#nighty night X3
spookythesillyfella · 4 months
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i am so normal about songs that make me think of tony i promise i swear i love them the normal amount X3 [14h long character playlist]
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h1mejoshi · 7 months
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dragongirlafro · 1 year
Nighty Night and Good morning~! 💛 Loveseat, Hot Cocoa, and Cupcake ;3cc
huuuwaa goo morning~ 💜💜💜 (obligatory link to post x3)
Loveseat—describe your ideal house
i suck at descriptions like this so imma just post some pics i found in like 5 minutes fjsjdjsjd
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yeah i'm a basic purple bitch 😔 funny thing is there is actually a house whose exterior is painted a pale lilac like in the first photo here in our neighborhood :0c if i was more outgoing i'd love to meet whoever owns it sjrjsjdjsk
Hot Cocoa—three things you love about yourself
ueeeee no fair i suck at this :[
ok fine let's get this over with!!! i like to think i'm really fucking kind and genuine and compassionate, to a fault even fjsjdjsj >w< i don't consider myself a super interesting or talented person, but in spite of that i have several wonderful loving friend groups and folks i consider family 🥰🥰🥰 so i guess my personality has to count for something ajfjsjfjskdksj
this kinda goes in tandem with the first, but i'm also getting a lot better at just, letting myself feel my emotions!! once i hit puberty and life circumstances demanded i skip my adolescence and just become a mini adult i just started repressing the fuck out of everything, and i'm finally unlearning a lot of that!! it's come at the cost of me being sappy as fuck but i'll take it over literally never feeling anything again (now if only i could work through my deep seated anger issues)
uhhh last thing is honestly i'm glad that i'm learning to be lazier and put in the bare minimum effort to certain situations. learning that literally all i need to give my 100% to is friends and partners and scenarios where i like, Need to Live and nothing else has done wonders for me. that if it sucks hit the bricks meme has saved me literally so much wasted time
Cupcake—are you in love?
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^^^^ you >:3c 💜💜💜
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wanderfan2000 · 3 years
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Cute Bedtime pictures I got from Good Knight Bedtime.  Click for captions. X3
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giggly-squiggily · 3 years
Last ask before I go to sleeps because I have a 5 hour shift tomorrow.
Imagine if Taka wrecked everyone who was late in the morning. Like the more late you were the worse and longer the tk got.
Nighty night
Ooo, I love that! Leon would be top offender! X3 He can just never get there on time! X3
Mondo is second offender! He does it on purpose. XP
Nighty night, friend! Have a great day at work tommorrow! X3
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doltdoodled · 4 years
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Nighty Night Ita Bag!
More of this ita bag design! I’m really excited to get this project off the ground! If all goes according to plan a sample bag will be ordered by the end of the month! Does anyone have any thoughts? Let me know! I want as much feedback as possible
Full list of features under cut:
-10"x10"x4"  -mini star ita keychain (3"x3") -front pocket for pins/insert -middle compartment (for normal stuff, including a switch if you'd like)  -small back pocket for cards -extra straps to convert between a purse to a backpack! 
Anything else you’d like to see? Shoot me a message!
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biohazzard121 · 4 years
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                                   ***NIGHTY NIGHT***
Hey Long time see, Well you’d think with the Quarantine atm, i would of been able to get this finished sooner.... Nope my kids took over my iMac lol Anyhoo this is the 3rd of these poses the second there is a delay on cause i just don’t like it lol so i have to rework it. 
Okay so this my Vampire Version of my Sexy Mr Tyler Edwards (My Fav Sim, GTA Character, Baseball Guy in fact if i can create a Male OC on any game i play it’s gonna be him) Where was i Oh right Vampire Version well he Married the love of of his life who happens to be a witch and Miracles Happen they had a Son so i paired them together to show off the pose. Sorry about the picture Quality Been reduced to using my Laptop to play Sims (So Slooooow)
So the Poses Works with Teen-Elder Generic & Toddlers also Generic
Please if you use my Poses in your Gallery Uploads can you Tag me #Biohazzard121 so i can see your Beautiful,Handsome & Unique Creations I will Also Like & Comment. 
