#never ever let me use mods for a Survivor video ever again
animatedjen · 3 months
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hey Jen how's Traitor Inquisito— I'm making my own cutscenes help
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jimmygibbsjrrr · 3 years
What are your favorite voice lines for each survivor and why? (for example, I die when Nick says "you are the first three people in the world I have ever trusted")
I think I have one for everyone (or at least, one picked outta a few favourites) but I really struggled for a coupla them lol
I know and love a lot of these lines because I play on a lovely modded server where a lot of people use voice mods, and I've heard a lot of these lines from the players there, so if they seem random or you've never heard them before that's why! a lot of em are one-off saferoom lines, or dialogue dependent on doing something specific with a certain character. that's also why I seem to gravitate towards the funny one-liners, but there's some more serious/story-related ones here too
also this post ended up being so fucking long! sorry about that! I put a cut in the middle so it's easier to scroll past
Louis: "But you know, as long as I have a Molotov I can make a firewall! Get it Francis? A firewall?"
Louis is my favourite and he's got so many banging lines so you'd think this one would be hard for me to choose, but I had to go with this one! the line's originally from The Sacrifice but it's a favourite for Louis players with voice mods. thanks to that, I've got a lotta good memories associated with it from that modded server I talked about. first time I heard it I genuinely laughed because the punchline being that funny caught me off guard. the joke is adorable, very fitting for his character, and the reactions are priceless:
Zoey: "Oh, boooo." Francis: "You're such a nerd."
honourable mention to any conversation about Bill being old because that shit's funny every time
Francis: "Groovy." Louis/Zoey: [Short laugh] Francis: "What's so funny? It is groovy."
Francis: "Groovy." Zoey: "[Imitating] Groovy." Francis: "A-FRICKIN'-men."
honestly could have picked any line for Francis because he's so funny but this one is the one that makes me laugh most consistently. that's. that's it really. I just think it's funny. he says this when he picks up an auto shotgun
honourable mention to when he thinks Riverside is in Canada, and any line where he calls Louis 'Louie' because I'm a Frouis shipper and I read into that as a cute endearing nickname :)
Zoey: "Sorry. I can't lower the bridge." Nick: "That's terrific, cupcake. Look, is there a man up there we can talk to?" Zoey: "Oh, boo-hoo, I don't know what to do. Go to hell, Colonel Sanders!"
most of Zoey's funny lines are parts of other running jokes, references that I don't get or very tied to the context of the campaign, so it was actually kinda hard to pick one. I love all of her lines as well which didn't make it easier. but this one has stuck out to me since I first played The Passing because it's brilliant. Nick deserves every scathing insult he gets in that campaign <3
honourable mention to basically all her other lines. especially the ones in The Sacrifice because they cut DEEP her voice actress really went for it christ it hurts
DIShonourable mention to her death scream it's so goddamn LONG and the many hours I've sunk into Tank Challenge have left me hating it with a passion, stop screaming at me I'm doing my best
Zoey: "You think one day it's all just gonna go back to normal?" Bill: "I'll see peace back on earth if I gotta murder every one of these bastards with my bare goddamn hands."
I think this line is just a great example of Bill's character really, and actually prompts an interesting train of thought as to how his hopes for the future shifted from No Mercy to The Sacrifice; originally, they seemed much more aligned with Zoey's, possibly part of the reason she felt so betrayed later. also it just sounds cool. it's from the hospital elevator in No Mercy.
honourable mention to this cut line of Bill pickin up an incapped survivor because I think it's really sweet:
Bill: "Bein' brave doesn't mean you're not scared. It means you're scared as hell, and then you pick up the shotgun anyway."
Left 4 Dead 2 survivors under the cut:
Ellis: "If the laws of nature would allow it, I would bear that man's children."
it really couldn't be anything else. I mean, it could, because everything that comes outta this guy's mouth is funny, but I cannot believe this line is real. I love it. as y'all probably know this one's from Dead Center.
honourable mention to every Keith story, and all of his 'Taunt' and 'Argh' lines from the voicewheel. seriously my favourite part of this character is his lines we could be here all day.
Nick: "I am breathing shit air into my lungs. It is being absorbed into my bloodstream. I am literally full of shit."
does this make me immature? perhaps. again, I really struggled to pick for Nick, but like many others on the list my reasoning is just that I find this one funny. he sounds so disgusted.
honourable mention to all of his whining about his suit, mostly because the others' responses are golden. and obviously his swearing. because again, I'm immature.
Rochelle: "Axe me a question, I dare you."
I have such a weakness for bad jokes. first Louis's firewall joke, now this. it's just the way she says it I think. wow my sense of humour is fucked. this one's a possible voice line for when Rochelle picks up a fire axe
honourable mention to all of the funny things she says when she's on low HP, and "Dibbs on Gibbs!" when she sees an infected Jimmy Gibbs Jr.
Coach: "I find a Burger Tank in this place? I'm-a be a one-man cheeseburger apocalypse." Ellis: "Well, Coach? I aim to let you."
I hear this line every time I play Dark Carnival - which, considering how much the playerbase loves Dark Carnival, is a lot - and it just makes me smile, especially since they re-added the previously cut line from Ellis in The Last Stand update. also, it reminds me of my first introduction to the L4D2 characters, "Steamed Hams but it's Coach and Nick", which is a masterpiece of video.
honourable mention to his opening line from the trailer, which sets the tone and introduces the character brilliantly, and would have been a great first introduction if my real first introduction hadn't been a Steamed Hams meme.
this post took a surprising amount of time and effort. holy shit. you're welcome ig lmao
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transmxnfenris · 5 years
My Discourse Thoughts
I know I speak out against antis a lot but I just wanted to specify I’m not an anti-anti either. I just think antis cause more harm than anti-antis but tbh this is my Middle Ground opinion. I don’t like either groups. I think this discourse is not as black and white as people make out. Before you start, I am saying this as an incest, rape, child porn, and abuse survivor. So. Yeah, my feelings aren’t about something I’m not aware of. It’ll be kinda focused on written stuff, because I’m a writer, but I try to be inclusive. I’m mostly writing this so I never have to say my opinion again and can just link it here.
