#nicphie rights tbh
excaliburssword · 2 years
Hot take on the SGE ships (part 1??)
So, sometimes I can really get carried away with the SGE ships, but I'm just gonna summarise this one down so it doesn't end up longer than the years the earth has existed 😭
Please note than none of these are in order, and all are situated out as my own opinion.
I guess these two are appropriate for each other, even though the toxicity of their relationship (I might post about this later) really unbalanced some things.
All in all, I'm fine with Agatha and Tedros as a couple since I seriously can't find someone else that would be appropriate for them, plus they'd make a quite capable pair on leading Camelot
2. Hophie
-This may offend many, but I just can't find it in me to even ship them 😭
First of all, it seemed like to me that Hort was continuously trying to force Sophie into dating him at least from books 1-3, and halfway through book 4. I ended up putting myself in Sophie's shoes, and found it to be actually quite annoying for someone who likes you whom you can't return the same feelings for repeatedly tries to date you.
0/10 (sorry).
3. Hestadil
One of my fav couples in the series. They were suitable for each other from start to finish, and really developed their relationship over time!
4. Nicphie
Eh, they're alright I suppose. Tbh it can end up as a really cute relationship if developed properly, kinda like enemies x lovers.
5. Hicola
I actually liked this ship more than Hophie, and that's saying something, given Nicola was only introduced in book 4 and started dating Hort in the exact same book whilst we knew him and Sophie since the very beginning.
Still, I wouldn't quite ship it, since it was a little too fast for me.
6. Rophie (Rafal and Sophie)
If Rafal wasn't realistically thousands of years old, I would've shipped this with my whole heart, aside from the fact their relationship was a little manipulative.
Firstly, like said before, Rafal is extremely old, making it hard for me to process this ship since he's basically an ancient creep that's hitting on a teenage girl because of some prediction/ prophecy.
Secondly, I'm not sure if it was just me, or he truly did love her, but it seemed like Rafal was trying to gain control of Sophie and manipulate her into doing his bidding.
Aside from all of this, I loved their relationship and ate it up in only 2 sittings! It was like a spicy relationship that kept me entertained for the majority of the time.
7. Rhophie (Rhian and Sophie)
Given all of my opinions on the other ships, it even surprised me when I told myself I'm actually okay with this one, when it was literally one of the most toxic and manipulative couples in the whole series.
But then again, (DON'T COME AT ME) as much as it wasn't Rhian's right to rule Camelot, I just think that he was a better king than Tedros for many reasons. Plus, I even felt sorry for him when he died towards the end of book 5.
I would've loved to see him ruling a kingdom (doesn't matter which one) with Sophie! And don't even get me started on their dynamics during ACOT! You may think I'm psychotic, but it is what it is 😭
8. Japaric
I'm okay with this one. They're in fact, so evil, they deserve each other 😭
This is it for now, but I might do a part 2 later, or talk a little more in depth of some of the characters/ships 😁
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plushpinkfox · 3 years
an attack on rophie
so i posted this in the last ever after forum in response to all the rophie/raphie shippers and i think it’s actually a really funny post and i encourage you to please use it to combat any rophie shippers you see wandering the sge fandom :) i’m already on the hitlist of a bunch of rophie shippers on the website and i assume it’s in part because of this post. i did not edit this so it’s got some website references to forums but other than that please enjoy!
