#nancy drew 4.10
reviewdiaries · 10 months
Nancy x Ace and the quandary of choice in 4x10
Guys, guys, guys. Nancy has taken terrible decision making to a whole new level.
We had 4x08 and those gorgeous beautiful moments between Nancy and Ace, both at the loading dock and the telephone call at the end of the episode. And we all went YES, MY BABIES, YOU ARE BACK ON TRACK.
And then. AND THEN. We had two episodes where Nancy and Ace basically don’t interact at all. Which seems so counterintuitive to everything we’ve had in the run up. Even when they stopped trying to break the curse they were still interacting, hell, they were practically breaking up every episode. So to go from that to nothing was SUSPICIOUS. 
I trust the Nancy Drew writers completely. Even when it seems bizarre and off track, you end up watching each season back as a whole and everything slots so beautifully into place and you have the slow dawning realisation that even whilst you were screaming at the screen because WHAT ARE YOU DOING, it actually links in and every thread ties together and it ends up becoming this gorgeous whole which is so much fun to re-watch.
So when things seem weird, suspicious, and downright off key for this point in a season, I trust that it’s actually going to make sense and come together and I’m going to have an OH moment.
And things in Horseshoe Bay are SUSPICIOUS AS HELL right now. 
Nancy was a mess in 4x08, not only over her feelings over Ace, but also the grief over her mum and the anniversary. And when grief is particularly strong we don’t necessarily make the best life choices. If you were heartbroken, if you just wanted to stop feeling the pain, and you knew there was a way to take that away, would you take it?
Others have already analysed Nancy’s outfit in the photo of her at the wash basin, and placed it the night of the anniversary. I personally think that she goes after the phone call, our last beautiful moment between these two. Think about what’s said. Ace says to her, “It’s hard to be your friend right now” then pauses before continuing “I’m a better person with you in my life.” She thinks about this for a moment before replying “I’m not happy without you in mine.”
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GIF Credit   @nancy-drew  
But it hurts, so so much, for both of them. And slowly it dawns on her after they’ve said their goodbyes, that there is a way to solve this. He wants her in his life, she’s not happy without him in hers, but he just said it, it is so hard to be around each other.
So she goes back, back to the Yacht Club, back down the stairs, not even aware of the tears that have dried on her face on the drive over. Because she doesn’t want to do this, doesn’t want to take it away. 
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GIF Credit   @livelovecaliforniadreams  
And this hurts even more thinking about that scene with Ace earlier in the evening when she tells him memories are all we have left because she’s about to remove even that. That photo of her taken after speaking her sin, she’s defiant, gutted, as though this has cost her everything to do but she’s not sorry. Because in her pain filled haze this is the only answer, this is the logical next step. Take away the memories, take away the pain, take away the feelings, and things will be ok.
But she’s miscalculated, the same as Ace when he said they could go back to before. There is no before, there is no going back, and Nancy and Ace’s relationship is nothing but feelings. They’ve never just been friends, it’s all so tangled up together that it’s like trying to remove the heart and expecting the body to keep living.
So she speaks her sin, and there’s a wealth of things she could choose from - choosing Ace instead of the town, killing her soulmate, lying to him about wanting to move on. How far back has she gone? What has she asked the sin eater to consume?
And then we have 4x09 and 4x10. And something is off, something is wrong. Ace is removed from the group, there’s barely any engagement, and Nancy isn’t pining, Nancy is fine. Nancy is more than fine, she’s moving on. And that just doesn’t track against soulmate, he’s my person, best kiss of my life Nancy from the first half of the season. It doesn’t make sense, and in a show like this, something not making sense is not poor writing, it’s us as the audience not yet having all the pieces of the puzzle yet. 
Sure there’s a whole other branch of excitement where we think Ace has picked up a speaking to dead people curse, which is further added to by Bess not being able to hear this ghost, and please for the love of everything Bess will you stop thinking about all the other things and focus on the fact that Ace can suddenly hear a dead person after disposing of that curse?!
