#norray week day 4
athena-write · 4 years
Norray week day 4
"A curse?" Norman asks.
He knows what it is of course, having one himself, a shadow, in a sense, ever so dark, ever so threatening, always there. He's used to it by now, the frail body, the crystaled eyes, the graying hair. He would be a healthy baby, that's what the doctors had said no?
Yet a magician, perhaps an oracle, heard a prophecy. Such a damned prophecy it was the one that ruined his life, a second after his first breath. It's all because of another magician with white
 hair - the irony- that Norman even has to die.
He cannot live, for a curse is cast upon him. He knew this since three, his parents had been honest at the very least. It was meaningless, making ties, when they'd only be cut by obsidian scissors today, if he was being optimistic, tomorrow.
How could he not form ties with sweet Emma? How could he not form ties, when she smiled those smiles, which like a sun made his dark thoughts disappear, for hours to no end?
How could he not love Ray when he had seen the boy's tender and caring side, which Norman couldn't help but love? 
He was cruel, Norman knew, to himself, the others as well. He was like a dark curse upon others' life, and much like his own curse, he'd leave the others destroyed. He was devil himself, evil, cruel, yet had the smile of an angel. How ironic.
"Yes, the home-work essay is for curses, why?" Ray asks
"Nothing," Norman replies
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mari-lair · 4 years
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Norray halloween week Day 1: Ghosts!
If curious, below are some random info about this Teacher/ghost AU
Ray got a gun and he can use it. The ghost gun isn’t able to touch, much less physically hurt anyone, but it replicate the sound of a real gun, which contributed a lot to how low priced his haunted house rent has become. It nearly gave Norman a heart attack the first time he heard it.
After being dead for a while, Ray learned how to turn visible and invisible at will and play around small objects such as paper, shoes and butcher knives. He can control up to 4 small objects at a time or something relativaly heavy like a chair if he really concentrate. The more he got the hang of controling and moving small objects the lower his house rent become, rarely getting aggressive but still able to physically hurt people. On All Hallows Eve he can posses people’s bodies and get out of the house he haunts, but he always ends up back to his empty ‘home’ when the night is over.
Ray is an incredibly fast learner. Just by observing the people that visits his house, he learned a decent amount of modern english and understand the basics of how tecnology is a  thing now -he wished this advanced tecnology was invented when he was alive. It would make the of lack of food and nutrients less of a deadly nightmare in open sea.
As a pirate, Ray used to be the one in charge of doing most of the bloody work and take the night watch, protecting his captain’s back from both outside and inside forces. He was constantly alert, borderline paranoic. But as the years in death passed, he grew more calm, very patient. He usually don’t mind new people in his house, happy to learn more modern english and befriend the guests willing to tolerate him. If a new guest cross a line however,  Ray will do his best to scare them away. Hurt them or kill them by manipulating knives if he sees fit.
It’s very rare for adults to see Ray as anything other than a nonsense they have no energy to deal with or a warning sign for their crumbling lives, so he usually hang around kids. The childish company mellows him with time.
Ray is from a time where death was common and getting hurt was inevitable so what people consider pretty serious is something Ray considers mild “Why are you being so dramatic about seeing some bone? Be grateful your hand is still attached to your wrist after you slaped your daughter. If it wasn’t for her wishes you wouldn’t have legs to run away.”
Norman is considered a genius and have countless prizes under his belt. He wanted to go to the moon when he was a kid but because of his weak health, he knew he would not be acepted in the space program. He decided teaching was the next best thing later on, accepted as a teacher in a prestigious school while still young. He enjoys and understand all subjects but love history the most, unable to deny it was hard and frustrating to teach a whole class of teens at times but still liking his job. Having one student that was genuinaly interested in his class was more than enough to make his day.
When Norman first started teaching, he felt more responsable than he had his whole life. It wasn’t a bad feeling per see, but it made him anxious so he called his little sister Cherry once a week to ask her questions about her teachers and make sure he was doing a good job.
Norman may not be the funniest of teacher but he’s still a favorite for his palpable cares for his students. He does not make the subject easier than is requested but he put a lot of effort into making people enjoy their world history, teaching with passion and seriously answering any questions, no matter how silly or joking it sounds. He’s understanding and try his best to help those with dificulty with the subject, always giving people second chances, having lost countless nights of sleep correcting re-writen essays after deadlines and turning his test questions into podcasts for students with adhd, aware the big historical excerpts are fundamental for answering the test but too hard to focus, specially with limited time.
The lambda crew are problem children. Norman went the extra mile to save Barbara and Zazie from failing classes even outside history and left Vincent startruck with his wide knowladge about not only world history but a ton of subjects he could be teaching too if he wasn’t overworking himself. Norman is both happy to inspire the squad to study hard and also very awkward by their blind admiration.
The teacher had a firm “ghost don’t exist”  mentality, which is one of the reasons he brought the haunted house in the first place. He had chalked Ray up as an halucination from his sleep deprived brain, having the rotten luck of buying the house right after a bad guest owned. The ghost got more annoyed than usual from things as insignificant as Norman keeping the lights on for too long, putting music Ray doesn’t vibe with, or just acting unfairly cute, to more personal matters such as Norman studying about Ray and his family lives. They used to have a distant and bad relationship but once Ray noticed Norman had only admiration for history, being genuinaly kind when trying to talk instead of mocking his existence, Ray apologised. Norman was still wary at first but they quickly hit off, enjoying to learn what the other had to offer and matching in wits.
