#ninjagotale explanation
infjarts · 5 years
The Ninjagotale comic has been discontinued
This is not early April Fools. It is unfortunately the reality of the situation right now. Let me explain (synopsis of the story also under the cut).
There are several reasons that I am discontinuing the comic.
1. I can't get myself to do the next page. I just... can’t. Its not that I don’t want to get it out. I just lack the motivation once I open the file on my computer.
2. I feel like it’s not original enough. I can't call it my own. I got the idea from someone else (with their permission), and I know there are at least 3 more interpretations out there.
3. I want to dedicate the spare time I have to Insanity Brothers. Its a story that didn’t exist before, there's only one. And I’m far more excited about it.
4. Ninjagotale doesn't need to have anything to do with Ninjago anymore. That’s not what its about anymore. Its about the struggle between Yellow and the Chara of the world. The fact that the characters are all from Ninjago doesn't impact the story at all. Their personalities are the same as in Undertale, the rules are pretty much the same, it’s not that different. It can just be an Undertale AT with the regular characters and an entity that is chasing Yellow around, trying to get rid of them.
5. I am going through an extremely hard time right now. My brother has become emotionally and verbally abusive to the entire family and I need to get something off of my plate to deal with all of the stress of that.
I think I need to rethink the world and turn it into its own Undertale AU where it’s the same characters of Undertale except for Yellow. Yellow is very much their own thing. I also think what I’ll do is make it a concept/story that I continue to make content for, just not an actual comic. So I’ll release the story synopsis, everything, and I might make new designs and an illustration or joke comic or two, but not an official comic or fic.
Alright. Here’s the story that was going to happen.
Yellow has an actual name: Rhynn. Rhynn is the “Reindeer” child mentioned in the discord.
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They were a kid from another AU whose creator was going to destroy it. Their parents were scientists post-pacifist route who worked with Sans on the surface studying the anomaly, and they discovered their world was about to be destroyed. So they sent Rhynn into the multiverse to settle in an empty world so that their world would build back up around them. But something went wrong, and their code broke apart and rearranged itself into a virus that can use anyone as a vessel as long as they have their soul. This virus then traveled between Universes, feeding off of the destruction they left in their place. Here is a little thing I made practicing gender neutral hairstyles that actually is concept art of Rhynn’s past vessels. It gives you an idea of what their stage one form is:
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Rhynn’s stage 2 form is when they have a vessel but aren’t concealing themselves. It varies according to just how much they want to reveal. It can be anything between this:
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and this:
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The creature behind Frisk!Rhynn here is their true form:
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The Overlord is not a virus, but a super powerful antivirus software trying to destroy the Rhynn virus.
Fast forward a thousand years of destroying things to Ninjagotale. The Frisk of the AU is about to fall into the Underground for the first time, but Rhynn intervenes and kills them, taking over their soul and body before they gain the ability to save and load. They then play Undertale normally, intending to reach the surface and spread destruction there. 
However, the Overlord antivirus finds the Rhynn virus when Rhynn tells Lloyd/Asriel their true name. To throw the Overlord off, Rhynn swaps the AU and resets to “refresh” and activate the new code. 
Hence we now have Ninjagoswap. Rhynn and Morro travel through the Underground, only to discover there is already a Morro/swap!Chara going through the Underground, doing a genocide route because he and much of the underground have been affected by the Overlord’s presence. 
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Morro, now the “fallen child” with a ghost Rhynn following them, hurries to Kai/swap!Papyrus to warn him about the murderous human. Kai joins them in hurrying to prevent Cole/swap!Sans from being killed, and they arrive, only to find swap!Morro already there. Instead of killing Cole, however, he uses his knife to corrupt him as well. Hence this illustration:
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Kai knows he can’t win, so the good guys retreat. Swap!Morro and Cole then move through the Underground, corrupting everything. When they reach Jay/swap!Alphys, Cole easily overpowers him and corrupts him as well.
Meanwhile, Kai and Morro head to Nya/swap!Undyne’s lab to find her crying over Jay, having seen everything on the cameras. Nya agrees to help them, and builds the technoblades. They will have to enter the digiverse/void and use them to destroy the Overlord. Remember, they still don’t know that Rhynn is the true villain, so they’re all just going by what Morro relays to them from Rhynn.
