#need to wake up by 5:30am to be on road by 6 anyway so may as well take a sleep aid and knock out
quiveringdeer · 1 year
welp the world continues to fucking suck---excuse me, the imbeciles with money and direct power continue to make living more akin to just surviving instead of doing things to even TRY and make shit better for folks other than themselves
but at least I'm getting to take another kudzu basket weaving class and for free! just gotta do about 4hrs of driving which will be me escaping into my character playlists and imagining scenarios
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dikiyvter · 3 years
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       Nyx did a similar post for Lio a lil while back, and ever since I’ve had the brainworms to do something like it for Gio and Riga, so... here we are. This is ultimately meaningless, and probably nonsense given my inability to comprehend time, I just think it’s fun to think about.
CURRENT: 7AM- Gio wakes up. Slowly. Very slowly. Morning routine still consists of a quick shower/bath, getting dressed, and finding breakfast for himself. 8-8:30AM - If Gio is travelling, this is typically the time he’ll pack up and camp and get back on the road. If he’s in a city, then he’s sitting on his bed/at a table in his room, checking his maps, checking his supplies, and figuring out what he’ll be doing for the day. 9AM - If he’s in a city, then this is typically the time he actually leaves his room and starts doing stuff. Stuff can mean... a wide variety of things. Shopping for supplies, setting up for performances, gathering materials out in the wilds. 11:30-12PM - If travelling, this is when he’ll stop for a bit to eat and drink. If in a city, he’ll return from whatever he’s doing and munch on his food as he sets up for a performance. 1PM-5PM - If travelling, 5PM is typically the time he stops and makes camp. In in a city, it’s more of whatever needs to be done, and a lot of fucking around. He might return to his room, do some drawing, write in his journal, etc etc, or he might just wander around doing whatever he wants- Bothering his friends, doing more performances, etc. 6PM - Generally when he settles into his room for the night... assuming he has a room. If not? More fucking around. 8PM - Dinner or another bath b/c hes Picky, depending. 9PM - TAVERN TIME BAY BEE. Typically, anyways- some days, especially those where he’s just arrived in town, prove to be a bit too exhausting, and he’ll instead stay in his room... or begin scouting out a place to rest. While travelling, this is the time he’s typically falling asleep by. 10PM - Gio leaves the tavern and goes back to his room. Assuming he doesn’t have company, he falls asleep pretty quickly-- If he doesn’t have a room, then he scouts out a safe place to rest for the night.  
LAB SCHEDULE:  Gio’s routine is very flexible, as the tasks he has for the day can vary wildly; Typically, though, his schedule is similar to this. 5:30AM-6AM -  Wake up. Morning routine consists of a quick shower, getting dressed, and making breakfast for himself and Dottore, assuming his creator is awake. Between 5 and 6, Gio usually has time to himself. He typically spends this time in his room reading and taking notes on whatever latest textbook he’s gotten his hands on-- Though he’ll sometimes also use this time to draw, if he so chooses. If Dottore is up & awake at this point, he may sit with him in his office and do these things.  7AM - The latest possible time for any lab work to start. If there’s no lab work to be done that day, Gio will typically take up position in the infirmary and spend the rest of his day there- Otherwise he’ll be doing work around the lab ( cleaning, prepping specimen, etc ) or in Dottore’s office ( writing reports, organizing files, etc ). 12PM - Around noon Gio checks in with Dottore to see if he needs anything; He’ll typically bring a small plate of food and a cup of tea or coffee at this time. Gio may make himself some food if he feels hungry, but typically he won’t be eating at this time. He may take a short break to sit with his creator if the mood is good. 1PM-ish- Work resumes. May be the same as earlier work, may be different; He could go back to the infirmary, or he could spend the rest of the evening in Dottore’s office doing more admin work. It depends on what needs to be done for the day. 6PM~8PM - Depending on the work that needs to be done, the time Gio gets around to this could vary heavily. Gio will leave whatever work he’s doing to return to Dottore and check in on him again, typically bringing a plate of food with him. Gio will usually take a short break to eat as well, either in his room or with Dottore in his office.  9PM - Shift change, usually. Gio will clean up the lab, check on Dottore one last time, and will either spend the rest of his night in Dottore’s office, or in his room- Though some work can go late into the night, in which case... he will still be working. 12AM-1AM - Heads to bed somewhere around here. Gio requires far less sleep than the average person-- though he’d like to sleep in, it doesn’t impact him to get so little rest. 
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4AM - Riga habitually wakes up before the crack of dawn. Morning routine consists mostly just of dragging himself out of bed and getting dressed. If he’s up to it, then he’ll make an attempt to brush and braid his hair... needless to say he very rarely feels up to that particular task. 5AM - If on the road, this is typically where he’ll pack up camp and set out again. When stationed at a camp or when in town, he’ll typically stay in his tent ( or room ) and read/write until the sun comes up.  6AM - When stationed somewhere, this is generally where he’ll get up and cook breakfast... assuming the other soldiers won’t mind him doing so. It’s not been an uncommon occurrence for fellow members of the fatui to refuse eating anything made by him-- In which case, he’ll quietly make a fire away from the camp, make himself food, and eat alone. When in a city, he’ll grab himself something to eat around this time, assuming he’s hungry.  7AM - Where his day really starts. Riga will either set out to gather materials or, most likely, to try and gather information regarding Gio’s whereabouts. If he has reports to fill out or a letter due home, he’ll probably still be in his room working on those.  12-2PM - Riga might stop for food somewhere in-between. When stationed somewhere, he might return to camp for lunch-- assuming the others treat him well. When they don’t, he might find something to snack on while he works, but unless he’s run out of things to do, he won’t return to camp just yet. 8-9PM ( or sundown ) - When on the road, where he stops to make camp. When stationed somewhere, the point where he’ll typically return in time for dinner ( which he will either cook or take a portion and eat alone depending on those around him ). When in the city, this is where he’ll find himself something to eat, depending on whether or not he’s hungry. Note that he might, on occasion, head to the tavern around this time-- Riga however does not drink, and he doesn’t usually stay for too long.  10PM - Night routine. Will most likely bathe, assuming he didn’t do so before dinner ( in the case of any blood/gore from battle ). At this point he’ll retire to his tent/room, and spend the rest of the night either continuing writing letters/reports, or reading whatever book he has on hand with him.  11PM-12AM- typically falls asleep at some point between here. Riga does not like sleeping; If he can help it, he’ll try and stay up later, whether that be in doing more work/reading, or in just laying awake fighting off sleep. 
