#no wings for husker because i got tired
tytodreams · 3 months
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i've never seen baby driver, but i couldn't pass up the opportunity to draw huskerdust like this
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obviously inspired by @dumbnotstupidfuck's post. Sorry for tagging you, i just figured you might be interested!
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lucifers-rubber-duck · 3 months
𖤓 How much would the Hazbin Characters enjoy physical contact 𖤓
Characters: Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Husker, Angel, Niffty, Sir Pentious & Lucifer.
Warnings: Wrote this as friendly (especially Alastor's one) but can be read as romantic as well.
A/N: I've been recently thinking too much on how much a few of the characters would enjoy affection I had to write it.
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10/10. This girl would absolutely love any kind of physical contact.
• She would absolutely cry if you started hugging her.
• She will say she's very proud of you for being comfortable enough to hug her.
• If you start being clingy she wouldn't mind at all.
• I belive she wouldn't mind you holding her hand, leaning into her, etc. She will start doing the same if you permit her.
• There would be a point were you two would simply start hugging each other as a way to say hi.
• Be ready because she will definitely look for you when she's feeling sad or burned out, you'll be the one she'll cry on the shoulder and hug until she feels better again.
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6/10. She's not against it but that doesn't mean she will be 100% okay about it.
• She doesn't enjoy physical contact that much, especially not the long during ones.
• If you hug her will give nervous taps on your back and in less than a few seconds will be pushing you away.
• It doesn't mean she hates you, she just isn't familiar with that.
• I feel like you you pick her up in your arms she'll start to panic.
• Will let you brush her hair sometimes because she trusts you won't try anything funny like pulling it.
• If you're feeling really tired she will let you put your head on her shoulder and rest or will just straight up pick you up and bring you to your room.
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4/10. This man does not like physical contact at all and will avoid it at all costs.
• He doesn't trust many people, and trusts even less people touching him. He only let's Rosie and Niffty touch him for a reason.
• If you somehow are able to earn his trust like them, he'll let you give him quick hugs at best.
• Now, you not being able to touch him doesn't mean he won't touch you, on the contrary, messing up with you is his favorite passtime.
• He will spin you around, invade your personal space, boop your nose, give pats on your head, anything that may annoy you really.
• Sometimes, he'll pull you to dance with him when he hears music from the radio, but only when he's in a very good mood.
• Doesn't like being touched but will be very touchy sometimes.
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5/10. He doesn't like it, he avoids it as much as he can, but maybe he can make a exception for you.
• His job is to stay behind the bar's counter and serve drinks, anything beyond that is out of his catalogue.
• He hates when you try to touch his tail or his wings, they're way too sensitive for him to trust anyone touching.
• Doesn't like hugs, he's so grumpy about them and everytime you ask for one he will deny it.
• Now, if you're actually in a very bad mood or something happened to you that made you feel like shit, he won't hesitate to try and comfort you.
• He will put a arm around your shoulder, put his wings around you and try his best to make you a little better and open up to what happened.
• And if you got too drunk at his bar? He will put your arm around his shoulders and help you walk to your room.
• He's a man of words, not actions, but he's trying his best.
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8/10. He's used to being touched, that's his job but he has almost no experience being touched in such a innocent way.
• When you first started being clingy to him he for sure thought you had second intentions and would constantly flirt with you.
• But when he saw you were being genuine he panicked for a quite long amount of time, he just wasn't used to it.
• He would try to avoid you at all costs at the start, he just couldn't help feel his heart hurt everytime you were so nice and sweet with him.
• After a while he would just start to give in and be extremely clingy with you. One of his four arms around your waist, holding your hand, hugging you by the shoulder, he would just take everything from you he could.
• He would 100% let you cuddle with him and put you face on his fluffy chest and brag about how much you seemed to enjoy it.
• He wouldn't stop being flrity with you but this time he would try to make sure you're comfortable with it and make it clear it's all friendly, he doesn't want to lose to one good thing he has.
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10/10. She just doesn't mind, she likes climbing people at random moments and for sure doesn't mind physical contact.
• She doesn't know what personal space is to being with, she already was very touchy with you, she would just turn extra clingy.
• She wouldn't mind being hugged but you should be carefull, she very tiny and you could easily hurt her, but tbh she probably enjoys pain.
• Be ready to turn into her favorite climbing spot, she would climb and sit in your shoulder ar any given opportunity.
• You would basically have to babysit her to make sure she won't be running around with sharp objects trying to kill anyone, wich is kinda hard since she's faster than you.
• Still, besides everything, she would be really thankfull for you to be around her, a lot of people find her crazy and having someone being so nice to her is something she will forever appreciate.
• She's going to give you a bunch of gifts made of dead bugs she killed to show how much she cares for you, so be nice.
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9/10. This poor man is so awkward when it comes to physical affection but would absolutely adore it.
• Absolutely freaks out about it, first he things is you trying to make him let his guard down to attack him, but will start blushing and sttutering the moment he realizes it's genuine.
• He doesn't mind being hugged, holding hands, being close to each other and all that stuff, just tell him first so he can mentally prepare.