Yes fiction can affect reality, of course it does. See the Jaws affect and discussions about representation of marginalised groups for evidence. So, artists do have to be careful and try to do better in terms of bigoted stereotypes and stuff like that. But. But. This is kind of like the “murder played violent video games and became a murderer” thing. Violent video games would only cause someone to become a murder if that desire is already in place (this is what the trauma control model says. - info on that from adopduction.) Abusive relationships only normalise abuse if they portray the abuse as normal. So like, 50 Shades of Grey - that portrays abuse as romantic and fun. That’s normalising abuse. Running with Scissors is a book that very much shows the abuse as clearly really bad. It doesn’t explicitly say it, but it assumes the reader knows that these abusive acts are horrible and wrong. Which is a fair assumption. I don’t think people should create things that suggests bad things (abuse, rape, etc) are fine and even normal, I don’t think that means we shouldn’t have art about these topics, we absolutely should. For one thing, it’s therapeutic for a lot of people to get the dark things out of there head and into the art their creating / consuming, for another - spreading awareness isn’t normalising. Books talking about things that really happen is showing you that people are capable of awful things. Their reaching out to survivors and validating them, and sometimes their helping everyone see the signs. Books like Haunted show that anyone can be an abuser, and that’s important. If we think of the perpetrators as monsters, then it makes it difficult to believe someone we know is an abuser or rapist - that’s how we get the “but he seems like such a nice guy!” Defence.
So in terms of subjects discussing dark topics - I think people should absolutely be able to. I think people should stick to things they have experience with (eg Chuck Palahniuk got the idea to write fight club because he got beaten up on a camping trip by homophobes and when he went to work the next day people said nothing even though he was visible beaten up) but I’m not gonna police people - so long as they do their research and are being respectful it’s fine (besides, saying only survivors can do it says people have to open up about their trauma even if their not ready and that’s not cool.) I think as long as people aren’t normalising these topics it’s fine but by normalise I mean 50 Shades of Grey style stuff. Writing about them isn’t inherently normalising them. A general rule I use to see if someone’s normalising something is is it tagged or classified as abuse? Or does it explicitly say abuse? If so, it’s not. 50 Shades of Grey doesn’t ever say it deals with non-consensual BDSM, stalking, and abuse because those are awful things as everyone knows. So, if an Ao3 fic is tagged ‘abuse’, ‘pedophilia’, or ‘rape’... it’s probably not normalising it. It’s classifying it as a bad thing. I think a fic is normalising pedophilia when it’s got a seventeen year old with a thirty year old and saying it’s fine because it’s legal in the U.K. thus they don’t tag it. Like, that’s a creepy age gap your normalising. It may not technically be pedophilia, but your pulling a Call Me By Your Name, it’s kinda normalising grown adults grooming kids. However, if a ship is about the same thing but the adult is the villain, the creep, the ‘everything is done to show their a bad guy’... That’s not normalising anything. I write about incest, because I’m an incest survivor, so I have some incest ships - none are healthy. I could go on, but seriously. So long as they’re not showing how incestuous relationships are healthy and fine, who cares?
In terms of ships... Oh boy, this is a tough one. I live by Don’t Like Don’t Read and Live and Let Ship. I think shipping adult characters regardless of whether people think it’s bad or abusive is fine. It doesn’t mean I like all ships. For example, I do not like the ship Reylo, but I have friends who ship it. I have it on my blacklist. I don’t care that they ship it. It doesn’t remotely affect me. I only really see it when people are complaining about it. I think in this case it’s also important to note shipping and fanfiction aren’t mainstream, your fanfic on Ao3 won’t have much of an effect to any mainstream audience. If you identify as a woman and love m/m fics? I don’t care. I’ve seen amazing fics and art by women of m/m ships. Hell, the community is what helped me realise I’m an mlm trans man. Do I get a bit skeeved when homophobia and fetishisation happens? And transphobia and intersexism? And racism? And ableism? And bigotry in general? Yeah. But why don’t we just, approach them in a civil manner because it may be by accident. A lot of people like that apologise then improve if you’re nice about it. Do I like women getting off on mlm? Erm, I don’t care. So long as their not homophobic and weird about it. Final note: shipping doesn’t always mean “I love, approve of, and want this ship to be canon.”
That being said... NSFW art between kids if you’re an adult is weird. I do actually have ships with under 18 characters, and I don’t care if anyone else does. Ships aren’t inherently sexual. But I’ve never written porn or anything sexual for them. Because the thought makes me feel sick. If you’re a 15 year old writing about two 15 year olds that’s totally different and of course you will, but I would strongly suggest fans like that be careful because weirdos might get ahold of it. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people creating art with underage characters in these situations if they are in them, but be careful. I’m going to specify at this point I mean smut and porn. Stuff written for actual sexual purposes. Not all art involving sex is like this, I’m ace as hell, and I’ve... Never really written sex for that purpose. I explore power dynamics because it’s interesting, and dark topics because it’s therapeutic. I don’t ever write actual sexual (abusive or otherwise) scenes with anyone underage because it skeeves me. I just imply it. So I think underage ships are a grey area... but porn involving kids and teens is really weird. And hand drawn porn of kids is illegal in the U.K. even if it isn’t in the US so don’t rely on that if you do draw it. I’m gonna specify though, I mean kids who are like, actually under age definitely children, not ageless figures in an anime who’s age you only know if you research the background bit they all seem like adults. This isn’t about porn with the guys from Voltron, it’s about porn with like, Dipper and Mabel. Another shipping trend that skeeves me is real life people shipping. It just crosses a consent line for me, I particularly started to dislike it when my abusive ex’s friend wrote a fanfic of my ex-girlfriend with another person. It fucking sucked. Now, if someone explicitly says “write about me in weird sexy ways if you want” fine, but like... Otherwise it’s fucking creepy.