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galaxy-whiskers · 4 years
I was tagged by @bailandonorris, thanks!
1. what is the colour of your hair brush? 
I have a silver paddle brush which I don’t use very often, a transparent and purple swirly coloured (honestly don’t know how else to describe) afro comb, and a regular black comb.
2. name of a food you never eat? 
Tuna, can’t stand it. To be honest, I eat most things if they’re warm, but VERY fussy when it comes to cold food
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? 
Definitely too hot! I still have a fan on in the winter at night time
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? 
Playing Animal Crossing, tried to catch some tarantulas because Flick is on my island but the dodos don’t seem to want to send me to any decent islands so my mission was unsuccessful
5. what’s your favourite candy bar?
That’s a hard one... probably either Cadbury’s marvelous creations with the jelly beans and popping candy, darkmilk, or the one with oreos. Snickers are pretty great too, also Kinder Bueno and just Kinder chocolate in general. Basically, what I’m saying is I love chocolate
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? 
Yes, I went to the London 2012 Olympics to watch show jumping, football and basketball! Have probably been to others? Really want to go to Wimbledon at some point but not sure when I’ll be able to do that. Does dog agility count as sport? Seen it at Crufts multiple times
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? 
‘Night night curly shoes’ - a goodnight wish for my sweet doggo Ivy
8. what is your favourite ice cream? 
I’m a fan of coconut ice cream it has to be said, also honeycomb, and your standard Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough is high up there. Really specifically, the vanilla ice cream from the waffle shop in Cirencester. To be honest, don’t eat much ice cream, not my go-to food choice because I’m lactose intolerant and a lot of it makes me feel sick just thinking about it. Has to be good!
9. what is the last thing you had to drink? 
Some water, absolute health right here (she says drinking her first glass of water all day after about 4 cans of Pepsi Max whoops)
10. do you like your wallet? 
I guess so, yes. Could probably do with a slightly more efficient one but it’s decent
11. what was the last thing you ate? 
A jazz apple from the fridge. We have no pink ladies which are the favourites but jazz are pretty tasty too
12. did you buy any new clothes last week? 
No, only virtual ones in Animal Crossing. I haven’t been clothes shopping in so long and doesn’t look like that will change anytime soon
13. last sporting event you watched? 
Honestly no idea, since all the sport has been cancelled for a while I can’t think what the last thing would have been. Probably Cheltenham races on the telly back in February or March or whenever it was?
14. what’s your favourite flavour of popcorn? 
The classic, salty cinema popcorn. Honestly the best
15. who was the last person you sent a message to? 
Strangely, someone from my secondary school who I haven’t ever spoken to over message before. She posted our leavers video on her Instagram and thought I’d message since I’d been looking for that video for  y e a r s  and sparked a conversation! She never liked me much back in school I don’t think, she was popular and I really wasn’t so I never properly spoke to her. One of my friends had a bit of drama with her, absolutely hated her, but they eventually became best pals. Also her best pal during most of school really didn’t like me for some reason... anyway, had a nice chat, strange how friendly she seems these days
16. ever go camping?
Uhh well... I’ve been 4 times, 2 of which were for D of E and I can safely say I’ve never had a good experience. First time, the people in the tent next to us got arrested at 3AM for drugs or something, second time was my dad’s 40th birthday and my brother didn’t know he was allergic to nuts so eating a cake with mixed nuts on the top didn’t go down well for him... also went to a restaurant on the way there with my granny and got a caterpillar in my salad. Third and fourth times, let’s just say D of E was one of the worst experiences of my life, I’ll leave it at that... would really like to go camping again though to have a good experience, maybe change my mind on it? I don’t know, willing to give it a try
17. do you take vitamins? 
I go through phases, sometimes I take them every day, other times I don’t take them for like 3 months
18. do you go to church every sunday? 
I used to, but as I got older I slowly went less and less until I didn’t go at all. I lost faith I guess? Kind of didn’t feel I belonged there or believed anymore. I loved singing the hymns and our vicar was an absolute lad, we also got biscuits at the end of each service, but over time I decided it wasn’t right for me to keep going. Pretty much all the people that go to ours are your typical white, posh, probably homophobic and hate children type so that put me off. Also after everything that’s happened in mine and other’s lives, I slowly lost the belief in God. If all of it was true, why would these things happen? I guess also my scientific mind was constantly telling me there’s no proof. I think the only reason I went to begin with was because it was a family thing and as a child I believed pretty much everything that was said
19. do you have a tan? 
