#none of them have showed anything but support for queer people afaik
chainreh · 2 years
convinced kpop fans don't know what queerbaiting is actually
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misterbitches · 3 years
idk what im saying here so and none of it makes sense and im depressed
god i really hate the nickname hank i don't understand why he chose that i don't hate it hate it i like it because it's a cute cat name and i love our Working Class King Hank Hill but just as a name-name esp on a non-white person who is also not an animal i'm like but why thoughhhhhhhhhh. it's so american? lmao do canadians even have the name hank? i don't know i just hate the way it sounds. whatever that wasn't the point.
he's only 24 (just turned!) and afaik aaron lai and the girl who plays xiao qian (yao mi) are 29 i would be really like overwhelmed if i were younger and greener (like he is) but they dont do a bad job at all and si qi (idk his name my b) his actor is 22 so he's not great but he's okay and that's a big difference.
there's some major issues in the show but the most fucking annoying thing the one that very few people complain about in terms of the story is. the. EDITING. THE EDITING. thsi has been my biggest peeve and it's not even totally about the functionning of the story.
but my point with pointing that out (sry adhd) is that the acting is really...not a huge issue at all. this is what happens when there's competency at least; i'm not thinking about their acting skills/level when i watch so it's good. not enough to blow me out o fthe water but enough for me to be able to watch and not be taken out of the story (the editing OTOH DOES THAT)
so hes young and i like him i mean theyre all young but he's like younger younger lmao (im 29 ok i am a Mom jk no im not thank god) idk i saw interviews with him and he seems to have fun with acting (which is a good thing it seems liek they had fun adn DING DING DING DING) and takes it in stride, something he wants to do. at first i thought he was gonna be so bad idk why but he wasnt.
i reallllyyyyy hope they all get to continue on their careers with whatever they want. get to be in some good tv and movies and stick to their guns. and amy (cheng luo) continues to be the best and hot and cute and make god music ok!
also christ man not that having unproblematic* writing is equivalent to good content—if you write something "problematic" it has to fit, make sense, have us into the story. i'm talking specifically about the medium of tv/films/visual art but that's anything so having like no rape wouldnt mean good content it would just mean that um we're normal humans—but this is like a pretty decent example of a show that treats them like human beings and live sort of in the real world and not in gratuitous fetishization or obsession with patriarchy to support the couple. and the girls are....people. friends. girlfriends. workers. sisters. etc.
comparative to like tharntype which fails on every level or things like 2gether which are a drag or hm...history! so many fucking weird things there (most comparable to like crosing the line i think is this one. but with way better music jesus but CTL is def a best) and just bad acting, plot, editing, etc but this is like what if those shows had competent humans behind it and perhaps too much time and decent acting because this is their career and what they want?
i've realized for BLIH i'm trying to pin down fandom psyche but why even bother cos it's all dumb capitalist bs. maybe bc the show has things that are ahead of the others in this genre (which is why this genre's moniker 'bl' isssss sooo constricting but this is for another essay "the diff between bl and queer media" that i will not go into it's too complicated and silly) that people are like ok but go above and beyond but i think what they're presenting is pretty truthful to what they want to say? if that makes sense. they seem to know the jokes about the pacing etc but it's not like they retroactively take it back. to me it seems that there's abit of a confidence in the cast/crew team that comes with maturity and dedication to a craft (although that there video editor...) like they consistently know what they want and are going to do it. but idk if that's true.
*this is too vague of a term and i hate when fandom uses the phrasing bc it's not specific, specified, nor attacking the issue but i'm just using it for brevity and ykwim
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