• Not a lot of people are nice to him, most think he's just a loser who can't do anything right so he will look up to you a lot and try a lot to be reciprocate.
• He will make you gifts and gadgets as a way to say thanks for your kindness and will order his Egg Bois to follow and help you in everything you need.
• Something tells me that he would love to cuddle up with you, he's cold blooded and he thinks you're warm, can't blame him for that.
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10/10. Bro is touch starved, the moment you're sweet to him he will melt.
• Now, this man, this man would fall to tears the moment you showed any kind of affection towards him.
• He's been isolated since his wife left him, maybe even before that, he never thought someone could care for him again.
• If you hug him, he will hug you back. If you hold his hand, he will smile at you. If you decide to just sit by his side and talk he'll be more than eager to hear you, doesn't matter the subject you're talking about.
• He's very clingy and will want to make sure you're feeling okay 24/7. He'll send you text messages, give your a few of his rubber ducks (one of them even looks like you!) and hold you close with his wings to show a new thing he created!
• It takes a while for him to hug you back normally without tearing up or being extremely awkward about it, but it will come a moment were he just does it naturally. He just appreciates you so much, he doesn't want to ruin anything.
• I personally belive he enjoys cooking so he will either ask you to cook with him or bring you food he made himself. Enjoy your meals from the best cooker ever!
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hxzbinwrites · 4 months
Hi! 👋
I just read your Vox soulmate AU and I LOVED it. If you're still taking requests, could you do something similar with Husk but his soulmate has powers like scarlet witch. His soulmate is very protective and sweet on the winged kitty. Maybe throw in a kiss or two 😘.
If not, it's cool. Keep up the great work and can't wait to read more!
Husk x Soulmate! Reader | Saving Me
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Warnings ⚠️: Cussing, Short :(
Sighing, Husk watched as Charlie and Vaggie cuddled together on the couch in the lobby. After everything, the lies and heartbreak, they still were okay. They still loved each other.
Husk has had his soulmate string for a while now, but Alastor prevented him from leaving to go chase it. It was worse than not having one at all, seeing that stupid string tug and beg for him to find his match, his other half.
His tired eyes looked down at his cup, his rag scrubbing the inside of it. He really wished that stupid damn deer would kick the bucket already.
“Husk!” Charlie said, looking over at the grouchy cat.
He raised an eyebrow, looking up at the Princess from under his eyelashes.
“Now that the hotel is revamped, do you think you could put some of these flyers out? Especially because it’s rent free!”
“I guess.” He said, taking the flyers.
When everyone was having dinner together, a strong knock on the door was heard.
Charlie sprinted over to the door, excited to meet a potential new client of their hotel.
The door revealed a woman standing there, an Halloween-like Witch costume on her.
“I’m here for this…’Hazbin Hotel’” She said, extending a hand to Charlie,”My name is (Y/n), I’m a witch. I was as well when I was alive, hence the costume I fell down with. I think it’s cute nonetheless.”
Charlie’s squeals of excitement alerted everyone at the dinner table. Mostly everyone was walking over to investigate, except for Husk. He sat there at the table, uninterested. Last thing he needs is some other annoying person pestering him, he’s got his paws full with Alastor’s bullshit and Angel’s hormones.
He ignored the crowd as they went to go show the newbie their room, walking back towards the bar to wash the remaining dirty cups.
“Husker~!” Alastor said, popping up out of thin air like the freak he is
Husk’s ears were pinned back against his head, his frown evident. “What?”
“You haven’t welcomed our guest!” He said, his head tilting menacingly. “I think you should.”
Husk, running a paw through his fluffy fur on the top of his head, sighed. “I gotta finish my job here first. You made me come here, you bastard.”
“Hmm.” Alastor said, glaring at him over his shoulder,”Alright! Just make sure you treat them well, you’re still on a leash, pet.”
Husk didn’t reply, just focusing on his job as Alastor met the rest of the crew at the end of the tour.
Husk looked up at the newbie, immediately dropping the class, letting it shatter on the ground.
“Husk!” Charlie said,”are you okay?!”
He didn’t reply, looking into his soulmates eyes. Finally, he finally found them. He could cry like a baby right now. He quickly walked around the counter of the bar, drowning out everyone’s concerned comments.
Everyone stopped talking when he stopped right in front of the newbie, before dipping them and kissing them deeply. Husk felt like he couldn’t bring them any closer, that nothing was close enough.
Gasping for air, he finally broke it off, smiling down at the flustered witch.
“Husk! What the hell?!” Vaggie said, scowling,”you can’t just do that! That’s assault!!”
“No…no it’s okay” (Y/n) said,”I-I found my soulmate. He’s a cute, grumpy kitty.”
Husk rolled his eyes at that last comment, before he looked over at Alastor.
He was fuming, the radio demon was clutching his staff so hard it could’ve snapped.
“Husker. I told you not to find your soulmate. It’s in your contract.”
“Well I technically found him” (Y/n) said, putting her hands on the cat’s chest. Husk knew the situation with the man who owned his soul and his soulmate was extremely serious, but he was fighting the urge not to purr.