No, certainly not... used to when I lived in the Caribbean but now I’m pretty much white as a sheet
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza? 
A very difficult one... probably chinese? As much as I love pizza, it’s the same issue as the ice cream
21. do you drink soda with a straw? 
Nah not a fan of straws, they taste weird
22. what colour socks do you wear? 
ALL THE COLOURS! I own a pair of socks for every outfit to colour co-ordinate, my sock draw is overflowing
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? 
Strangely, I drive under by quite a bit when no one else is around. It’s the other cars that stress me out and make me go too fast. Also I have a black box so not allowed
24. what terrifies you? 
Good question, lots of things... the sea, pools, tbh water in general, heights, rejection, the current impending doom, large open spaces with no walls I can be against, losing everyone I love, the fact that anyone might be secretly talking about me behind my back because they actually hate me, the list goes on but I won’t continue it
25. look to your left what do you see? 
An empty Pepsi Max can, a glass of water, some crocodile scissors, my Switch, a cranberry scented candle, and some tiny balls of wool
26. what chore do you hate? 
Got to be changing my bed, or washing up when the things have got cold food left on them
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? 
A throwback to year 8
28. what’s your favourite soda?
Pepsi Max
29. do you go into fast food places or drive thru? 
It depends who I’m with
30. who was the last person you talked to? 
My mum about a meteor shower and satellites
31. favourite cut of beef? 
A random question... I do like a good rump steak
32. last song you listened to? 
You Make My Dreams by Hall and Oates because I’m using it in my animation project
33. last book you read? 
I’m like part way through Good Omens and have been for quite some time... I have learning difficulties and find reading a lot of effort so don’t read very often
34. can you say the alphabet backwards? 
No, it’s the kind of thing I’d have expected myself to learn at some point but never did
35. how do you like your coffee? 
I don’t like coffee so in the bin
36. favourite pair of shoes? 
My multicoloured Vans, got them in the second week of uni and I’ve loved them ever since
37. the time you normally go to bed? 
Well, currently it’s around 1AM to go to bed, 3AM to sleep. Used to be around 12/1AM sleep but the lockdown has ruined that
38. the time you normally wake up? 
Again, currently it’s around 11:30AM to wake up then 12PM to do things but used to be around 9:30/10AM. To be honest I still sometimes wake up then but I go back to sleep again because I have no reason to exist more than I need
39. what do you prefer sunrise or sunsets? 
Sunrise is always nice to watch, but I don’t like getting up early so definitely sunset, especially when you’re at a restaurant or sitting outside somewhere in the countryside
40. how many blankets are on your bed? 
Just the one duvet, but I have a soft fish patterned blanket for when I want something to cuddle with
41. describe your kitchen plates? 
We have some plain white ones and some that are white with leaves around the edges. The edges have a ridged pattern and the rims are gold
42. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage?
I don’t drink so no
43. do you play cards? 
Yes, love a good card game! 
44. what colour is your car? 
It’s very nice Caribbean sea blue. Used to be my mum’s car, it’s her favourite colour
45. can you change a tire? 
I probably could if I had to but can’t say I’ve done it before
46. your favourite province? 
I guess that’s counties? Hometown of Gloucestershire is up there, also a fan of Devon. My favourites may have to be Caenarfonshire and Anglesey though after the road trip last year
47. favourite job you’ve had?
Not sure really, I guess it would have to be doing my art commissions
48. how did you get your biggest scar?
The biggest scar I have these days is on my right knuckle between my index and middle finger, it’s very small. I got it from when I was holding a horse still before untacking and he decided that hay was more exciting, caught my hand on a splintered wooden fence and that was that
49. what did you do today that made someone happy? 
Nothing, I’ve only seen my family and even then it was for a short time. Don’t think I make anyone happy these days ahah
It’s now 3:22AM, that took longer than I expected. ‘I’ll go to sleep early today’ I said but I say that every day. Don’t know why I keep lying to myself. 
Anyway, I guess I have to tag someone now, so I tag @duckingpunches !
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corinnejmorris · 5 years
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Transcribed above: Dear diary, I had lunch with Celia Mae this afternoon since she was in town. Apparently her contractor continues to delay the renovations on her house in the Hamptons, and she drives out every weekend from Boston to meet with him. She likes to believe their hookups are coincidental but surely she knows he’s stalling just to see her? Hopefully her husband doesn’t find out..or does...I don’t know what I’d do in such a situation…regardless, she was telling me about this exercise wherein, you keep track of your day in a journal or an app— but writing most definitely will be more beneficial for me. It’s to get an idea of where your time goes, so you can try to improve your productivity and be more aware of your everyday happenings. Anyways, I’m going to try it on Friday, since Thursday is so busy.
She wakes up with the assistance of $90 sunrise alarm clock. She makes her bed almost immediately and lazily walks over to her ensuite. She’s a morning shower person, so her oversized tshirt gets left on the floor as she lets the water heat up. Towel wrapped around her chest, she continues on to teeth, then skin care— toner, serum, eye cream, moisturizer and sunscreen, then moisturize before she’s onto the closet. She doesn’t spend long finding something, and make sure to grab a pair of leggings and a sports bra for yoga this afternoon. Before changing she sits at her vanity and does her beauty routine— primer, light concealer, lip balm, eye shadow, mascara, lips, perfume.
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Transcribed above: Dear diary, I woke up at 5:30 this morning, and spent an hour and a half on my look this morning.