To expand on that, I really don’t think “do what you want” is a good rule. For example, erasing representation is a shitty thing to do. Dorian Pavus of Dragon Age fame, has an entire backstory dedicated to being a magical conversion therapy survivor... so let’s not make a “bi Dorian Mod”. I don’t like that. And as I said, I don’t like child nsfw stuff, and lolicon, and babyfurs, and whatever else. It’s creepy. Basically my opinion is “do what you want, just don’t be bigoted or a fucking creep.” And... maybe don’t invest your time into being angry about it. It’s not healthy. If you see something bigoted or creepy, report it, block the person, and move on. If you see something you personally don’t like, but isn’t bigoted and isn’t harming anyone (like, whether you think Reylo or Kylux are abusive or not... it’s not mainstream, it’s not harming anyone really) maybe you should just. Leave it alone. Block the tag, and move on. This whole, deciding what harmless ships are bad and good and causing witch hunts is fucking conservative, cultist bullshit.
Don’t like, don’t read and ship and let ship are good rules. Within reason.
Let people create art and write about whatever they want. You don’t know their life, you don’t know who benefits from it, and art deserves freedom. Within reason.
But. We shouldn’t let bigotry and weird creepy stuff get a free pass though. But sometimes people don’t mean to be bigoted so try being nice and explaining stuff before abusing.
But also... witch hunts are like, bad?
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turianghoultrashh · 6 years
Deacon Theory / What Ever Happened to “Luis Rosa”?
This is a SUPER long post but I hope you find the information interesting!
I originally made this post a year or so ago but I took it down when I was going through a bad time. It may read a bit weird as the post was updated many times before being taken down...So I hope its not too all over the place :’)
Please read through it in mind that - This is just a bit of fun and not what I actually believe despite how interesting it got for me. Thank you.
Thoughts and additions are welcome!! <3
I decided that I was going to use this play through to HUNT...yes HUNT Deacon down and try and find SOMETHING to do with where he came from..who he is..why the FUCK is he so interested in Sole and why does he follow us all throughout the story (all the disguises like in Goodneighbor, Diamond City)...etc!
I’m just going to dive right in. This is gonna be mega long guys...I’ve been trying my hardest to debunk myself as a little project...so I hope its worth it at the end :)
So as I mentioned in a previous post...I found some spots (here) where Deacon was clearly watching over Sole. If you then go on to read the Railroad Terminal Entries from the previous Leaders’ journals. (from the start with Wyatt till the end of the most recent one with Des for info on Deacon)...you see that Deacon clearly knew about Sole getting out of the Vault and had been keeping an eye out..missing from the Railroad for almost a year while he waited. (Not to mention he’s been in the Railroad since their earliest accounts...but that’s another issue in itself xD)
Along with that...From the start of the game, I have had this NAGGING idea that Deacon is from before the War...just certain things I’ve mentioned in previous posts and the fact that he just trusts Sole completely from the start with seemingly no reason to...It’s always bothered me...So I thought...well what if he was one of the people from Sanctuary who didn’t make it into the Vault? (yeah I know it sounds bullshit and stupid but PLEASE bear with me! I am going somewhere with this!) So I made a hard save before answering the door to Vault-Tec Rep dude...and started exploring everything of the beginning in Sanctuary before the bomb fell with Sole (by using console commands to go places with the camera) and also the day after we get out of the Vault before progressing the story...I just wanted to find SOMETHING that could be seen as out of the ordinary and linked to Deacon.
Right, okay. awesome :D! So that was pretty much my frame of mind when I started the hunt and now I can go into what I actually found :D! (also sorry if I keep repeating myself guys..Like I said i’ll be going through my thought process as I was finding this stuff and trying to debunk myself :))
The most obvious place to start looking? The only two places that look like they’ve been lived in/set up for someone to live in (with work benches, radio on, light, electricity...etc) since the war and up until recently....
The Yellow house opposite Sole’s house and Red Rocket...oddly enough the two spots that are in perfect view from the observation points that I mentioned previously. When I got to Red Rocket I noticed something odd on a terminal entry that got my attention..
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So who was this Rosa family? The mother is mentioned in the Chem Dealer’s Terminal in Sanctuary too. (I don’t believe anything put in a game is coincidence at all..it was put there for a reason by the creators.)
So I decided to go and have a look at the beginning of the game and the day we wake up from the Vault...mainly the differences..and I came across something SUPER weird...
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We found the “Rosa House”....I never noticed this before...Who ever set up the Yellow house knew the Rosa’s lived there..Why did they put this in? The couple outside the house are not Ms.Rosa and her son (I’ll prove this more later..stay with me :P)
(This was originally an update to the post I deleted...But I’ll keep it here) 
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This could still tie in quite well... The terminal inside is one that lets us first know about Ms Rosa before getting to Red Rocket!
HIDDEN MAILBOX WITH SAME HANDWRITING - ‘Russell’ - Thank you so much to @bugsieplusone for using a scrapping mod and discovering this! See post and screenshot here As for what I’ve found out about this....here’s the Wiki page on Mr Russel.
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So I decide to go back to the beginning of the game and find him :D
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As stated...I still think that the Mailbox was done by the same person due to the handwriting/engraving being the exact same font and style... my money is still on Luis/Deacon... I’m not sure what the reason for it is...but this is what I’ve found :D It’s interesting because the Chem Dealer’s terminal seems to be the “starting point” as it directs you to both of these locations..Maybe the whole point of the Mailbox is to tell us where the Safe is?...but the then the Rosa Mailbox is to guide us to something bigger? Feel free to share thoughts guys :D
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So right okay. we have this family.. A mother and a son who are CLEARLY significant enough to put all these little clues in for >< I thought I’d see if I could find them at the beginning of the game. I then went on to notice something strange when the bombs go off and before entering the Vault. There is ONE child, other than baby Shaun, at the start of the game in Sanctuary...I quadruple checked and there is just one young boy around at the time. Maybe this could be Ms. Rosa’s son?
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I originally thought this little boy was the ‘Rosa Son’ mentioned in the Terminals..but I’m not too sure now...I think he may have been home..or even at Red Rocket when the bombs fell...or maybe the kid is him...I’m not sure...(it doesn't matter too much if the boy is him...it just strengthens my theory if it is :P...the rest of the points are still valid though :D)
As I mentioned in the last part...I wasn’t even sure the little boy was Luis Rosa when I wrote this theory...it was just a possibility to me...so I didn’t pay much attention to him outside of looking at him and making observations based purely on what I could see in first person.
As you can see from the picture @solas-you-nerd sent me...The boy has brown hair not red like Deacon...but can we explain this and still have the theory hold up?
