Where can I order JK’s services and live out this story? Hhahaha
I’d accept the job of leading actress in this movie in a heartbeat (I’m kidding, I’m not leading actress worthy hahahaha)
The way you described some man in random scenes, like in the bachelorette party that reminded me of the other members! It was perfect!
And the fact that in the first chapters they decided to go with the cardiologist cover and I thought: girl, that isn’t a good strategy, what if someone actually need a doctor in the room? Hahahahahaa
For an over thinker, oc did let this one slide quite easy, though I don’t blame them one bit, being in the presence of a suit up JK would also distract me easily.
The plot twists and all! I love it all!
Can’t wait to dive in the next story!
Also, hopefully we’ll get some drabble for this couple, cause I’m curious to know what other notes JK would take on Mayumi’s wedding and any other facet of this couple you want to give us!
Lots of love
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Patriciaaaaa! I see you've lost your mind on *this* Jungkook as well. I don't blame you. I don't know how I'll top him 🤣
And yes - that's my "thing" in my fics. I put easter eggs for myself. Sometimes, they're vague clues of the other guys and sometimes, I insert characters from my other fics so I have a little bit of my own universe going on linking my fics loosely 😏
Bahah the job cover story thing 🤣🤣? Hmm...yeah, that was a bit out of character for OC, I’ll give you that! I've told other readers that I pulled that one out of nowhere when I wrote Part 1 and I really didn’t know what to do with it 🤣 By the time Part 3 was drafted, I wanted something "cracky" to happen and...my sister and I came up with just rolling with it!
We’ll see if I’ll revisit this couple again at some point. It just depends. But…never say ‘never!’
Thank you for reading Coquet 😘
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
Tiny question: do you prefer songs in English or can we suggest from other languages and include translation for it? 🤔
open to anything in any language!! 💜 ty for asking~
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inkofyoonkoo · 2 years
I just finished one of your stories “You, among the others” that was recommended here on tumblr, and I must say that it’s amazing! 😍
I read all 12 chapters in 2 days! Couldn’t put it down! My sleep schedule is messed up, not that I’m complaining hahahaha
Anyways, can’t wait for the rest of the story.
Have a nice day 💜
Hello! Thank you so much for giving a chance to my YATO 🥰 and as much as it makes me happy that you binge it in a couple of days, I'm also sorry you lost sleep 😢 I hope you got some rest now!!! I don't know when the next chapter will be out, but your message made me truly happy 💓 have a nice day you too!!!
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starkidmack · 10 years
norushtolive replied to your post:norushtolive said: if they are nice guys, send... I’ll text you my address then.. hahaha but serious now I can only imagine how difficult must be for you, and I hope you find a way to not stress over this anymore. Haha will do :P Nah, it's not just me, y'know? Like, it's such a heteronormative society we live in that everyone assumes everyone is straight. I find myself doing it too. Like "okay this girl is cute but she's probably straight right so there's no use talking to her." Thanks though :)
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gimmethatagustd · 1 year
Jai! You’re making me thirst too much for Jimin (not that I wasn’t before, but you know)! Stop it! Hahahaha
If he wasn’t JIMIN, the max I could ever come close to him is shamelessly flirting with him (fake it till you make it) because that’s how I feel like it would go, our Aries and Libra combination would be wild, but let me tell you I would be sweating like crazy hahahahahha
JDHKFJS BESTIE! this got lost in my asks (pls blame all the namjoon whores hehe) i'm sorry i'm just now getting to it
but the thirst is so real. jimin is truly a dream?? it would be scary to meet him irl but you gotta do what you gotta do. sweat and all!
i would have faith in you
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Would you look who showed up!
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What the efffffff!!! He was in my dream, too🥺
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shina913 · 1 year
Hi Shina! How have you been?
Happy very belated new year! I’m sorry for taking this long to send you this message, last month was hectic to say the least and I rang the new year on a plane hahahaha
I hope this years brings you a lot of joy and accomplishments!
Can’t wait to catch up on your fics!
Lots of love
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Patricia 🥺 How are you, my dear?? I hope your 2023 is off to a great start! And please--do not apologize for radio silence. Everybody's got their own lives going on and I feel like the last quarter of 2022 has been crazy for EVERYONE. I still appreciate you dropping me a note, though! IMY!
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