#no feckin clue
axewchao · 10 months
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Back again to paint the final picture of Koopa Week, it's Bowser Junior for Day 9! Nothing beats chilling on a couple floating blocks with your Brush Buddy! ^w^
Not wanting his Brush Buddy to get discouraged over his lower skill level, Junior made the most brilliant suggestion: Portal Practice! The two of them would make their way from Bowser's Castle to Mama Peach's, using only Dal's paint portals. Dal did once tell him that the bigger the distance, the harder it is for Dal to make an accurate jump. No better way to train than to just make the leap anyway, right?
...Needless to say, Dal is going to give the Frost Glacier a wide, wide berth for a while. At least, until he gets his hands on the appropriate clothing. But a cold mountain is no big deal, Junior's dealt with worse! ...His words, not Dal's.
Half a dozen jumps later, the two Koopas have finally made it within Mushroom Kingdom borders. Peach's Castle is nearly in sight! But despite the excitement of the journey, Dalex needs to take a break. He's never jumped that many times in one day, after all! Junior gets it; he'd never admit it, but making those portals on Isle Delfino could tire him out at times, too! Not anymore though, he's gotten way better with it.
"And you will too, Dally! Then we could go play anywhere we want!"
The kid's enthusiasm was infectious, wasn't it? X3
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
oh god the europeans are talking in runes again
turning around and going against the fucking linguistical evolution back to the good ol' times
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chilligyu · 11 months
can i pick someone's brain,,, writing is hard,,, fantasy writing is more hard and idk if i even have half a clue
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Watch "Do you suffer…?" on YouTube
I don't know how I made my friend make this or how delirious we were at the time. I do remember hearing it on loop while both of us laughed hysterically for at least twenty minutes, though.
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sentientcave · 2 months
It's WIP Wednesday once again! I've got some Impound for you because it's been a while and it's still not finished (I've been working on Sparrow instead and just hit 55k today which is pretty exciting).
Contains: Blue collar Simon, Price as a cop, petty nonsense from men who should know better, but they're unfortunately not very emotionally intelligent
That’s when he saw the cruiser, parked on the street out front, too close to the fire hydrant.
Not blocking it, exactly, but still too close. If it were anyone else, he’d’ve let it slide, since the fire crew would still be able to get to the hydrant. But it was Price, and he’d just warned him about this very thing.
He pulled out his phone. “Hey, Johnny?” he said as soon as the line picked up, not waiting for Johnny to speak. “Send Roach out to city hall. Got someone parked by a fire ‘ydrant.”
“Fer fuck’s sake, Si, isnae the feckin’ cop again?”
“It is. I’ll come round to handle the paperwork. Won’t make you do it.”
“Awlright, but dinnae let him catch Roach at it neither. Ye know he’ll say somethin’ stupid and get his arse arrested.”
“Oh I know. Lad dun’t know ‘ow to keep his trap shut.” Simon hung up and headed back inside, hardly paying attention to the meeting, his eyes flicking back to Price over and over again, and holding whenever he found Price looking back. It was clear that neither of them retained anything said, too busy glaring at each other over the heads of the people sitting between them.
Simon got out of the building first, and stood off to the side to smoke another cigarette, leaning against a tree where he could get a good view of Price’s reaction when he came out to find his cruiser missing yet again.
He didn’t disappoint. He came out of the building a few minutes after the initial crush of humanity, talking to Kate and Nikolai. Price stopped in his tracks a little ways out the door, focused in on where his cruiser was supposed to be, and immediately scanned the vicinity, his whole body going rigid, hands tightening into fists, shoulders squared up for war, jaw set like concrete. His blazing blue eyes found Simon, and he marched over without saying a word, leaving Nikolai and Kate looking confused, and then amused when they realized what must have happened.
Price stopped in front of him, fury radiating off of him like heat off an engine, all that energy practically warping the space between them. “What’s your fuckin’ problem, mate?” he asked, jabbing a finger against Simon’s chest.
“No problem. I was ‘ere the whole time, wasn’t I?” Simon batted Price’s hand away, resisting the impulse to punch him for having the nerve to lay his bloody hands on him in the first place. Price was lucky that Simon was so rehabilitated now. That he had his temper on a good strong leash these days. “If you din’t want to get towed, you shunt’ve parked there. Not my problem if my people know ‘ow to do their jobs and you ‘aven’t got a clue ‘ow to do yours.”