Install Instructions:
Documents>Electronic Arts>Sims 4>MODS
Please Its recommended that you ONLY have one type of Pose in your game, Especially Group Type Poses as it will Make it so much easier to Align poses Correctly, 
Pose Types
Single Sims, Couples Poses, Single Parent, Group Poses(x3+) and so on
Make sure you have the Correct Pose installed to avoid incorrect Alignment & Odd Looking Gallery Poses 
  This the Download Link http://www.simfileshare.net/download/1765751/
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elderbrownie · 4 years
New AU for you mah dear. This time it's a Secret Mission/Agent AU.-Who would be the main Agent.-Who would be the Agents best friends who "betrays" him but comes back in the end to save the day?-Who would be the double Agent aka the guy/girl acting like he's on the Agents side but actually works against him? -Who would be the Agents lover?-Would the lover be a damsel in distress ooor help the Agent to kick some ass?
Uhh that’s a great question :D Now you have an AU for me? Okay, imma try my best to answer these questions :3
Okay, so actually I would say either Eskil oor Calli would be the main agent. Every other question would be answered differently depending on how I answer the first one so I’m gonna do this whole thing two times, one time for Eskil and the other for Calli :3
Calli would be the main agent. Because he is badass and somehow his life before the creation of the four worlds resembles one of a protagonist.
His best friend who’s betray him, only to come back in the end, that would probably be either Riannar (you know, she did this for real) or the God of Nights. You don’t know him yet but he really was kinda Calli’s friend. Though when Calli asked him to stand by his side, Nighty chose Ashura. However, in the end of the whole story he’s saving Calli from Nemesis.
So, the double agent would be Calli’s adoptive child. In fact, he really plays nice and stuff but turns to a demon in the end. He always wanted to be free from Calli’s influence but he never said that to him. He kept it secret and acted like he was on Calli’s side. Then, one day, he went on a rampage.
Calli’s lover? Definitely Ashura xD And you know, Ashura is not a poor little guy who needs to be saved or stuff. He’s definitely the one saving Calli and kicking some ass with him :3
Eskil as the main agent is a bit more complicated I guess. So, let’s see...
Best friend, that’s gonna be Maro. Because somehow he really betrays Eskil, just for standing by his side when Nemesis arrives. So, yes, he’d be a fitting choice for this one.
Uhm, a double agent for Eskil is hard to find because Eskil just trusts people he knows for quite some time. But I guess someone like Arian or Arzac could take this place. Arian is an element and he pledges alliance only to his own kind but he’d be nice to Eskil. Though he wouldn’t fight for him unless there’s something in it for him. And Arzac... well, in the original he actually is a foe from the beginning but I think if those two met under different circumstances Eskil, sooner or later, would consider Arzac as a friend. But Arzac only listens to one, of course. He would play his game but he would leave Eskil even in the most dangerous moment. Uhm, now that I think of it... Maro could fit too. He helps Eskil and stuff but he’s doing all that just to free Calli.
Eskil’s lover... hard one. Really hard one. Uhm... I think because he has no canon ship I’ll go with my crack ship here. That would be Calshura’s adoptive child x3 And yes, he’d kick ass too. In fact, he would be stronger than Eskil.
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clownsgobeepbeep · 4 years
:* Vespers
Something for a few years later X3
Today was the day.
Today was the day Vespers would have to take care of Orion and Hunter.
With Phoebe, it wouldn’t have been such a dramatic statements but these infants...now they made life a little more interesting. Well, even if they sometimes made things the tiniest bit stressful, it wasn’t anything Vespers couldn’t handle. It was just two little moths.
“Orion! Dang it!” he shouted while looking at one of the twins who casually sat upon the fridge, smiling down at Vespers.