But that helps to highlight the wrong, the slight shift in gravity Horseshoe Bay has undergone. Suddenly the language Nancy is using is different, there’s no mention of a curse, no mention of an epic love. Just about things getting messy and complicated with her ex and wanting something simple. That doesn’t track. That’s not Nancy, that’s not what we’ve just watched. It’s such a complete tonal shift from everything that has come before. And none of the others are commenting on it. Previously we’ve had little comments and moments where the others have talked about her and Ace, where the curse has been discussed, and now suddenly there’s nothing.
And this is a powder keg waiting to blow. She was in pain, sure, but Nancy has violated everyone in the Drew Crew by speaking this sin and asking it to be taken away. But none more so than Ace. How has her sin altered their memories? It seems to have removed all knowledge of the curse, all of their feelings for each other. Ace is not going to react well to that, and rightly so. Nancy has reverted back to old patterns and behaviours - I will fix the thing on my own, I don’t need anyone else for this. She has come so far, she works so well as part of a team, but this thing, this painful heart breaking hole inside her that can’t be filled by anything but Ace’s smile and the touch of his fingers on her skin and the way he breathes out her name, this feels like it’s hers and hers alone. 
She’s felt so alone, ever since Ace told her he couldn’t carry on trying, ever since he walked away. That was the ultimate abandonment, and so she has assumed this pain as her own. Stopped considering Ace in this, because he keeps telling her it’s fine, he’s fine, they’re fine, they can go back. Their inability to communicate properly has led to her feeling like he isn’t hurting too.
So she takes the curse, and the knowledge of it, and she destroys it. But nothing stays buried forever and Ace is going to be furious when he realises she’s taken his memories from him. Altered his feelings, removed his choice from this. The fallout from this is going to be catastrophic, because how can Nancy justify this, explain this away to Ace, make it make sense that she would do this to him, to them?
Because what they’re living now isn’t better. They’re both still miserable, they don’t have the other in their lives in any meaningful way. They’re just existing. 
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nacesource · 10 months
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NANCY DREW 4.10 | The Ballad of Lives Foregone
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flythesail · 3 months
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Nancy Drew ⋆ 1.07 and 4.10
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episodeoftv · 7 months
Prelims, Vote 6 of 8
The top 4 finales will move on to be included in the main bracket
Propaganda is under the cut, may include spoilers
Dancing with the Stars - 31.11 Finale
The winner had been pre-decided before the season even began which rendered the entire season pointless. I also watched on the West coast so I went into the episode knowing just how rigged it actually was because the results were already posted online. I don’t expect these shows to be 100% authentic but I at least expect the finale to use actual votes instead of having the winner put it in her contract that she wins.
Leverage: Redemption - 2.12 The Museum Makeover Job / 2.13 The Crowning Achievement Job
I just Cop Daughter. What ever happened to the “good” cop just being some rando I liked those days.
Medium - 7.13 Me Without You
I'll be honest, I watched this show with my mom as a child and I don't remember too many details, but I DO remember being filled with absolute rage over the fact that they killed the main character's husband so abruptly and how they handled the fall out. This was the series finale and instead of giving a nice, wholesome ending, the creators decided to say F you to the fans and make everyone miserable for... no real reason, honestly. It wasn't even well written or well acted, from what I recall. It was just... bad. It's been almost 13 years and I am still filled with absolute rage over this stupid ending. I honestly don't care if no one else votes for this, I just want it to be known it's a Bad finale.
Nancy Drew - 4.13 The Light Between Lives
The entire final season sucked honestly. They didn’t give a proper ending to most of the plot lines simply because they didn’t give themselves enough time. And they knew it was going to be the final season so it made no sense to do that.
Roseanne - 9.23 / 9.24 Into That Good Night
Just focusing on the (at the time) series finale and not all the terrible things Roseanne decided to say and be later. This finale sucked. It was built to retcon the entire (admittedly bad) season that came before it as a bizarre fantasy of the titular character after her Husband died. They quickly and randomly undid different characters' development and swapped around couples just because.
