#ngl I haven’t been out much since I turned 21…. 3 years ago fuck ridiculous
rosicheeks · 2 years
I'd like to take you out for a nice dinner, somewhere nice but not a snobby rich people place, somewhere where the staff are down to earth. You order whatever you want and I pick out all the little bits you don't like for you. We have a few drinks and head home, but it starts to rain on the way, so when we get home we're drenched. I turn on the heater, we undress and dry off with a towel, but it's still pouring down outside so I open up the windows and the balcony door so we can listen to the rain while we "warm up" together ;)
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#^ me reading this ask and imagining it 🥺#have I told you guys how badly I want to go on a date#like if someone doesn’t take me out on a cute date soon I’m going to fade away#getting all dressed up and doing all the cute things on a date#i especially love the part where you’ll take out all the bits that I don’t like#cause that’s so accurate 😂#usually I have to order something super simple cause I’m so pickyyyyu#I’ve never had a drink at a restaurant before!#ngl I haven’t been out much since I turned 21…. 3 years ago fuck ridiculous#but I’ve always wanted to get a few drinks at a restaurant or bar#sooo you’re going to have to order something for me 🥰 something strong and fruity please 😇#and then maybe I’ll be just a little tipsy so I have to hold on to your arm the entire time#AND omg if it started raining??????#i LOVE the rain#sorry you might have to deal with me being a kid and jumping in all the puddles#and dancing and singing in the rain 🥰#maybe you’ll join me 👉👈#and then when we get home I want to be kissing while you fumble with the keys#once we get inside I want you to help me undress#slowly taking each layer off#and once you completely strip me I want you to worship me and tell me how beautiful I am 🥰🥰🥰#and then while I lay in bed or on the couch you can open all the windows and the balcony door so we can listen to the rain while we cuddle#idk about you but I’m so bad at cuddling….. I try to cuddle but then a few minutes later your cock is in my mouth or I’m on top of you#🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈#anywayyyy#this is really fucking CUTE#and I want this SO BADLY#like right the fuck now 😤😤😤😤#ask#cute asks
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