“You don’t want to start a war with me, son,” Price growled.
Simon leaned forward, the barest curve of a smile on his lips, eyes narrowed and flinty. To his credit, Price didn’t flinch, didn’t move back, didn’t drop his eyes. He wasn’t intimidated by Simon’s size, like a lesser man would be. “You don’t want to start a war with me, old man.” He wasn’t sure there was much difference in their ages, if any, but if Price was going to try and talk down to him with the son shite than Simon was going to shovel it right back, like he was an unruly teenager in a rebellious phase. “I’m not goin’ to be pushed around by a fuckin’ badge. You don’t get special treatment because you wear a bloody uniform.”
Price’s jaw clenched even tighter. He had an impressive scowl, one that could probably level anyone else. “Watch yourself,” he grit out, like each word cost him something to force from his mouth.
Simon leaned a little closer. Their noses were almost touching. He could feel the currents of air stirred up by Price’s breath on his own face. “Or what?” he asked.
“Or else,” Price said, too angry to come up with anything resembling a real threat.
Simon pulled back with an amused grunt, and turned away, glancing over his shoulder dismissively. “See you as the impound lot, hm? I’ll be waitin’.”
In the end, it was Gaz who came around to pick up the cruiser.
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n1ghtpers0n15 · 2 months
HI SORRY I know I said I I’d post more about Orpheus and Phoebe awhile back, I just I THOUGHT I KNEW what to write about them next only to realize, I have no FECKIN CLUE 😅
Yeah I got stumped, I’m still trying to string their story together though, I just took a short break from posting about them and went to redesign two VERY OLD characters I have that DESPERATELY needed a new look, as well as new names
They’re not treasure planet ocs but I still like em and I kinda missed thinking about em
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This one’s Laureen Cucurbit, the name they had in their old design was Melone, at first she was some negative Nancy who just straight up didn’t like being around people, so glad I changed her, now they’re perfectly fine with people they just don’t interact with them often unless approached or on the job since their job involves going to people’s houses, they’re a long distance messenger, the reason they have this job is cause they like to travel, in the drawing they’re in their early 20s
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The one is Laureen’s sister, her name is Meliin Cucurbit, in her old design her name was just Melin and she honestly didn’t have a personality then, and I still don’t really know what she does for a job now but I do know that gardening is her hobby, she love’s going out and meeting people, she has a personality this time and just don’t know how to explain it 😅 if she was in a friend group she’d be the cheerful mom friend with some bounce to her (meaning she can be very energetic pinkie pie style) so her tails are constantly moving, in the drawing she’s also in her early 20s but slightly older then Laureen
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And here’s the two side by side, Laureen is 5’2 and Meliin is 6’1
They have two other siblings, they just haven’t been drawn…..yet
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ineffable-human · 10 months
Season 2 (potential) Clues
Get ready for another theory post y'all we don't have enough clearly
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GIF made with help by @afhyer
Being a collection of things I found weird/noteable in Season 2 that could be potential Clues for Season 3. (and my theories, some sound, some crackpot)
Note 1: I use my dudes non-genderedly 
Note 2: I am not tech savvy enough to get screenshots from Scamazon or make gifs or anything so sorry for the low-quality phone images/lack of images in some cases
Jim and the God Possession
Jim and the whole memory loss thing was a great part of the show, but it did bring up some interesting moments when Jim got God-possessed (As I like to call it). These moments prove to be fairly crucial, especially the first one. 
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It’s through the God-voice that Aziraphale and Crowley get to thinking about the Job job. Now I have oodles of theories about what this does to/for them, but ultimately I think it comes down to relaying two main ideas. 1. There’s always a work around to the main problem
2. Demons (and to an extent angels) have free will/a choice
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Now the second one is less God-like but still leads us (and Crowley) into the minisode about the magic show. Here we learn two more important pieces of information.
1. There’s such a thing as a miracle block
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2. Aziraphale and Crowley can pull off tricks without needing to use miracles
My (crackpot-ish) Theory: knowing Gabriel is commonly referred to as God’s messenger in many bibles/renditions, I think it’s likely that he got redirected to Aziraphale’s shop by God to deliver these messages.
Aziraphale’s reactions during the Beelzebub/Gabriel scene
They’re feckin’ weird, my dudes. 