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While it is clear his hair is brown...His hair is Chestnut brown hair, while it is a darkish brown is also red...just a darker red. So it got me thinking about how Deacon is bald...not shaven...Bald... It more than likely is just be for practicality due to his constant disguise changing..but maybe that’s not all it is.. It made me think about the effects of Radiation exposure (for example Chemotherapy patients) and how they lose their hair...along with looking at high radiation exposure to cause hair loss/change .. Obviously there’s the trait of going bald...but what about when the hair starts to grow back? A few places state that the hair-loss can be permanent especially at higher levels of external radiation..I never hear Deacon mention shaving his head or anything..so maybe his hair loss on his scalp was permanent? As for the ginger eyebrows...well the radiation could help explain that one too “ When regrowth occurs, there may be changes in texture and color. It is common for hair to grow back curlier than it was; however, a change of color is less common.” LESS COMMON...not impossible...who is to say that the high exposure of radiation didn’t change his hair from a reddish brown to a lighter (as hair changes in the sun) Auburn/orange? (THESE ARE JUST THOUGHTS GUYS! as a possible way to explain how he could still be Deacon) Another easy explanation is that the boy bleaches his eyebrows okay xD But nah seriously...in the Fallout Universe, there are MANY ways he can go from reddish brown hair - auburn/ginger, especially with eyebrows
One problem I had in my first post was that I claimed the boys eyes were blue based on a screenshot and going in to Photoshop to check (I had no idea how to check this information when I first made the post). Turns out the boys eyes were Brown...
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Now this is problematic but it doesn’t necessarily have to be. We actually have the technology in development to be able to permanently change our eye colour from BROWN to BLUE in OUR Universe: It’s still in the trial stages but has been successful. Now we all know in the Fallout Universe..it is 2077...61 years ahead of where we are now (and a different universe)...there are drugs that can heal limbs and make you super human...hell..Deacon even has even changed into a girl, a ghoul and who knows what else...not to mention all the other INSANELY advanced technology that the universe has...if we have the technology to change eye colour then surely they would too?
(This is just a way that the hair and eyes COULD be explained logically and with (my terrible attempt at) science guys...I don’t think the Game makers ACTUALLY put this much effort in lmao xD)
In regards to the terminal entry for the Rosa House mentioned previously...the video is here:
https://youtu.be/b99WIrIpLpY?t=2m32s (Rosa Terminal)
Now isn’t that strange? The ONLY other house in Sanctuary with Cut terminal content is...dum dum dum...THE ROSA HOUSE! (again confirming this is the yellow house across the street)
Now why would they put all this content in, along with the content about this family at Red Rocket for no reason? We know this family did not enter Vault 111 with Sole (just looking at the pods and terminals prove that). So what happened to this family? I decided to have a look online to see if anyone else had any encounters with them and I came across the wiki page...and to be honest...it kind of made my whole “Luis Rosa survived the bombs theory and became Deacon” fall flat :\ it states that:
“Before the war, Ms. Rosa was presumably one of the neighbours of the Sole Survivor who didn't make it to safety. She can be found 210 years later roaming the Commonwealth and Boston, with her son and a few other unlucky pre-War citizens turned ghoul.”
But the part about her young son being turned and can be found in the Commonwealth is totally FALSE and I can prove it!! I dug deeper...checked videos and forums for encounters with these feral ghoul neighbors and not ONCE is there a “Ms.Rosa’s son”
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Some of the forums I looked at are here, here, and here.(last one includes video too)
But see? No ‘Ms. Rosa’s son’ in any of the footage above. Not to mention we NEVER see a feral ghoul child except for Billy. “Billy is currently the only and first ghoul child to appear in any of the Fallout games.”
The wiki says that and therefore contradicts itself by saying that Luis Rosa is one of the Feral Ghouls. The terminal entries of him and his mother prove that he is still a young boy.
SO MY THEORY WAS REBORN The mother (Ms. Rosa) died but the son (Luis Rosa) didn’t!! and he was the only one I needed to be alive for this theory to keep making sense...from my thinking...he was clearly the one who went back and wrote the family name on the mailbox outside his house. Why is there mention of this child and yet nothing afterwards except little hints at him being alive? I needed something linking this kid to 2287 and also Deacon. I carried on looking for evidence the day Sole gets out of the vault.
***PLEASE READ THIS ONE*** After not really finding much, I eventually spoke to Codsworth to advance the story...and I came across a piece of dialogue from him that I remembered REALLY bothered me on my first play through
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 Sole is clearly asking Codsworth about seeing someone AFTER they went into the Vault (As you can see by the dialogue). Codsworth clearly knows that 200 years have passed. He even mentions it a few seconds later. So why would he say this about the Rosa son in Particular? He doesn't mention ANY other neighbors that WERE around the day the bombs fell? Because just like Sole asked...He’s telling us about what he saw AFTER the bombs fell and everyone vanished. 
 Sole goes into the Vault and wakes up just over a week before Halloween...The day the bombs fell, we see everyone on the street and inside the vault. NO ONE. Not even the one child we see (above) is wearing a Halloween costume. So isn’t that a strange comment for Codsworth to make when asked if he saw anyone around since they left??
 Who does like to dress up in ‘Costumes’ that we know of? Deacon. The same Deacon who had been watching The Vault for the last year from his lookout. He would need somewhere to survive other than a tiny outpost while he waited..maybe he also spent that year remembering his past from before the war... rebuilding his family home and Red Rocket? “Chasing Ghosts” as Des put it in her terminal entry.
 Ms. Rosa’s Son is the only person Codsworth has seen poking around that he can identify...THIS IS PUT IN FOR A REASON. If it was nothing then why was there no mention of anyone else and why can we find no definitive proof that Ms. Rosa’s son died...but we find proof that his mother and all the other named neighbors did die?