Torchwood - 4.10 The Blood Line
Captain Jack's magical blood is necessary to heal a evil vagina running through the core of the Earth, and Bill Pullman's on hand as a cackling supervillain pedophile who dies screaming about how he's going to chase little girls in Hell. But the worst part is, somehow, all of that is boring.
Xena Warrior Princess - 6.21 A Friend in Need
They undid an entire series of redemption work with one that could only be redeemed with her death an unending torment
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spoilertv · 10 months
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whumpslist · 7 years
Single episode Whumps
I will collect here single episodes with good whumps, even if the serie is not listed because lacks of whumps. This page will be continuously updated.
Nancy Drew: 2.14 episode “The Siege of the Unseen Specter”. Character: Detective Abe Tamura, performed by Ryan-James Hatanaka. Type of whumps: held hostage, touched an electrified door and fallen to the floor hitting his head, dressed hand and ice pack at his head, progressivily feeling worse, collapsed on the floor, rescued, bags under his eyes. °°°NEWEST°°°
Aftermath: Character: Joshua Copeland, performed by James Tupper
1.07 episode “What the Thunder Said”. Type of whumps: shot in the abdomen, treated on the field and bullet extracted “magically”, blood and pain, passed out, healed (too) fast.
1.10-1.11 episodes. Type of whumps: got brain fever in the previous episode, coughing blood, fever and hallucinations, heavely sedated and visions, delusional, collapsed and unconscious on the ground.
Blindspot: Character: Roman, performed by Luke Mitchell
2.09 episode “ Why Let Cooler Pasture Deform”. Type of whumps: intense headache and hissing ears, collapsed, unconscious on hospital bed, weak and couldn’t stand, painful memoris, emotional pain and crying.
3.16 episode “Artful Dodge”. Type of whumps: fought and shot, bloody and weak and sweating, treated on the field, injected with ZIP and upset, collapsed.
Colony: Character: Will Bowman, performed by Josh Holloway
1.06 episode “Yoknapatawpha”. Type of whumps: deep cut at his arm, treated and dressed on the field, fought and tired.
2.01 episode (and 2.02) “Eleven.Thirteen”. Type of whumps: beaten and stabbed into his shoulder, treated and dressed on the field, fought and hit at his wound, fought again.
Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders: 2.13 episode “The Ripper of Riga”
Character: Jack Garrett, performed by Gary Sinise. Type of whumps: intense emotional distress, shot by his own son and collapsed on the floor, blood on his hand, under gunpoint, passed out.
Character: Ryan Garrett, performed by Matt Cohen. Type of whumps: kidnapped, under gunpoint, beaten face and handcuffed hands, bloody and swollen eye, intense emotional distress.
Character: Matt Simmons, performed by Daniel Henney. Type of whumps: hit by explosion blast, bloody and cut face, treated on the field and many patches.
Deputy: Character: Sheriff Bill Hollister, performed by Stephen Dorff
1.01 episode “Graduation Day”. Type of whumps: shot in the arm and rough fight, bloody wound at his head, treated in hospital.
1.07 episode “10-8 Search and Rescue”. Type of whumps: into a car accident, treated in hospital, bruised face and ribs and sprained wrist, sore and grimacing, shot in the vest and fallen to the ground, many grunting, rough fight.
Forever: [not really durable because... you know, the immortal thing... but there are a couple worthy of mention]
1.05 episode “The Pugilist Break”. Character: Dr. Henry Morgan, performed by Ioan Gruffudd. Type of whumps: beaten and kicked, laying in hospital bed, bruises sore and limping.
1.07 episode “New York Kids”. Character: Dr. Henry Morgan, performed by Ioan Gruffudd. Type of whumps: shot twice in two different situations.
1.08 episode “The Ecstasy of Agony”. Character: Dr. Henry Morgan, performed by Ioan Gruffudd. Type of whumps: chained to a cross and badly tortured, electrocuted.