She’s changed and is now in the kitchen, for a mediocre cook at best— Corinne can somewhat pull off breakfast. Turkey bacon in a pan, and a small saucepan is boiling water. Whole wheat toast from a local bakery in her toaster and espresso brews on her stove top. Now is when she checks her phone for late night emails, calls or texts she may have missed and makes note to answer them once she gets to work, or answers immediately if they’re pressing. She poaches her egg, and smashes an avocado on her toast with some chili flakes. She eats alone at her dining room, no phone, no notebook, often times with a soundtrack of soft jazz. 
7:45 AM
She’s in her car with two lattes in travel mugs. Although her office isn’t that far, she likes being the first person in the office. Or at least one of the first— but today she picks up Nicky first which used to be a more common occurrence but now he more often commutes with his girlfriend. The drive from her neighbourhood to his is short and she greets him with a hot latte. They drive through the beginnings of morning traffic and Nicky talks while she nods and pipes in occasionally. 
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Transcribed above: Dear diary, We’re settled in the office now, sometimes I forget how refreshing Nick’s babble can be.
8:10 AM
Emails, phone calls and all the correspondence she can muster before their team debrief. All the while she tries to finish her own latte, and solve whatever Nicky’s plight so happens to be. This is also when she sets up her schedule for the day.
8:35 AM
Team debrief, overlook at the past week, what next week looks like. Where everyone is at on their projects, where they can use insight. This might be Corinne’s favourite part of the day.
9:00 AM
Meeting one, whatever client she’s spear heading normally gets this first meeting. Gets as long as they need, and this slot is usually reserved for whoever pays most. Today it’s a meeting with some more of Bell’s campaign staff. A progress report of sorts.
11:00 AM
Meeting two, a conference call with the New York guys. Corinne mostly does these out of courtesy. She really wishes she could off load this onto someone else, but she doesn’t. They talk about possible expansion, she thinks for a moment about moving back to New York.
12:00 PM
Social media break before lunch, god her brother’s kid is so cute!
12:15 PM
Lunch at the office today and as much as she hates interrupting her eating, there’s a meeting with the board she’s forced to attend.
1:45 PM
Back in her office, with a stack of reports neatly piled on her desk. This alone time is her favourite. Alone with the words and numbers, highlighters and pens— a time she could clear her head of everything else and focus.
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Transcribed above: Dear diary, I’m taking a break from the tobacco reports to update you on today’s events.
3:30 PM
Rooftop yoga at the office. She changes in the bathroom down the hall before walking up the final two flights up to the rooftop. A serene closing to her day.
4:45 PM
Back in the office, back in her Western business casual attire and sending out her final emails of the day, planning any meetings for tomorrow, a few quick phone calls and she’s ready to be out the door.
5:25 PM
She says goodbye to her assistant and is off to find her car. With the rush hour traffic her ride takes her around 40 minutes. But also her sometimes shitty driving might also play a part in the length of her commute.
6:30 PM
She unlocks her front door and immediately gets rid of her shoes and drops her purse. Although she’ll only be here for a few minutes, walking through her front door is always a welcoming feeling. She quickly changes, and smokes out her shadow for a more night time look.
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Transcribed above: Dear diary, I’m sort of in a rush but, today was a good day— smooth, no hiccups. I have dinner with Colin tonight which should be nice.
8:10 PM
Dinner downtown. It feels like a slightly more personal client dinner but it’s nice to catch up. Although she initially thought they wouldn’t have a lot to talk about, the conversation starts and never stops. She’s glad she got to do this. The company is welcomed, the food is great and the wine is even better.
10:40 PM
His hotel is just around the corner and they say goodbye and agree to catch up again soon. The walk to her car is brisk and she’s back on the road shortly. Driving timidly after her two glasses of red.
11:00 PM
This time there’s an audible sigh when she enters the house this time. Now she’s done for the night. Clothing is shed when she breaches her bedroom and sits at her vanity. She removes her makeup and spends a beat too long inspecting every inch of her face. She slips back into her pyjamas from this morning.
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Transcribed above: Dear diary, Dinner with Colin was fantastic, I forgot how charming and talkative he was. It’s always so nice to catch up with people from school. Maybe I should call him.
11:45 PM
She goes downstairs for one more drink and sits on her couch in the dark. She enjoys the stillness of moments like these. Reminds her of the power of her loneliness.
12:50 AM
She drags her tired limbs back upstairs and brushes her teeth before curling up her duvet.
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leahwithanidea · 4 years
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15 Oct 2018 - THE FIRST EMAIL
Hello friends and fam!
I made it Pittsburgh last Wednesday evening and met the whole wave of other new missionaries who had just flown into Pittsburgh from the Missionary Training Center in Provo. I was the only one there who hadn't gone to the MTC so it was a little difficult to fit in. Lots of the missionaries there had been living in the dorms at the MTC together for 3 weeks already and knew each other pretty well. It was a lonely first day. I also met my Mission President, President Bednar and his wife! They are in charge of the 160ish (I don't know the exact number) of missionaries serving in the Pittsburgh mission. They make sure we are alright, fed, and learning as a missionary. They are the sweetest. For those of you who are wondering, yes, President Bednar is related to David A. Bednar. My mission president is David A. Bednar's nephew, although they are more like brothers because they are so close.