I noticed two things right off the bat.
First. His lovey-dovey face. 
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Okay, I know we all know that Aziraphale feels love and that he loves love, but that doesn’t seem to be the entirety of what’s going on here. Look at that face! LOOK AT IT! 
Extremely crackpot theory: Aziraphale knew about Gabe and Beelz’s relationship ahead of time.
Most likely theory: Aziraphale is happy seeing proof that it’s possible to find something more important than choosing sides
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(couldn't get a gif but watch it cause there's certainly a thought pattern going on when this happens) Second. His reaction when Crowley tells Gabriel and Beelzebub about Alpha Centauri. He looks both saddened and regretful. WHY? Not just because he rejected Crowley once, but because (crackpot theory) he knows he’s gonna have to reject him again!!! Idk whatever way you look at it that’s QUITE the reaction to Crowley giving away their spot like that.
Crowley's reactions after
Let’s start with whatever Crowley is up to when the angles are all talking.
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He’s just off, lounging in the chair. Doing nothing. Doesn't even RESPOND when Michael threatens to erase Aziraphale. Mr. I DID NOT CARE FOR IT, just sits there and lets that go unanswered. WHY??? Even if the book of life isn’t real like he claims, it’s still a little out of character for him to just do nothing at all. And the fact that he just sends Azirpahale off with the Metatron after is like…bruh really? 
Okay now, go look at Crowley AFTER Aziraphale goes for a chat with the Metatron. IDK about anyone else but this boy does not look happy. (couldn't get any clear shots SOB) He looks angry when he’s talking to Muriel about the breakfast. And when was the last time he mentioned needing an extreme amount of alcohol? When they were trying to stop the first apocalypse.
I know that everyone’s thinking he’s all excited and happy to go see Aziraphale and get together etc. But this all happened BEFORE Maggie and Nina walked over to tell him to confess.
My Theory: Crowley does know Aziraphale, and knows how badly he wants to work with heaven and be good and all that jazz. Which is why he’s anticipating Aziraphale coming back to say, hey I’ve been offered a job. He expects them to go talk it over at breakfast and is preparing to say goodbye/help him come up with a plan to stop armageddon pt2. But then he gets the idea to confess and Aziraphale hits him with the ‘be an angel again yay’ whammy, and he just loses it.
The Non-Acceptance Acceptance
Something just interesting to note…the Metatron sends Aziraphale into the bookshop with a ‘take your time, we don’t need an answer right away’ but then comes in right after Crowley leaves acting as if Aziraphale said yes all along.
Theory (potentially crackpot): The Metatron (potentially with the help of demon Maggie{I got ideas, my duded}) manipulated and orchestrated their breakup by getting them both to a heightened state of emotions and throwing them together. He knew Aziraphale would get into a fight with Crowley and that Crowley was the only reason he wouldn’t go with them.
The Coffee and the Embassy
Do I wish the coffee was super drugged and Aziraphale was not himself? Yes. But let’s put that idea aside and just look at the facts.
I’m gonna start with how weird it is that the bookshop is still an embassy. Aziraphale does call it an ex/past-heaven outpost, but it’s still his and still has heavenly power. Whereas Crowley lost his flat when he lost his job.
Why is this? It’s possible that the flat was owned by hell whereas Azirpahale bought the shop himself. But it still doesn’t explain why heaven was still ‘protecting’ the home of a ‘traitor’.
My theory for this does concern the coffee. But not the drink itself or what may or may not be in it. Rather, the way it’s presented to Aziraphale. 
First, the Metatron says some of the things in that weird way of his, like the “hefty jiggy of almond” and whatnot. It sounds very ‘hint-hint wink-wink nudge-nudge’ to me, like he’s talking in code to Aziraphale. 
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Second, Aziraphale says that there’s nothing left to talk about, and he’s made his position quite clear. The only time we’ve seen them talk was in Season 1 when Aziraphale tries to talk to God. And in that conversation, Aziraphale didn’t say anything about his *position*.
My theory: Azirapahle and the Metatron talked at some point between S1 end and S2 end. Most likely very closely after S1 ended, and Aziraphale did something (perhaps made a deal) where he was able to keep the shop and maintain its embassy status.