Alastor pondered for a moment, before pulling up the contract again. He scanned over it before the witch snatched it from his grasp.
“Sorry, ‘Radio Demon’” She said, in a mocking tone,”Since our string faded away, and your ‘client’ didn’t seek me out, he didn’t go against your agreement. I own his soul now, and he owns mine. He’s no longer in your possession.”
Alastor’s smile was so tight his teeth could crack, seeing the contract rip up and Husk’s chains fizzle away.
“So? Husk was it?” (Y/n) said, grabbing his paws,”I think we have some catching up to do.”
“I agree.” Husk said, planting a light kiss on top of her forehead.
“Sorry I didn’t seek you out earlier” She said, “I-I thought you didn’t want to meet me, but I now know the truth.”
“Thank you love, thank you for saving me.”
Word Count: I’m lazy i’ll put it later 💀
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robodaydreamer · 4 years
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RadioHusk Week - #2 To Love A Dumbass
I meant to write a drabble and my hand slipped.
I’m sorry.
[ EDITED 4/5/20 ]
I want to do a drawing for every fic, it just takes my dumb butt forever to do anything. Forewarning, this was done at 2 am, so it might be a bit jumbled? I edited what I could to fix it. I hope you all enjoy!
To hell’s general population or the few who knew of him, Husk was a lot of things. Temperamental, apathetic, tired of everyone’s shit... the list could go on, but he liked to think he was a pretty simple guy.
Uncomplicated and easy to understand. You leave him alone, he’ll leave you alone. You get on his nerves, he’ll probably claw your eyes out. Maybe. If he actually had the energy for it. A fair trade if you asked him.
And he didn’t ask for much. To most, he didn’t like to be bothered, he enjoyed card games, he depended on alcohol to get him through the day, and he had a fondness for magic tricks.
That last one was a little-known fact to their small group of misfits. The hotel’s residents didn’t need to know about it. The only reason any of them had even found out was because of Angel Dust challenging him to a card game.
He was more than a little drunk at the time. Hah, he’d been fucking plastered.
Kicking that fluffy arachnoids ass was just a bonus. While he never doubted his own hand, being that uncoordinated never usually ended well for him. He tended to keep to himself when he was at his worst.
He was surprised he even agreed to do anything at all instead of telling that perverted walking stick to shove off! Even more surprising was as trashed as he’d been, he was still apparently unbeatable.
Husk wondered if he had an ace up his sleeve… and he didn’t even have sleeves… or wear clothes.
Yikes. Did bow ties and tophats count?
Hmmmm… wait. No. He wasn’t doing this to himself again. It was hard enough accepting he was an overgrown catbird. He’d leave this complicated crap alone. Besides, trying to wear clothes over fur was a pain in the ass. Not to mention extremely uncomfortable...
Lucky streak aside, Husk won whatever bet they’d made. He couldn’t quite remember what it was since he’d been blackout drunk, but he knew Vaggie had enough blackmail on Angel to get about a week’s worth of good behavior out of him.
That alone had made this whole thing an even bigger victory. The only problem was that with his drinking, while his gambling was on point, his mouth… wasn’t. 
Plenty of sinners gave away personal information when they were drunk. People did it while they were alive, so it wasn’t an uncommon thing down in hell. The only problem was where it ended up… or who it ended up with.
Long story short, he’d apparently let Angel Dust in on his appreciation for magic and had even shown him a trick or two with his cards while they were playing. He couldn’t remember jack shit, but it was possible.
How else would Angel have found out? The only other demons who’d know would be Alastor or Niffty and he doubted Alastor would randomly share something as insignificant as this. He may have a thing for pushing Husk’s buttons, but he didn’t think the other would just throw that out into the open without any context.
Actually, he probably would.
Either that or Niffty spilled the beans… she liked his coin behind the ear trick. She made for a great audience, even when she had to stop him to sweep up his stray feathers or dust the furniture in his room. He wasn’t a total slob, but he was rarely in his hotel room to begin with, so it wasn’t really his top priority.
Like right now. He could clean up the broken glass next to the bed, but he wasn’t going to. He drank often enough, so hangovers rarely bothered him, but sometimes even he overdid it.
His tolerance was absolutely phenomenal. A blessing and a curse. On the one hand, he could enjoy his booze and watch his drinking buddies fall over after a few shots of the hard stuff. On the other hand, it was tougher to get buzzed or even just flat out drunk if he wanted a quick way to escape his own mind.
Last night had been one of those times and he absolutely went overboard. The hangover he was nursing could definitely attest to that. If the pounding in his head grew any worse he’d probably die. Again.
With a sigh, Husk shifted into a more comfortable position, trying to keep his wings in mind. He didn’t need any other problems right now.
Speaking of problems, he hoped he didn’t do anything too stupid. How did he get back to his room, anyway? He tried to wrack his brain for answers, but all he got was a flash of white-hot pain radiating throughout his skull for his trouble.
This was the beauty of alcohol. It made you forget, even if it was only for a short time. He’d already made that mistake twice in one fucking day… One with Angel Dust, and the other with-
A knock at the door made him tense, the sound not at all helping his headache. Who was bothering him at this hour? Wait, what time was it? Shit… was he late for work? Most likely. He didn’t actually give too much of a shit, seeing as to how he worked seven days a week. 
