#neklace theory
melasy · 5 months
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bonenzone · 6 years
I write to becuse I would like to know your opinion about Bonnie Bennett last moments in ep 8.16. It is the moment when she is taking her passport and that neklace. There was als Enzo the creepy ghost and in my opinion Bonnie couldn't see him or hear him or feel his touch anymore. She felt he could be near her but in my opinion it was only her subconscious. If she would she him she would say let's go travel Enzo. What do you think about my theory?
I like to think she thought of him at that moment and it may be because of his proximity but it wasn’t because of a connection. We know Enzo would be looking over her for years and it’s sad to think she couldn’t live her life because she felt his presence. We know the intention of the writers is to show that he’s waiting for her to live out their eternity safely together but I still want her to travel, explore, have some fun with whatever men catch her eye and live in the moment instead of living, essentially, in the past. So yeah, I’m with you on that.
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bonneibennett · 7 years
Hi Nisha :) I write to becuse I would like to know your opinion about Bonnie Bennett last moments in ep 8.16. It is the moment when she is taking her passport and that (awful) neklace. There was als Enzo the creepy ghot and in my opinion Bonnie couldn't see him or hear him or feel his touch anymore. She felt he could be near her but in my opinion it was only her subconscious. If she would she him she would say let's go travel Enzo. What do you think about my theory?
Yeah, she couldn’t see him, I think. imo the writers were aiming for an ending where Enzo is going to silently watch her live her life and then they’ll be together in her dimension when she joins him in the afterlife. But that’s really depressing on so many levels, to me. I mean, it makes all those experiences she’s going to have in her long, happy life so... impermanent. 
Like is she just not going to change or grow in any way? Is she never going to truly love anyone other than Enzo ever again, or else why would she let go of everyone else in the end? Is Enzo really going to happily peep in on all her escapades until that point, unselfishly and without any jealousy or resentment? Is that a fair expectation? Like would Bonnie really expect that from him, or would she limit herself and her happiness without him, for his sake?
I like your idea that it’s a manifestation of her subconscious rather than actually Enzo. At this point, it seems a perfectly fair interpretation to me. I mean, the show’s over, make whatever you want of it, imo! 
Personally, I actually kind of like the idea that it really is him, but that it’s not the happy ending JP et al are pretending it is. Because of course there’s going to be jealousy and resentment on his end, and of course Bonnie who will go on living for so many decades without him will grow and learn more about herself and her own needs and desires. And since this is me, my idea is also of course going to be unabashedly Bamon-centric, because of course the DE long-term happy ending makes no sense either, given every indication of how fraught and dysfunctional they (self-admittedly!) are for each other. 
Imagine Enzo watching along powerlessly as Damon takes refuge with Bonnie as he weathers the end of his marriage to Elena, and eventually as Bonnie and Damon finally come to terms with the emotions and attachment between them that they had been steadfastly trying to ignore ever since Damon put himself in that coffin and broke Bonnie’s heart so many years ago. 
Imagine Bonnie, torn between the final realization of her romantic love for Damon, her natural human need to process her grief and move on from the death of her loved one, and the fact that hers is a special case where she has a quiet voice in the back of her mind aware that Enzo may still be there, watching all of it play out. It’s not the happiest, most straightforward ending maybe... lots of loose ends still. But it would make a good fic, maybe? :)
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destination-of-fate · 7 years
Hey emma i hope you are having a good day^^ i have a question i hope you'll answer. Mafumafu is selling a copy of his latest fav neklace and when you look at it its excatly the same as illuminati pyramid with an eye middle of it. I know it is nonsense but it made me scared. He didn't join the organization like other singers to make himself more popular, right? Its just fashion, right? I am just paranoid, right?
Hi anon! :D I hope you’re having a good day as well!I’m honestly not sure why Mafu chose the Illuminati logo for his new fashion brand, or if he’s even aware of the origins of that symbol :PBut uh just so you know, the Illuminati isn’t a real thing in the sense that you described? :P People think they’re some shady organization trying to keep control over the world through media and such, but that’s mostly made up for fiction. It’s the same as any other conspiracy theory without any real facts to back it up ww I mean I think there’s still organizations that call themselves the Illuminati around today, but whether or not they hold any power over anyone important isn’t proven at all? I guess if he was really part of some secret society, I sure wouldn’t know about that www but the same could be said for anyone...
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zalrb · 6 years
Hi Zal :) I write to because I would like to know your opinion about Bonnie Bennett last moments in ep 8.16. It is the moment when she is taking her passport and that (awful) neklace. There was als Enzo the creepy ghot and in my opinion Bonnie couldn't see him or hear him or feel his touch anymore. She felt he could be near her but in my opinion it was only her subconscious. If she would she him she would say let's go travel Enzo. What do you think about my theory?
I think it’s made clear that she can’t actually see Enzo.
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