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Sea of Darkness [x] | #ndfashionmonth | Day 30: Inspired by the Sea of Darkness Cover
It's hard to believe that summer is almost over, and that soon where I live, I'll be experiencing cold winds and snowfalls reminiscent of those in Sea of Darkness. However, I love the winter season and am looking forward to it; I'm also looking forward to actually playing SEA in the winter. I thought SEA was a great game, and I loved the winter atmosphere present in the game, and on the beautiful cover. This outfit is inspired by the waves, sky, lighthouse, and ship represented on the artwork. To create this look, pair a chambray shirt with light jeans, a duffel coat, an ombre beanie hat, boat shoes, and a bag decorated with a compass. Anchor earrings, a ship necklace, a lighthouse necklace, rope bracelets, an anchor ring, and a compass ring bring in the nautical atmosphere and complete the look.
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kenselarts · 9 years
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Did some sketches of Nancy Drew fashion while browsing the ndfashionmonth tag.
Inspired by the following
SPY: detectiveworkisalwaysinstyle
DDI: nancydrewrings
TRT:  nancydrewandcrew
ASH: you-have-made-a-fatal-error
If you have any suggestions for future drawings just drop a message.
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nancydrewrings · 9 years
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Day 27. Historical Backstory You Think Is Underrated: Shanghaied Sailors (DDI)
There’s about seven simultaneous plots going on in DDI, so I understand how this detail falls by the wayside. But before it became the Hot Kettle, the Royal Flush Saloon was used to press-gang random gents who just came out to have a good time. Whaaaaat? And this was just swept under the rug by everyone on Deception Island? I want to know so much more about this.
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larkspur-lane · 9 years
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#ndfashionmonth | Day Ten: Design an Outfit for Nancy to Wear in Your Favorite Game | Secret of Shadow Ranch Although I'm not a huge fan of the horse-shirt-and-mom-jeans aesthetic, I almost went with that for this outfit... almost. Until I found this crochet-back top, which not only seemed like something Nancy would wear, but also reminded me of the skies over Shadow Ranch. It's also weather-appropriate (as Nancy constantly reminds us, it's very hot outside!). I added the fringed sweater as the desert can get quite cold at night. The boots and backpack also take into account practical considerations while the accessories add in a "Shadow Ranch feel".
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nancydrewandcrew · 9 years
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#ndfashionmonth | Day 29: Nancy Drew book you want a game based on: Mystery of the Moss Covered Mansion (x)
I LOVE mysteries about mansions. There’s something about big creepy old houses that are really exciting to me. This book also had a bunch of other stuff going on in it: a missing heiress, murder, and “hauntings”! I think it would be a super interesting game.
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Crime in the Queen’s Court [x] | #ndfashionmonth | Day 29: Nancy Drew Book You Want A Game Based On
One book I would love a game based on is Crime in the Queen's Court. It's no secret that I would love to have a game set at a Renaissance Faire, and this book provides the perfect backdrop. I would especially love if more Shakespeare references were brought in, maybe even weaving in a historical Shakespeare mystery along with the modern mystery. To create a look inspired by this dream game of mine, pair a cream blouse with a gold jacquard skirt, a black cape coat, scroll embellished black tights, black socks, black heeled boots, and a box clutch. Heraldry earrings, a quill necklace, a Shakespeare quote necklace, a filigree bracelet, a statement ring, a crown ring, and a quill hair clip complete the look.
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nancydrewrings · 9 years
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Day 26. Soundtrack You Think Is Underrated: Haunting of Castle Malloy (HAU)
I play the Celtic harp (some might call it a lever harp, or a troubador harp, but the fact of the matter is that my teacher was Scottish and I play a lot of Celtic tunes). This, incidentally, might be the only bit of information you need to figure out why I think the music in this game is the best. It’s beyond neat to be hanging out at the Screaming Banshee and hear the background music and think, “Hey, this is the Harvest Reel! I know this song! I can play this song!”
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larkspur-lane · 9 years
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#ndfashionmonth | Day Nine: Favorite Phone Friend | Hilda Swenson I can't even express how much I love Hilda. She seems very intelligent and charismatic and I really admire how completely in control she is of her life and of her image. I also really like that we got to "meet" the person who had set up the hidden clues in this game - I always kind of wonder how those people would feel about Nancy (or anyone) finally unraveling their mysteries. For this outfit, I tried to chose cozy clothes in calming colors(inspired in part by the vibe of Hilda's hidden beach), but included the yellow boots because after seeing Hilda's gifts and clues, I'd guess that she likes bright colors.The necklace and bracelet refer to two of her puzzles, while the earrings represent the lighthouse she worked so hard to save.
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Titanic-Themed Nancy Drew Game [x] | #ndfashionmonth | Day 28: Historical Theme You Want A Game Based On
One of my favorite historical events to read and learn about is the sinking of the Titanic. I would love to someday get a Titanic-theme game because I'd love to see how they would incorporate the history into a game. It would especially be cool to have Nancy go on a Titanic-themed cruise, because I've been waiting for a game on a cruise as well. I would love to have Nancy explore the lives of the passengers and crew, and uncover secrets about some of them. To create a look inspired by this Titanic-themed dream game, pair a striped top with a sailor skirt, a basic coat, lace tights, bow embellished heels, lacy gloves, a sunhat, and a luggage inspired bag. Ship wheel earrings, an Edwardian style necklace, a teacup necklace, gold bracelets, a clock ring, and a cameo ring complete the look.
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wizard-mermaid · 9 years
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#NDFashionMonth | Day 7: Favorite Thornton | Charlotte Thornton
I love everything about Charlotte. The heartbreaking tale of her early demise. The pain behind her story. Her dress is gorgeous, as is she. Everything. Charlotte Thornton is one of my favorite characters despite never having been able to meet her. 
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nancydrewrings · 9 years
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Day 25. Game You Think Is Underrated: SCK (original)
I guess I’m a sucker for all the old games, and for anything that begins with a murder. Secrets Can Kill (unremastered) is so intense, to the point that you win the game by pointing a gun at the culprit and clicking. Every aspect of this game - 2D models, rhyming clues, gritty realism, blackmail, steroid use, drug running - is so dissonant with the rest of the series, and for me that really sets it apart from the other games. Granted, SCK1 is underrated because it came out ages ago and only functions on dinosaur computers, but I think HER’s first game was a solid debut for our Drewniverse. Go manatees!
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NDfashionmonth | Day 29. Nancy Drew Book You Want A Game Based On : The Hidden Staircase (x)
If I’m being completely honest here, I haven’t read very many of the Nancy Drew books. So, what I did was read their summaries, pick an interesting one, and made an outfit based on the cover! One day I’ll start reading all of them, but alas that day hasn’t come yet.
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