1.13 episode “Diamonds Are Forever”. Character: Det. Mike Hanson, performed by Donnie Keshawarz. Type of whumps: shot in the arm, hospital, arm in a sling for the rest of the episode.
1.22 episode “The Last Death of Henry Morgan”. Character: Dr. Henry Morgan, performed by Ioan Gruffudd. Type of whumps: fought and stabbed to death, shot to death and gasping in pain.
1.01 episode “Pilot”. Character: Det. Frank Sullivan, performed by Riley Smith. Type of whumps: shot, bleeding, recovering in hospital.
1.06 episode “Deviation”. Character: Det. Frank Sullivan, performed by Riley Smith. Type of whumps: beaten and kicked, bruises and sore.
1.10 episode “The Edison Effect”. Character: Det. Frank Sullivan, performed by Riley Smith. Type of whumps: car accident, bloody cut on his forehead, sore [consequences in 1.11 episode]. Character: Det. Kyle Moseby, performed by Rob Mayes. Type of whumps: laying in hospital bed with concussion, bruised ribs and broken foream.
1.13 episode “Signal Loss”. Character: Det. Frank Sullivan, performed by Riley Smith. Type of whumps: shot. Character: Captain Stan Moreno, performed by Anthony Ruivivar. Type of whumps: shot twice.
Godless: Character: Roy Goode, performed by Jack O'Connell
1.01 episode “An Incident at Creede”. Type of whumps: shot once but already shot twice, treated on the field, unconscious, collapsed, without voice, sore, arrested and handcuffed.
1.03 episode “Wisdom of the Horse”. Type of whumps: memory of previous shooting, horse-drawn.
1.07 episode “Homecoming”. Type of whumps: under heavy gunfire, duel with the gun, shot, collapsed.
1.06 episode. Character: Detective Inspector Geordie Keating, performed by Robson Green. Type of whumps: shot, bleeding, hospital. Character: Reverend Sidney Chambers, performed by James Norton. Type of whumps: very worried and angst, fought and noise bleeding.
2.03 episode. Character: Reverend Sidney Chambers, performed by James Norton. Type of whumps: attacked and slashed an arm with a knife, hit on his neck and knocked out.
2.05/06 episode. Character: Detective Inspector Geordie Keating, performed by Robson Green and Character: Reverend Sidney Chambers, performed by James Norton.Type of whumps: fought together, bad argument and broken friendship (for a while).
3.02 episode. Character: Reverend Sidney Chambers, performed by James Norton. Type of whumps: poisoned and felt sick, collapsed.
4.01 episode. Character: Sidney Chambers, portrayed by James Norton. Type of whumps: punched in the face, fought and elbowed, slammed against a wall and glass then collapsed, repeatedly punched, rescued, bleeding lip and bruised eyebrown, refused treatment and grumpy, treated on the field by his friend.
Lucifer: Character: Lucifer Morningstar, performed by Tom Ellis [not really durable because... you know, the immortal thing... but there are a couple worthy of mention]
1.13 episode “Take Me Back to Hell”. Type of whumps: shot, bleeding and gasping, dead than resurrected.
2.13 episode “A Good Day to Die”. Type of whumps: stopped his heart and revived, sweating.
3.17 episode “Let Pinhead Sing”. Type of whumps: stabbed with a knife, weak legs and sitting, arm in a sling.
4.01 episode “Everything's Okay”. Type of whumps: shot in the had and hole in it, screaming in effort and hand profusely bleeding, dresed hand.
4.04 episode “All About Eve”. Type of whumps: fought, hit and stabbed in the shoulder, frustrated.
4.04 episode “All About Eve”. Type of whumps: fought, hit and stabbed in the shoulder, frustrated.
4.05 episode “Expire Erect”. Type of whumps: held hostage, shot, badly bleeding and grunting, weak and pale, almost hit by explosion blast, on a gurney.