Codsworth talks throughout the rest of the conversation as if 200 years passing is like a week passing..no big deal...So for him to say that about Ms. Rosa’s son so casually would be completely normal to him. Just like he doesn’t seem surprised when he sees Sole after such a long time. It just seems like something so strange to put in when we have a Companion who loves costumes and to dress up...is out of time in the commonwealth just like Sole with the things he says...Is totally mysterious...who knew about us coming out of the Vault and has been watching and waiting for us to arrive at least a year before we did near the same place that Ms. Rosa’s son loved and was his home...Sanctuary and Red Rocket. If Codsworth saw him with a new face or in a new disguise then he would obviously assume that he was just playing with his Halloween Costume and think nothing of it. (I hope that made sense??)
 As for why Codsworth doesn’t say anything when we later bring Deacon to him?...there could be MANY explanations for that and I bet Deacon thought about it and planned for when it happened...I think Sole came out of the Vault before Deacon expected it, hence why he has to flee his spots like the house and Red Rocket so quickly and that’s why they look so “lived in”...Sole goes to speak to Codsworth who tells them about Ms. Rosa’s son before Deacon could put his prevention/security in place...and then when Sole leaves to continue their story or hell even when they’re asleep or something...Deacon comes back and maybe alters Codsworth’s memories/identity tools? (I imagine he didn't want to do it before because he likes that the robot remembered him and his old life and family)
 It reinforces what was said in the cut terminal content...that Ms.Rosa was away the day the bombs fell and left her son behind...unsupervised....why is this important? I decided to look around pre-war Sanctuary before answering the door to Vault-Tec Rep...pretty much as soon as you finish designing Sole...And look what I see...
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So the Rosa’s were also on the List to get into Vault 111...but Ms. Rosa was not home to sign up to it and therefore her and her son got left behind. He stays at the house for A LONG time before giving up and coming over to Sole’s. (Check it out yourselves if you start a new game!!)
So yeah...My theory in a nutshell is that all this evidence is not just a coincidence. I think it was put in for a reason and I cant help but feel it is all a connection to Deacon..It explains why he trusts Sole, he knew them...how he knew about the Vault and what was inside...Why the House was set up for Sole along with Red Rocket with everything needed to survive...Why Codsworth makes that Comment...why the mailbox has the name engraved on it...Why we never find out what happened to the boy...where Deacon was for a year...it all adds up...
I don’t know how he survived so long...I have a few theories that could hold up but they need more research...I’m leaning towards the Institute and it all leads to him being so on the run...We know they have the technology..just look at what they did to Kellogg to prolong his life. Or hell even the Cabot family...Living over 200 years is not impossible in this world..We’ve met an entire family who have been alive for double that time...and Kellogg was 108 with halted aging who looked no older than 40 due to cybernetics...if anyone could live for that long it would be Deacon.
As to how he survived the initial blast? My main theory comes from what the games say about what happened to humans/survivors after the war (give it a read its interesting xD). along with the Origins of the institute...in particular this: “During the Great War, a number of CIT personnel survived by taking refuge in the underground level of the campus“ Well look what just happens to be under Red Rocket...
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Perfect Natural Bomb Shelter a stones throw away from Sanctuary AND where Luis used to hang out to repair the Corvega with his Mother..when the bombs went off he could have ran down there..There’s no radiation there except for ONE small area of the Cave even now...If you listen to what the Wiki says about Humans who didn't make it into the Vault...how did they survive? They sought refuge UNDERGROUND
Or...Another potential location... the Secret Bunker behind one of the Houses in Sanctuary. 100%  suitable and safer for Luis to survive the initial blast and radiation. Also it has things like Rad X and Stimpaks along with a huge amount of food and gold etc...he would have had the perfect supplies to wait out and start in the new world.
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I wanted more evidence of Luis and Deacon’s connection...
I haven’t found much but I have found some more weird stuff that COULD help explain where he went at some point in his life.. To get from “Luis Rosa the little boy” to “Deacon the Railroad Agent” (I cannot stress how much this is just observations and thoughts..not what I think has actually happened!) Right...Lets start! I’m not even entirely sure what my theory or explanation is for this...It’s definitely more observations that I’ve noticed while in the mind frame of “Could this mean something to my theory?” But here’s what I’ve found and my thoughts :D
Ms. Rosa was seemingly away from home...Where did she go? Surely after everything had calmed down/He was out of danger...surely he’d want to learn the fate of his Mother? The closest person to him and his only family. This terminal entry from Cut Content tells us where she went:
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So what is the closest garage that is pretty much ‘East of Quincy’? The Atom Cats Garage..
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As you can see...The Garage is also only a stones throw away from “University Point”....The same place Deacon tells you he spent his youth in his final affinity talk....Just a coincidence?
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Now many of you have mentioned the Atom Cats and their connection to Deacon and the Railroad...the most obvious one slaps you in the face the Second you arrive at the Atom Cat’s Garage...The Railroad “Ally” Sign.
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I just find it a little strange how the two places that are confirmed places that Luis Rosa would have been associated with...are also the two places that give us a STRONG link to Deacon and the Railroad. As I’ve said previously...I don’t believe anything in a game is coincidence...not when you can piece things together anyway...
The other connection is just the way that Deacon seems to resonate with the Cats...I mean one look at him and Zeke together and they could be mistaken for brothers when Deacon is in his wig and white shirt attire....if they’re allies of the Railroad maybe Deacon helped inspire their style? Just look at Zeke’s Safe...the contents are totally Deacon inspired...even down to the stealth boy, sunglasses and comics.
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It states on the wiki that: “The Atom Cats' outfit can be purchased from a merchant far South of Drumlin Diner even before any interaction with the group. My thoughts on this is that it was Deacon disposing of his attire on his way back to Sanctuary....I have a small thought about Deacon being the Deceased Atom Cat “Aimin Andy” but it’s not a strong one.
I also find it strange how Deacon doesn’t wear his greaser style clothes and pompadour wig when visiting the Atom Cats (for me he was bald and looked like a settler)...like he doesn’t want to be recognized..even though he tries to blend in everywhere else with what the people around are wearing. (like the Vault suits when going to Vault 81...the drifer outfit in Goodneighbor...the Caravan worker disguise in bunker hill etc...) So that is the main Connection between Deacon, Luis Rosa and the Atom Cats... Maybe after what happened with Barbara and UPD...he went to the Garage to find any trace of his Mother’s last days..or what happened to her...and he came across the Cats..(That’s just ONE of my thoughts on this)
Something else bothered me that goes back to the old Leaders journals of the Railroad and the mention of “John D”
“After the HQ massacre, most people simply left the Railroad. Only one person survived HQ, a runner named John D”
“John D has been finding tourists at a pretty good clip. But he keeps their identities to himself. Operational security he calls it. It makes me grind my teeth, but he's probably right...
