#no hatescrolling either. is bad for you
mars-ipan · 2 years
another important thing abt terfs that isn’t really talked about is the fact that we can’t really make it an “us versus them” situation. not only is that a bad idea in most conflicts, but it can create biases about who we think is “terfy”. a lesbian you don’t like isn’t a terf. not all lesbians in general are terfs. a white cishet feminist isn’t inherently a terf. things like that
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beardofkamenev · 3 years
I’m sorry for all recent drama in the fandom. I’ve always enjoyed your posts and found you to be very knowledgeable and kind. I remember the people in question had an interesting discussion about descriptions of AB’s skin having racist connotations in Tudor historiography and they complained about people misinterpreting that (they weren’t claiming AB was a woc or suffered racism) and when you guys had a discussion about h7’s Welshness and xenophobia in wotr history that was just as relevant they did the exact same thing and made vague posts plus threw a tantrum over some dumb joke on twitter. On top of that they try to use performative wokeness and identity politics and whine when people call them out on their bs when they’re the ones who started this and literally nobody knew who tf the friend you supposedlyly “ran off” was, much less that she was Jewish. You either own up to your behavior or look like a fool. The sad thing is I think everyone here would agree on a lot of important topics but with childish behavior like that it’s impossible.
Thank you Anon! I’m glad you enjoy my content! And you don’t need to apologise. This insanity is solely the fault of two specific shitstarters and their enablers. How anyone can still defend those two after all the receipts and all the pain they’ve caused is baffling, but it seems like some people might finally be developing a conscience about bullying a black teenager. Then again, they’re also proud of gaslighting people. Classy.
Those two clearly suffer from Henry VII Derangement Syndrome because they’re always triggered whenever someone, somewhere discusses him in any way that isn’t totally negative. I don’t care for their faves Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII, but you don’t see me making petty vagueposts about them or hatescrolling through historians’ Twitters and blogs (honestly, someone explain how on earth they got those takes from this discussion). They didn’t even know Nathen’s tweet was a joke about the UK government until one of us pointed it out, so they tried to save face by first spinning it as ‘inappropriate for Brexit or COVID’ (notice she’s now changed her tune), then as “insensitive” and ANTISEMITIC (ffs). All to retroactively justify their nastiness.
Their persecution complex is so large it has its own centre of gravity. They think the only reason why anyone would criticise Gareth Russell is not because of his bad takes, but because they like Anne Boleyn. It is entirely their right to discuss SJ issues regarding their faves, but please, let others do so too without fear of pettiness and harassment. Their entropy causes them to project their behaviour onto others: apparently, they’re now dragging up Taylor’s month-old baseless claims about ‘us’ calling her “anti-Welsh” for defending Nathen Amin. Repeating lies doesn’t make them any more true lol. Try evidence next time.
Anyway, thank you for your kind words and your thoughts Anon! Glad that people are finally speaking out about their experiences with these clowns.
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