Characterized by involuntary rhythmic muscle contractions, tremors can affect various parts of the body
Tremors are a common neurological condition that can cause a variety of symptoms, including muscle stiffness, speech abnormalities, and impaired balance. These involuntary shaking movements can significantly impact daily activities and quality of life.
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Understanding Myasthenia Gravis: A Guide to Navigating Muscular Weakness
Living with myasthenia gravis requires a collaborative approach to care, often involving a team of healthcare professionals, including neurologists, therapists, and specialized nurses. Leesburg neurologist, Dr. Sarbjot Dulai, can determine if myasthenia gravis is the diagnosis and create a customized treatment plan for this chronic disorder.# myasthenia gravis #muscledisorders #Leesburg neurology #Leesburg neurologist
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neurologyassociatesva · 2 months
Myopathy: What You Need to Know About This Muscle Disorder
Myopathy refers to a group of disorders that affect the muscles. Some of the common causes include genetic mutations, infections, autoimmune diseases, and toxins. Muscle weakness is a typical sign of myopathy, and it can impair daily activities and mobility. The outcome for people with myopathy depends on the type and severity of the condition. Some may have mild or no symptoms, while others may experience serious complications or death. Dr. Sarbjot Dulai, a neurologist in Lansdowne Virginia, can help diagnose myopathy early and provide appropriate care and management to improve one’s quality of life.
Read more at Neurology Associates
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neurologyassociatesva · 4 months
Neuropathy Definition, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Neuropathy is a term that refers to nerve damage or dysfunction. It can affect any part of the body, but it often occurs in the feet, legs, hands, or arms. Some common symptoms of neuropathy are numbness, tingling, pain, weakness, or loss of sensation. If you experience any of these signs, you should consult Neurology Associates in Lansdowne Virginia as soon as possible. They can diagnose the cause of your neuropathy and provide effective treatment options. Early intervention can prevent further complications and improve your quality of life.
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neurologyassociatesva · 4 months
Dementia or Memory Loss | Neurology Associates
Dementia is caused by damage to brain cells which adversely affects feelings, behavior, and thinking. Memory loss is the most common and obvious symptom. Dementia is usually progressive and if left unmanaged will worsen as time goes on.
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neurologyassociatesva · 7 months
How Neurologists in Leesburg Can Help You With Migraines
Migraine headaches may be common, but they can also be disabling to the person experiencing it. At this time, there are no long-term cures for migraines. However, neurologists continue to search for answers to why migraines occur and how to stop them once and for all.
To avoid debilitating symptoms, it is important for migraine sufferers to learn how to deal with and prevent recurring migraine attacks. Seeking treatment from a neurologist, such as Dr. Dulai in Leesburg is a step toward getting relief.
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neurologyassociatesva · 9 months
Engaging with Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease
Trying to communicate with someone suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease is a challenge and can be frustrating for both the caregiver and the patient. Neurology Associates in Leesburg Virginia offers tips to engage more with patients with Alzheimer’s Disease.
Read more at Neurology Associates:
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A Neurologist Offers Life-Saving Advice on Detecting Early Warning Signs of Stroke
Learn the acronym, FAST, to be ready to identify the symptoms of a stroke and get assistance from 911 quickly. Visit Neurology Associates for more information.
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The National Stroke Association defines stroke as a condition wherein blood flow to an area of the brain is cut off. The brain’s cells are then deprived of oxygen, causing them to die off. As a result, it can cause speech impediment, impaired memory and loss of movement in a patient. In the worst cases, a stroke can even be fatal.
However, as a neurologist may tell you, up to 80 percent of strokes can be successfully prevented. All it takes is to be aware of the warning signs of stroke and quick action to save a life or even yours.
FAST Response
The American Heart Association recommends learning what the acronym FAST stands for in the event of a stroke.
Face Drooping
People who are suffering from a stroke may appear to have a drooping face. One side may look uneven or lopsided. This is also normally accompanied by a sensation of numbness, especially on the affected side.
Arm Weakness
Weakness or numbness in one arm is a serious sign of stroke. If you or someone else has difficulty in raising both arms and if one arm is drifting downward, take immediate action.
Slurred Speech
Pay attention to slurring, especially when one is not under the influence of alcohol or other substances. Ask the person to repeat a short, simple sentence and see if they can correctly and clearly say the words.
Time to Call 911
Someone showing one or all these signs needs prompt medical attention. Even if the symptoms do go away after a while, get yourself or another person you suspect of experiencing a stroke to the nearest hospital.
Other Symptoms of Stroke
The abovementioned signs of stroke are the ones commonly reported by most patients. However, not all episodes will be the same for everybody. Other people may notice different symptoms. For instance, men and women may experience dissimilar manifestations of stroke or a patient may be suffering from a different type of stroke. Therefore, it is best to be familiar with the lesser known signs. Be on the lookout for paralysis, numbness, pins and needles sensation, loss of balance, blurred vision, involuntary eye movements, dizziness, severe headache, confusion, loss of feeling on parts of the body, difficulty swallowing, and muscle stiffness.
Knowing the early symptoms of stroke may help minimize its long-term effects. As with any medical condition, however, prevention is still the best course of action. If your risk for stroke is particularly high, it pays to be safe by visiting a neurologist from trusted institutions in Leesburg, VA such as Neurology Associates.
Understand Stroke, Stroke.org
Tips to Detect Early Warning Signs of Stroke, MedicineNet.com
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Numbness, tingling, a burning sensation and pain in the hands may indicate Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. If it doesn’t resolve, seek help from a neurologist before the problem becomes severe enough to necessitate surgery.
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