After that first day of meeting everyone and training, all the new missionaries stayed at the Mission Home (President and Sister Bednar's house) for the night. What a spacious estate full of air mattresses. The next morning, we piled into vans and went to the nearby church building where we were assigned our trainers (a more experienced missionary in our mission who has been serving their mission for a while) and our areas (where exactly within the mission boundaries we would be serving). I was assigned to be companions with Sister Smoot in the Towanda area! It was quite the doozy because the Towanda area is like the absolute farthest area in the mission from the city of Pittsburgh. It's on the very eastern side of the mission boundaries. After we were all paired up, we were off to our areas! For Sister Smoot and I, that meant we had a 6-hour drive ahead of us. YIKE. It was good though. Gave me much needed decompression time in the car and lots and lots of miles to get to know my new companion! She's from Utah (big surprise) and her parents are actually serving as Mission Presidents in Japan.
Driving from Pittsburgh to Towanda was basically a whole tour of the state of Pennsylvania so lucky me. The SUNSET as we drove was one of the most vibrant sunsets my eyes have ever looked upon. Of course pictures don't do it justice but I'll attach one anyway. It was like we were out running a wildfire. Gorgeous. God knew just what I needed after feeling so lonely the day before. Also, Sister Smoot and I share the same zest for life so we are pretty much the queens of optimism in this joint.
Our house (yes, HOUSE, not apartment building) is also the cutest. We live in a little red house on the banks of the Susquehanna River. I can literally see the river from the kitchen sink window. There are people living on the upstairs floor (I guess *technically* it's an apartment but let's just call it a house to make me feel better). We have a nice porch, a giant (and I mean giant) mudroom, a big kitchen, a bedroom, a living room, and a dining room which we use for studying. Everything in our house is significantly older than me. Like it feels like you just walked into a recreation of a civil war home that has been sorta renovated in the 70s. None of the doors shut without body slamming them, but at least we have a washer and a dryer (BLESS)! 
The morning after we moved in, we got to work. 6:30am up and at em. The Towanda area is interesting because there haven't been Sister Missionaries here for 25 years! Everyone here knows about the Elders (guy missionaries) but a lot are surprised when they see us girls! The ward (congregation of members) has us Sister Missionaries AND a pair of Elders, which doesn't usually happen. Usually there's only one pair of missionaries assigned to a ward. We're the Elders reinforcements LOL. The ward here is super small. 30 people max. There are a few kids and almost zero youth. They don't even have a young men's program because there are no young men :o What a contrast from my ward back home where there are like 40 youth. The Towanda area is so big, so some of the members have a 45 minute drive to the church building every Sunday. Wowza that's dedication.
Towanda is so pretty. It's a borough tucked away in the hills of the Pennsylvania countryside along the river and it has so much history. It's getting cold here very fast and the leaves everywhere are starting to change color. Every day when we go out, I put on my puffy coat and cronch through leaves on the street (the sidewalks are so broken up and uneven and overgrown with grass that we don't even try to walk on them). Cronch cronch. There is a cute little historic downtown just down the road from where we live with some shops and a library and a post office. There are a few good grocery stores here so we get our foodstuffs alright.  
Since we are the first Sisters here since forever, we have lots of work to do. Every night from 6pm-9pm we walk the neighborhoods and knock on people's doors. So far we have given out a good 6 copies of the Book of Mormon to people who were interested! It's always exciting when people want to learn more. There are a TON of churches around here so lots of people slam their doors on us. I find it funny that all of the ones who slam their doors on us believe in and follow Jesus Christ. We believe in and follow Jesus Christ too so for them to reject hearing a message about Him is weird to me. There was one nice lady who opened her door and talked to us, but just kept wanting to talk about Trump. Thank you ma'am for being so politically enthused, but we are here to talk about the Son of God. Another lady chased us off her (and her neighbor's) property and watched us walk all the way down the street from her car, headlights shining on us like a spotlight down the road, making sure we were gone for good. YIKE. According to the residents of Towanda, Towanda is not a safe place to be after dark, but so far I haven't seen anything sketchier than my hometown LOL. The scariest thing about Towanda is that the average age for kids to start smoking here is age 11, although I've seen 6-year-olds with cigarettes in their mouths. I can't even tell you how many times people have opened their doors to our knocking just to tell us You Know It's Not Really Safe For You Girls To Be Outside This Late. Yet, I have never felt in danger. God truly protects His missionaries (especially His Sister Missionaries). I feel it every day. It's hard work out here in good ole 'Wanda but we work hard. My least favorite thing is coming home at 9pm and realizing how much my feet actually hurt. You don't realize it much when you're outside walking and talking to people. My favorite thing is seeing all the cemeteries here. If you know me, you know I love cemeteries. They're pretty punk rock places because it's literally a field full of dead people but all the graves look so beautiful. Golden hour at cemeteries is my absolute favorite.
I miss home (and my Utah home) but Towanda and all its cold autumn air sets me on fire. What an adventure. Everything I do is on the Lord's time. Who can I help? Who needs me? Nothing about my time here as a missionary is about me. Our focus is always on Jesus Christ and sharing His gospel. Surprisingly, not being so concerned about myself makes me feel MORE MYSELF. That's wack. My days are filled with aching feet, red ears, numb nose, and sore knuckles, but so much smiling my cheeks hurt. There is no way the message we are sharing about the Restored Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, isnt the truth because otherwise I would feel miserable. Otherwise, I wouldn't and couldn't wake up at 6am every day and be working and on my feet until 9pm. There is just no way. I know Christ's true church has been restored on the earth and that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, otherwise I would never have chosen to be a missionary. It is brave work and it takes all my courage and more, but it is so worth it. The peace, comfort, and absolute joy I feel from living the gospel is just too good not to share.