3.03 episode “Mr. and Mrs. Mazikeen Smith”. Character: BenRivers, performed by Chris L. McKenna. Type of whumps: handcuffed twice, fought, under heavy gunfire, shot and bleeding, “treated”on the field, punched and knocked out, stitched wound with... a button (?), captured tied up and gun at his head, fought, bruise on his face and sore.
Lucifer: Character: Marcus Pierce / Cain, performed by Tom Welling [not really durable because... you know, the immortal thing... but there are a couple worthy of mention]
3.04 episode “What Would Lucifer Do”. Type of whumps: shot, on a gurney, in hospital.
3.10 episode “The Sin bin” (and a brief aftermath in 3.12). Type of whumps: stabbed with a knife, collapsed and dead, resuscitated and gasping in pain, bleeding and treating himself.
3.13 episode “Til Death Do Us Part ”. Type of whumps: stabbed with a knife, groaning in pain.
3.14 episode “My Brother's Keeper”. Type of whumps: rough fight, shot, fallen dead and resuscitated, stabbed with broken bottle and screaming in pain, impaled and bleeding, heavily panting.
3.16 episode “Infernal Guinea Pig”. Type of whumps: shot, fallen dead and resuscitated.
3.24 episode “Quintessential Deckerstar”. Type of whumps: shot, into a gunfight, rough fight, stabbed and groaning in pain, dead.
Off the Map:
1.05 episode “I’m Here”. Character: Mateo, performed by Nicholas Gonzalez. Type of whumps: shot, bleeding, recovering in hospital.
1.06 episode “It’s Good”. Character: Julio, performed by José Zúñiga. Type of whumps: appendicitis, surgery without painkillers, chopper crash.
1.13 episode “There’s A Lot to Miss About the Jungle”. Character: Mateo, performed by Nicholas Gonzalez. Type of whumps: multiple shots, bleeding.
Profilage: Character: Inspector Thomas Rocher, performed by Philippe Bas
3.08 episode “Le prix de la liberté”. Type of whumps: rough fight, various bruises.
3.11-12 episode “Insoupçonnable”. Type of whumps: car accident and aftermath with headache and various bruises.
4.10 episode “La poudre aux yeux”. Type of whumps: shot, bleeding and passing out, brief aftermath.
5.08 episode “Entre deux”. Type of whumps: drugged and passed out, threated with a knife.
5.12 episode “À jamais”. Type of whumps: involved into a prison riot, fought and beaten, various bruises, later stabbed with scissors, shocked and collapsed.
8.02 episode “Le Prisonnier: 1ère partie”. Type of whumps: hit by explosion blast, uncoscious into an hospital bed with orthopedic collar and cuts on his face, dizzy and sore.
9.02 episode “Nouveau départ: 2ème partie”. Type of whumps: hit at his head and bullet grazed, kidnapped, tied, fought, treated in hospital.
9.08 episode “Les yeux fermés”. Type of whumps: head surgery, into a coma and nightmares, bandaged head.
SEAL Team: 3.01 episode “Welcome to the Refuge”. Character: Jason Hayes, performed by David Boreanaz. Type of whumps: hit by explosion blast and roughly pushed to the ground, unconscious, wobbly scratches and bruises, blood from his nose.
Shades of Blue:
2.02 episode “Eye of the Hurricane”. Character: Robert Stahl, performed by Warren Kole. Type of whumps: punched and almost chocked to death, with black eye in the following episode.
2.12 episode “Behind the Mask”. Character: James Nava, performed by Gino Anthony Pesi. Type of whumps: slashed on his forearm with a piece of glass, bleeding, hospital care.
2.13 episode “Broken Dolls”. Character: Matt Wozniak, performed by Ray Liotta. Type of whumps: shot point-blank in the abdomen.
3.07 episode “Straight Through The Heart”. Character: Anthony Cole, portrayed by Nick Wechsler. Type of whumps: tortured, manhandled, slapped, hands tied, searing flesh with blowtorch, screaming.