When Norman catch a fever or a bad cold Ray gets wary. He know, on some level, that medicine have evolved a lot, but he remenbers way too clearly how serious even the weakest of diseases could get if not imediatly treated.  He always stick by Norman’s side when the teacher sneezes, not taking his eyes off him. Usually Norman keep working when he catch a cold, so Ray learned to float Norman’s grading papers out of his reach when coughing joined his sneezes. Floating a paper is enough to get Norman to take a break most of the time, but if the get stubborn Ray will stop playing nice. Just lower his voice to comander mode and order “Rest. Now. Or I’ll make your life a living hell.” and Norman does what he’s told, it’s very unconfortable to have a gun in the face and he does feel very tired.
When Norman is seriously sick, not just coughing but stuck to his bed. Ray freak out and fear for his life. When it reached this level, most of his crewmates died or had to be thrown in the sea to not infect other. Yes Ray know it’s not as bad anymore, but even when he observed guests, they rarely got sick, and when it got bad they where taken to a doctor. Norman lives alone so he got no one to feed him and bring him blankets or take him to the doctor if he lies for hours in bed. Ray was all the help he would get and he is fucking dead, he can’t measure his temperature or take care of him properly. Ray does tries his best though. He concentrated a lot to float heavy blankets and pillows towards Norman. Imediatly fetching any pills asked of him and doing his best to make him tea. It isn’t tasty, but Norman still appreciates his care.
Ray is the first to fall in love, he think “If only I could  kiss this fool and hug him, I would do it on the daily. I wish he was alive back then... He would love meeting Emma...” at least once a week but a big part of him is just “Forget scurvy! Norman would die of cold or malnutricion before he reached 10. Thank god the helpless bastard took his sweet time to be born.”
Ray cannot touch any eletronics, he can’t even come close without phones, computers, and tvs turning to statics, so Norman buys an illustrated book about the Red Mane Pirates for Ray to see his crew again. He know is not perfect but is the best he can offer whenever Ray expresses missing his family.
They read together. Norman occasionally teaching a new word to his ghost and Ray correcting any historical inacuracy. It’s fun.
Norman finds an illustration of an alive Ray sleeping in the mast waaay too beautiful. Ray snort at the romantized draw, disolving into laughter by how Norman failed to hide his blush.
It became a habit to read history books together and tease each other. More often then not, it lead to a history class and way to much sass on both ends.
“Wait, so there really was a world war? I heard about it from old guests but I thought they were exagerating when they called world war! And what do you mean 2? There was a second one??”
“How did miss the second one? It was HUGE, quite horribl-”
“You were not even alive when it happened.”                                        
“Tecnically, you weren’t either Ray-” 
Ray is a bit scared of how attached he got to Norman, knowing eventually the man would die. He hopes it will take a long time, and that once he had a painless death, he will become a ghost too, but he doesn’t really believe Norman will ever turn into a ghost. Ray knows not everyone that dies became a ghost. Since someone as compassionable as Emma -even if she was forced to have blood and dirty choises on her hand to survive the merciless seas- was not cursed to became a ghost, he was confident someone as kind as Norman would dissapear from Ray’s afterlife once he died too.
More of this AU here
And since you reached the end of this text wall. You can have this bonus Norman being awkward/excited about their growing friendship.
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piperemerald · 4 years
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Norray Halloween Week Day 4: Witch and Wizard
We went with a Hogwarts AU. I headcannon both the bois as Slytherin (Emma is the Gryffindor that gets all three of them into trouble).
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endlesstarrysky · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 約束のネバーランド | Yakusoku no Neverland | The Promised Neverland (Manga) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Norman & Ray (The Promised Neverland) Characters: Ray (The Promised Neverland), Norman (The Promised Neverland), Shelly (mentioned) Additional Tags: Memory, Angst, Talking, Happy Memory, norray week 2020, Norray Week - Day Four Series: Part 4 of Norray Week 2020 Summary:
Day Four: Memory
In which Ray looks back.
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apieceofcakecat · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: 約束のネバーランド | Yakusoku no Neverland | The Promised Neverland (Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Relationships: Norman/Ray (The Promised Neverland), Emma & Ray (The Promised Neverland), Ray & Yuugo (The Promised Neverland), Ray & Violet (The Promised Neverland), Ray & Gillian (The Promised Neverland)
Characters: Norman (The Promised Neverland), Ray (The Promised Neverland), Emma (The Promised Neverland), Yuugo (The Promised Neverland), Violet (The Promised Neverland), Gillian (The Promised Neverland)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Violence, but nothing very graphic, One-Sided Attraction, Yandere Norman (The Promised Neverland), Unhealthy Relationships, norray week 2020, Norray Week - Day Four
Summary: From the moment he saw Ray, Norman knew that he wasn’t interested in his brain at all, but in his heart.
Norray Week: Day 4 - Jealousy
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mari-lair · 4 years
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norray halloween week day 4 : Magic/Wizard
Stray Shapeshifter Ray x Forest Wizard Norman AU
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piperemerald · 4 years
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Norray Week Day 4: Memory
I was hoping I’d have time to do a cosplay shoot for Norrayweek, but since our Norman is traveling and I never posted this pic yet here’s one from our chess shoot (since it counts as Grace Field memories)
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