The only one it would actually bother was-
The sound of the door slamming open and ramming into the wall made him jump so hard his teeth clacked together. 
A loud boisterous voice filled the quiet of his room moments later, “Ohhhhh Husker! Wakey wakey, my darling kitty cat! Your shift started hours ago, and our sour sinners are hankering for your testy temper. And quite possibly a beverage or two, but that is no concern of mine. Hahah!”
Husk groaned, curling into a ball. Maybe if he hid in his wings, the bastard would take the hint and leave. He was too exhausted to deal with this shit.
Of course, he wasn’t that lucky. Give him a deck of cards and you’d see him win the whole pot! But a radio demon that he just so happened to be in a relationship with? Not so much.
Hold on a damn minute… Was it a relationship? It was probably the closest thing to one. They never agreed on an actual title, but Alastor had been pretty pushy about them trying this… whatever it was out.
In fact, if he thought back to it, he hadn’t believed the guy at first, having been pining over said demon for years. Why would he come waltzing over to Husk, demanding him to be his significant other?
He’ll fucking tell you why. His own mouth betrayed him. With Angel Dust, he’d been very loose tongued thanks to his over drinking.
Alastor had come over to watch their game of cards, and by the end of it, had decided to poke fun at his old pal Husker. 
He’d given Husk a round of applause for his card tricks, but it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter that he’d won the game and left Angel Dust flipping the table in despair. None of it mattered because it hadn’t been enough to fill Alastor’s endless need to be entertained.
He just so happened to believe that ‘drunk Husk’ was an absolute riot. He’d told him as much in the past. 
Although, instead of the usual banter or wobbly cat behavior he would have normally provided, Husk decided to share an even more personal secret than his fucking magic tricks.
He’d told the cannibalistic serial killer he was in love with him.
And it didn’t end there. To make it worse, since he’d been three sheets to the wind, he ended up forgetting everything that happened.
Angel Dust finding out about him being a magician was fine.
Alastor finding out about his undying love for him?
Husk would sooner have jumped in front of an Angel on extermination day than to have revealed his feelings to Alastor.
When he’d found out about what he’d done, because of course the insufferable jackass had to bring up his mistake as soon as he was sober, he may or may not have tried to jump out of the nearest window.
That was a tough feat to accomplish considering his bar was on the first floor. Had he done it anyway? Well, he tried to, but the other put a stop to his attempt so he hadn’t gotten very far.
In the end, Alastor had told him he should’ve confessed sooner because they could’ve been spending quality time together. He may have spaced out after that due to his brain short-circuiting.
It was almost too good to be true.
Husk agreed to Alastor’s demands, feeling like he would’ve been an idiot to refuse an opportunity to spend more time with the demon that held his heart in the palm of his hand.
Should he have paid more attention to what those demands were? Hell yes. His impulsive decision left him with more questions than answers.
After all, making deals with demons was a dangerous game.
The lowlifes he used to play poker with regularly would’ve told him to suck it up and take the offer for what it was worth. Taking chances was their shtick. 
Jerry, the cheating piece of shit, would have asked, “Why look a gift horse in the mouth?”
This was why. He had so many regrets. 
Husk heard the tapping of hooved shoes making their way toward him and scowled from beneath his feathery shelter. If Al did what he knew he was absolutely going to freakin’ do, he’d give him the silent treatment for the next three days.
He’d say a week, but Husk would cave long before Alastor… He may like his space, but he liked Alastor more. The guy had a way of making him crave for his attention, even if the radio demon himself didn’t always want it in return.
Hell, Alastor rarely showed any interest in him to begin with. And no, having an interest in causing him constant aggravation did not fucking count. He was busy with the hotel and all of the ragtag tenants he got a sick pleasure tormenting. 
It was hilarious. Honestly, it was, but he wanted more… It was selfish, especially since he fell in love with Alastor for who he was and not for some warped soap opera version of himself that he was sure plenty of demons daydreamed about.
Husk was guilty of daydreaming. He daydreamed plenty when it came to his ‘partner.’ Husk would be the first to admit he was a hopeless romantic… well. Maybe not out loud. 
He liked the thought of tender touches, passionate kisses, and appreciative glances. Did he need them? No. Did the thought of them make his heart race? Fucking Christ, yes they did.
He knew Alastor wasn’t interested in any of that. It wasn’t who he was and Husk could accept that, selfish desires be damned. He just wished someone would give him a hint as to what exactly Alastor was playing at. 
Was this something he actually wanted? What was he getting out of it? Why would he even bother with something he usually thought was so ‘tedious?’ He’d said so plenty of times to Angel and Charlie.
It’s already been a few weeks since they’d made this little agreement. Now that he was thinking back on it, it's almost been a month! You’d think he’d know the answers to all of these questions by now, but he was left in the dark when it came to Alastor’s intentions. 
He was torn from his thoughts when a hand gripped his furry ankle and dragged him to the end of the bed. 