3.08 episode “Cry Havoc”. Character: Anthony Cole, portrayed by Nick Wechsler. Type of whumps: tortured and restrained, searing flesh wih a blowtorch, screaming in pain, sweating and panting, hit on the forehead and bloody, manhandled.
Tandem: Character: Paul Marchal, performed by Stéphane Blancafort
1.11 episode “Un anneau d'or: 1ère partie”. Type of whumps: into a shooting fight, bloody wound at his arm, hit in the head.
1.12 episode “Un anneau d'or: 2ème partie”. Type of whumps: injured in the previous episode, blindfolded and hands tied, kidnapped, escaped and hunted, in pain and heavily panting, manhandled, treated on the field, manhandled and repeatedly under gunpoint, rescued.
2.01 episode “Dans les mailles du filet”. Type of whumps: still recovering from gunshot wound, in pain under distress, a bit manhandled.
The Librarians: Character: Flynn Carsen, performed by Noah Wyle
1.01 episode “And the Crown of King Arthur”. Type of whumps: stabbed with a magical sword and collapsed to the ground.
1.02 episode “And the Sword in the Stone”. Type of whumps: mortally-wounded, treated on the field, bleeding and fainting this and there, fought, collapsed and dead, magically resuscitated.
3.10 episode “And the Wrath of Chaos”. Type of whumps: willing to sacrifice his life, hit by an energy ball and fallen to the ground, screaming in pain and on his knees, exhausted.
4.12 episode “And the Echoes of Memory”. Type of whumps: locked into an asylum, manhandled and electrocuted, grabbed again and almost lobotomized.
The Night Shift: Character: Dr. TC Callahan, performed by Eoin Macken
3.13 episode “Burned”. Type of whumps: beaten up, arrested and tied up, hit by explosion blast and bloody unconscious.
4.01 episode “Recoil”. Type of whumps: bloody face and tied up, hit by explosion blast, submerged by debris, nail in his hand, beaten.
4.02 episode “Off the Rails”. Type of whumps: manhandled and tied up, shot in the shoulder, arm sling.
4.09 episode “Land of the Free”. Type of whumps: rough fight, badly fallen to the ground, medical treatment, bruises on his face.
The Vampire Diaries: Character: Damon Salvatore, performed by Ian Somerhalder
2.22 episode “As I Lay Dying”. Type of whumps: poisoned, exposed to sun and burning, locked into a cell, spitting blood, weak for poison spreading, hallucinations and needing help to walk, on his knees, weak and sweating, moaning in bed, care.
4.23 episode “Graduation”. Type of whumps: shot with poisoned bullet and self-treatment, sore and bloody wound, weak for poison spreading, shot two times, on his knees weak and sweating.
Transporter The Series: 2.03 episode “Beacon of Hope”
Character: Frank Martin, performed by Chris Vance. Type of whumps: surrounded and hit in the face with rifle’s butt, captured and slapped, captured again and tortured, beaten and fought, many bruises on his face, under gunpoint.
Character: Zac Preston, performed by Tyler Hynes. Type of whumps: cut on his forearm and somehow dressed, sweating and weak, collapsed, discovered infected cut on his flank and fever, on a stretch and coughing, weak sore and in need of help to walk, injected with antibiotics, sore and in need of help to walk, under gunpoint.
X Company:
1.08–2.01 episode “Creon Via London”. Character: Tom Cummings, performed by Dustin Milligan. Type of whumps: aftermath of the shot in episode 1.08, bleeding, sweeting, fever for infection, very pale and weak.
2.01 episode “Creon Via London”. Character: Alfred Graves, performed by Jack Laskey. Type of whumps: captured and hanged by hands into a cell, badly beaten, many bloody bruises [torture continues in following episode].
3.05 episode “Frontiers”. Character: Franz Faber, performed by Torben Liebrecht. Type of whumps: captured, tied up, scarred with a knife and beaten, taunted, still shocked after escaped.