Addendum HELLA CRACKPOT like so cracky it’s just a giant hole: Metatron secretly good guy come at me XD
The flow of the fight
So I won’t go deep into my big crazy theory about the fight being fake, but I will point out the strange things I noticed, why they feel off, and what I think it might mean…. I also could not garner the energy to take pictures of this scene sorry SOB
First, Aziraphale when he’s telling Crowley the ‘good news’. He keeps glancing out the window. As if checking that the Metatron is still watching. And if he’s watching, we don’t know if he’s maybe listening too. And Azirpahale’s whole attitude in this opening bit feels kind of like his stage-presence.
Next, we get the weird half-information about the talk with the Metatron. We don’t really see the full convo, which is part of the point, I believe. We don’t even know if that conversation happened at all. 
After that, Crowley gets thrown for a loop with the whole restoring angel status, obvs. But then they go right into their old fight of heaven and hell and good and bad. Which was, I think, the main thing that’s a little off here. And that’s because of how much Aziraphale noticed and was seen noticing those ‘light-grays’ of the world and of the whole situation. The entire graverobbing bit was him learning that the difference between good and bad and right and wrong are blurred/a matter of how you view things. 
Yes, the miscommunication is the main issue here, but the fact that the good/bad debate comes up again is interesting to note. Especially since it’s Aziraphale that pulls the hell is bad heaven is good card. If we go on the idea that this conversation is being bugged and they’re trying to talk between talking, it kind of seems like Crowley is throwing out the ‘I thought we weren’t choosing sides???’ and Aziraphale brings up the good/bad to indicate that it’s not about choosing sides but about doing what’s *right* (like saving goats and children).
Next, Crowley hits us with the line about heaven ending life on earth. Because he knows the angels were planning a second armageddon. Now I don’t believe that Crowley, for however hurt he is, believes that Aziraphale would willingly go along with that plan. But Azirpahale doesn’t know about it, right? This out of place line (in direct response to heaven being the side of truth light and good) is Crowley’s way of cluing Aziraphale in on the bigger picture. Note, specifically, the pause before Crowley speaks again as Aziraphale processes that.
Aziraphale didn’t say no, but he also didn’t say yes. I think this is the key point in the argument. Aziraphale just learned that heaven is still planning to try and destroy Earth. And he knows that if he does nothing, they probably will. So here he is, essentially accepting the job so that he can put a stop to it. And here he is trying to tell Crowley that’s his plan
Crowley understands what’s going on. And he decides to confess, right? This confession gets *interesting*. First, Aziraphale glances out the window when Crowley says they’re a team, yes? Because he’s still checking for Metatron’s presence. Second, Aziraphale looks confused by Crowley’s line of reasoning. Crowley is talking about them relying on each other and working together, but Aziraphale’s idea of that (in this situation anyway) would be him coming to heaven to help.
Crowley’s eyes wander a lot, but he also looks pointedly out the window at one point, while he’s struggling to get the words out. And I think that he’s trying to get his confession out while knowing that they’re being watched/listened to. I mean, gosh it’s tough enough to confess let alone when someone is watching.
As to why Crowley decided to confess: I don’t think it’s an act of desperation to get Aziraphale to choose him over heaven and just abandon everything. I think it’s his act of desperation to get Aziraphale to realize that going to heaven has BIG FUCKING TRAP written all over it and that they can do more to fix things together on Earth than anywhere/way else. And Aziraphale pulls a similar move by asking him to come with him. He knows it’s dangerous and he does need Crowley there to help.
Now this is another weird turn in the convo. After Aziraphale asks Crowley to come with him again, Crowley throws out ‘you can’t leave the bookshop’. And Aziraphale responds with the ‘nothing lasts forever’. Now I’m sure I’m missing something here because both of these lines feel so weird and out of place I’m gonna assume they are some kind of code or I’m dense about the line of reasoning here.
What’s really interesting tho is that Aziraphale looks kind of…hopeful? After he says it, right before Crowley walks away. Like he was expecting some kind of different reaction to that line. Maybe Crowley missed the Clue, too.
After that, it’s easy to see why Aziraphale would stop him from leaving and reharp on the point of them working together in heaven. He doesn’t know if Crowley fully understands the Plan, or if he’ll help when Aziraphale needs him. And he’ll definitely need him.