Husk let out a warning growl to try and ward off the other from his oncoming attack, but it was useless.
Alastor only chortled in response and Husk felt the hand wrapped around his ankle tighten briefly before moving away. He knew better than to believe that was it. This was only the beginning.
He was proven right when his wings were forcefully pried apart, revealing him to his attacker who looked way too smug for his own good. “My Dearest Husker, why must you hide from me? You know, while I do love your volatile personality, I’m only here to help!”
Holy shit… 
Had he actually fallen in love with this dumbass?
Husk sneered, the stabbing pain in his head only growing worse as he locked eyes with Alastor. “Help? How is this helping?”
He watched Alastor’s brows furrow for a split second before his grin stretched impossibly wider. “Why, of course it is! You would have missed your shift, otherwise. After all, your job is crucial! You’re the first face our lovely residents see!”
Sitting up, Husk felt his wings fluff up. This was getting ridiculous. He was hungover and more than a little unstable in the feelings department. Alastor was only making things worse, seeing as to how he was the main cause of his emotional turmoil. 
He could start yelling and throwing a tantrum, but that would only amuse the bastard and leave him with an even bigger headache. 
No. He had to catch him off guard.
Maybe he’d try something new… he had nothing to lose except his dignity and he’d lost that years ago.. 
Fuck it.
“I want a divorce.”
He felt a swell of pride at Alastor’s blank stare. So that actually shut him up, eh? Sure, this didn’t at all make any sense, but if he had to deal with Alastor’s bullshit, then the idiot was going to get bullshit thrown right back into his stupidly handsome face.
“I want a divorce.”
Alastor’s smile waned as his brows went back into a furrow, his head tilting to the side. “Husker, my good man… we aren’t married.”
Husk felt himself relax. Al’s voice had quieted immensely from his earlier shouting. He always had to project his voice, no matter where he went. This was a hell of a lot better for his head. He could already feel the pain lessen.
With a distracted nod, Husk huffed out, “I know. I still want a divorce.” He watched as Alastor’s grin strained, eyes narrowing as he studied him. He felt a shiver travel up his spine at the others searching stare.
Unsatisfied with what he seemed to not be able to find, Alastor released the firm grip he had on his feathers only to move those deft clawed hands behind his back. Husk was sure he was clenching them tight with frustration. 
He couldn’t tell if this was funny or sad. He didn’t want to piss off his ‘steady,’ but he also wasn’t in the mood to be pissed off himself.
Looking at Alastor, he had to admit it was actually pretty damn comical.
Husk blinked, feathered brows raising high in confusion. “What?”
Alastor’s expression morphed into a sharp smile, his glowing red eye’s staring unwavering into Husk’s. He seemed to radiate extreme disapproval. “No. We aren’t getting a divorce, Dearest.” His smile gave an irritated twitch.
Holy shit. This was unexpected. He hadn’t actually thought something like this would upset the overlord so much. This should be funny. He should be laughing…
It wasn’t funny. He loved Alastor too much to keep this up, but he also didn’t understand. Why was Al taking this so seriously? The radio host would usually have laughed something like this off or made an even bigger joke out of it… so why wasn’t he doing that now?
He really needed to get answers. If they were going to be anything they needed to start by finding common ground.
Mind made up, Husk stretched. If he was going to do this, he might as well be comfortable. He let out a pleased hum at every pop or crack he worked out of his spine. That felt so much better…
He glanced back up at his uninvited guest, only to pause. Alastor’s previous expression was gone. Husk wasn’t sure if he could put a name to it… but it was softer. Not a word he was used to using when it came to this particular demon. He looked downright distracted as his eyes traveled along the length of Husk’s body…
There was absolutely no fucking way this was happening right now.
He felt hope well into his chest, but he buried it down deep, he had some questions that needed answering. “Okay. We won’t get a divorce… we can still be friend-married or whatever. I didn’t think you’d take what I said so seriously...”
Alastor seemed to tune back in at the sound of his voice, his smile taking on a more satisfied curl. “I’m glad you’ve changed your mind! A divorce, hah! How silly…-” He stilled, a record scratching sound following his abrupt pause as one of his brows raised in question. “Friend-married?” 
He grimaced, “I do believe we have taken the next step in our relationship to a status higher than mere friends. Though I suppose that wouldn’t take away our actual friendship, I was hoping for a more committed type of companionship.”
Husk felt his jaw drop in shock. Hold the fucking phone, what? 
Alastor didn’t seem to notice his surprise, carrying on with a look of distaste. “Honestly, Husker… friend-married? Is that a word young folk are using these days? Taking two separate terms and mashing them together?” 
He let out an exasperated sigh, shaking his head at the thought. “I miss the days where words were used more appropriately.” Another twitch of his wide grin. “Besides, why crush words together when you can crush skulls?”
Husk gave a hard blink, his tail thumping on the sheets behind him. Holding up a clawed paw, he cut off the other’s rambling. “You… Do you seriously want to be in a relationship with me? You’re not just pulling my leg for a laugh?” If he was, he’d kill him. He’d probably be the one killed, but he would die trying.