“hey y'all! it's my first post in the last ever after forum and i'm seeing a LOT of raphie shippers so i thought i'd give my opinion on this ship before i do my big "reviewing sge ships" post on the one true king forum. let's give everyone a reminder of what rafal looks like! in the last ever after, he is described as a lean boy with "hairless white skin, snug black breeches, his thick spiked hair the color of snow, his tight veined arms, his glacier-blue eyes" who doesn't look a day more than sixteen. cute, right? oh wait, that's actually NOT what rafal looks like. let's go to the back of the book, shall we? page 635! here we are: "He began to change. His face shriveled like rancid fruit; his thick white hair sloughed off in clumps over his mottled skull; his spine hunched with sickening crackles, jerking his body into ugly contortions. Liver spots rashed across decaying skin, his blue eyes clouding toxic gray, his muscled limbs shrinking to bony sticks. with each second, he grew older and older, thousands of years old, screams of rage tearing from inside of him, smoke spitting through his mummifying skin, until the School Master was unmasked at last, a naked corpse of blackened, hateful flesh." wow. that doesn't sound very handsome, right? not only is rafal THOUSANDS OF YEARS OLD (sophie is about... sixteen here? wonderful age difference), but he is literally not human. he is a mummified ugly evil spirit. not very fun for shipping, which is why i'm guessing people choose to describe the hot form instead of his true evil ugly form. if you're willing to ignore the "naked corpse of blackened, hateful flesh" part, maybe we can look at some other parts of the "wonderful" raphie relationship. gaslighting sophie into believing that agatha wants to kill her? check! (see pages 441-442 of the last ever after, where rafal convinces sophie that agatha has used her wish-granting ability to make sure tedros stayed in love with agatha instead of sophie) encouraging her to kill her other friends? check! (see pages 449-451 of the last ever after, where rafal has captured her friends after convincing her that the world is against her, and letting her make the decision to kill them even though he knows he is manipulating her. manipulating her into ending the balance between good and evil, putting the entire woods in danger? check! (see THE ENTIRETY OF THE LAST EVER AFTER) //content warning for //a*b*u*s*e// below this line!!!// if that's not enough to convince you yet, then let's go to the website "https://au.reachout.com/articles/signs-of-an-abusive-relationship" and go through some of the signs there. i'm not going to respond to all of them because there's SO MANY but i will choose a select few that should get my point across. 1. "They check on you all the time to see where you are, what you're doing and who you're with. They try to control where you go and who you see, and get angry if you don't do what they say." well, rafal does both of these things! he makes sophie a teacher so everyone can keep an eye on her, and he literally made a schedule for her so he'd know where she is at all times. 2. "They accuse you of being unfaithful or of flirting. They isolate you from family and friends, often by behaving rudely to them." rafal states on page 235 that sophie needs to kill tedros and agatha "or he'll know whose side she's really on". sounds like he's accusing her of being unfaithful (i know in the context of the article unfaithful means cheating but i'm using it in the way it applies). and i think threatening to kill them is definitely behaving rudely. 3. "They threaten to use violence against you, your family, friends or a pet." again, he's threatened to kill agatha and tedros/threatened her so she will kill them. pretty *horrible* to me!! 4. "They push, shove, hit or grab you." let's see! on page 231, rafal grabs sophie's hand so she'll show him her finger without her permission. that meets the criteria! 5. "They harm you, your pets or your family members." here i can use an example OTHER than rafal trying to kill tedros and agatha. remember when he allowed lady lesso to get stabbed? or dangled the coven over the brig? or allowed nicholas to get killed in the chaos of battle? those all sound like harmful things to me! not only is raphie super gross and downright pedophilic, but it's an //a*b*u*s*i*v*e// relationship as well! so that's why i don't ship raphie, folks. look out for my "reviewing sge ships" post coming soon on the otk forum >:)”
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princessofshazabah · 3 years
sge girls as loona (kinda au?)
hhh idk where im going with this tbh
i have no real explanation for this one except for the fact that heejin is the first girl of loona and beatrix is the first evergirl we're introduced to, also pink and bunny
again 2nd evergirl to be introduced, but also because hyunjin becomes more prominent in the loonaverse as time goes on, same w reena having an arc (?) in otk
green. underrated. ignore the fact that haseul is the leader and that millicent is a side character. tbh she could also be vivi because of the deer thing but like. this next one makes more sense.
okay this one i have a good explanation for. yara and vivi are both seen as outsiders in their respective universes (lore? what do i call it). vivi is the only foreigner and is an android, seen in the love & live mv. yara is seen as strange in awwp, because she doesn't talk and is always disappearing.
tbh kiko doesn't rlly fit in with the evergirl trio but doesn't fit anywhere else in this au (same w yeojin). i guess yara and kiko could be switched but my reasoning for yara is too strong. also kiss later has kiko vibes.
the overall reason i put evergirls for 1/3 is that 1/3's concept is purity/school and the only personality trait the evergirls have is being from the school for good lmao
okay for this unit i have no real reasoning except it feels right. also don't get on me for their colors i KNOW they don't match exactly but i'm not letting go of this.