“John developed a dead drop system we've been using.”
“PAM's been trying to find the location of the Institute in earnest. Failing. Deacon's convinced the solution lies in the past, not future. Deacon already knows the big secret - we know nothing about the Railroad before Wyatt was in charge (or is Deacon Johnny D???)”
At first I thought that this “John D” was Deacon using an alias that meant something like “John Doe” before he decided to become Deacon (Which I choose to believe is a play on the words “Decoy” and “Con-Artist” xD) but after reaching the Atom Cats Garage...I’m not so sure..
Deacon even makes a claim in his second affinity talk of starting the Railroad 60-70 years ago with Watts (further proof he was in the Capital if he’s referring to Victoria Watts...though the “60-70 years ago” would be the “lie” of that story for him given the time of Fallout 3) and Johnny D...
We get to the Atom Cats and we have a character called...
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Now I don’t know if this means anything...the Wiki seems to hold some answers..Including stating that he is NOT a synth (as when you kill him he has no components) But given the “Ally” Symbol with outside the Garage...along with the several DIRECT mentions of “John/Johnny D” from both the official Railroad Records and from Deacon himself (there’s a little bit of truth in every lie)....I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this guy is here...
I have a few thoughts on why this is here…it could just purely be an overlook by the developers...but I’m not too sure.. **The Atom Cats all have Nicknames in the style of old Greaser names...Blue-Jay...Rowdy...Zeke...etc...maybe Johnny D’s name is inspired by the John D he knew when he joined the Railroad? Since we know the Cats are “Allies”? (I only had this thought because I believe that Deacon is John D from the Railroad based on one entry by Pinky and after reading the entries from Wyatt) **It could just be pure coincidence or there as a hint to the connection between Deacon and the Cats. Like I said I don’t know the purpose of this..but I still found it really strange and a bit TOO much of a coincidence...
Lastly...Here are some stuff that mean probably NOTHING..but I thought was interesting all the same.
Totally Grasping at straws...BUT its an observation/thought as opposed to part of the theory... In the cut terminal entry from Ms. Rosa...she mentions the issue of “Hot Rodder” and the fuel reactor article...What’s interesting is that the particular issue she mentions can be found just East of Sanctuary...in the Robotics Disposal Ground...
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While Issue 2 can be found Next to Zeke’s bed in his Trailer...
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I think personally that if the Developers had decided to keep the Terminal in...then we maybe the locations for these two issues would have been swapped? IDK but I found it an interesting observation so i thought I’d include it xD
Another small observation on the Atom Cat’s Garage...The Red Rocket Terminal about the Rosa’s mentions that they have a “Classic Corvega” that they were restoring. Now judging from previous Fallout games we know about the different models of the car...and the one that seems to fit the “Classic” description best would probably be the Original Model Corvega which you can see here. The Car that is stacked up in the middle of the Garage and looks like it was worked on before the bombs fell is one of these Classic Corvegas
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Could it be their Car? Who knows. Like I said this is just my thoughts and observations while in the mind frame of “Are there any connections?”
And you finally reached the end of my drabbles! Congratulations!! ^_^
I’d love to hear your thoughts! But all hate will be deleted. This was just a fun little project of mine and please...PLEASE don’t think I believe this is Canon..it’s just a bit of fun :D
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drv3-imaginesau · 7 years
Maybe the girls and guys as the mastermind and their s/o reacting to it?
That’s a lot of people. I’ve started with the girls, and I’ll do the guys later. I hope that’s fine for now. I tried to keep this as spoiler free as possible, so any deaths I talk about may or may not have actually happened in game.
-mod Shinguuji 
Kaede Akamatsu
“But Kaede, you always wanted us to escape right? You couldn’t possibly be-”“It’s true, I’m the mastermind. The talk of escape was to trick you, to make you trust me. And it worked didn’t it? Remember when Saihara accused me of being the murderer, but you all turned on him instead? You should have listened to him.”“You killed her? Why would you do that? Kaede you’re being forced to say this right? It’s not true.”“Why won’t you believe me? Why can’t I be the mastermind? Or do you hate the idea of falling for a killer, and that’s why you deny it. I’m a  shouldn’t pity me! I’m a horrible person! I was sick and tired of everything, so I dreamt up a killing game, where I led a group, only to stab them in the back. It was fun you know. The best part was meeting you.”You didn’t know what to do, you loved her, but she had done terrible things. “Come with me, and turn yourself into the police.” “No thanks. After all I’ve done it’d be better if I just died. I’m sure these monokubs can handle one more execution. Thank you S/O, but don’t feel too sad for me.” And with a smile, the metal collar fastened around her neck and pulled her away to her horrible death.
Miu Iruma
“Iruma, you’re the mastermind aren’t you?” You didn’t want to believe it was your girlfriend’s doing, but all the evidence was there.“"Bingo! I mean, who else could craft such fine robots? No one! So yes, I am the fucking mastermind. I thought you would’ve figured it out ages ago but whatever. I’ll try not to be too offended.”“Why?”“Because I could! I was bored, I had some killer robots I was itching to try out, and voila, we’re here. I guess this is game over for me then. I should turn myself into the police, or maybe just kill myself here. Is that what you wanted me to say? No way! I’m leaving here with my freedom intact.” As she spoke, the remaining survivors circled around Iruma to prevent her from leaving.“You’re not going anywhere.”“Are you underestimating me? I’ll have you know I placed a bomb inside Kiibo, so if you try anything, I’ll push the fucking button and send you all to hell! They moved away from her instantly. As she ran off she grabbed your arm and dragged you along. "We’re going to have so much fun together from now on.”