Then we get another little shift in the mood/convo. Aziraphale gets angry/frustrated, possibly because Crowley isn’t picking up on the idea. We’re so used to seeing Crowley get angry in their fights, but the few times Aziraphale does get angry he gets *angry*. Here, however, he’s clearly trying to mask it. 
Okay, the whole Nightingales line, imma be honest, made no sense. Like, in the fandom it makes sense because of the song, but like, in the depths of this conversation I was like ??? what a strange way to put it. But Aziraphale does react to it, so we have to assume there’s something about it that they both understood/knew. (I will touch BRIEFLY on my ‘the entire argument was a magic trick bit’ to say that this is Crowley letting Aziraphale know that the kiss/his feelings aren’t part of the scheme).
I don’t even know with the whole ‘I forgive you’ bit, man. There’s a lot of ideas, but the way Aziraphale’s face changes from shocked, to sad, to angry, to immediate regret after says a lot as well. Crackpot theory: Aziraphale trying to change Crowley to an angel early by ‘forgiving’ him as the new supreme archangel so he can kidnap him away to heaven.
After the Fight
NOW! An important thing to note after the fight! When the Metatron mentions the second coming, yeah Aziraphale get’s that OH SHIT face. But I don’t think it’s an ‘oh shit they are up to no good’ face. It’s an ‘oh shit this is a different beast than just shutting down another apocalypse’. And the way he looks at Crowley after is very much a ‘help me I’ve bitten off more than I can chew’ kinda look.
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Also a potentially important thing. Crowley’s face is pretty blank during both that and the driving away. Which is weird because his face is usually so expressive you can tell what he’s feeling even with the glasses on. He looks more…pensive than sad to me but that Could Just Be Me.
Aziraphale's fucking smile at the end
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I mean just look at that, lil bastard. That’s totally a hahaha I FOOLED THEM face. Enough said.
The miracle block and Aziraphale's failed Jedi mind trick
Putting aside the totally real possibility that Maggie is a demon (further evidence available upon request), I thought it was weird that Aziraphale’s little jedi mind trick to try and get her to leave/forget about the night didn’t work. 
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Where else did we see miracles not work? The magic show!
My theory: Someone put a miracle block on the bookshop during the invasion. My addendum theory: It was Maggie
The weird music sting and Mrs. Chen
Furfur did mention that he could muster up a feel of illease/malcontent, but this moment when Mrs. Chen is heading in and we get that little music sting feels very weird. It’s such a noticeable/long cut that it just feels like it’s gotta be something more.
And it’s a very similar music sting as when the Metatron gives Crowley his lil evil snarl face My theory: I don’t even have one, but there’s something there.
Crowley not remembering people/the thing about not seeing their faces
Okay this one kinda gets a little iffy but stick with me for a second. Twice in the show we see Crowley not remembering someone (first, Furfur and then Saraqael). Now, someone asked Neil Gaiman about this and iirc his answer was something along the lines of ‘who says Crowley sees people’s faces?’
So, from that answer (if we can trust anything he says XD), we can gather that Crowley recognizes people based more on their aura/soul than their physical features.
Now then, this is an interesting thing to keep in mind when you see his reaction to new Beelzebub and Jim.
When he sees Beelzebub, he does immediately recognize a difference. But it’s important to note here: Beelzebub mentions they’ve had that face for ages. Remember this.
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When he sees Jim, he recognizes him as Gabriel, even though we could suspect/assume that his aura/soul looks different since losing his memories and angel powers. 
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But what’s the real kicker, is that Crowley recognizes the Metatron off the fucking bat when none of the feckin’ angels do, despite probably having seen his giant floating head during the trial.!!!! AND let’s not forget the the Metatron instantly recognizes him as a demon and calls him as such when the rest of the season has shown multiple times that angels can’t immediately recognize demons (at least not on Earth) 
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Now, we can chock it up to, well yes Crowley would recognize their faces since he’s interacted with them more/more recently, but we should also keep in mind a very useful/common storytelling tactic: which is to make something important seem unimportant by playing it off as a joke.
A prime example is Jim and the fly. He tries to sway them with books, and makes a joke about gravity. But the fly did play an important role. The jokes distracted from the importance.
And both scenes of Furfur and Saraqael are played a bit as a joke from their reactions. 
My theory: Crowley is suffering some kind of memory loss from the great war.
Addendum/Alternate theory: Some/Most demons got themselves new faces when they fell, and the face Beelzebub has now was their old angel one. 