Sorry this email probably took you a million years to read, but I thought it would be nice to share the details because a lot of people don't know what missionaries actually DO or what it's like at the beginning. Just know that I am adjusting well to missionary life thanks to my lovely companion Sister Smoot!
Please don't send anything to the address may have sent you before because that is the address of the Mission Office which is 6 hours away. So I won't get anything sent there for another 6 or so weeks.
Love you guys to the moon and across the galaxy and back again a million times! 
The flicks:
1. Me n Sister Smoot pre-6-hour-roadtrip
2. All the new missionaries and their trainers. Peep ya girl.
3. Sister Smoot's head and the SUNSET
5. I Am Bad At Taking Selfies So She Did It
6. Ya girl! Featuring our recycling bins 
7. Cemetery down the street from us at golden hour
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Not long after in the wake of starting UPstudio we comprehended that an enduring area would genuinely help us for a few reasons:
Insurance (not using our road numbers)
Having a detect that customers could return things (luckily this hasn't come up yet).
With all the regulatory work related with starting an association, we expected to screen which address we submitted things under. Having only one is obviously less complex.
With our crazy lives, things sent to our homes may get dismissed.
Having an area recorded on your site makes it give off an impression of being increasingly authentic. Follow the simple procedure to change of address here.
Specifically, a recognize that people could send us notes of encouragement! (shockingly, this hasn't come up either — anyway you could change that!!)
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Click here to know the detail inforamtion regarding the delivery.
Our day occupations are on Fayetteville street in downtown Raleigh so we required an "unending" address we could walk around, so that checking it wasn't severely organized.
That left us with two decisions, PO Box or UPS Mailbox?
So we did the investigation (read a lot of online sources and the fine print of the inhabitant contracts) and reasoned that we expected to go with a PO Box at the Post Office. Being a start up, the best factor was cost. Here is an assessment (these are for the midtown Raleigh territories, so expenses might be various where you live):
The little, medium, and huge boxes are proportionate in size to the 1, 2, and 3 sizes exclusively. The UPS Mailbox is in a general sense dynamically, various events.
There were a huge amount of various points of interest and weaknesses found in our investigation, anyway we figured subject to the worth we could live with various constrainments of the PO Box. Thusly, we denoted the papers, and took a pretty picture…
We dropped it inside 3 months… . in addition, checked an UPS Mailbox. Why you ask?
Allow us to share the activities we learned and the benefits of the UPS Mailbox:
In the wake of choosing the PO Box we encountered the aggregate of the UPstudio work area work we had quite recently balanced to change our area. We quickly observed fine print that didn't select before "we don't recognize PO Box for address", with one of those regions being our bank which was a significant one, since we required a charging address that was dependable moreover. With an UPS Box you have a physical street address rendering it qualified to be used. Your post box is just recognized by a suite number. Read here the simple procedure regarding the post box rental.
Most likely the best differentiate is the way by which groups are managed. At the mail station, if you have a pack that won't fit into your compartment they won't hold it for you behind the counter with the exception of in the event that it was shipped by USPS. They won't hold groups dispatched by Fedex, UPS, or various transporters. They moreover won't hold anything that must be set apart for — a significant trouble. The UPS store can recognize any pack quantify and will hold it for you either in a greater holding box or behind the counter. The owner of our close by UPS store said she will recognize packages as enormous as bed size movements. They will sign for your packs likewise, uber profitable. They in like manner send you an email or substance at whatever point a group has been passed on. UPS is the indisputable victor in the pack division.
To continue on the group note: Being a paper/stationary sort store, we were concerned that benefits would get pressed into our little box as such tearing the things unusable for repurchase or that things dispatched to us for resale would persevere through a comparable fate. Our little UPS store is secretly asserted and worked and we were ensured that they would give close thought so as to keep away from this issue. So far we haven't been astounded on this front.
UPS gives mail sending to some additional cost. Along these lines, if our day occupations move away from downtown and our "enduring" address is rarely again accommodating, we can choose to have all our mail and packages sent to another location while so far keeping our present area as a front. Accordingly we wouldn't have to invigorate the whole of our records or re-brand. This organization isn't given by USPS to PO Boxes.
This one is up close and personal tendency: A street address outfits your association with a greater amount of a specialist picture when appeared differently in relation to a PO Box. Wilmington Street is an unquestionable midtown Raleigh street, so it just helps our credibility.
At the Post Office the PO Box lobby hours are confined to 6am-5:30pm M-F, and 6am-12pm on Saturdays. The UPS store hours are 8:30am-6:30pm M-F, and 10am-2pm on Saturdays. The later hours of the UPS store are logically useful with our calendars. In any case, here is the kicker, you have the option at the UPS store to pay a one time $25 charge to get a 24 hour get to dandy.
If you are an AAA part most UPS stores give a discount on certain letter box packs, so attempt to ask.
Think about what your association name is, or who you will get mail sent to — for us at UPstudio, there has been chaos once in a while with the underlying three letters of our name being 'UPs', where our mail was unintentionally opened by UPS laborers. This was settled after some clarification and continuously mindful examining before opening anything.
One last thing, if you submit a comparable mistake we did and get a PO Box going before observing the sum of the controls, USPS has a rebate approach:
PO Box Refund Policy.
Exactly when we were doing our assessment there were many mixed reviews and a huge amount of foggy zone and unanswered request. We decided to pull out all the stops due to the cost and see how it truly turned out. Finally, it wasn't he best decision we made, anyway since we endeavored the more affordable elective first we weren't out a huge amount of money. In a perfect world the activities we learned will be helpful to you and your association.
