#next time: free therapy at @larrieconfessions
zourried · 2 years
I have come here to vent and it’s not your fault. Why any person from a small blog says their opinion, people here don’t listen but when is it a big blog, they do? Even if it’s the same thing. I saw the Harry being in Lima talk before in a small blog but people didn’t pay attention because it was a small, but they’re rbing now because you’re big. The same thing happens with opinions or narratives; a small blog says it in their blogs or in an ask, and it’s irrelevant but a big blog says it and “wow this is a revelation we didn’t think about this before” even if that big blog has copied what a small blog has said (I’ve seen it). How many followers do you need to have to be listened by your mutuals or friends?
Uhm, okay let me honest here. I did talk about it when it happened (in tags), some other big blogs made some jokes about hl in Perú, I just never made a post about it. I got that anon and I decided to come out of denial and address it.
People on twitter talked about it a lot! With hundreds and thousands of interactions. That doesn’t happen all the time here. You can work on something for hours, post it and it will flop and you can post the most stupid joke ever and it will get hundreds of notes. It’s partly the reason we love tumblr! Its algorithm sucks. That’s why we don’t even know how many followers others have!
So maybe, talk to people? Talk in the tags a lot. That gives the blog you reblog from the opportunity to get inside your brain. And just enjoy your time. This is literally tumblr.com, you have a blog dedicated to two white rich men who don’t know about you but that you support and love with your entire heart. We’re all here for the same reason. Get out of your head for a bit. It shouldn’t matter how big some blog is.
But if you see a good post that is underrated again, send it to me on anon.
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