#nasrin the arcana
rattoenailclippings · 24 days
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I dont know which one is supposed to be Muriel’s mother in the tapestry HELP
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faun-draws · 2 years
Last I made young!Morga. Next up is young!Nasrin. This is way too much fun. Someone get mit pen before I do them all!
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the satrinyavas
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theintrovertbean · 1 year
If Nadia is 48 how old do you think her siblings and parents are? Are her siblings 1 year or a couple years apart?
Honestly, I refuse to believe that Nadia is anywhere above 35 or even 30 because there's just no way; it's unbelievable. Like, look at her. The first time I saw Nadia, I thought she was like 28. Plus, she is a bit immature for a woman in her 40s. NOW LOOK AT HER PARENTS TOO. Nasrin popped out seven kids, she is likely at least 80 years old, and yet, she looks like the Prakran Tina Turner (rip Queen). Namar also looks like a baby compared to his actual age. Honestly, the entire family looks waaaay too young for their actual ages. I think the devs simply fucked up the timeline and then didn't care enough to fix it.
But if Nadi really is 48, then I think Natiqa might be 50 or 51 because she looks pretty much the same age as Nadi. They probably have the smallest age gap out of the Satrinava siblings.
Nasmira could be 54, Nahara and Navra 57. Nazali 61 and Nafizah 65.
They all have to be at least about 3 years apart because otherwise, @ragingaces is gonna kill me because the human body needs a couple years to heal between pregnancies.
Either way, Nasrin and Namar would be at least 83 (if they started having kids early), which is crazy because people in their 80s don't look like that. Ain't no way they sailed to Vesuvia all the way from Prakra and didn't lie in bed for a week straight because traveling made all their joints hurt.
In conclusion, they are a bunch of grandmas plus a stylish grandbaba.
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xaharadesert · 2 years
Halloween! - Headcanon
Arcana Characters (Main 6, Courtiers, Nadia’s Family)
A/N: Does Halloween exist in the Arcana universe? I do not know, but Halloween is fun, so we’re doing it anyway! Please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes : ) requests are open!
Loves telling ghost stories, especially to the small children running around trick-or-treating
He’s careful not to scare the little ones too much, but he gets really into it, so they usually get a little freaked out anyway
Hands out the absolute best candy
Her little cottage is pretty out of the way, but any child who knows what’s good for them will make the journey anyway
Also the kind of person to offer the adult’s a hot drink if it’s a cold night out
Getting absolutely hammered at Nadia’s party
Won’t remember anything the next day, but he assumes he was the life of the party
Honestly they put him in a room with a statue at some point and he spends the rest of the night explaining his life story to it
He’s not a huge fan of Halloween
If his friends are going out, he’ll kind of trail behind them, but he’s not into dressing up
Takes the opportunity to visit some shops that don’t celebrate Halloween for some peace and quiet
Has the most elaborate costume, and spends weeks in advance preparing it
Not super into the scary part of Halloween, and instead spends most of it showing off some cool magic to the kids who come by
Also very generous with handing out candy it he stays home
Throwing a Halloween party
Mostly avoids talking and just enjoys the costumes and entertainment of the night
Also likes to tour around Vesuvia discretely in the nights before to check out all the decorations
Doesn’t care that he’s royalty, he’s handing out candy and nobody can stop him
Kids adore him since he gives them extra if he favours their costume
And they’re already getting a lot
Insists on a matching costume with his wife
Is not fond of the matching costumes, but will do it because she loves her husband
Will insist on more refined costumes, though
Spends most of the night watching her husband absolutely lose it over a tiny child dressed as him (she finds this highly amusing)
There’s an unofficial competition to scare her
There is never a winner, as the most anyone can get is a small “oh! Hello!”
Nobody knows how she’s never affected, but since she doesn’t seem to mind, they don’t stop trying
Similar to Julian, they like to tell ghost stories
Except their’s are more based on the legends they heard while traveling the world
They’re also much better at restraining themself around smaller children
Very into costumes, and spends weeks in advance making costumes for her family
Also employs a lot of seamstresses to make an abundance of costumes for the children of less fortunate families, and hands them out a couple days in advance
Patrols the streets during trick-or-treating just in case
There’s not really a lot of danger, but she likes to be careful
She also loves to see the little girls who dress up as her and jump with joy when they get to actually meet her
She offers to run a temporary daycare for the tiny children who can’t go trick-or-treating so their parents can take the slightly older kids out
She employs a few other citizens and they set up a cute little Halloween area for the babies to play while they gossip and have fun in their own way
She’s honestly not a huge fan of Halloween, but it seems like a good time to go over to Nadia’s party and watch Lucio make a fool of himself
Spends most of her time watching people look like idiots, and makes mental notes about what she can hold over their heads later
Hates Halloween
Grabs as much as much wine as he can carry and locks himself in his room until it’s over
He takes his worms trick-or-treating
Avoids the actual children though
The reason some people need to be patrolling the streets
Considers murder to be adding to the decorations
Best! Day! Ever!