Suddenly Jay, Cole, and swap!Morro all barge in and attack. Nya and the amalgamates hold them back while Rhynn creates a new save file, and this time they turn it into a fell world. They escape just before the corruption is too much and the world collapses. But unbeknownst to everyone else, the Overlord saves Cole just in time and brings him to the digiverse. 
The Overlord tells Cole the truth and makes him his right hand. Cole asks if they have to kill his brother, because he still cares about Kai. The Overlord says if he manages to bring Kai to their side, he can be spared. Cole makes a vow to save his brother.
Meanwhile in Ninjagofell, Morro and Rhynn have switched places again since they’re not in a swap world anymore. Kai goes off to mourn for his brother by himself, so while he’s gone, Rhynn takes the opportunity to think about what to do next. They figure once they’re in the digiverse, they will be able to break rules enough to make Morro physical. So they have three people, but four technoblades. So they decide that they need Lloyd/Asriel because a god-like being would be a nice thing to have. But in order to do that you’d need seven human souls, and there are only six here, Morro points out. But Rhynn disagrees. Because Frisk has fallen down at this point. 
Morro realizes what they are about to do, and they try to argue against it, but as a ghost, they can’t do much else. He watches helplessly as Rhynn steals the six captured souls and goes to find Frisk. They encounter them and Lolley as they are leaving the ruins and entering snowdin forest.
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They access the code and rob Frisk of their control of the save file. Without having to worry about Frisk respawning, they kill them and take their soul. They then tell Lolley that they have seven souls now, and they need him to turn into Asriel to help them save the world. Lolley is too scared, so Rhynn changes the code again so that everyone forgets Frisk existed, and Lolley then complies.
Lloyd, Kai, Morro and Rhynn then head to fell!Cole to get him to help them enter the digiverse. They do, and upon entering, they turn Morro corporeal. Kai decides he’s had enough of following this suspicious child around and demands answers. Instead of telling him everything, Rhynn corrupts Kai and makes him a pawn of their own. Unlike the overlord’s corruption, the influence is less suggestion and more force by inflicting pain on the victim to get them to comply.
With the other three in tow, Rhynn makes their way through the digiverse, which is basically the Underground but looks like the digiverse from Rebooted. They arrive at Judgement hall, the Overlord’s lair, and try to use the technoblades to wipe him out, but it only forces him out of the code and he becomes a giant dragon. Cole suddenly appears and corrupts Lloyd. Three fights break out at once, Kai vs. Cole, Morro vs. Lloyd, and Rhynn vs. the Overlord.
Kai is eventually knocked to the ground by Cole, and Cole starts to reason with him. We have this scene:
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Cole corrupts Kai. Realizing they are losing, Rhynn turns into their stage two form. This allows them enough power to defeat the Overlord, releasing all those under his influence. They then say that they no longer need the others and can now dispose of them. Morro then engages Rhynn in a fight. Hence we have the private version of this illustration, where you can see Rhynn in Morro’s blade:
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The fight then goes into a stage 3 in a separate dimension when Rhynn turns into their true form. Eventually Morro beats them, and suddenly... pre-virus!Rhynn appears, cleansed of the virus. They then thank Morro and tell him that they will fix the code and send them all back to the original Ninjagotale timeline. This scene then happens:
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...They give Morro their stolen soul from Frisk. Now Morro can stay corporeal without the need for a host. With a final goodbye, Rhynn fixes the code and sends Morro and the others back. Without a soul or a vessel, they then disappear and finally gain the peace they were robbed of so long ago.
The story ends with Lloyd using his seven human souls to break the barrier in Ninjagotale. The monsters are then freed without the presence of a Frisk. swap!Kai and Cole go to live with classic!Kai and Cole (swap!Kai may or may not be introduced to Skylor/Grillby by classic!Cole) and Morro and Lloyd go to live with Misako. 
And that’s the end of it. I may release more about the reconstruction of it later, like redesigns and little content snippets like blurb comics and illustrations, and explanations of other ending ideas, but that’s about it. I’m sorry for disappointing you all. I hope you all can understand about the circumstances, and I hope you stick around for more Insanity Brothers. It’ll be an animatic series, so I’m real excited for it! 
Love, Piper
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