Agent Carter: 2.07 episode “Monsters”. Character: Det. Daniel Sousa, performed by Enver Gjokaj. Type of whumps: beaten and kicked, bruises and sore
Big Sky: 1.16 episode “Love is a Strange and Dangerous Thing”. Character: Mark Lindor, performed by Omar Metwally. Type of whumps: T-boned and car accident, bloody head and unconscious, under gunpoint, on a gurney unconscious.
Cardinal: 1.06 episode. Character: Det. John Cardinal, performed by Billy Campbell. Type of whumps: shot twice, bleeding and gasping, hit on his wounds, in hospital bed.
Extant: last frames of 2.12 and 2.13 episode “The Greater Good”. Character: JD Richter, performed by Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Type of whumps: shot, bleeding out, treated on the field, recovering, fever and dizziness.
Hostages: 1.08 episode “The Good Reason”. Character: Duncan Carlisle, performed by Dylan McDermott. Type of whumps: attacked, stabbed with a syringe full of paralytic, treated on the field, cut with a knife without anesthetic, into a tub with ice to contrast poisoning.
Jessica Jones: 1.09 episode “AKA Sin Bin”. Character: Will Simpson, performed by Wil Traval. Type of whumps: involved into an explosion blast, injured and bloody, into hospital bed.
Halt and Catch Fire: 1.04 episode “Close to the Metal” (with some aftermath into 1.05). Character: Joe Macmillan, performed by Lee Pace. Type of whumps: beadly beaten up, arrested and handcuffed in pain, hurt and sore.
Mary Kills People: 1.02 episode “The River Styx”. Character: Des, performed by Richard Short. Type of whumps: shot, blood and sweating, treated on the field, flesh wound dressed.
Nancy Drew: 2.14 episode “The Siege of the Unseen Specter”. Character: Detective Abe Tamura, performed by Ryan-James Hatanaka. Type of whumps: held hostage, touched an electrified door and fallen to the floor hitting his head, dressed hand and ice pack at his head, progressivily feeling worse, collapsed on the floor, rescued, bags under his eyes.
Powers: 2.08 episode “Chasing Ghosts”. Character: Det. Kutter, performed by Justice Leak. Type of whumps: stabbed ripetutely, lot of blood.
Salvation: 1.04 episode “The Human Strain”. Character: Darius Tanz, performed by Santiago Cabrera. Type of whumps: incarcerated and interrogated, slapped and fallen from the chair, tied up to a table and tortured with water, shaking and coughing, almost injected with truth serium, weak and wet, in need of help to walk.
[link to the post]
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reviewdiaries · 10 months
hi! this is not really a question. i read what you wrote following 10x4 for Nancy Drew. and i want to thank you, because i have been feeling confused, and upset, and lost, and you just made me re-open my eyes on the fact that this is what the writers of this show do. so thank you, it feels like a weight off my chest
You are so so welcome! I'm so glad that my ramblings may have eased some of the confusion and upset over the season.
I completely get why these last two episodes have been upsetting. It's felt weird and off kilter and disjointed. But I honestly think that's been deliberate and is part of a larger story arc they're telling.
To anyone who is having a moment about what in the whatstickles is going on this season, where is the Nace of it all, why are they all acting weird, I just want to say "season 2".
Nancy was acting weird, isolating herself, generally being a bit not ok and counterintuitive to how we expected her to, and then at about this point in the season (I can't remember which episode and don't have time to check at this moment) we discover that the wraith had attached to her in episode one.
Suddenly you go back and re-watch and all of those little moments, the tiny crumbs they'd left for us make a fantastic and jaw dropping whole.
That's why I love these writers, that's why I trust these writers, and I truly truly believe that we're going to come out the end of this season and be able to go back and re-watch and see the crumbs they've left for us. We're going to get the oh snap moment. And it's going to be fab.
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spoilertv · 10 months
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spoilertv · 10 months
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spoilertv · 10 months
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spoilertv · 11 months
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spoilertv · 11 months
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spoilertv · 11 months
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spoilertv · 11 months
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spoilertv · 11 months
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spoilertv · 11 months
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