She’s obviously going trick-or-treating, and she is getting ALL the candy
Might steal candy from children if she feels she isn’t getting enough
Also hits all the parties to eat their food
Gets a little too into the decorations
Nobody can tell whether or not they’re actually real, and nobody is brave enough to ask
Doesn’t need to buy candy to hand out because nobody is brave enough to enter their space for trick-or-treating
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luasworkshop · 2 years
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The fact that I haven’t drawn the GILFs until now is absolutely unfathomable, so I have rectified that.  Nasrin and Namar are just delightful and oh so pretty.
Fullview here.
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pugwitharug · 1 year
Arcana Babygirl Poll: Round 1
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arcaneboner · 2 years
Back on my bullshit of making lovechildren. Even though y'all hated it last time. This time I'll PRETEND to take genetics into mind I swear.
Valerius x Nasrin
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So, we know that the brown to blond fade isn't a genetic trait in real life. But neither are these characters rather unnatural eye colors so let's ignore that for now. Brown hair that fades to white because the kid dyes it to look like both mom and dad. Cuz, let's be real, that fade is the best part of Valerius' design.
The fade would look like this:
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Skin color would be eye dropped anywhere from this:
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Probably would have the same eye color as Nasrin since they're the same color, Nasrin's gold is simply more powerful.
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Nadia with an MC who’s really close to her sisters and parents due to not having a family of their own (for reasons which I’ll leave vauge so your creativity can fill them in) perhaps ?
The Arcana HCs: MC with M6's family
~ oh, we love some good found family! thanks for the request, @dameschnee123! I had fun work shopping this request with you ^.^ - brainrot ~
Let's be clear: Mazelinka's first feeling upon meeting you was relief. And she experiences it again every single time she can sense that Ilya (the rascal!) is getting into trouble again because she knows that he listens to you at least (and you seem to be sensible)
She doesn't expect you to fix him, but she's been watching him wander around with too many empty spots in his heart for way too long and she's glad you've found a home with him there
She is going to pass on all the advice, all the embarrassing childhood stories, and regularly threaten to replace him with you
Portia's a little jealous at first, not gonna lie
She's been looking up to and trying to keep up with her older brother for years, and now you've popped up out of nowhere and you have all of his love and attention! (she's more annoyed than she is upset, though)
If anything, you make it easier for her to reconnect with him. They last knew each other as kids, and having you around helps them become friends again as adults
Dinners with the four of you often devolve into Julian and Portia telling you "how it actually happened" while Mazelinka threatens them with her spoon to keep the noise down
Both Asra and their parents are so glad you're around, and while none of them would pressure you, they're all very eager to treat you like part of the family
On Asra's part it's obvious. He wants to make you a constant in his life, and having you around makes it easier for him to face emotionally difficult situations (like reconnecting with his parents)
Aisha and Salim feel that keenly. They love you right away for what you mean to their precious child, and they'll quickly come to love you for who you are as well
Aisha's mama-bear instincts are going to flare up just as quickly for you as they do for Asra. Arcana help the poor fool that causes you any form of pain
Salim, on the other hand, bonds with you over your magic and your shop. An ability as versatile as yours captured his interest as soon as he saw it, and he could spend hours browsing your collection
Aisha loves having you over for tea - regardless of whether or not Asra or Salim can make it. It becomes a weekly thing
Salim will stop by for a five minute purchase and then spend hours telling you about his latest ideas (much to Asra's embarrassment)
You're about to be spoiled rotten
And dragged into lots and lots and lots of "spirited debates"
Nasrin is the slowest to warm up to you, only because it takes a while before she has the chance to be in the same space as you without also needing to be the Queen of Prakra
Namar has no such qualms and adopts you immediately, as do Navra and Natiqa. You are about to get dragged into so many shenanigans with them (Nadia thinks they're terrible influences)
Thankfully, Nasmira and Nafizah are quick to notice when the madness becomes a little more intense than you want it to be and will either give you an out (Nasmira) or stop the whole thing (Nafizah)
Nahara never indicates when she decides that you're part of the family, but you notice when she starts shifting her stance to keep an eye on you as well as her sisters
Nazali, being the sister most removed from royal life, will often seek you out for the sole purpose of talking to someone "normal"
There's an ongoing battle over who will be your shop's benefactor. Nadia's waiting to tell them that she owns half your stocks
He didn't think that he had family
Or if he did, he always assumed that they hadn't wanted him
Having you by his side as he learned the truth gave him the courage to accept it, grieve over it, and grow from it
It means so much to him that there's someone he can talk to who also met Khamgalai and who is able and willing to visit the Steppe and decipher the tapestries with him
Speaking of Khamgalai, she still talks to you both all the time. It's not uncommon for her to ask you to interfere when Muriel chickens out halfway through an embarrassing baby story
She has so many baby stories - about him, about his parents, about his cousins ...