Tsumugi shirogane
“Why Tsumugi? Why?” You yelled at her. You couldn’t believe that your girlfriend, the SHSL cosplayer, was the one responsible for the deaths of your friends. “Have any of you heard of Danganronpa? I suppose not, or you would have mentioned it sooner.” She pulled out a wig as she said this, a blonde wig, with two side bunches. “That was the risk I took with this. If any of you had heard of it, it would all be over for me. Very well, I shall explain…” As she told you about danganronpa, you couldn’t believe it. I front of your eyes, she turned into the so-called shsl despair, Junko Enoshima.“I’d hoped a few more of you would die before I was revealed, but never mind. Now, as a true fan of Junko, I will execute myself and you will be able to leave this place.”That’s when you started to beg, pleading with her to not do this to herself. “What you did was wrong, but I don’t want you to die. Despite everything, I still love you.”But your words couldn’t reach her, and she died in the most gruesome way imaginable, all whilst wearing her cosplay, and a false smile.
Tenko Chabashira
“Tenko, it isn’t true right? You wouldn’t…” Words failed you, your girlfriend could only smile at you sadly.“I wanted them to die. Those male scum are the reason this world is a miserable place, and I wanted to kill them all. Haven’t you wondered why all of you survivors are female?” You did see what she meant, all 8 boys had died, the 4 that were victims, and the 4 that were executed, swearing their innocence until their final breath.“Were they really guilty? Or did you frame them, Tenko?” “Ah, you caught me. I tampered with the evidence to cast suspicion on them, but you were the ones who sent them to their deaths. You know, I’d planned to release all of you tomorrow, to make it look like the monokubs had suddenly shut down, but then you found me out. Ideally, this game would have been 15 males and me, but that would have looked suspicious, so I chose you instead.”“Tenko, I loved you but this isn’t right. You claim to be the strongest Neo Akido master, but I can only see you as weak, hiding behind your lies.”Tenko then reached into her pocket, and tossed a button to you. “This will open the gate, goodbye.” Then she ran off into a secret passageway, closing the door behind her.You never saw her again, but you often heard reports of men being brutally killed, and knew that she was still out there somewhere.
Tojo Kirumi
“Don’t get me wrong, I never wanted any part in this twisted game, but I was forced to.” She didn’t even deny that she was the mastermind. “My master ordered me to continue the killing games, even after her death, and I am bound by contract to comply.”You were shocked, your girlfriend was on the verge of tears. “Couldn’t you just disobey her? You could still leave her, and escape with us.”“No, the world is filled with horrors, and there are many who would kill me if the games ended. My master, Junko Enoshima, died in the very first killing game, and I’ve been left to hold 52 more without her. I was able to stand the pain out of loyalty to my master, but recently I’ve grown sick of it. I’ve wondered whether the games would end if I died, but I feel that she has more henchmen that would continue the job.”“Tojo, come with us, we can end the killings together, fight those filled with despair. I’m sure everyone agrees.” The survivors nodded in approval. “See! You should join us. I love you, and I don’t want to see you so sad.”“You don’t know what’s out there. But I will join you, even if it means my death. Let’s put an end to these killing games!”
Maki Harukawa
“Maki, it’s not true right?” Your girlfriend, who had been so quiet up until this point, turned to you and spoke.“I must tell you now, I’ve been lying this entire time. Maki Harukawa isn’t my real name, and I’m not the shsl childminder. I’m the daughter of the former shsl murdeous fiend, and I have continued her work. You heard stories of how the future foundation eradicated despair from this world, but it still remains within some people. Me included.” “So it was all a lie? Even our love?” The thought of her having tricked you all this time was horrible. “Yes it was. Think about it, how would I ever fall in love with someone like you? It was just convenient for me to have you around, so I didn’t object to it.” This was another lie. She had loved you, but she thought that this way you wouldn’t mourn too much. “Now just go, I’ve opened the gate.”“But Maki, I-”“Go now, before I change my mind.” The other survivors urged you to hurry, and so you did, pausing to take one last glance at her, wishing it hadn’t turned out this way. After you left, you discovered it had all been broadcast on television, and the final video was Maki’s execution
Himiko Yumeno
“Oh so you figured it out? Took you long enough, I was getting bored of you. Ah well, you figured it out, so why don’t we leave this place now S/O. Let’s leave the others behind to die.”“Himiko, why would you do this? How could you do this?” Your girlfriend’s suggestion was out of the question, betray your friends? Only a crazy person would do that.“Why? Because I was bored I guess. I have real magical abilities you know, but whenever I showed people they believed it was a trick or illusion. I found this series called Danganronpa, and I decided to create my own version of a killing game. It was fun, but it’s becoming predictable.”“But your magic isn’t real! You’re deluded!” “If it wasn’t real would I be able to do this?” She raised her hand, and as soon as she pointed at him, his head exploded. “I’m real annoyed now, so I’ll kill the lot of you, except S/O of course.” She raised, supposedly with magic, a boulder above her head, big enough to crush someone.“Himiko don’t! Please stop!” As she was distracted, she ran out of MP.When her body was crushed, her magic ended alongside it. The monokumas stopped working, and the cage was opened. You were free, but you mourned for Himiko, and your dead friends.
Angie Yonaga
“Nya ha ha! You caught me! Yes, I’m the mysterious mastermind behind all these killings.” As she spoke, she bounced over to Monokuma’s class trial seat and sat down on the throne. “Why would you do this Angie? People have died, I’m sure that’s against God’s wishes.” You were horrified that your wonderful girlfriend was the one who caused all this pain and misery,“Well, well, you’d think that, but you’d be wrong. In fact, my God was the one who told me to do all this. He said that filthy sinners like you must be punished. Even you S/O, I love you but my God said you must die, so I was planning to eventually kill you too.” “What are you going to do now? We found out who you were, even though there are still 6 of us alive, will you set us free since we solved the mystery?” You still remained hopeful of survival, and wanted to escape the school with your remaining friends.“Of course not! God said you must die, so you will die! The fact that you discovered my identity is only a minor setback. I could let the killing game continue, but as you know I want you all dead, I might as well just kill you now! It won’t be as fun, but it will fulfill God’s wishes, so I’ll be happy about it!”And then you were all executed as she watched, laughing and hugging the Monokuma.
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shirlleycoyle · 5 years
A Secret Server for the Dead MMO ‘City of Heroes’ Has Players in an Uproar
In 2012, Paragon Studios announced it was shutting down City of Heroes, a massively multiplayer online game where a community of players created their own superheroes, went on adventures together, and formed lasting friendships.