Kim Lip/Hester
red, leader, u get it
I want her to be important for once omg. Also just imagine ani singing sitr
okay i have real reasoning for this one. both of them are seen as the 'sweetheart' of their respective trio, but have shown a dark side before (lcm's beat drop, dot's reaction to her father's death in otk)
overall reason is nothing. i don't know how to explain it. it fits. also tell me sweet crazy love mv does not have coven vibes. you can't.
okay,,, this is where I had trouble. mainly with matching them up. these can all be interchangeable but for now I'm sticking with them cause of the loona lore
the antagonist of the loonaverse/sge. hot. her animal is a swan which fits sophie cause they're beautiful but rude
listen. listen. i KNOW their personalities do not match whatsoever. i was originally going to put nicola for gowon but i thought that the next girl matches her more. also nicphie heart attack. u know u want it.
Go Won/Bettina
princess of their respective series. the odd one out in their unit (bettina not being a reader, go won's fruit being a pineapple).
Olivia Hye/Agatha
they're both originally seen as the antagonist but the more you read/learn about their lore, the more the truth comes to live. they both just want their friends back.
again this unit could be switched around, as could 1/3. the only one i'm absolutely positive for is oec/coven.
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Hiya! So I'm just going to state a few things about my Basic Opinions On The Series of SGE (as this is an SGE blog yes):
- I am supportive of the casting of Sophie and Agatha and I'm not going to judge them until I've seen them :)) (I've never seen Sofia Wylie in anything, but I've seen Sophia Anne Caruso in Beetlejuice!)
- I do not ship Hophie, or Hicola, or Nicphie, I think both Sophie and Hort should have ended up alone ngl, Hort was not in the place for a relationship and Sophie just felt right when she said she felt like she wanted to be alone? (In my opinion lol don't come at me)
- Favourite character is... kind of ambiguous to me, maybe Sophie, but tbh I love Sophie, Agatha and Tedros simply because I feel so much like we went along with them on such a journey and I'm just attached to them now 😂
- I don't hate Rhian, idk, I just don't
- I liked Japeth up until Rhian died and he became the main villain, which didn't sit right with me for some reason
- I love literally all SGE opinions and like hearing them even if they are not like mine because??? Idk I feel like because the series is so flawed there's a lot of debate and I find it fun to discuss
- also justice for Nicola she deserved better
Thanks for reading! I'm Annie and I hope you enjoy my blog ^^
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hibiscus02 · 4 years
So I finally found a blank version of this ship chart thingy?? I'm so dense lmao
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Credit to the amazing @pumpkinpaperweight (who is also basically carrying the tumblr section of the fandom on their shoulders these days, so bless your soul)
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No multishipping we die like women
I left a lot of them blank bc I don't really have an opinion on them??? Mostly cause I don't remember one or more characters in it or idk, they're cute but eh
But we ain't shipping j*ric in this fucking house, because soman hates gay ppl now apparently (tbh you couldn't have given us worse implied rep now could you)
telip happened to place tedros as a useless bisexual so they're on thin fucking ice bc, I mean, it is tophie (which, ew)
triko is odd and idk where it came from and hester/dot just doesn't get into my head
I still need to make a post elaborating on my opinions on rhian (and rhophie, by association) but hhhhh not accepting criticism just yet
I'm probably forgetting to talk about something but at last, fuck this fandom for getting me attached to nicphie. Seriously. As if I didn't need another gay crackship who will most likely barely interact again, am I right?!
(I do have a fic for them on the works...a bad fic, but a fic nonetheless, because I could only find like 3 nicphie fics and only one placed them as the main ship (everyone say thank you pumpkin) "be the change you wanna see in the fandom!" sooo wait for that maybe? just don't get your hopes up me and Writing have a rocky relationship lmao)
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plushpinkfox · 3 years
my new fanfiction idea
currently writing a tagatha fanfic deeply inspired by @pumpkinpaperweight ‘s incredible tagatha fics! don’t get too excited, it won’t be THAT good.
it’s a modern business au with sort of? enemies to lovers? (not really), murder and mysteries, and it’s also deeply inspired by miranda and andy’s relationship in the devil wears prada and that one scene in a newer lore olympus episode where hera thinks she doesn’t need echo and then echo proves herself useful
i’m going to post it to the website when i finish it, and then i’ll clean it up for archiveofourown! super excited to try and also there is side nicphie and hort is never mentioned except maybe as a bitter ex-boyfriend teehee
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