Gabriel and the Institutional Problem
When Jim is talking about what he remembers, he says “if it happens again, It can make it seem like an institutional problem.” But the og bad subtitles had him saying “if it happens again, *I* can make it seem like an institutional problem.” If the subtitles *were* correct it would put a pretty big disconnect between what the Metatron said in the trial and what Jim/Gabriel thought or said.
My now sadly discounted Theory: Gabriel was purposefully trying to expose the issues in heaven/lead to some kind of shenanigans that would shut down further apocalypse attempts. Crackpot Addendum: he was instructed to do so by God. ((And yes, if you're wondering, I did come back on Tumblr after like, 3 years of being gone just to post this nonsense thank you and goodnight!))
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rocketturtle4 · 10 months
Eclipse Episode 10
@thegalwhorants @wen-kexing-apologist @plantsarepeopletoo @grapejuicegay thanks for holding my hand
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Of episode 11? Yes I fecking am.
Thoughts in brief (lol) I started taking these while I went fyi so they may feel a bit different from the previous lots idk
The way Akk changes his WHOLE POSTURE when Not!Max says the school motto is telling me everything I need to know here
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with bonus award mention! Scholarship goals yada yada
GUYS THUA WAS SHAKING (I've done him dirty)
"What happened today has shaken me, whatever I used to uphold or believe in...has changed" - Thua
Okay so I still think he stole the diary and instigated the protestors but I am less convinced he's behind the other stuff but then WHO IS? also the message after the fire made me think it wasn't him too
Chadok thinks its Akk, is it actually Namo???
Everything about Akk and Ayan on the beach
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"Mes managed" "Your time and his are different"
Then the fricken bedroom scene????????
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and Akk agrees, and he's SO HAPPY but it's not been dealt with yet right he hasn't grappled with his identity
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See this is what I mean, he hasn't let go of anything yet he's trying to carry it all and he's going to break I can FEEL IT (I am ALSO PROJECTING WAY TO HARD ONTO AKK IF YOU WEREN'T AWARE - This show basically opened up my DO NOT READ journal from feckin highschool and put it on my screen AH)
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for the record I also thoroughly enjoy all the Khan Thua stuff that is going on, it's SO GOOD. It's just that because EVERYTHING IS GOOD (AND I AM PERSONALLY DYING FROM AKKS EVERYTHING) I keep forgetting to mention them
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And now they're both at the protest
WAIT DID THUA NOT KNOW ABOUT KHAN being bruce wayne???
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Can I please go back to my regularly scheduled unrelateable highschool characters because this:
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Good on Thua for clarifying about the kiss
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at least Ayan is hearing this
reference to the armband and upholding the honour AHHHHH
oh god Aye came in
He's So scared
oh he's gone after Chadok, I get the urge but it's NOT GOING TO WORK
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That ship has sailed teacher chick
The breath Ayan takes to try and regulate yelling at the female teacher
Ayan: "I'm worried about you Akk" YOU AND ME BOTH
is he finally going to tell him about his uncle????
OH GOD NO, He did but AKKs Crying HeLP
the neCKLACE
"right now you need it more than I do" CAN I HAVE AN AYAN PLEASE
OKAY real quick
if they use Akks attachment to Ayans uncle to break the schools hold on him without causing him to have a total breakdown I will be okay with this
Next episode doesnt LOOK scary but I AM STILL SCARED
Still confused whether the necklace WAS the uncles or if it was GIVEN by the uncle
Is everyone on the same side now?
Is anyone going to clue Wat in about the fact that his two besties are now in gay relationships? (Like he'll be chill but he should be told)
How much pressure is teacher chick under?