Alastor’s confusion was palpable at this point as he tilted his head for a second time. “... I do believe I asked this of you before we began our partnership, yes. Besides, I may have just literally pulled your leg a short while ago, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I would spend so much time doing all of this just to cure my boredom..."
Husk felt like he was going to pass out. His heart was hammering so hard he thought it was going to beat right out of his chest. 
He was serious. Alastor wasn’t doing this for a laugh. He was actually interested in some form of relationship with him that wasn’t just friendly or work-based. 
Holy fucking shit what the fuck?
Husk’s ears were swiveling about, his fur was bristling, his tail was curling, and his wings were poofing out. He wasn’t sure what kind of fucking response his body was having to this unexpected situation. 
Was he confused? Was he flustered? Was he offended? He had no clue because he was feeling too much at once to comprehend a single thing.
He was able to stutter out a rushed, “Me? You want to be with me? Of all the demons in hell, you chose me?” 
Alastor gave a slow nod, regarding him with a curious gaze. “Why waste my time lavishing affection on just anyone when I can focus my attention on one demon in particular?” 
His hand rose from behind his back, cautiously reaching out towards Husk only to let it hover in the air between them as if he were worried about spooking him. He continued, “And who better than one whose company I enjoy… and one who I am so very fond of?”
Husk couldn’t fucking believe this. Alastor liked him. Alastor liked him to the point of wanting to be with him. Not just to terrorize him to get a reaction out of him. This whole time. This whole god damned time he could have been getting to know this crazy sonofabitch and here he was, wasting his only chance to do exactly what he’s wanted to for fucking years because he couldn’t just get over himself.
Husk shrunk in on himself with a horrified gasp, “Oh no. I’m the dumbass.” Before Alastor could question him, he ran his paw down his face, groaning out, “This whole time I thought you were just doing this because you were bored. You like pissing me off to the point of me ripping my own fur out!” 
His wings moved to cover him back up, he couldn’t bear to look at the demon in front of him anymore. This was too embarrassing. “I’m a fucking dumbass.” he muttered dejectedly.
The room was quiet for a few moments. Hell, Alastor could have vanished and he wouldn’t have been able to tell from beneath his feathery cocoon. This was amazing and awful all at once. He was an idiot, but he was a happy idiot.
He jumped at the feeling of gentle hands resting against his wings. He felt them hesitate before they began to caress him, palms moving in long even strokes. When Husk didn’t move to pull away or stop him, Alastor began to alternate between petting and running his claws soothingly through his feathers.
It felt nice… 
Husk felt himself begin to relax, not at all realizing how wound up he’d actually been. This was ridiculous. He needed to get a hold of himself… well. Maybe after a few more minutes of Alastor touching him like this... Alastor was comforting him. Would this ever happen again?
He really hoped so.
“Husk?” He felt his eyes snap open at the other’s hushed voice. He’s never heard Alastor so quiet before. They’d known each other for decades and not once has Alastor gotten even close to speaking in a volume this low that wasn’t a sinister threat. This was a soft plea for his attention.
Well, if he hadn’t had it before, he certainly had it now. He mentally prepared himself as best as he could before he shifted, immediately mourning the loss of the other’s hands as they retreated from his wings to give him space. 
Crossing his arms, he sat up and allowed his wings to part open, folding them down to rest over his legs and along the bedspread. Seeing as to how he’d let them drag across the floor plenty of times in the past, letting them hang off of the bed wouldn’t hurt them.
He glanced up toward Alastor, taking in his surprisingly patient smile and couldn’t help returning it with a smile of his own. Husk’s smile only widened as he grumbled, “You’re stuck with a dumbass for a partner. Hope you’re happy, ya wiseguy.”
Blinking owlishly, Alastor took on a more bemused grin. “Well… while there are several names I could call you, that one definitely wouldn’t have been my first choice. I prefer goofball!” He leaned down to get into Husk’s space, their faces only a few inches apart. “You’re a goofball, my Dear! But you’re my goofball.” 
Husk was glad he had fur because he felt his whole body heat up at just how close their faces were. It was harder to deal with his feelings when he was able to see Alastor up close. And this was really fucking close.
Alastor took notice of the change and seemed to study him, though he’d probably been doing that the whole damned time with how stupid Husk had been acting. Embarrassing. Absolutely humiliating. He was going to pretend this never happened. 
He was hungover. That was his excuse and... why was Alastor giving him that look?
Said overlord was giving him a large smirk, eyes lidded and teeth glinting from the minuscule light coming in from under his hotel’s door. His expression was one that told him he was about to get on Husk’s last nerve… he wanted to kiss that look right off his face.
Alastor closed the gap between them, purposely bumping their noses together. “My Dear sweet Husker. There’s no need to be shy! I had no idea you were so insecure. I’ll make sure to be more considerate of your feelings in the future.”
That little shit. He was teasing him! He had some fucking nerve.
Husk wasn’t about to let Alastor make fun of him. He was purposely trying to rile him up because he went all googly-eyed over him. It wasn’t his fault he fell in love with the guy! What right did he have to take advantage of that?