On the off chance that you need to discover more data about the USPS Renting Post box Delivery Packages, experience our site.
External Links:-
 Address Change Checklist and Tips When Moving
Everywhere You Need to Change Your Address When You Move
Change of Address: Temporary vs. Permanent
USPS P.O. Box Renting Delivery System
USPS Redelivery: How to Request USPS Redelivery
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thedemonshade · 7 years
 The easiest way for me to explain my husband’s recent horrible car accident to you is to copy paste the email I sent my brother. After the CP I will share some photos.
Howdy... so, you're not on Facebook much/at all, and I don't know if anyone told you or not, but Lance was in a horrendous car accident early Sunday morning. Second one in two months, although with the first one he only totaled the car, this time he almost "totaled" himself.
He now has a suspended license until his doctors can prove he has gotten his diabetes under control and then DMV will re-test him like he was a 16 year old again. Both accidents were caused by diabetes related black outs. Like many people: when he feels ok he doesn't bother to check his sugar, and doesn't bother to eat... etc.
So last time, he just ran into a 15 foot ditch. he got out and was going to walk home but started walking the wrong direction and ended up five miles away from home. The car was history, but he was fine.
Both times were past midnight, Sunday morning after his radio show. See, many times he stays late at his show, or afterwards, if it's clear out, will go out to North Douglas to photograph the aurora. Last Sunday was clear. I go to bed usually an hour or two before his show is over, and don't worry about him until 3am or later. 3 or 4 is usually his when he comes in, particularly on those clear nights.
I woke up about 12:30am and saw he was not yet home so texted him. No answer, but not too late so I went back to sleep. Then I woke up again at 3am and started to wonder. I tried calling, it went right to VM. I tried facetime, and it said "no connectivity", I tried messenger, calling the radio station, even emails, and nothing. I tried all these means of communication several times each. I mean, normally I wake up to a text saying "Out at ND Boat Launch for Aurora" but I got nothing. by the time it started to get light out I decided to ask Max for his car. Max was worried too so he got up and we called the radio station manager to ask him to meet us at the station: if Lance's car was still in the lot it meant something bad had happened inside, and we'd need him to let us in. Lance's car was not in the lot, so the radio station guy and his wife headed out on the main road, and Max and I took on North Douglas.
The problem is that N. Douglas hwy comes to an end about 11 miles out, and I mean END. No cell coverage out there at all, there is a round lot for hikers to park but past the lot is a small dirt embankment so that people parking don't roll into the 50 foot deep ravine... like Lance did.
Well, he didn't so much roll, as attempt to jump the ravine. (OK, he didn't *attempt* it, he just... was blacked out due to low blood sugar, the car was headed down the highway, probably going at least 50 if not more, and he went up the embankment like a ramp and cartwheeled 150 feet into the thick forest.) When Max and I got to that lot we saw NO SIGN of anything, so we turned around and went home to call USFS Law Enforcement, troopers and Juneau PD. I also had my friend Mari listen in for us on her police scanner. about an hour later two women that had decided to spend Superbowl Sunday hiking found him.
The car was demolished. Lance had wrecked approx. 12:30. he came to approx. 3am, and tried everything he could to get out of the car, just get up the road a ways for cell reception, but it was not humanly possible to get out. He spent the entire night in 19 degree weather, in a car with no windows. Long story a little shorter: he had a lot of broken stuff, but the big bad one was that his femur came out of his hip socket, then went back in, about 7 inches too far. Our hospital here is good, but not "immediate hip reconstruction surgery" good, so Lance and I got to ride in a Lear Jet to world renowned University of Washington Harborview Medical Center. Considered one of the greatest hospitals on earth. It's pretty magnificent, I gotta admit.
Anyway, Lear-Jet... Lance was naked for that and not a lot of people aside from rock stars can claim they got to ride a Learjet while naked... The injures are:
1) femur shattered through the hip socket and ended up in his lower abdomen
2) broken rib
3) two fractured vertebra
4) fractured wrist
5) broken nose and left cheek bone.
6) ye olde Egg-Noggin
But. He lived. Some local Seattle friends helped me with a hotel and dinners, and I needed to come back to Juneau because this is NOT going to be cheap and one of us has to work, plus Max... I mean, he's 18, but he's a kid, and he took excellent care of the dogs for us, but yeah.... he still needs a parent around, and well... there is ZERO I can do to help in Seattle. I mean, I know now they usually have the spouse tag along because there is SO. MUCH. PAPER. WORK. And I had to make 18,321 phone calls, and from Seattle, had to get the car, as well as the parts of it that were up in trees along the way, out of the forest (most expensive tow job ever: $488.25) so Lance decided that yeah, no sense in my staying there, I should come home and take care of all the grown up stuff here.
He lived. He's got adorable nurses, he's got the world's most renowned surgeons, and he recuperating. They still won't say for how much longer, but yeah. he's ok. We're ok. And how was your Superbowl Sunday?
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then this one: yesterday he was messaging me and I was trying to get a screen cap of a video I’d taken for his sons, and at the same time his message bubble popped up and... well... it’s pretty funny sooooo: (you may be able to take a guess at which world “leader” he was mentioning.