The news was crushing to the game’s devoted community because they could no longer play and hang out in the virtual space they loved, and today, years after the game’s shutdown, the community is in an uproar again. As Massivelyop first reported, a group of City of Heroes players called the Secret Cabal of Reverse Engineers (SCORE) had created their own, private server where they could continue to play the game for the last six years, but kept it relatively secret.
“I like the rest of you have been lied to,” Reddit user avoca wrote in a thread titled “BE ANGRY” on the City of Heroes subreddit. “I have been told City of Heroes has been shutdown. Today, I learn I have been mistaken. For all of these years, City of Heroes has lived on. In secret. For every passing day and every withdrawal symptom, a person is playing on this secret server, and they are gaining xp, leveling up, performing task forces and forming supergroups.”
In a lengthy statement to Massivelyop, Leandro Pardini of the SCORE emulator team explained that while many people in the community knew about the server and that a simple Google search would turn up forum posts about its development, the team tried to keep it a secret because it was worried about getting a cease and desist notice from City of Heroes publisher NCsoft. Pardini explained that the team already saw NCsoft take down a similar project in 2011: “Infinite Rasa,” which attempted to create a new server for the MMO Tabula Rasa, which shut down in 2009.
“When City of Heroes closed in November 2012, this was very fresh in my mind,” Pardini wrote. “Instead of trying to develop a server out in the open to suffer the same fate as Infinite Rasa, the efforts to revive City of Heroes focused on trying to acquire the IP from NCsoft through various means, with any server development being held in secret.”
News of the SCORE server broke in the community when one player with access to it, Destroyer Stroyer, discussed it on the game’s subreddit and in YouTube videos. Around the same time, an anonymous user also discussed the server in detail on a Facebook group of former players called CoH Survivors. According to Destroyer Stroyer, between 80 and 100 people were logged into the server at peak hours.
In this video, Destroyer Stroyer says that Pardini was not just part of the SCORE team, but also a moderator on the City of Heroes subreddit, which “silenced and banned” him for leaking the server over Thanksgiving 2018. The City of Heroes subreddit currently lists four moderators, none of which are obviously associated with Pardini, but an archived page of the subreddit shows that a Reddit user named LeandroCOH (Pardini’s first name) was a moderator as early as 2013. That Reddit user is now deleted. The r/CityofHeroes mod team did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
In the video, Destroyer Stroyer also said that he leaked the server because he saw how the SCORE team was manipulating the subreddit to hide the existence of the private server.
The Massivelyop story and Pardini’s own statement say that people involved with the project agreed to an “NDA” (a non-disclosure agreement, or legal contract between parties to keep certain information confidential) but Destroyer Stroyer told me in a Reddit private message that “there was no NDA, i never mentioned NDA.”
In the video, Destroyer Stroyer speculated that the SCORE team got the code to run the server from a disgruntled City of Heroes developer. This has led to a rumor in the community that the SCORE team has a database that dates back to the live game, which includes sensitive player information.
Pardini denies having this database:
“[A]t no point did I, or anyone else I know, receive a database containing player names, emails, birth dates, payment information, or any other personally identifiable information,” Pardini wrote. “Not only would this have been a massive breach of privacy, but that is not information that a game server would ever need to operate, and so it would have been completely pointless to share.”
Destroyer Stroyer shows the signup email to the SCORE server that tells players how to “character transfer,” meaning take a character that existed in the official, live version of the game, and move it over to the SCORE server. In another video, Destroyer Stroyer seemingly shows that he did manage to transfer his old character.
Impressively, Destroyer Stroyer claims that the SCORE server doesn’t just replicate the original game, but is also adding new content to it, including new abilities and and a new leveling cap.
I reached out to Pardini for comment, but did not hear back.
As things stand now, the City of Heroes community is raging on the game’s subreddit and Facebook group, not so much because of the database claims which are still unfounded, but because the secret server very much exists and not everyone was invited to play.
However, Pardini wrote that unless the SCORE team is certain that it will not receive a cease and desist from NCsoft, “the NDA regarding SCORE development will remain in full effect.”
Pardini also called on players to support another user-created City of Heroes project called Super Entity Game Server (SEGS), which allows players to run around the game with their characters in a limited environment, but not play the full game as they remember it.
As City of Heroes player Richilieu noted on Reddit, part of the drama here points to a larger problem with copyright law and the challenge of preserving persistent online games like City of Heroes. Unlike an old Super Nintendo game, which can be “dumped,” copied, and shared online forever despite Nintendo’s best efforts to stop this behavior, an MMOs needs a live and populated server in order to exist. When a game developer or publisher decides it no longer wants to pay to keep that server running, no one else is legally allowed to step up and fill that void. Even when enterprising players manage to get their hands on the server-side code by reverse engineering client-side communication the company that owns the rights to the MMO can shut it down with a cease and desist notice. World of Warcraft developer Blizzard, for example, has shut down fan-made “legacy” servers of the game.
A ruling from the Librarian of Congress in 2018 theoretically made the preservation of abandoned MMOs marginally easier by allowing archivists to run them on their own server, but only if they acquired the server code legally. Additionally, while archivists can run the game in an “eligible library, archives, or museum,” the public isn’t allowed to access it from “outside of the physical premises,” which defeats the whole purpose of an MMO’s online community.
As Pardini notes, NCsoft has said that it plans to use City of Heroes‘ characters in new games as recently as 2017, but the MMO that players are so attached to and are lovingly beefing over at the moment is dead unless someone risks getting sued. If copyright law wasn’t broken, and allowed people who care to preserve video game history and just run a City of Heroes server for all to enjoy without getting sued, this drama could have been avoided.
“Just today, the cathedral of Notre Dame burned,” Richilieu wrote. “We lost close to a millennium of cultural history, art, architecture. It’s a tragedy that should never happen – a tragedy that wouldn’t happen if we were able to freely copy and distribute Notre Dame cathedrals as easily as code.
“Please do not let City of Heroes become another Notre Dame.”
NCsoft did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
A Secret Server for the Dead MMO ‘City of Heroes’ Has Players in an Uproar syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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