He made sure to give Alastor the stink eye and a very displeased noise that was definitely threatening and not at all pathetic. Okay, it was kind of pathetic. He was flustered, okay? It was tough to control his body when his instincts had a mind of their own!
Alastor beat him to the punch, making any thought of retaliation fly right out the window by gently nudging their noses together. “My Darling, don’t look so cross. I’m only teasing you!” 
Hah, Husk fucking knew it! The bastard.
The radio demon moved to press his face into Husk’s neck, his shoulders shaking with his laughter. 
Husk would have throttled him if he wasn’t currently trying not to combust. He was used to Alastor touching him, but this felt different. They were dating. It felt intimate when it really wasn’t. Was it? Oh shit… 
Normally he’d push him away, but it suddenly felt like the wrong thing to do. As if this was a moment he shouldn’t… couldn’t ruin. 
It was getting increasingly hard to not do anything, especially when the huffing breath against his neck was making him twitch. He was ticklish, and if Alastor ever found out he’d be screwed.
Okay, he had to move. He didn’t have to stop touching him, but he did have to stop chuckling into his neck. “Al, buddy. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you gotta stop.” He leaned back, arms moving behind him to support his weight. 
Alastor let him go, laughter dying out as soon as Husk had distanced himself. “Oh? Have I gone too far? Did I offend you?” 
Husk shook his head, “Nah, not that you’d give two shits about offending anybody. Too far is never far enough for you. I’m just gonna have to get used to all of this…” He quickly cut the other off when he saw his mouth open to question him. “I’m not used to all this touchy-feely crap!”
Alastor gave him a wide-eyed stare. “I’m quite certain I touch you very often, my fine feathered feline. I’ve always been very affectionate with you. What is making this so difficult for you?” 
Well, he had a point. “Okay, look. I know nothings actually changed. It just feels different now that we’re together. I don’t know how else to explain it… Like I said. I just have to get over it.”
“Hmmmmm… Righto! Then I suppose we’ll just have to get you used to it!” Alastor leaned forward, his knee coming up to rest on the mattress between Husk's legs. The mattress dipped at the added weight, bringing Husk up slightly.
Husk blanched, too startled to question what Alastor was doing as the overlord wrapped an arm around his waist. “Stay still, my Dear. We’ll solve this little dilemma of yours in no time at all!” As he spoke, his head came down to nuzzle his face into Husk’s chest fur. 
This resulted in Husk arching his back to better accommodate for the body suddenly clinging to him.
Why was this happening to him? Was he being blessed or punished? 
This felt an awful lot like a fucking punishment. 
Is this what he got for being a dumbass?
Alastor's free hand moved to rest on top of his own. “Husker, my Darling… your heart is beating very fast.”  He could practically hear the smug smirk in his sweetheart's tone.
He could live with it...
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angelfire115 · 4 years
Part 41 (I did this out of curiosity, then I did it for the fame and now, I do it because I enjoy it)
Alastor raced through the streets and alleyways of hell. Using his shadow abilities to make himself fly through them with ease. Passing, surprising and knocking over people and more. But he didn't care, he needed to get there as fast as possible, maybe then he'll fix his mistake. When he finally made it to the location, he flew up to the top where Vox and Valentino were waiting.
When he made it, the first to catch his eye was the maiden tied to a chair. For sure, it was Charlie, in his mind he cursed himself for his carelessness but his heart burned in hatred towards the two who dared lay their fingers on her. Alastor: "Vox, you wanted to see me". His teeth scraped against each other as he said his vile name. Vox and Valentino turned to the sound of his voice while the girl perked up.
Vox smiled in amusement, he was finally here, the man who humiliated him and has never won a battle against. Well at least he's never won any either. Vox: "Ah, look who finally showed up, ready for a rematch Alastor". He said his name in such a sickly way, the girl shuddered. The two stared each other down, the tension was so thick and strong, you could see the waves of their anger and hatred emit from their bodies.
Valentino took a step back, leaving it all to him as he stood close by their hostage. Vox ran to Alastor at full speed, his hands glowing a bright blue as he readied an attack. When he tried to hit, Alastor jumped over his foe and landed swiftly behind him. Vox turned to slash at him over and over again, each slash becoming faster then the next. Besides a small nick to his right shoulder, Alastor was able to dodge the rest.
He jumped back again, being cornered at the edge of the building which gave Vox a hideous smile. He slammed his hands to the ground sending energy pulses into it till the ground shattered, half the building was gone to Valentinos dismay but he expected dramatic damages. When the smoke cleared Alastor was nowhere to be seen. Vox decided to claim victory and walked towards his friend.
Suddenly though, Alastor jumped up, towards his foe, landing on top of him and pinning him to the ground. Alastor: "You will regret facing me again, Vox". A whistle was heard that caught Al's attention, Val snarky grin could be seen but he also was leaning behind his hostage, holding her neck up as he held his claw against her throat. The girl whimpered, her body shook, he could see her tears. Shocked by this, his grip loosened and Vox jumped back, hitting Alastor in this face, sending him flying.