And, oh dear. She's very eager for the two of you to have babies of your own. It doesn't have to be by biological means, just adopt a kid or two or five or ten already!
She knows for a fact that Muriel has a deeply nurturing nature and would be a wonderful mentor and she's convinced that if she points out to you what perfect husband and father material he is you'll help her persuade him. (which makes him flush every time)
Ilya tried to give you the shovel talk, okay?
The only problem was that his heart wasn't in it because he had just watched you and Pasha empower each other so much that you two took down the world together and he's just a little intimidated
To his relief, Mazelinka was quick to hijack it and serve you a proper threat ("Exactly! What she said!" etc)
He doesn't want to admit it, but it was really because he's learned how ticked Pasha gets if he acts too protective and he doesn't want her to get angry at him again
Mazelinka, Portia, and you have regular get-togethers to sort out exactly what's going on with that delicious soup. Portia wants to learn how to make it, and you want to decipher its magical properties. Mazelinka is amused by your observations
Julian will often mysteriously appear and claim that he's not interested, magic's not for him, he's just here to read his book, but he's peeking over the edge and adding his two cents the whole time
Portia loves inviting them up to the cottage for family dinners and it's always a fun time. You didn't know it was possible to bruise a rib from laughing too hard, but you quickly discover that it is
Family is a touchy matter for him
The biggest reason being that he tried to kill his own (and succeeded, in his father's case) and then ran away from them
Which is why, when it comes to the possibility of starting a family with you, he is absolutely convinced that it will end with one of his kids attempting the same thing
It doesn't help that Morga points this out every time you make contact with her, only to finish with something vaguely threatening along the lines of "children are the blessing we deserve"
If you have hair that can be braided, she will braid it every time she sees you and scold Montag for not taking better care of you
Never calls you her child out loud, treats you like the family favorite
Which Lucio notices, and whines about, but is secretly pleased by because you are one of the few decisions he's made that his mother approves of
Lucio will often ask you to tell her things on his behalf because he's convinced she'll respond better if it's coming from you
This does not work, because after giving you a curt nod she will promptly hunt him down with exactly the reaction he was avoiding
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bastart13 · 1 year
Hi. I'm not in the Arcana from the start... It was kinda old game when i first started playing it so... Do You know if there is a place where I can find both old and new designs of charcater sprites? Because i heard there were some edits to it. Also is this possible to check how first version of game prologue looked like?
tbh I didn't arrive to the fandom too early either. I came in just before the first masquerade and missed most of the edits/early changed. I think the wiki has a bunch of sprites, though only a few have notable changes.
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(Modern - left, original - right) They changed Julian's face a lot, mostly around his eyes, shrinking them and removing the red line, but also his nose became slightly more downturned.
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Nadia's design had a pretty big overhaul. This design was a little too "demure" according to the devs so they raised her eyeline so she's not looking up at the viewer, her hair was straightened, her dress was altered a bit, and they removed the veil.
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(modern - left, original - right) They gave Muriel's tits an upgrade
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(modern - left, original - right) Same with Nasrin
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And they redrew Pepi to be a bit cuter :D
As for the prologue, idk where you'd find an original other than maybe the Arcana's youtube channel? I don't know if the upload they have is pre or post update. I miss a couple of scenes but I'm very glad they streamlined it. The original was long
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sapphickatpoet · 9 months
Arcana Characters as D&D Classes
I saw @courtmajulian make a post about this, and I wanna post my thoughts on it too!