I'm just planning to react again fyi probably with less screenshots
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9 people you want to get to know better ! 
i was tagged by @a-reality-dream tysmmm i swear these tag games are like wee life checkpoints <3
fav color: oh christ i have no clue ahh id say maybe really light denim blue and black (because leather and denim is literally all i wear) but like proper colour wise i think pink and green go dead nice together so there ya go
currently reading: just got Young Mungo by Douglas Stewart a couple days ago so ive been reading that and ahhhh i absolutely love it!!
last song: well it was can't stand me now by the libertines (who ive just gotten totally obsessed with again ahhh bless them) but it literally just changed to parabola by tool and GOD i still cant get over how good the guitar is in this song-
last series: oh im actually not sure i havent been watching anything really rn but my brother's been stickin on breaking bad again so i guess im rewatching it!!
last movie: went to see oppenheimer the other day and OH MY JESUS it was so incredible, ive got such a soft spot for christopher nolan films and i swear cillian murphy and his feckin big blue eyes are gonna be the death of me-
currently working on: chapter 4 for inhaler!! ive been dragged through the bushes backwards with this one but i swear its on the way 😭
right. do what ye want of course. no pressure. (and sorry if youve already been tagged ahh!!) but- here ya go:
and if ye want it, just say user perfectly-clear-from-here gave you full permission <3
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 1 year
So, how did Camp NaNo go?
Feckin' awful, to be honest.
Did I work on A Portrait of Happiness?
But I did write, though, and got new content out.
And I suppose that is what matters most. This month, you got Sweet Grains, Over Tea and Silent Letters, and a wee headcanon of watching Noah with Papa Solomons and baking hot cross buns with him. Furthermore, I’ve expanded into writing for Richard Armitage, an old crush rekindled.
Moreover, I got a new job and sent out my first two Etsy orders. On top of that, I’m almost done with my bookkeeping training.🙀
Also can't say my TikTok is doing too shabby view-wise. Yes, I'm now also on TikTok with my business. Pop by @/littledutchwindmill.
Lastly, I noticed a wee increase in followers. So, to all the new faces here, hiya! Here’s the person behind the (at times very chaotic) ramblings & stories on this blog.
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She/Her, aro/ace
Occasionally, I look my age. Also, day me vs. night me.😹
So, yeah, that’s where we are now. I’ve no clue what May is gonna bring, but we’ll see. What’s for certain, though, is that there will be stories.
That much I can promise.😉
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sneakyfox55 · 1 year
Does Asriel have any trauma in enduretale?
*trigger warnings for mentions of war, graphic depictions of permanent injury, and PTSD*
Asriel in this AU starts off as the Prince of Monsters still, and he was also born on the surface!! but pretty early on in his youth he started showing signs of having super powerful magic, even compared to his parents
a few years pass since Asriel is born, and Undyne is still training under Asgore to be in the Royal Guard. she's about fifteen in monster years as of this point hgdjdghjdghj
and then!!!
the War!!!!! actually starts because, the humans are too scared of Asriel's magic :'DD like there's a lot of factors that go in to it in the end but, it's what really tips them over the edge and what they use as an excuse to attack them jhdgdhjgdshj
Asriel is meanwhile!!! like!!!! five in monster years!!!!!!! (monsters don't age like humans do here but he's basically five)
Undyne is on the side of protecting Monsterkind but she REFUSES to give up Asriel and stuff, in response to one of the humans' offers ("just turn him in and we'll call off the whole thing", which,, not shady at all) and of course Asgore and Toriel refused too, because that's their feckin innocent CHILD BABY SON
as a whole most of Monsterkind is very!! very upset at humans for this!!! they do not like humans because of this!!!! Undyne is PISSED and wants to continue the War but, Asgore is just. tired. and he gives an ultimatum as the King, saying "if you want to force our Prince away from us, you'll have to force ALL of us away" and thus he proposes humans lock them Underground instead, "solving" every issue. this is a unified thing that most monsters agree on, and they bring it to the humans, who find it reasonable enough that they. do in fact banish them and lock them Underground just like that
everyone is just. depressed (but Asriel has no clue lol he's still a bab at the time)
anyway some more time passes and he grows up!! he knew how to control his magic for the most part but he kind of had to be trained in some parts by Asgore; Undyne, who's now eighteen-ish and in the Guard, is like an older sister to him and offers to be his sparring partner for fun and they both train together
through this he learns he actually likes sparring and using battle magic and stuff, so he's like, hey!! what if i start training for real and i do something similar to what Undyne's doing (being in the Royal Guard PFFFT) and that's, basically what he did, hdsghdjhghsdhjgdsjh
oh also!!! Undyne is buddies with &@$%*#'S kids, Sans and Papyrus, whom she introduces to Asriel when they start hanging out in the Guard and they all grow to be pretty good friends with each other!