Vespers made his way over to the fridge, reaching up to grab the baby who immediately vanished with a giggle.
“No! Ugh!” Vespers groaned before turning around, now seeing the other twin sitting on the counter just a few feet away. “Hunter, just stay there-”
Before Vespers could reach him, Hunter was also gone. Soon enough, Vespers heard giggling in the living room. So of course, Vespers hurriedly made his way into said room before seeing both of the twins: Orion sitting on the couch while Hunter sat on top of a lamp, admiring the unlit bulb.
“Guys, come on!” Vespers panicked just a bit, soon approaching Orion who teleported again, once again behind Vespers who was made to constantly turn and become dizzy, for the baby continuously teleported behind and in front of him.
Vespers had to take a moment, holding his head while looking at Hunter who teleported from the lamp to the couch where his brother no longer was, clearly taunting Vespers who sighed.
“You know what?” Vespers held himself on the couch’s armrest, slightly getting the twins’ attention. “Dad’s going to sleep. Nighty night.”
To the twins’ surprise, Vespers didn’t pay any attention to Hunter on the couch, nor Orion who teleported into the hallway where Vespers made his way.
Soon enough, both of the twins were in the hallway, watching Vespers drag himself into his room, closing the door behind him to eventually drop onto the bed.
From outside the room, the twins could only stare at the closed door in silence, then turning to each other with a bit of concern.
Vespers snuggled into a pillow, making sure to shut his eyes, now...waiting.
In an instant, he felt the bed slightly sink and so he opened his eyes to see the twins sitting in front of him. Their little faces looked the tiniest bit saddened, so Vespers chuckled before wrapping his arms around the two.
“Gotcha.” he whispered, kissing each of the twins’ cheeks before they cooed in response, the ends of their antennas lighting up as they snuggled into their father’s warm body.
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keeptheotherone · 5 years
A Note on Productivity and Depression
A few weeks ago I wrote about a bad weekend with my depression. I thought I’d present the last three days in contrast (as best I can remember--I didn’t keep a list).
Saturday: Slept in (a definite accomplishment as I’ve been pushing hard for two weeks). Spent over four hours working on my WIP. Picked up the house, ran the robot vacuum x3, did a load of laundry, chatted with my mom, did more swatching for a couple knitting projects. Took a nap, fed the cats, fed myself, etc.
Sunday: Prepped my cousin’s birthday gift to mail. Took a shower, brushed teeth, got dressed, left the house on my own initiative (!), and drove to the next town over, where I wandered in the yarn shop for an hour or so in various stages of indecisiveness before leaving without buying anything. Walked (this is no joke, it was 102 in the shade) to the post office and mailed two birthday cards. Resisted the urge to swing through McDonald’s “just for a Coke” (yeah, right). Dinner. Almost made a decision on buying yarn online but wavered at the last minute. Got the mail. Started a new knitting pattern. Listened to a history lecture. Spent who knows how much time browsing Pinterest for baby layette patterns (did you know traditional layettes include a sweater, not a nightie? Me neither!). Pinned anything I liked, then spent more time sorting through the pins for actual patterns (my fav was in Russian, natch). Finally went to bed around 4am with a spinning brain and a sinking realization I STILL hadn’t made up my mind what to knit for my BFF’s baby.
Monday: Woke at a decent time despite the late night and difficulty falling asleep. Did three loads of laundry (yes, washed/dried/folded/put away). Changed my sheets. Found and filled out the paper form for my free credit report (which required fixing my printer/network problem first). Copied the required accompanying documentation and put it in the mailbox (no mail). Sorted receipts. Cleaned my laptop screen (yes, it was dirty enough to warrant a mention). Fed the cats, cleaned litter boxes, tidied the house. Actually wrote in my office for a couple hours (on a long-standing RL project that is emotionally draining and not at all fun). Spent a couple hours chatting with my BFF. Ran an errand (had intended to do two but left the house too late). Balanced my checking account, both savings accounts, and my credit card account. 
tl;dr If you have a mental illness and you’re struggling with the ordinary routines of daily life, reach out for help and give your meds some time to work. I’m a nurse and an almost-30-year depression survivor and it still surprises me how much of a difference the right drug in the right dose (to the right patient, by the right route, at the right time ... sorry, a little nursing humor) can make.