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Sunday, September 10, 2017 - Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
1st Reading: EZ 33:7-9
PS 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9
2nd Reading: Romans 13:8-10
Gospel: Matthew 18:15-20
Jesus said to his disciples: “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have won over your brother. If he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, so that ‘every fact may be established on the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If he refuses to listen to them, tell the church. If he refuses to listen even to the church, then treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector. Amen, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again, amen, I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
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Reflection (St. Clement Men’s Communio Group on Tuesday, Sept 5)
The best-known quote used to be John 3:16. But today our culture has a new favorite.  In fact, it has become the trump card played to justify and any every lifestyle. Too often we hear Matthew 7:1 which says, “Judge not, that you be not judged”. The verse is often taken to mean nobody has the right to judge anybody for anything at any time. Often as many quotes are taken from the Bible, the audience lacks context. When Jesus spoke these words near the Sea of Galilee, he wasn’t saying never to judge. He simply warned about doing it the wrong way by telling us how to make judgments the right way.
He goes on to say “For with the judgement you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get. Why do you see the speck in your brother’s eye but do not notice the log that is in your own eye.” He doesn’t want us to make a judgement hypocritically. We all know no one is perfect, but we often expect it anyways. Except in ourselves.
Today’s reading goes on to give us some guidelines on how we can approach our fellow brothers and sisters. Christ gives us a practical approach to deal with the everyday human experience we all encounter. We have an obligation to love one another, and love isn’t something that is always easy, or feel good. Often love is telling a fellow Christian how they have hurt us or done something wrong. We are called to do this, not out of anger, but out of a genuine love for the soul of that individual. As we continue to advance in communication technology, we sometimes rely too much on written word and not the everyday human encounter.
Time and time again I have heard this reading over the course of life. But over my teenage and college years as a wavering, and often lukewarm Catholic, I never really put much thought into it. Scripture really didn’t have impact on me until I found myself deep in a dark and wounded place, finally on my knees asking God for help.  
In fact, all week long I read it over and over trying to bring some sort of theological intellect to my reflection. I reached out to friends, family, and neighbors. What could I really say beyond the given? How had I learned from this in my own life?
Two years ago life was spiraling out of control. I had gotten to a place where a relationship I was in was heading downhill. I was experiencing spiritual manipulation and it took much time for me to realize it. Sticking close to near doctrine, my perspective view of the Catholic faith slowly became twisted. I found justification in all faiths as a path to the same God. Time and time again, I questioned where I was heading. I was being pushed to grow on the path that God intended for “me”. While my perspective was at times, falsely rationalized, I was continually growing in my faith.
It wasn’t marriage in its truest sense, but the devil knew it was some of his best work. In God’s mercy I was blessed with a purification through my annulment and given fellowship through Christian brothers and sisters. 
I was in need of humility of the Church. I needed to “take one or two others along with me so that every fact may be estabilished on the testimony of two or there witnesses”. Finally, I called in family. Christians who were ready to listen. If not then, finally the Church. Someone I thought I had come to know so well turned out to be closer to that of a tax collector or Gentile. I was broken that I knew them not, but still remained distant in a respectful and loving way. I was also on the receiving end, finally being told my Christians who loved me that I was wrong in trusting some of her beliefs. Painfully, my life felt lost. Much like Ignatius I spent time alone and finally getting around to ACTUALLY reading the bible.  
Driving our way through life it is easy to get distracted and take a wrong turn, we find ourselves circling the block trying to get back on the right path. We see a short cut, a way out of traffic, something compelling, or simply beautiful; but that only lasts for the interim. As we make our way down the alleyway the sun finds its way to us, in and out city scape. It’s enough to make us smile. Progress is being made yet somehow we are losing momentum. We aren’t getting enough of the rays we need. And the buildings tower closer together.
You pass by the main route and see glimpses of blue skies and jovial smiles looking back at you. It’s the same road you just left. The traffic jam you had tried to avoid is now clear and somehow you are still stuck on the side streets; engulfed in the city jam.
Every so often you are given a quick moment to exit, but you worried you won’t make it or that you’ll hit someone while trying. And then the unavoidable comes when your not looking and a truck comes crashing into your side. Your car is near totaled and in need of immediate service. You get in the tow truck and realize your being taken back on the freeway. You look around and see those smiling faces, an overwhelming feeling of euphoria and exhilaration settle in. You are back home, surrounded by a love that haven’t felt in a very long time.
There are times in our life when God calls out to us more and more. “Follow me!” Sometimes we are quick to answer. Other times, we are not and God uses a 2x4 to wake us up.
Love can hurt, but God is calling us to speak up when someone hurts us. When individuals act proudly and sin against others within the Church, they’re doing harm to the Body of Jesus, whose members are called as Paul tells us to “bear with one another through love, striving to persevere the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace: one body and one Spirit, one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all”.
And to also be a witness when we are called to action amongst our brothers. As today’s Psalms mention, God is calling us to “hear his voice” so that we may “Harden not our hearts”.  We must be open to the laws that are set before us by the Church.
Jesus here passes on to his disciples some of that same power he extended to Peter in Matthew 16. To bind and loose that of earth and in heaven. He wants to keep the Church unified and allow us to settle our disputes. In this apostolic succession of our faith we are given a ruling and loving Church led by the pope and priestly counsel. Through this same Church we are given the sacraments. Let us continue to pursue Reconciliation with our brothers both privately and through the church. Here we are as men. Gathered not two but many more at 6:30am. A small sacrifice of our day. I look around and know that all of your men are here not because you are obgliated. No you are to be sharpened. For iron sharpens iron. Seeing you all here and listening over the past two years has sharped my own reversion back to the faith.
So let’s all Keep each other on the highway to heaven, magnanimous brethren, sharpening one another as warriors for Christ.  
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