#never not thinking about that quote........ its the description for my percabeth playlist.
tamaharu · 9 months
oh please share your thoughts on titans curse percabeth.... we'd love to hear them
okay one thing about the titans curse is that it is the thematic turning point of the entire series. prior to the titans curse, pjo treated its topics seriously, but tlt and som both have a.. lightness to them. more comedic. just dipping our toes in. no one dies.
but ttc is remarkably different from the previous two. darker. set in winter to function as a true middle-point. characters begin to die. percy declares himself the child of the prophecy. this is when things begin to actually happen.
and one of the things that start happening is: annabeth and percys relationship starts tipping into one more overtly romantic.
while i enjoy established relationships, in stories, i really enjoy that bit beforehand. the implication it brings. annabeth is gone for the majority of the titans curse, but the whole book is defined by percys love for her, both platonically and in a way that even he only begins to realize is romantic. the new seriousness of the book also leads to moments that are more charged.
i love botl/tlo percabeth and their messy love triangle yuri and broiling hate and loyalty they think cant be acted on because someones going to end up dead, and i love they do get together! i had their underwater kiss as my phone background for like a year!
but their relationship in the titans curse - especially after they meet again, having both held up the world - just has such a new, melancholy feel to it. one of my favorite pjo quotes comes from the titans curse, and it really encapsulates why i like their dynamic in it so much better than i did here:
"So I took her hand, and I don't know what everybody else heard, but to me it sounded like a slow dance: a little sad but maybe a little hopeful, too."
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