And remember you’re not a lazy slob--you don’t need more willpower or initiative. You need treatment.
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magicallyborn-blog · 7 years
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89wfox · 7 years
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so here we have Whitefox just talking a moment to breathe befor she heds off for the night. . . Nighty night from WhiteFox89 X3
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wanderfan2000 · 3 years
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Nighty night. Tomorrow, I’m going on a train. X3 
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astralsecrets · 6 years
Dream - A Troubled Mind & Searching For Anita & She Saves The Day & I Own This Shopping Centre
Date of Dream: THU 20 SEP - 2018 Dream No. 428 - Separated Sections Dream 428 A - A Troubled Mind The dream started with all the WarioWare characters in this one room that I had never been into in real life. At first, they were all just casually conversing in there. I clearly remembered seeing Wario, Mona, Dribble and Spitz, Kat and Ana, Dr. Crygor, 9-Volt and 18-Volt and many others. There was then this teenage girl that came up me to me, looking really upset. She was a distorted version of LA, having the exact same facial features as her but looking rather totally Gothic and severely depressed. I asked her what was wrong but I forgot what she told me. I said that I would her to go and talk to 18-Volt as he’s been treated in a similar fashion for not fitting as a kid, “the other room are all a bunch of bullies”… I was referring to the rest of the WarioWare characters. The girl then followed me as I walked around and started calling for 18-Volt. Dream 428 B - Searching For Anita I entered back into what seemed to be the same dream. I was walking around in my house and wandering into the front room when I thought to myself, “What should I name this girl?”. I thought about naming her Jessica but then realised that one of my friends already had the name. I finally decided that I would call her Anita. So now, I was walking around the house, trying to find Anita. I ended up walking towards the bedrooms and when I went into my bedroom, I saw a rather scary sight. I saw a version of myself lying in my own bed! She looked exactly as I would at night time, she was wearing the same nightie that was on me in waking life and her hair was in the exact same mess. I forgot what she said at the start but she was nasty and I was feeling rather creeped out by my own clone. I thought it wasn’t going to end well but after talking some more, my clone and I actually got along really well! Once I had finished talking to my clone, I continued to look for Anita. When I found her, she had exactly the same appearance and behaviour as she did in 428 A. We eventually got to 18-Volt but before I could even get a word in, in-fact, at the first glimpse of him, the dream faded out on me. Dream 428 C - She Saves The Day The dream started again I was looking for 18-Volt with Anita, she had exactly the same appearance and behaviour as in 428 A and 428 B. The dream thought suddenly changed the location to be at the grounds of Killester College. I walked in, with Anita following me, and when I look up the driveway, there is Dreamy WB as a hologram, hovering and prompting for us to come over to her. She wasn’t human sized but she wasn’t massive either. She looked really beautiful and glamorous as she sported her school summer uniform. I thought she was just going to comfort Anita but then she also signalled that she wanted me up on her lap as well. Both Anita and I got up and occupied one of Dreamy WB’s legs, then receiving a long, hard hug from her. Apparently she hugged Anita due to her initial stress but Dreamy WB could also tell I was upset from failing to reach 18-Volt, me thinking that he didn’t want to see us. I thought Dreamy WB was going to take us somewhere but after a few seconds, Anita and I actually hopped off her. Anita then thanks me and walks out of the gates of the college, ultimately leaving the dream. I then decide what I want to do with myself and I end up heading out as well. When I am out of the school grounds, I am at the bus area and my parents are also there. There are four teachers that I end up talking to; they were Ms M, Mr Gr, Mr K and Mr M. I can’t remember what else happened in this dream. Dream 428 D - I Own This Shopping Centre I can’t remember how the dream started. From where I can remember, I was walking along the bottom floor of this shopping centre that I was apparently the owner of. The shops though didn’t look like any shops that exist in real life and rather, it all felt like a cheap and junkie international food section. Though