✨Love Interests✨
Asra: Wizard
Nadia: Investigator/Artificer
Julian: Cleric (healing domain)/Rogue
Muriel: Druid (ex fighter)
Portia: Barbarian (multiclasses as a wizard later on)
Lucio: Fighter/Warlock
(They’re all warlocks, so here’s there other classes)
Valerius: Vigilante
Vulgora: Barbarian
Vlastomil: Summoner
Volta: Witch
Valdemar: Cleric (death domain)
✨Side Characters✨
Tasya: Warlock
Mazelinka: Fighter/Druid
Aisha: Alchemist
Salim: Alchemist
Morga: Blood Hunter
Khamagalai: Druid
Nasrin: Investigator
Namar: Artificer
Nafizah: Cavalier
Nazali: Druid
Navra: Bard
Nahara: Fighter
Nasmira: Druid
Natiqa: Bard
✨The Apprentice✨
Seraphine: Bard/Warlock
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arcanarubinaito · 5 months
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Short Story Taglist
I’ve been meaning to compile a list of content tags I will commonly use, and their meanings. This both gives me a handy reference to use when I’m finalizing everything to post—because honestly I blank out on how to tag it once I get to that point, lol—and I figure I’d post it as both a reference for my own readers and a potential resource for other minific authors here on Tumblr.
This list will be updated as needed; and if you have any tag you think should be added, please comment your suggestions!
I will not be adding tags for certain taboo subjects, as that content will never be on my blog and I’m sure those who write it already know how to properly tag it.
I will not be adding ship tags because frankly there are too many to add.
Please note that this list contains Content Warning tags.
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Spoiler Warnings
Asra’s Route
Nadia’s Route
Julian’s Route
Muriel’s Route
Portia’s Route
Lucio’s Route
Tales (Insert Specific Tale Here)
Upright Ending
Neutral Ending
Content Warning Tags
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Suicidal Tendencies
Sexually Explicit Content
Substance Abuse
Depictions of Alcohol
Mild/Mentioned Alcohol Use
Depictions of Drug Use
Mild/Mentioned Drug Use
General Content Tags
Platonic Relationship(s)
Romantic Relationship(s)
Hurt/No Comfort
Major Character Death
Minor Character Death
Slow Burn
Miscellaneous Tags
SFW (<18)
NSFW (18+)
[x] Words
Ask Box
Character Tags
Reader/OC Tags
GN Reader
AFAB Reader
AMAB Reader
Nonbinary Reader
Female Reader
Male Reader
Transfem Reader
Transmasc Reader
Self Insert
Apprentice OC
Original Character(s)
Main Six
Asra Alnazar
Nadia Satrinava
Julian/Ilya Devorak
Muriel of the Kokhuri
Portia/Pasha Devorak
Lucio/Montag Morgasson
Mercedes & Melchior
Chimes & Flamel
Consul Valerius
Praetor Vlastomil
Procurator Volta
Pontifex Vulgora
Quaestor Valdemar
Side Characters
Aisha Alnazar
Salim Alnazar
Tasya/Anastasia Devorak
Lishka Devorak
Halinka (A Warm Welcome)
Khamgalai of the Kokhuri
Morga Eirsdottir
The Satrinavas
Nasrin Satrinava
Namar Satrinava
Nafizah Satrinava
Nazali Satrinava
Navra Satrinava
Nahara Satrinava
Nasmira Satrinava
Natiqa Satrinava
Gavin (The Bazar Job)
Minor Characters
Chamberlain (One of the Palace servants. Unclear if ‘Chamberlain’ is his name or his title.)
Ludovico (Palace Guard)
Bludmila (Palace Guard)
Selasi (The Baker)
Saguaro (An acquaintance of Asra’s, from Nopal)
Tilde the Leech Monger (A leech merchant near Mazelinka’s house.)
Barth/Bartholomew (Bartender of The Rowdy Raven)
Aedile Velos (Once slept in the Palace’s haunted guest room.)