Alastor was disoriented and tried to get up but failed as Vox kicked him in the stomach, so hard, blood started curdling out of his mouth. Vox grabbed his hair lifting it up to face him. Vox: "Those words were mine to say, radio demon". He lifted his hand, extending his claws. Alastor watched in dismay, a sad pathetic face crossed it but his smile was still there. At least, he was still smiling.
In a sudden flash of red and black, mixed with feathers and fur, Alastor dropped to the floor. Vox let him go and he was still alive. Alastor rose up, trying to get to his feet but it was a struggle. Husk: "Come on you idiot, get up, I didn't f***ing come here to see your sorry a** die like this". Alastor was surprised to hear his voice, Husk, he knocked Vox away just in time. Alastor got up, he was a bit weak but he wasn't out of the game.
Alastor: "Husker, I'm surprised to see you". Husk scoffed, he didn't exactly seem thrilled to be there. Husk: "whatever I'm only here cause I was bribed". Husk got ready for a fight, lifting his wings, extending his claws, sharping his teeth and puffing up his fur. Alastor readied himself too. Valentino could see how this could be an unfair fight, two against one, even if Vox was a top demon, he wouldn't win. He decided to let himself join the show after all.
He let go of the girl and walked to Vox, helping him up. Valentino whispered into his ear. Valentino: "Let me give you a hand". A burst of pink light then shone from Valentino which extended to Vox, it was one of his special abilities. A boost he can give to certain people who he trusts, this boost heals the person and allows them to have a boost of energy and power. Vox eyes shot wide open, a satisfied smile crept on his face, this was just what he needed.
This was now turning to a 2 Vs 2 battle which, everyone watching loved. All around the building were flying drones recording everything which was then broadcasted to TVs all across hell. Even everyone at the hotel was watching. The only one who couldn't see what was going on was Tia, the bag on her head blocked her view, she could only listen now.
Vox impatience won him over as he was the first to make a move, both Husk and Alastor dodged as he flew past. They looked to Val as he stood summoning what looked like giant pink hearts, the hearts started charging up, shooting laser like blasts at them. They dodged and dodged and dodged when the blasts stopped, they stopped but the smoke made it harder to see. Not that they needed to see to know where everyone was.
Tentacles spurt out from the smoke, Alastor showing his terrifying demonic form. He sent the tentacles flying in every direction, he made sure to avoid the girl and Husk, not that it was difficult since Husk just flew above them. The tentacles were able to slash at Valentino's arm but for Vox, he was somehow able to dodge any coming in his direction. Valentino gripped at his arm, the pain being almost unbearable.
A staticed laugh could be heard as the smoke cleared. Alastor stood near the rubble, he walked towards the two, his smile deviant as ever, his eyes bleeding red and his antlers now grown to an extraordinarily huge level. Husk landed behind him, watched him work his terrifying magic. Alastor: "In normal circumstances I would say what a fabulous show this was but...". The statics grew, his symbols bursting from his body, Husks wings extending and the light shining behind made their hearts stop. Alastor: "Taking something that is mine, never amuses me".
His static grew more as he was about to take the final blow. ??: "ALASTOR!". The sound of his name being shouted caught his attention, he looked to the presumed Charlie. Before he could do anymore, Val reached into his pocket and through down a smoke bomb. When it cleared, they both disappeared to Alastors disliking. But he didn't have time, he sighed, relaxing himself. He walked to the girl, his eyes lowered, his smile wavered and his hands behind his back. He reached to remove the bag but as he did, he was surprised over what he saw.
Tia, finally being able to see, looked to her red friend, shock coming over his face. She smiled to him, she was tired but alright. Alastor however was speechless. Husk: "You left before they revealed her face, you really are a f***ing idiot". Alastor stood in disbelief, he honestly thought it was Charlie, with the bag on, no one else could tell.
Tia tipped her head in confusion, what was he an idiot about? Before she could ask, a giant blue ball of energy flew to them. Tias' eyes widened, in that second, she broke from the rope and flew past Alastor and Husk. She spread her wings and summoned a ball of dark energy, spreading it into a shield. On impact, the blue blast dispersed and she lowered herself.
When she placed her feet to the ground she looked to Alastor and Husk who stared at her, startled over her amazing act. She smiled sheepishly at the two. Tia: "Hehehe guess he wanted one last shot, heh". Alastor looked to her in a curious way but shook it away and walked to her. Alastor: "What a spectacular show my dear, I didn't realise you that kind of strength". He smiled to her while holding her side which unnerved her a little. Alastor: "Shall we return to the hotel? You must be exhausted from all of this".
Tia looked to him surprised, she's exhausted? Tia: "What about you? You fought off two of them". Alastor: "Well it's thanks to Husk I did, great job my friend , wouldn't have pulled it off without you, hahaha, reminds me of old times". Husk rolled his eyes, crossed his arms and started walking away. Husk: "Whatever, I'm going back, had enough of this sh** already". With that, he took to the skies as Alastor and Tia watched him go. Alastor: "Hehehe, shall we go then?". Tia nodded in response. The two heading towards the nearest exit, wanting nothing more then to leave this now ruined place.
(Reminder: I do not know of Voxs personalityor abilities, sane goes for Valentino. Just all made up in ma head 😜)
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