later in the dream, I was taking my brother through the same area and there was one place that I thought he’d like; apparently a Scnitz existed. I was then back at the level 2 car park in which I called that car park H2, so the car park below me would be H1 and the one above would be H3. I went up the travelator to this time enter level 2 of the shopping centre. At first, the shops didn’t look to impressive but eventually, I came across a “Budget David Jones”. I then continued to explore the shopping centre and there were some good shops around. Eventually, I went into the food court and noticed that UD ---> UU (she's married now) was working in one of the places; she was wearing a navy chefs uniform with red piping. The message then came into my head that there was now a restaurant complex on level 1, including a Grill’d and a Schnitz. I looked over the rails to see many neon lights but didn’t end up going down there. I continued through level 2 and eventually came to this outdoor area that connected from either level 2 or level 3. Then after that, I was back at the travelators where I had started. There were some traffic lights that were going green, amber and then red. I knew that when the traffic lights went red, the lifts were going to open, of the doors saying H2 and the other one saying L2. So I ran onto the travelator as fast I could. The dream ended there. Dream Tasks - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially) - Have all members on the dream guide team obtain and apply knowledge on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No) Challenges - Start the dream off with a dream guide already present (Achieved? No) Dream 428: Results (Competition #7) 428 A Competition Night: 19 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 428 B Competition Night: 19 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 428 C Competition Night: 19 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: Dreamy WB Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 428 D Competition Night: 19 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes Points For This Entry: 12.0 Calculation Details: - Non-Lucid Fragment (0.5) - Full Non-Lucid Dream x3 (3.0) - Have a Dream Guide Appear Automatically: Dreamy WB - 428 C (0.5) - Help Some In Need - Over 3 Dreams (3.0) - Meet yourself from the future in person: Cloned Karla when she wakes up in the morning (5.0) + Previous Total: 67.0 Total Accumulated Points: 79.0
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8297989 https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/karlab18/dream-troubled-mind-searching-anita-she-saves-day-i-own-shopping-centre-85492/
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astralsecrets · 6 years
Dream - A Troubled Mind & Searching For Anita & She Saves The Day & I Own This Shopping Centre
Date of Dream: THU 20 SEP - 2018 Dream No. 428 - Separated Sections Dream 428 A - A Troubled Mind The dream started with all the WarioWare characters in this one room that I had never been into in real life. At first, they were all just casually conversing in there. I clearly remembered seeing Wario, Mona, Dribble and Spitz, Kat and Ana, Dr. Crygor, 9-Volt and 18-Volt and many others. There was then this teenage girl that came up me to me, looking really upset. She was a distorted version of LA, having the exact same facial features as her but looking rather totally Gothic and severely depressed. I asked her what was wrong but I forgot what she told me. I said that I would her to go and talk to 18-Volt as he’s been treated in a similar fashion for not fitting as a kid, “the other room are all a bunch of bullies”… I was referring to the rest of the WarioWare characters. The girl then followed me as I walked around and started calling for 18-Volt. Dream 428 B - Searching For Anita I entered back into what seemed to be the same dream. I was walking around in my house and wandering into the front room when I thought to myself, “What should I name this girl?”. I thought about naming her Jessica but then realised that one of my friends already had the name. I finally decided that I would call her Anita. So now, I was walking around the house, trying to find Anita. I ended up walking towards the bedrooms and when I went into my bedroom, I saw a rather scary sight. I saw a version of myself lying in my own bed! She looked exactly as I would at night time, she was wearing the same nightie that was on me in waking life and her hair was in the exact same mess. I forgot what she said at the start but she was nasty and I was feeling rather creeped out by my own clone. I thought it wasn’t going to end well but after talking some more, my clone and I actually got along really well! Once I had finished talking to my clone, I