Major Arcana
The Fool (0)
The Magician (I)
The High Priestess (II)
The Empress (III)
The Emperor (IV)
The Hierophant (V)
The Lovers (VI)
The Chariot (VII)
Strength (VIII)
The Hermit (IX)
Wheel of Fortune (X)
Justice (XI)
The Hanged Man (XII)
Death (XIII)
Temperance (XIV)
The Devil (XV)
The Tower (XVI)
The Star (XVII)
The Moon (XVIII)
The Sun (XIX)
Judgment (XX)
The World (XXI)
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consul-valerius · 10 months
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ANYWAYYY it’s been 84 years since I have done any Tasya/Valerius content, and they truly are my bread and butter sooooo :3c been grinding my smut EXP to finally attempt to draw her railing the wine man and im p content with the result heheh Nasrin I think is next on The Real Milves of The Arcana 🤭 we need some elder on elder violence with her and Sam I think lmfao
Full image undercut—content warning for mommy kink dialogue lol
MINORS DNI or im taking your lunch money
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One day donna will get to walk in the sun (get railed by a MILF) but today is not that day LMAO 99% of my energy went into Tasya’s one thigh tbh
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theintrovertbean · 1 year
The Satrinavas are like ice cream. I want to try them all.
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mxgicthot · 2 years
Aditya Ranjit Singh
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Name : Aditya आदित्य
Meaning : Lord of the sun
Gender : Male
Sexual orientation : Bisexual
Pronouns : He/him
MBTI type : ISTJ
Homeland : Paraka
Ethnical inspiration : South Asian - Rajasthani
Spouse : Samaira Rathod (Julie)
Adi and Julie are married in canon but they have an open relationship and fine with seeing other people.
Birthday : 11 May
Sun : Taurus
Moon : Leo
Rising : Cancer
He has shoulder length dark brown hair which he leaves loose, sharp canines and a deep scar above his right eye. He speaks in an unnaturally deep growly voice.
Eyes : Amber
Hair : Dark straight hair
Facial hair : Beard will vary in length, but he never goes completely clean-shaven
Height : 7ft (213 cm)
Body type : Mesomorph Body Type, very strong and burly. He has a muscular chest, shoulders, and limbs.
He wears a lot of gold rings. Has a few ear piercings, usually wears dark metal jewelry to blend in with his hair
Colour : Red
Food : Laal Maas (mutton curry prepared in a sauce of yoghurt and hot spices)
Drink : Mahua liquor
Flower : Rohida (Tecomella undulata)
Animal : Cats
Aditya is often stoic with his primary conversational skills being grunts, a swear word and throwing shade when pressed. He is highly observant of his surroundings and notices even the smallest of changes.
Adi keeps his feelings close to the chest, but under his stoic demeanor hides a softer interior. He will do nearly anything to protect his loved ones.
Triditional art and music
Forging weapons
Animal's (has a soft spot for cats)
Surgery desserts
Time wasting
Loud noises
Crowded spaces
Ignorant / judgemental people
Being unable to protect his loved ones.
Major Arcana - Strength
Upright : Strength, courage, persuasion, influence, compassion
Reversed : Inner strength, self-doubt, low energy, raw emotion
Minor Arcana - Nine of wands
Upright : Resilience, courage, persistence, test of faith, boundaries
Reversed : Inner resources, struggle, overwhelm, defensive, paranoia
Trade / Occupation
He currently works as a sword for hire.
Has made deals and worked for Queen Nasrin in the past and occasionally continues to assist the royal family.
Random facts
He is practical and has a desire to understand the way certain things work.
He is a surprisingly good artist, and his preferred medium is charcoal, though he never does much with his art.
Doesn't sleep at night, but prefers to take naps during the day - in the sun.
Likes working with his hands, some of his hobbies include, woodwork, pottery and jewelry making.
Is really well read and knowledgeable on political matters.
Makes his own weapons and is a very skilled blacksmith.
Rakshasas abilities
They are powerful warriors, expert magicians and illusionists. As shapeshifters, they could assume different physical forms. As illusionists, they were capable of creating appearances which were real to those who believed in them or who failed to dispel them. Some of the rakshasas were said to be man-eaters, and made their gleeful appearance when the slaughter on a battlefield was at its worst.
Magical abilities
Shape-shifting - Adi can willing change form whenever he chooses.
Illusionary magic : the ability to psychically distort others' perception of reality and the ability to impart substance and power into illusory sensory phenomena
Superhuman Senses- the ability to perceive sensory stimuli with precision and range beyond human norms.
Life-Force Absorption- the ability to psychically draw life energy into oneself.