more years pass, and Undyne becomes Captain of the Royal Guard after Gerson steps down and she (without really thinking about it and impulsively) makes Asriel her General to go with it HGDFJDGDJHGDSJHDSGJDSHGJSDHJ
this is all well and good until!! uh!!!! human, falls down and, they're not at all prepared for it??? and??????
this particular human is very murderery!! and because no one was prepared they're able to kill a good number of monsters.
they're able to slip around the Guard's watchful eye and Undyne and Asriel as a whole. they get all the way to the throne room, assumedly looking to kill Asgore himself. neither Undyne nor Asriel had made it there yet. they couldn't have made it in time, so someone else tried to stop the human for everyone when he'd heard what was going on.
this didn't work.
they were able to make it in time to stop the human themself in the throne room but by then it was too late. Asgore was safe and unharmed, but there were lots who'd been lost. Asriel was supposed to keep everyone safe and he hadn't. (he was supposed to keep THEM safe and he couldn't even manage to save even one of them.) the human goes for him next.
Asriel later wakes up in the hospital with most of his loved ones around him. they're happy he's okay but he's lost a good chunk of his HP--as in, his maximum HP had depleted. whereas he'd had over one thousand, he's down to little short of six-hundred. he's half-blind where the human had struck him in his right eye, and cut part of his face. there's now a scar that runs from the top of where that eye used to function to his lower jaw. and what little physicality he'd managed to heal up since then cetainly isn't much. he still has that right eye, it regenerated, somewhat, but it doesn't work much at all. there's a raw, true pain his side sometimes, though he's not completely sure why. Undyne won't ever tell him why (but he has an idea).
he starts wearing an eyepatch because he hates looking at himself in the mirror. he swears there's a scar stiched into his side when he looks too, but he usually tries to forget it (and is successful, for the most part).
a phantom pain shows in his arm, sometimes; the one that had once tried to bring a best friend to safety.
he's still in the Royal Guard to this day. though Asgore has stepped down as King, and Undyne has left to step up as Empress for him, Asriel still remains. in fact, he's promoted from General to Captain in Undyne's place!
. . .
he misses Undyne a lot.
he misses his parents a lot.
he still has horrible nightmares of the human. and his friends.
…but he has a duty to his people!
someone's gotta take care of them, right?
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sammeez · 1 year
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DONE!! Another one on my to draw list finished, this definitely has more details than the others (excluding Anya and Bond) :D I’m SUPA happy with how this turned out, this feckin pose was a pain bc of the legs and feet. The legs were either too far apart or just uneven, but the feet. DEAR GOD THE FEET. I’m never drawing feet in these angles ever again, I had no clue how to visualise how the shoes would look so I had to look a multiple reference material. In the end I’m actually pleased with how the shoes look :’)
The picnic blanket and basket were a last minute addition but i think it pulls the drawing together, like a cute picnic date <33 Sam’s freckles now look more prominent and the face/expressions are getting better!! Chads shirt is cheekily ridding up lolol
The golden boy Chad belongs to @heart-hunted ^_^
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valtiels-darkness · 10 months
How did you die, corpse friend?
"Eh, to be blunt? I have no feckin' clue!" Bones rattled, clicked, and clacked as they stirred, rising from the shallow grave. Clods of loamy dirt began to fall away from a very worn skeleton. Bits of mummified flesh clung to parts of their skull and their visible bones, while the rest was obscured by musty, bug eaten clothing. Almost Edwardian in style. They sat up and leaned against the trunk of the tree that grew nearly on top of them.
"One moment I was just a walkin', on me way home after a long night at the yard and then the next? Woke up in a shabby pine box and dirt in me eyes."
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skylordhorus · 2 years
i still have no feckin clue why my art tag has been split into three and idk how to fix it
like if you click on the featured tag listed in my blog search bar, then you get three posts, one of which features luigi
if you search my art tag in my search bar then you still only get three posts, only this time, luigi is replaced with lysander
and then if you click on the art tag on my pinned post, it shows the majority of the rest of my art???
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gutsngloria · 2 months
How do Hop and Marnie feel?
They have no feckin' clue why 'm both laughin' me arse off an' cryin'.
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eqt-95 · 8 months
hi quinn, any chance you'll get back into writing for cait/vi?
I think the real question is: any chance I'll get back into writing ANY of my unfinished but currently published active wips?
And the answer to THAT is: I have no feckin' clue mate.
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