continued to look for Anita. When I found her, she had exactly the same appearance and behaviour as she did in 428 A. We eventually got to 18-Volt but before I could even get a word in, in-fact, at the first glimpse of him, the dream faded out on me. Dream 428 C - She Saves The Day The dream started again I was looking for 18-Volt with Anita, she had exactly the same appearance and behaviour as in 428 A and 428 B. The dream thought suddenly changed the location to be at the grounds of Killester College. I walked in, with Anita following me, and when I look up the driveway, there is Dreamy WB as a hologram, hovering and prompting for us to come over to her. She wasn’t human sized but she wasn’t massive either. She looked really beautiful and glamorous as she sported her school summer uniform. I thought she was just going to comfort Anita but then she also signalled that she wanted me up on her lap as well. Both Anita and I got up and occupied one of Dreamy WB’s legs, then receiving a long, hard hug from her. Apparently she hugged Anita due to her initial stress but Dreamy WB could also tell I was upset from failing to reach 18-Volt, me thinking that he didn’t want to see us. I thought Dreamy WB was going to take us somewhere but after a few seconds, Anita and I actually hopped off her. Anita then thanks me and walks out of the gates of the college, ultimately leaving the dream. I then decide what I want to do with myself and I end up heading out as well. When I am out of the school grounds, I am at the bus area and my parents are also there. There are four teachers that I end up talking to; they were Ms M, Mr Gr, Mr K and Mr M. I can’t remember what else happened in this dream. Dream 428 D - I Own This Shopping Centre I can’t remember how the dream started. From where I can remember, I was walking along the bottom floor of this shopping centre that I was apparently the owner of. The shops though didn’t look like any shops that exist in real life and rather, it all felt like a cheap and junkie international food section. Though later in the dream, I was taking my brother through the same area and there was one place that I thought he’d like; apparently a Scnitz existed. I was then back at the level 2 car park in which I called that car park H2, so the car park below me would be H1 and the one above would be H3. I went up the travelator to this time enter level 2 of the shopping centre. At first, the shops didn’t look to impressive but eventually, I came across a “Budget David Jones”. I then continued to explore the shopping centre and there were some good shops around. Eventually, I went into the food court and noticed that UD ---> UU (she's married now) was working in one of the places; she was wearing a navy chefs uniform with red piping. The message then came into my head that there was now a restaurant complex on level 1, including a Grill’d and a Schnitz. I looked over the rails to see many neon lights but didn’t end up going down there. I continued through level 2 and eventually came to this outdoor area that connected from either level 2 or level 3. Then after that, I was back at the travelators where I had started. There were some traffic lights that were going green, amber and then red. I knew that when the traffic lights went red, the lifts were going to open, of the doors saying H2 and the other one saying L2. So I ran onto the travelator as fast I could. The dream ended there. Dream Tasks - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially) - Have all members on the dream guide team obtain and apply knowledge on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No) Challenges - Start the dream off with a dream guide already present (Achieved? No) Dream 428: Results (Competition #7) 428 A Competition Night: 19 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 428 B Competition Night: 19 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 428 C Competition Night: 19 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: Dreamy WB Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 428 D Competition Night: 19 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes Points For This Entry: 12.0 Calculation Details: - Non-Lucid Fragment (0.5) - Full Non-Lucid Dream x3 (3.0) - Have a Dream Guide Appear Automatically: Dreamy WB - 428 C (0.5) - Help Some In Need - Over 3 Dreams (3.0) - Meet yourself from the future in person: Cloned Karla when she wakes up in the morning (5.0) + Previous Total: 67.0 Total Accumulated Points: 79.0
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8297989 https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/karlab18/dream-troubled-mind-searching-anita-she-saves-day-i-own-shopping-centre-85492/
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