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Characters I'm
Willing to Write For
Daichi Sawamura
Kōshi Sugawara
Asahi Azumane
Yū Nishinoya
Ryūnoske Tanaka
Chikara Ennoshita
Hisashi Kinoshita
Kazuhito Narita
Tobio Kageyama
Shōyō Hinata
Kei Tsukishima
Akiteru Tsukishima
Tadashi Yamaguchi
Kiyoko Shimizu
Hitoka Yachi
Ittetsu Takeda
Keishin Ukai
Karasuno Girls Team
Yui Michimiya
Mao Aihara
Rinko Sudō
Moe Kikuchi
Manami Aoki
Nozomi Watabe
Chizuru Sasaki
Karasuno Association
Tenma Udai
Makoto Shimada
Yūsuke Takinoue
Natsu Hinata
Saeko Tanaka
Madoka Yachi
Tetsurō Kuroo
Nobuyuki Kai
Morisuke Yaku
Taketora Yamamoto
Kenma Kozume
Shōhei Fukunaga
Sō Inuoka
Tamahiko Teshiro
Lev Haiba
Yūki Shibayama
Nekoma Association
Akane Yamamoto
Alisa Haiba
Aoba Johsai
Tōru Oikawa
Issei Matsukawa
Takahiro Hanamaki
Hajime Iwaizumi
Shigeru Yahaba
Shinji Watari
Yūtarō Kindaichi
Akira Kunimi
Kentarō Kyōtani
Dateku (Date Tech)
Yasushi Kamasaki
Kaname Moniwa
Takehito Sasaya
Takanobu Aone
Kenji Futakuchi
Yutaka Obara
Kanji Kogenagawa
Tarō Onagawa
Jingo Fukiage
Kōsuke Sakunami
Mai Nametsu
Tatsuki Washio
Yamato Sarukui
Kōtarō Bokuto
Keiji Akaashi
Akinori Konoha
Shūichi Anahori
Haruki Komi
Wataru Onaga
Yukie Shirofuku
Kaori Suzumeda
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Eita Semi
Reon Ōhira
Satori Tendō
Tsutomu Goshiki
Kenjirō Shirabu
Taichi Kawanashi
Kai Akura
Hayato Yamagata
Yūshō Sagae
Yūji Terushima
Kazuma Bobata
Takeharu Futamata
Katsumichi Higashiyama
Rintarō Numajiri
Nobuyoshi Īzaka
Arata Tsuchiya
Hana Misaki
Runa Kuribayashi
Suguru Daishō
Yoshiya Takachiho
Kazuma Numai
Kōji Hiroo
Isumi Sakishima
Sō Akama
Akihiko Seguro
Naoyasu Kuguri
Mika Yamaka
Shinsuke Kita
Ren Ōmimi
Aran Ojiro
Hiroshima Ginjima
Atsumu Miya
Rintarō Suna
Osamu Miya
Yūto Kosaku
Heisuke Riseki
Michinari Akagi
MSBY Jackals
Shūgo Meian
Shion Inunaki
Adriah Tomas
Oliver Barnes
Kaito Hashikami
Sakusa Kiyoomi
Kanoka Amonai
Maiko Yonezawa
Motoya Komori
Sachirō Hirugami
Kōrai Hoshiumi
Obey Me
Luke (Only Platonic)
Fruits Basket
Tohru Honda
Arisa Uotani
Saki Hanajima
Kisa (Only Platonic)
Hiro (Only Platonic)
Megumi Hanajima
Kakeru Manabe
Machi Kuragi
Mine Kuramae
Free!! Franchise
Aiichiro Nitori
Akane Kurimiya-Shiina
Asahi Shiina
Ayumu Kunikida
Gou Matsuoka
Haruka Nanase
Hayato Shigino
Hiyori Tono
Ikuya Kirishima
Isuzu Mikoshiba
Katsumi Shigino
Kisumi Shigino
Makoto Tachibana
Miho Amakata
Momotaro Mikoshiba
Nagisa Hazuki
Nao Serizawa
Natsuya Kirishima
Ran & Ren Tachibana (Only Platonic)
Rei Ryugasaki
Rin Matsuoka
Seijuro Mikoshiba
Sousuke Yamazaki
Tsubasa Ryugasaki
Attack on Titan
Mikasa Ackerman
Armin Arlert
Reiner Braun
Ymir Fritz
Levi Ackerman
Historia Reiss
Hange Zoë
Sasha Blouse
Erwin Smith
Jean Kirstein
Connie Springer
Annie Leonhart
Bertholdt Hoover
Marco Bott
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane
Lance McClain
Katie "Pidge" Holt
Princess Allura
Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton Smythe
Matthew "Matt" Holt
Prince Lotor
Asra Alnazar
Nadia Satrinava
Julian Devorak (Ilya, Ilyushka)
Portia Devorak
Aisha Alnazar
Salim Alnazar
The Pets/Companions/Familars
Mercedes & Melchior
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